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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 64 KB, 378x648, le geo man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7049125 No.7049125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I saw my first Geos today. Dude was too far away to talk to though.

>> No.7049129

He had geos on so that means he must of had good taste in fashion

>> No.7049136

omg omg I saw a dude in visvim fbts today

we talked for a bit. Nice guy. was wearing a wtaps (thus I learned it's pronounced double taps) and pac sun jeans looool

>> No.7049138

i saw a guy in rick jacket, tee and boots

>> No.7049139
File: 33 KB, 296x289, AREIZOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude was too far away to talk to though.


>> No.7049145


wtaps varsity*

>> No.7049146

>being socially awkward

>> No.7049147


Northern European detected

>> No.7049156

>hey i was watching you
>i like your shoes

>> No.7049171

I saw a hot asian chick wearing Geos the other day. I was at a table doing work and she walked by. We stared at each other for a while as she passed. I should have talked to her, fuck.

>> No.7049174



totally not odd or awkward, bro

maybe you could be holding a red plastic cup of beer too

>> No.7049176
File: 387 KB, 614x612, raf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucked up badly

>> No.7049181


dude do you not talk to people

people love it when you talk about their clothes.

>see a guy in CDG x Converse (i personally dislike it tho)
>compliment him
>smokes me out


>> No.7049185


>> No.7049189

i wish i was in rl college

>> No.7049190

I saw some bloke who I thought was maybe wearing them holo rafs (not velcros) but it was quite far away

he looked like a cunt so they probably were them

>> No.7049187

I was wearing my geo's at the train station the other day, I met eyes with a guy with a HY, wearing a black ma-1 and black skinnies and we stared at eachother for a while and nodded. Kinda like we both knew...

>> No.7049195

this is so awkward

>> No.7049196

>be at barneys fondling the rick leather
>guy walks in in geobaskets and rick cargoshorts
>he's a middle aged fat fuck
>his wife is in head 2 toe lululemon

>> No.7049200


rick is marketed for middle-aged people tho

>> No.7049197

i saw a guy wearing fake geos, spandex, adidas shorts, pyrex knockoff tshirt, black jacket, and shitty manbun

i whispered fuccboi as i passed him

>> No.7049207

Theres this on dude at school that actually does the bandana-skirt-loincloth thing, he dressed really well. Pulls it off.

>> No.7049209

I was in the train station the other day wearing my black ma-1 and some fuccboi in geos was staring at me, he nodded at me and I walked off disgusted

It's kind of like we both knew

>> No.7049215


there's bound to be at LEAST 1 /fa/ person at saddleback nigga

>> No.7049222

There's this FOB guy at my College, wears Flyknits and a TOJ jacket all the time.

I'd try to talk to him but I don't think he speaks English.

>> No.7049224

I saw some girl in high Ann Demeulemeester velcro sneakers in black a few weeks ago. She also wore some black jeans (without any branding, I think they were Acne) and one of those black t-shirts with leather on it (I think it was Alexander Wang, I'm not too good at this though). It looked pretty fucking good, especially because she was super thin.

>> No.7049228

saddleback here shit

>> No.7049230


>> No.7049233


you and gay leno should meet up then 8)

>> No.7049236


saddleback too aaaaah fuck

>> No.7049239

i dont even dress very /fa/ though tfw poor

>> No.7049243


i was thinking about not namedropping saddleback but srsly it's a very popular CC

>> No.7049253

so does anyone compliment random peoples clothes irl? I was thinking about doing it today but decided not to.

>> No.7049261

just do it once and see if you like it
it actually feels great to make give a random person a smile

>> No.7049266

im online only this sem because job but never seen any serious fuccbois as far as i remember

it is pretty popular like too popular every class is like full and then half the students drop in like every class haha

>> No.7049287
File: 209 KB, 600x800, rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7049293

>smokes me out


>> No.7049297

Saw a grill in a bookstore wearing geos with an olive parka and brown jeans. Literally burst out a loud 'HA' and walked out.

I was dressed like shit too tho so w/e.

>> No.7049300

420 blz it

>> No.7049314

Provide weed for someone else to smoke :^)

>> No.7049307

the guy offered to smoke him up. like for free

>> No.7049311
File: 137 KB, 1070x247, zhknd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i'm missing your adelheid pics.

>> No.7049321

saw some skinny arab dude with a bald spot the other day, looked like hightop raf simons sneakers, girl jeans and an "interesting" looking overcoat with some black leather detailing. Dude was too skinny to look good. just like someone dressed a coat hanger

>> No.7049327

what the fuck is wrong with that guy?

>> No.7049335

im going to compliment everyone now

>> No.7049344

you know smoking dope is a sin right?

>> No.7049350

i dont smoke dope tho

>> No.7049370

i dont drink koolaid tho

>> No.7049365

oh. good. may jesus be with you.

>> No.7049382
File: 7 KB, 173x185, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7049419

He is art.

REI come back to lit, we all miss you.

>> No.7049586

This guy who sits across from me in writing class is pretty /fa/. He has a good HY and wore a gray sweatshirt with some nice raws that were cuffed perfectly.
>tfw I think he's a qt3.14 but he never talks to any of us in class
>ib4 gay, I'm a grill

>> No.7049625

I complimented a guy on his prada creepers once. I don't see people in recognizable designer clothing enough to do it frequently but having gotten compliments from random strangers in the past myself I know it's a good feel and wouldn't hesitate.

>> No.7049640

compliment him. you might get a bf out of it
>I don't see people in recognizable designer clothing enough to do it frequently
yeah same. small town community college life is suffering

>> No.7049805

that is weird, freaky and horrible. no one wants to talk to strangers. if someone came up to me in the street and started talking to me, even if it was about fashion, i would assume they have some kind of mental issue

>> No.7049826


that's bizarre man

>> No.7049848

where do you live? i think anyone from a major, metropolitan city would back me up

>> No.7049855

im not sure whos baiting who

>> No.7049857

Saw a guy wearing a HENTAI 00 shirt at an EDM shoe. Laughed my ass off at him.

>> No.7049876

When in fact you are the one with the mental issues
>and then john was a zombie

>> No.7049889

yeah no, you're just fucking weird man. You're just socially retarded and i say that in the nicest way possible.

>> No.7049890


do you live in orwells 1984?

>> No.7049907

saw two people in full rick during a fashion week in Berlin

>> No.7049913

Striking up a conversation over a shared interest with a stranger is "weird, freaky and horrible?"
You have bizarre opinions about what is and is not socially acceptable.

>> No.7049922

Yeah, but everyone dresses like a retard in germany.


>> No.7049926

alright, but both were guys who were tall and good looking so it actually worked really well

>> No.7049933

No I live in America

>> No.7049973

maybe it's just something from london then. if i'm walking down the road and someone tries to talk to me i'll just want them to go away. i've got somewhere to be and i can't be bothered to pointlessly chat to someone i don't know or care about.

i've never seen anyone ever try to start a conversation with a stranger in the street unless they clearly thought they were some kind of "pick up artist" or they were american

>> No.7049982

or they were mentally retarded/crack head

>> No.7050008

Maybe it is just London. I was there earlier this year and was accosted by rent boys more than usual (ie: at all).

>> No.7050015

Well not while you're walking and clearly have somewhere to be, genius. If you're stopped waiting in line or at a light who is gonna be offended by a compliment to their clothing?

>> No.7050019


great story 10/10

>> No.7050035

No, not really. People from places like that can be unfriendly in general back I think you're just retarded.

>> No.7050043

yes fam ldn innnit

>> No.7050057

jesus, i'm going to masturbate to the image you just made of this girl tonight

>> No.7050064

i was in nyc during fashion week, saw my share of rick and goofygoobers. not being stereotypical but all the asians looked really good, and the rest were fat white/mexicans

>> No.7050084

I saw that Asian dude who dresses in crazy streetwear shit and has a ponytail who posts here in NYC.

>> No.7050106

you're fucking retarded and this is coming from a guy who lives in Manhattan.

>> No.7052778

Saw a Japanese guy dressed head to toe in CCP today, wanted to compliment his fit but I am far too beta.

>> No.7052788

Also his gf was wearing Ugg boots.

>> No.7053029

i went to high school with this dude and now see him a uni. Hes the ipotome of a 4chan user, /v/ and /fa/ probably. But he pulls of these natural toned drapey fits really well. he so /fa/ cuz it looks like he doesn't even try or even spend a lot on clothes.

>> No.7053033

theres this really cute longboarder chick at uni that skates in black uggs. i don't get it

>> No.7053037

itt: asian privilege