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File: 29 KB, 600x350, pistols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7043329 No.7043329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never be a true 1980s punk
>customizing a £300 acne jacket isn't punk
>£600 for shoes isn't punk or edgy
>it doesn't matter what it is based on
>you are all faggots

>> No.7043336

Sex Pistols were the One Direction of the 70s.

>> No.7043346

are you mentally ill. they had shit fans but they were cool as fuck

>> No.7043349

>tfw when you can't dance at parties because you unintetionally dance like Ian Curtis and people think you're being a hipster

>> No.7043379

You dance by rolling around in broken glass?

>> No.7043383

Sid Vicious didn't know how to play bass
Their song writing is garbage
Their atitude directly reflects that of their fans (trying too hard)
They cared way more about image than anything else
They were about as punk as NYSNC was

>> No.7043388


>> No.7043386

just mention unknown pleasures and they will think you have a great taste in music because they are urban outfitters tools

>> No.7043397

None of them could play their instruments that was the point, their song writing is literally revolutionary and brilliant, only sid vicious was a complete fashion victim the other members were true punks

>> No.7043426


They made a sad caricature of the punk movement and people still buy into the idea of them being punk 40 years later.

Their song writing mimicked more talented acts and only drew attention away from them with the "look at me" bullshit"

The music is still punk and it's cool if you like them, just don't call them true punks are glorify what they did.

>> No.7043464
File: 84 KB, 500x652, 34576345762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True punks... yeah...

>> No.7043478

its all been mimicking cliches since the beginning of the 80s if not the late 70s anyways. your acne jacket is essentially as punk as anything else.

>> No.7043497

"Buying designer clothes is way more socially risky than being a punk honestly. Punk is safe and stagnant. It's a pissing contest of juvenile oneupsmanship. Punk is so 'cool' that it's not. Designer clothes and indulgence is way more punk than your local crusties ever will be. It encapsulates nihilism and counters normal cultural values in a way that punk could only try to do. I've never even considered it before tonight, but high end clothing is way more punk than a battle jacket."

>> No.7043498

who would you class as true punks from around that era then
>inb4 everyday mohawk uniform dickheads

>> No.7043501

It's still possible to be an authentic punk in 2013 but it's more about the lifestyle than the image. If you squat or grow your own food or subsist off trash or jump trains or otherwise sustain yourself on the fringes of the economy that's punk.

If you do any of that stuff while being able to afford or living with your mom that's not punk.

>> No.7043505

pretty much

The sex pistols were fucking garbage. They're about as punk rock as the germs

>> No.7043507

You do know that the sex pistols were a boy band put together by record labels right? And their music is shit. ANARCHY IN THE UK LOL

>> No.7043509

*while being able to afford college
Nihilism is a normal cultural value

>> No.7043510
File: 129 KB, 822x528, sedit-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of them could play their instruments that was the point

that was not ever the point and theyre pretty unique among the punk movement for being incapable of handling instruments. and their song writing blew ass, minging about anarchy is not political.

the dead kennedys, by contrast, counted jazz fusions instrumentalists in their ranks and could actually write politically salient lyrics.

the sex pistols were a marketing vehicle for mclaren's clothing line

>> No.7043514

What if my mother is punk?

>> No.7043520

john lydon has an extremely eclectic taste though and has done entire radio shows about it

>> No.7043525


>If you squat or grow your own food or subsist off trash or jump trains or otherwise sustain yourself on the fringes of the economy that's punk.

so if its not about image like you said, that means essentially anyone living in severe poverty is by default punk. and anyone who is not is basically a trust fund bum seeing what its like to be poor.

>> No.7043527
File: 212 KB, 1024x681, Ron_Killing_&_Vince_McMahon_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unique among the punk movement for being incapable of handling instruments

naw that's pretty much the entire point of punk

>> No.7043530

Thats that one with the white zig zag lines right?

>> No.7043533

Of all boards /fa/ should recognise that Mclaren and Westwood with their shop SEX were the dribing force behind pushing "punk" as an idea. It's totally contrived, yet soon people bought into the whole act and began making their own shitty music independently in garages etc across the uk, subsequently coming up with the whole "true punx" shitflinging that's never ceased.

>> No.7043549
File: 29 KB, 300x400, varg_vikernes-burzum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be kvlt
>the fact that your local church is still standing isn't kvlt
>not stabbing your friends isn't kvlt or edgy
>it doesn't matter what it is based on
>you are all faggots

>> No.7043563
File: 125 KB, 390x596, Raymond_Duncan_with_his_wife_and_child_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its divorced from the need to be technically impressive, it's not divorced from the need to be technically capable.

>> No.7043572

it's divorced from the need to be any good, is what it is.

>> No.7043573

yes it is the one with
>the white zig zag lines

>> No.7043586

Most people living in severe poverty have jobs and pay rent and taxes and stuff. Even 40% of homeless people hold jobs and most of them don't choose to be homeless.

>> No.7043597

true that

>> No.7043638
File: 49 KB, 627x352, Stevo and Bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone familiar with the movie SLC Punk? Stevo pretty much sums it up for you. lol

>> No.7043659

good thing 80s punk was shit and the only redeemable factor was the energy

>> No.7043660

Cut the bullshit. Punk had a lot going for it, but it was always an outlet for the frustrations and disappointments of capitalism, never something that actually aimed to take it down, or could, whatever its members real ideologies or motivations. (I forget a list and I'll skip Google, but scads of punks were Reaganites or worse.) And, I mean, look at what happens in a mosh pit (which I love, ftr): you're basically harmlessly beating on each other to release aggression and tension. That's punk.

And it's dead now, anyway.

This is wrong, too, though. There's more going on in the attitude than "fuck you I do what I want," and like others have pointed out, a certain flavor of nihilism is the general cultural tenor of our times. It might disappoint the eight earnest Christers left in the world and stoke some class resentment, but most people want good clothes that happen to be need a lot of money.

That's the problem in a way, really: leaving aside issues of sustainability, the fundamental problem with capitalism is the way it frustrates and stymies human yearnings for good stuff and Good stuff over basically bad logistics.

>It's still possible to be an authentic punk in 2013 but it's more about the lifestyle than the image. If you squat or grow your own food or subsist off trash or jump trains or otherwise sustain yourself on the fringes of the economy that's punk.

Nah. That's not punk, because punk's dead. I know a lot of people who do that stuff, done two out of three myself in the past, and while some still affect a punk image (most don't), value the movement as some kind of personal myth, it's performative as fuck, and it has to be today, and everyone knows it.

>> No.7043663
File: 58 KB, 719x960, 1381352708003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love that film. I applied the lesson he learned to whatever fad of the day I was trying to achieve.

>> No.7043676

top lel

I think he's gotten a bit crazy (his writings have certainly gotten weirder) but you can't help liking his not-giving-any-fucks-about-anything attitude. He has a distinctive and unique brand of effortless cool even though I dislike his racism and other delusions

>> No.7043790
File: 50 KB, 431x250, vargqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he used to be cute as fuck too

>> No.7043821

Varg isn't racist though

>> No.7043845

>Varg isn't racist though
Stormfront pls.

>> No.7043885

wat. He's not.

>> No.7043993
File: 574 KB, 1700x2338, cazazza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punk is/was/should be anti pop, the whole "look" doesn't really work anymore since people aren't repulsed by clean kids wearing a studded leather jacket. i've got a little bit of respect for the super nasty crust people since they don't half-ass it, but punk is dead etc
johnny rotten fucking did a commercial for butter

>> No.7044001
File: 173 KB, 660x793, GG-Allin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say punk rock?

>> No.7044033

GG died for our sins.

>> No.7044044



lol captcha: eloodid acting

>> No.7044063

Hey mamma. I might have asked this before but what kind of paint did you use for your backpack.

Acryllic grecco or something along those lines? Thanks boo.

>> No.7044085

w2c ian curtis dance?

>> No.7044113

>tfw can't dress punk without being called a poser

seems like the real punks dress like shit but rock it, somehow

>> No.7044153



