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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 205 KB, 819x804, fedorafeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7042420 No.7042420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You may as well think I am a troll and I wish I was, God be my witness.
This is the first time ever I post on /fa/ and that's genuinely what happened today:

>Be in class
>Wearing a fedora
>Yes, I was wearing a fedora and a Dimmu Borgir's shirt
>Walk in and notice people starting talking half-mouthedly to each other
>One of the most popular hipster girls walks in and freezes in front of me for ten seconds or so, then yells:
>"Holy fucking shit, who's that autistic fuck?"
>Everyone starts laughing out loud, my faces becomes pale, then red, then pale again
>In one desperate attempt to save myself I mutter: "Oh yeah I know that meme as well"
>People start laughing even more
>I walk out of the class
>Burst into tears once home


>> No.7042426

Nobody cares

>> No.7042431

>Nobody cares

>> No.7042432

Hey bro, bitches simply can't into being effay, le fedora is very stylish ;) Carry on.

>> No.7042433
File: 236 KB, 680x798, 1380211355108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time on /fa/
>posts feel thread

>> No.7042440

>"Oh yeah I know that meme as well"

>> No.7042438

First World problems.

>> No.7042442

Must suck to be autistic

>> No.7042445
File: 83 KB, 680x680, 1380197440620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to thank you for >>7042102
this really changed something in me

>> No.7042446

Well OP, you know what this means.

It's time to shape up,
Cause she needs a man,
And her heart ain't set on you.

>> No.7042459

>Yes, I was wearing a fedora and a Dimmu Borgir's shirt
You were asking for it...?

I like Dimmy Burger King too, but come on, man.

>> No.7042463

Hey, I appreciate that, man.
Stay up.

>> No.7042471


If I were in your situation, I would drop the class if possible. Alternatively, I would try to hide in the back and look as plain as possible.

It's going to be hard to shake the stereotype, but it's possible. Just play it cool and step up your looks game. Don't give up.

>> No.7042478

Are you actually autistic?

>> No.7042473

>getting embarrassed
>not insisting you were wearing a fedora to be ironic, thus establishing your superior status as a hipster
You had a golden opportunity to turn that one around OP and you dropped the ball.

>> No.7042479

that sounds awful, sorry m8.
I mean you were totally asking for it, but goddamn some people just don't have manners at all.

why were you wearing a fedora in the first place?
You know there's a reason why we despise that particular article - because it is very hard to pull off.

>> No.7042528


>> No.7042960
File: 68 KB, 680x682, 1336425282445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042972

>"Holy fucking shit, who's that autistic fuck?"
lol, I would yell that too if I see an autistic fuck wearing a fedora

>> No.7043126

It's your fault for wearing a fedora and a dimmu borgir shirt.

If you wear these things why the fuck would you look for comforting words on /fa/??

>> No.7043132

No u wouldn't beta boi

>> No.7043137

Got pics of the girl?

I want to jack off to the thought of an alpha hipster girl bullying me.

>> No.7043136

hahahaha that's the most autistic rant i've read in a while.


>> No.7043157

Read fits sticky
read fahs sticky

use the anger to fuel your workouts

cocoon for a year and become qt

My friend was a neckbeard fedora. Then I convinced him to lift with me and buy solid clothes. Now he looks decent.

Quotes from my neckbeard friend before age 19 when he changed.

In regards to his slipping grades from playing too much WoW
>My virtual self is more important than my real self right now.
In regards to safe sex.
>I'd rather have anal sex than vaginal with a condom.
in regards to what he does after school.
>I watch 6 hours of anime a day. Sometimes I dream in anime.
in regards to his ponytail
>it looks awesome with my stubble (neckbeard), bitches love that shit like Kahgee from neon genesis

but I fixed him

there is hope.

>> No.7043171
File: 87 KB, 410x296, 1380249109112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Kahgee from neon genesis

>> No.7043174

This, OP you got some A+ material for the next few nights

>> No.7043220

I know le fedora neckbeard is a thing around here, but I never really realized it was a real thing until I actually started noticing how many neckbeard autists in my college actually wear fedoras. It's like a cult or something.

>> No.7043262

Anal is better than vaginal with a condom.

But not from an STD standpoint.