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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 800x140, WAYWT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7036111 No.7036111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7036129
File: 489 KB, 1368x3264, 10813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graphic t

>> No.7036148

what happened 2 ur hand??????????

>> No.7036150

He has fat fingers.

>> No.7036155
File: 511 KB, 610x1390, 2f077b93-0b71-4427-9e77-497e899ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moon is blurry

>> No.7036163

Imo you could do with less tight trousers (maybe some of those nice cargs poet was posting), a plain tee, and a more simple jacket.

>> No.7036177
File: 1.44 MB, 1042x2544, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7036191

is the graphic lines of coke?

>> No.7036188

I like everything but the jeans, I feel that they are too skinny for the style. Especially when combined with the big bomber and boots. Your pose isn't helping though, it would probably look better if you weren't standing like that.

>> No.7036189
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>> No.7036212
File: 48 KB, 435x374, 1380425814579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did it go so wrong, /fa/?

>> No.7036219

lunarcore xDD

y-3 warriors boots are as ugly as fuck
well done u fuccboi

>> No.7036221

I agree about the shirt, but if I followed all of your suggestions I'd end up literally copying poets fit

>> No.7036225

yeah, but there's a reason those are the accepted conventions of the style. it looks best with those things imo

i'm not saying the exact same thing but that jacket is really bad imo no offence
and the colour of the jeans is okay just the fit isn't very good

>> No.7036222

talk shit post fit

>> No.7036223

lunarcore is fucking hideous

>> No.7036227

cant believe poet actually trolled this many people into cosplaying as astronauts

truly the greatest troll of /fa/

>> No.7036241

I rly like the jacket tho its my favorite skiing shell :(

w2c cargos for this doe?

>> No.7036243
File: 247 KB, 1200x1600, IMG950879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7036251

dunno mate but they're all over lunarcore threads aren't they

sorry to make u sad if i did just trying 2 help

>> No.7036252

gay black guy or young trans eddie vedder?

>> No.7036258

Sorry I'm on the right.
Was for a fur and feather party last night

>> No.7036263

youre a fucking liar ive seen this picture before, young transsexual eddie vedder

>> No.7036275

Where did you see it?

>> No.7036286

here. like a month ago

>> No.7036299
File: 385 KB, 478x529, top 8:13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036295
File: 1.96 MB, 2204x3920, DSC_0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7036311
File: 857 KB, 904x651, botttom 8:13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036312

I fucking hate those sneakers they're so fucking ugly

>> No.7036309
File: 122 KB, 765x475, snapshot (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7036313

looks good

>> No.7036314

The party was actually a month ago, but I didnt even get to see any pictures until recently when they went up on facebook. I am legitimately the tranny on the right in question, but I have never posted this picture..

I am mildly terrified t

>> No.7036318
File: 363 KB, 478x527, Hat 8:13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036317

Pretty qt, can we see the whole fit though?

>> No.7036320
File: 57 KB, 480x640, DSIM_019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7036323

Everything is p nice here

>> No.7036333

I'm a female if that helps you in what I think? No idea if it does. I'm a bit shy to post any of my fits in one of these just yet in case I get ripped to shreds.
Everything here is ok, tshirt seems a bit big and I don't like the shoes much.
I like the jacket and top half generally but I'm not sure the colour of the jeans work
Don't like this at all, especially the way you're standing whats up with that?
At least you look like you're having fun :)
Not bad, coat is a little puffy. I like the jeans and the shoes though, they fit nice.
Nice, w2c right picture?
Love everything here :) really nice fit

>> No.7036340

>implying this is you

>> No.7036353

gay hat

>> No.7036360

nice trips, just post a picture we're not that mean to girls

>> No.7036368

w2c jeans?

>> No.7036376

This is only because we wish to charm all females since, at the end of the day, If they have a vagina we'll fuck it.

>> No.7036382

Cheap Monday

>> No.7036390

Let's see it from behind

>> No.7036388

dont be shy honey!

>> No.7036398

let's see it without the clothes on

>> No.7036399

thx du can't improve without criticism

>> No.7036400

link or id, please?

>> No.7036407

Bought them instore, don't think they have an online store. Sorry I can't help further man, If you do find them they're really comfortable and personally I prefer them to Levis which I've been wearing for the last few years.

>> No.7036413
File: 55 KB, 229x767, IMP489324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here goes. Constructive criticism rather than just meanness pls.

>> No.7036420
File: 27 KB, 299x296, Sweating-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be in syria

>> No.7036424

Those heels seem to high to go along with what you have going on. Also, if you want to do skinny, do skinny. If you want to drape, drape. It is hard to pull both off at the same time. The contrast from your upper portion and your lower is kind of striking.

>> No.7036425

In UK : /

>> No.7036426

lmao those fat legs

>> No.7036430

Thanks, would this work better if the drape was longer?

>> No.7036432

please be in london

>> No.7036445

there's something with your face

>> No.7036450

Am a student at UCL, live in Stockwell.

>> No.7036452

Yeah. Right now it looks like it stops a good 3 or 4 inches above your knee. If it were to extend, it would look better imo. Its hard to tell from this pic, is that a scarf or a cardigan?

>> No.7036457

lets see the back

>> No.7036459

no bitch, u need a transitional piece. u see how he said the contrast was striking? u need something in between the drape and skinny so u wont end up looking like u have Christmas tree shape

god damn

>> No.7036460

im comin 4 u bb :^)

>> No.7036467

Its a cardigan
Such as...

>> No.7036472

See you soon then :)

>> No.7036475

That is actually a much better way of putting it. Thanks Juicy.

a long af scarf, or you know.. another layer? This style is al about layering and draping. its.. a start to a good fit, but thats it. Kinda lke just putting on your bra, and saying you are ready for class. Shit has to go over the top of it.

>> No.7036481


>> No.7036497

Yeah I don't has £515 :)

>> No.7036505


>> No.7036503

gtfo of this board then u welfare peice of shit

>> No.7036511

fuckkkkk me, idc what these faggots is saying those legs looks fucking delicious

>> No.7036517

No one likes you.

>> No.7036518
File: 104 KB, 465x960, hhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Working on loosing weight, about 10kilos gone now.

>> No.7036521

I think you would look nice in this (on the right): >>7036309

>> No.7036526

fucking creep

>> No.7036527

"omg did you see anon he looks like a ninja"

>> No.7036528


Granted she's a QT but you guys are obsessing over her. She dresses ok.

>> No.7036531
File: 613 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20131007_095434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time posting in one of these, need all the feedback i can get. sorry for the weird stance; i tend to lock my knees whenever i stand
-cutting down weight and trying to stick to basics until i hit target weight
-i think i need to get these pants hemmed

>> No.7036534

>buying clothes when you look like this
i've developed such hatred towards fat people. they look borderline animal like

>> No.7036538

Looking for slightly more affordable versions of this :)

>> No.7036546

This is fine, but, lose some weight. Get better fitting jeans and get some better shoes.

>> No.7036543
File: 523 KB, 789x1404, grills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be way worse

>> No.7036552

What's your name/course? I also go UCL and potentially might know you.

>> No.7036549

Safe palette but nicely arranged. I'd get some black shoes without white soles though.

>> No.7036550

lmao lose some weight fatass

>> No.7036558

>inb4 girl raped by internet stranger

>> No.7036554


dont wear the top part

>> No.7036557


>> No.7036564

Holy shit who is this?

>> No.7036565

too funny

>> No.7036571

post more pics of yourself slut

>> No.7036572

How am I obsessing over her? The only thing I did was give feedback on her fit, which she asked for.
Piss off m80

>> No.7036576

develop your legs (they aren't fat; they're skinnyfat)
wear thicker leggings if you're not going to wear a skirt or something
get different shoes
lose the necklace

>> No.7036577

Why don't you just leave. You can spend all the money you want on clothes but you will never look good.

Also no one here likes you and you aren't even funny.

>> No.7036578

Not sure giving you my name is a great idea. I study History though
So just wear some loose fitting shorts with the outfit I posted previously?
Thats not me :), and my name isn't Daisy
Not if you call me a slut genius

>> No.7036580

pls pst mor pics bb ;))

>> No.7036582

yeah sure

>> No.7036589
File: 840 KB, 996x2748, IMG_9461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its finally getting cold here

>> No.7036596

this is from mfa right?

>> No.7036597

You won't win me over that easily
Okay, thanks Juicy J for the advice

>> No.7036609

>You won't win me over that easily
i'm not le same guy

>> No.7036605


>> No.7036606


>> No.7036608

Are you wearing jeans or navy chinos?

>> No.7036621

oh its real?


dont roll your shirt sleeve with your jacket, thats fucking autistic

>> No.7036615

jeans, i know i have bad lighting in my room

>> No.7036623

This is obviously a winter look. It would help us to see what you'd wear in the summer I imagine

>> No.7036627

so basically dont rill jacket sleeve at all then?

>> No.7036629

>The only thing I did was give feedback
Don't forget that time you tried to make sure you didn't look obsessive.

Sounds pretty obsessive if you ask me.

>> No.7036632

Colors are fucked
Don't wear navy on navy

>> No.7036641 [DELETED] 

hnngggg, please be in a driving distance of my house.

>> No.7036637

this. we need to see you in the sun.

>> No.7036638

yeah sure

change ur shooz 2

also ur stance is fucking gay
its like u had ur hand on your hip before u took the pic

>> No.7036644

Cute, I agree about the layering though. Thanks for the nice feedback. My coat is slightly less puffy now I've had a chance to wear it in.

>> No.7036649

its dark denim, not navy. im not that retarded.

>> No.7036659
File: 239 KB, 720x960, IMP48001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why but ok.
Where is your house? Why would you want it to be I'm not likely to let a stranger into my house.
Which picture is you?

>> No.7036667

do you have a thigh gap?

>> No.7036670


Forced entry?

>> No.7036675

oh no...

>> No.7036676

This is me>>7036295

Whilst you're cute as fuck and would kill to stick my dick in you that playsuit is bland and doesn't work with the sneakers so much. Just a lazy fit generally

>> No.7036679
File: 295 KB, 1080x2360, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh rick tho

>> No.7036684

I'm blue da ba dee

>> No.7036685

dark denim essentially is navy you piece of shit

>> No.7036688

I thought you were UK

>> No.7036689

/mfa/ pls leave

>> No.7036692
File: 295 KB, 1080x2360, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not my picture...

>> No.7036695


>> No.7036696


>> No.7036701

i dont like this sorry

>> No.7036702

good fit
ugly as fuck body

>> No.7036705

There is no other commonly used word for dark blue that adequately describes the color of dark denim like navy does.

Denim is not a color. It's a fabric. Dark denim is still not a color.

>> No.7036709

So bad

>> No.7036711

its indigo

>> No.7036713

how can you fuck up clothes like this? fucking fatass

>> No.7036718
File: 49 KB, 468x480, snapshot (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036720

fat people can't wear skinny jeans when are you faggots gonna learn?

>> No.7036725
File: 247 KB, 500x377, 1371082280971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice dreamboxes

>> No.7036722

decent basic.
you should get lower bodyfat tho

>> No.7036729
File: 382 KB, 1279x568, Screen shot 2013-10-08 at 10.05.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most indigo denim isn't actually indigo though :^)

>> No.7036727

take off the shoe

>> No.7036731

chill guise am cutting alright :^)

>> No.7036733

I don't think so
Forced entry what?
oh no...what? :(
Thanks I spose, I know its lazy but I'd always dress kinda lazy if its summer I'm just trying to stay cool and i'm a redhead so I overheat fast :).
I am, they asked for summer so I gave a pic of me on holiday.

>> No.7036742

I wanna fuck both your holes then pull out and cum all over your legs. What are your tits like?

>> No.7036757




>> No.7036759

gtfo you fucking creep. she comes here to critiqued not for some loser to whack off over. keep in mind a chick this cute if never going to go anywhere near your dick

>> No.7036767
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My moon boots came in yesterday. I can't wait until I come up with some goofy fits.


>> No.7036771

lel did they give u the display pair?

>> No.7036778

Fuck off you dick I wish I could kick your ass

>> No.7036779

u need to fix yo summer wardrobe 2

>> No.7036792



you losers are just as bad defending her on an anonymous website

she aint gonna suck your dick

>> No.7036787

Plz be trapezoid

>> No.7036788
File: 1.68 MB, 800x585, feelsrick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell if I know.


>> No.7036805
File: 83 KB, 1200x798, 11357281-white-knight-chess-piece-on-the-board-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036815

You should realise there are probably 3-5 guys jacking off over you right now. You have a very nice body

>> No.7036822

why is this a bad thing?
>b-b-bbut gggg-g-girls d-don't l-ll-like ss--sexx!!!!
the attention gives her orgasms

>> No.7036817


>> No.7036818

cool, thanks anon

>> No.7036825

where in Stockwell? I live near the tube station, I'm at imperial myself. Do you ever go to that Portuguese bar on Clapham Road? I think i saw someone there the other night who looks like you, though I had had a few drinks, would be cool to meet a fellow /fa/ user.

>> No.7036865

Dress like a normal person you fucking retard. Gooberninja is for rich 16 year olds whose parents don't spend any time with them but have a debit card with 1g a month on it. Grow up you fat faggot.

>> No.7036869

How flattering : |
Thankyou, nice price too.
Owww juicy :(
Yeah this is true.
I'm not sure it gives me orgasms.
I don't really want to give out my address on here :). Yeah I know the bar my flatmates go there all the time. I was there last thursday for a couple of drinks at about 10pm. I can't really know if I know you if you give me no information about yourself though :)

>> No.7036875

post your feet for us

>> No.7036873

She looks mexican or br would not fap.

>> No.7036884
File: 295 KB, 500x750, 6a00d83451f3fc69e2016760d85abb970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's wearing a tshirt, some pants, and sneakers.

>> No.7036883

mexican? she has ginger hair and pale skin wtf are you talking about?

>> No.7036890

Looks brown, hair probably dyed.

brs always do that

>> No.7036886

>fuckmyusername posting on /fa/

>> No.7036889

u sound mad as fuk b, whats goober ninja about that fit?

>> No.7036902

>googled that
[ ! ]

>> No.7036896

>tfw no qt grills that browse /fa/ where i live

>> No.7036898

yes but he is ugly as fuck

>> No.7036908

would you rather he was naked?

>> No.7036905

It would be goober if he wasn't fat.
Asymetrical goober tee
goober skinny pants
goober shoes

>> No.7036907

*whips out dick*

>> No.7036913

yes i could laugh at him even harder

>> No.7036922

I'm seein lots of shit talked, but no fits posted b :^)

>> No.7036929

denim is indigo, not navy

>> No.7036931

It doesn't matter, the owner of the fit in my opinion has nice pieces but he should dress for his body type. It's really just the jeans, too skinny for his fat ass legs.

>> No.7036932


>> No.7036934

If someone said to my friends I look mexican they'd laugh. I'm pretty darn pale, British ginger.
Woah, I wish I hadn't googled that : /. I assume you guys don't actually think thats me.
Where do you live?
Disappointed in you Juicy J

>> No.7036945

Would be 9/10 if it was OJ playing, but it sounds like Guwop.

>> No.7036948

No one likes you.

>> No.7036952

young buck

>> No.7036949

please post your feet

>> No.7036955


U blinded by rage? B) it's ok to be upset :)))

>> No.7036957

No one likes you.

>> No.7036958
File: 26 KB, 500x205, 1377512297758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate you but this is exactly the reactions i had

>> No.7036959

4.7/10 because his last mixtape was decent.

>> No.7036974

I live close to that bar. I live with a guy called Fred who's moving out soon, Greg, Tom. I know some guys who live with a ginger girl called Jake, Aaron and Chris, they actually live on the street behind that bar. I've never met the ginger chick though, so maybe thats you? yeah I was at the bar Thursday and Friday at 10pm maybe I've seen you. If you respond i'll post your first name and you can say yes or no.

>> No.7036971

If you a grill you shouldnt be on fa. People will be dicks especially if you are a grill. Leave now and never come back.
Btw I like your fit, though I do think it would look a lot better if the bottom was drapier to go more with the top.

>> No.7036978

>maybe if i'm nice to girls on the internet they will have sex with me

>> No.7036983

well isn't this romantic. fuck off you FUCKING FAGGOTS

>> No.7036986


looking good estoniachan

>> No.7036990

>maybe if I'm a complete dick to everyone with a vagina for no reason I'll look cool and feel better about being a 20+ virgin cuz girls are lame anyway

>> No.7036991


>> No.7036997

omg they're my room mates! and I think i know yours too, are you that guy they keep telling me about? The fuccboi who doesn't know how to dress?

>> No.7037005

Actually fit usually reacts bitterly and hatefully. They would have called her disgusting and skinnyfat with no tits. Well until about a year ago after the r9k feel invasion.

>> No.7037002

I might know you. Do you originally come from near manchester

>> No.7037003
File: 427 KB, 640x481, 1371843377669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a complete dick to everyone though

>> No.7037011

spilled my drink

>> No.7037006


nice try wk

>> No.7037010
File: 130 KB, 415x388, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem isn't that she's a girl

the problem is that she's basic af AND responds to all the shitposts

>> No.7037012

>a year ago
>the r9k feel invasion
/fit/ was infested with feelfags within a year of its creation. It's been like that for way more than a year

>> No.7037016

It wasn't neatly as bad and the old feel stories usually had something to do with fitness. Now there are trips like feelbrah who have never worked out ever and just shitpost about chink girls.

>> No.7037021

No I won't post my feet.
Yeah I've kinda realised that, but amongst all the shit a couple of people have actually bothered to be belpful.
This is weird, I think you might know me. If you post my name and then do something horrible though I know who you are so I can get you back. I've had a look on facebook and I'm pretty sure they're the greg and tom my flatmates know so I guess your name begins with a J?
Not really
Nice try.
see above.

>> No.7037026

i live in shitty n.ireland

>> No.7037030


she looks ridiculously like some girl i was talking to the other night

>> No.7037031

do you have ugly feet?

>> No.7037028

bb I live in Kennington whats ur skype/email grl

>> No.7037029

Talk shit post a fit.

The way you say jesus,you sound like a bitch.

>> No.7037043

hahahaha this is so funny


>> No.7037046

ya look hella shawt

>> No.7037048

yeah it begins with a J does yours begin with an E?

>> No.7037056

At least you'll have a nice accent
No chance
They're just feet, but you're not seeing them.
Yes, I assume you know who I am now. Say hello next time you see me :). I'd prefer you didn't mention to anyone I'm on here and i'll do the same for you. Did you post a fit in this thread? If so show me so I can confirm my suspicions?

>> No.7037059

>They're just feet, but you're not seeing them.
why not? i like seeing feet

>> No.7037063

u 2 r gona fug, arent u :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.7037066

:DDDDDDDD i want 2 watch xDDD but 4 real i do

>> No.7037073


is this the first time /fa/ has got someone sex?

>inb4 he is an ugly troll manlet and she doesnt want to fuck

>> No.7037075

yeah will do. see you around.

>> No.7037079


J is probably bricking it now, the autistic fuck

>> No.7037082

how can you be this casual? maybe you're just playing it cool? if so good luck man, she's fucking hot I hope you get to ruin her pussy. the red heads always have beautiful pussy lips

>> No.7037081 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 2250x3000, IMG_23942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7037086

you gotta post a fit now son

>> No.7037087

>implying there are only five of us

>> No.7037090

>implying you're not fapping to her pics right now
i know i would

>> No.7037094


>> No.7037097

I don't wanna show a stranger with a foot fetish my feet so you can wank over them : /
I doubt it, if he's who I think he is he has a gf.
Okay, I'll probably be at the portuguese bar on thursday evening.
I don't think he will be.
I like this fit except the hat. Guys wearing hats are a real turn off, makes you look like a little kid. But i suppose most people don't agree with me on this because everyone seems to wear one.
Maybe he just doesn't care that much

>> No.7037106


>> No.7037102
File: 56 KB, 253x247, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but amongst all the shit a couple of people have actually bothered to be belpful.
>see above.
piss off

the shitposters haven't been giving you advice

they've been giving you attention, and you've been mindlessly eating it up
there's no reason you can't ignore them and pay attention to the helpful people

congratulations, you are everything wrong with female posters on this board

>> No.7037109
File: 132 KB, 632x1044, wiwt11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finna cook something mean up fo' this bitch nigga

>> No.7037103

u single? ill come pick u up fromthe bar on fri ite

>> No.7037104

please show your feet ;_;
i even said please

>> No.7037113

can't wait for him to post a feel thread about spilling spaghetti all over her

>> No.7037111

>the shitposters haven't been giving you advice
not true we advised her to post feet :^)

>> No.7037112

shitty palette

>> No.7037119


>> No.7037121

for you too

>> No.7037117


>> No.7037128
File: 945 KB, 112x200, cooking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like actual dadcore mane.
Don't like how the trousers fall on the Docs.

>> No.7037123

fuck that sugar just take his dick anyway you're probably much prettier than his girlfriend. would you say the guy J is hot?

>> No.7037133

that wasnt a rek I was joking

>> No.7037129

fukken rekt

>> No.7037131


hats=little kid

Trust me girl, the things you wear are also not exactly mature clothes. Basic Tumblr-slut at best.

>> No.7037137

What is the point of doing all this cooking if you're still going to be hungry by the end of it?

>> No.7037139


>> No.7037142


yea E, is J hot or a fuccboi?

whats his gf like? qt or uggo?

>> No.7037145
File: 316 KB, 820x692, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7037148

You made a good point though.

>> No.7037159


whats with the handbag fuccboi?

>> No.7037156


>> No.7037157

>I enjoy WW2-era German propaganda films and churros.

>> No.7037162

Well I'm sorry I've offended you.
No thanks whoever you are, I don't get into cars with strangers
Why would be spill spaghetti?
Well you live in America so its not really feasible, also you'd have to take the hat off.
His gf is prettier than I am.

>> No.7037164

sorry to tell you that it's all on your cooking skills now because you're looks ain't gonna do a shit. Pants are horrid and the denim and shirt combo doesn't really work. I'd say ditching the jacked is the only quick thing you can do but even better would be finding alternate pants. Just the shirt and basic jeans might just do better. I sincerely hope the jeans are skinnier then your pants though.

>> No.7037179

T-that's right, except for churros.

>> No.7037180

>His gf is prettier than I am.

>> No.7037173


>> No.7037174

Just decided to untuck the shirt, and fuck I know.

>> No.7037184


>> No.7037181
File: 122 KB, 429x413, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o ya :^)

fuck you

>> No.7037182

Switching with skinnier jeans pronto, thnx bb

>> No.7037190
File: 493 KB, 1024x768, 1380263505629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7037197

sorry man
it's about fucking time to move your goddamn television

>> No.7037200

>dat angsty neckbeard voice and trashy music playing in the background


>> No.7037208


Moar please

>> No.7037218


lmao this is exactly what i expected trunks 2 sound like

>> No.7037223

no girl i dont drive i mean pick u up with my good looks duh

>> No.7037224

Could've been cast in Gradma's Boy pretty seamlessly

>> No.7037228

Rate other outfits please.

>> No.7037226

pics of his gf?
also he wouldnt be that thirsty on /fa/ for you if he had a gf so i doubt it

>> No.7037231

Everything in this pic is terrible

>> No.7037232


i will be there thursday night and you will be coming home with me qt ;)

>inb4 bar is packed out with guys who lurk /fa/ trying to get this girl

>> No.7037236

ive been doing this all day b idk why ive been doing text posts this whole time

check archive

>> No.7037240

>tfw I'm going to go the Portuguese bar and meet this qt on Thurs

>> No.7037286

Sorry had to just go grab some 'dinner'
Okay sorry I offended you, I don't know where you're from but it aint Britain.
No thanks.
I don't want to post stuff of him because then he might do the same to me. When was he thirsty for me?
Okay will do in a minute
I won't be going home with you :)
Okay I'll see you there :) how will I know its you?

>> No.7037291

>Okay I'll see you there :) how will I know its you?
i look like a ninja

>> No.7037301

she'll probably avoid you at all costs and chat to hot guys with big dicks

>> No.7037309

why is dinner in quotation marks?

>> No.7037319

well i am pretty short at 5'9", but i think the mirror +camera angle makes me look even shorter

>> No.7037323


how do you know you arent coming home with me?

im a model with sick fits and a jawline that would make you cream yourself

>> No.7037344

>tfw i go to the same uni as this grill


>> No.7037341

>Hey hottie is your dick big?
>Yes. Very big ;)
>Yes. Let's chat

>> No.7037352

Okay so yeah, unfortunately this is awful, I don't know what you're trying to do here but whatever it is it isn't working : |
I have some similar, you have amazing legs
Don't like this colour
Already did you
You look like someones uncle
Not too bad but you look really feminine in the way you stand.
I won't be able to find you if you're a ninja :)
I don't know if people I talk to have big dicks or not.
I put on a couple of pounds last two weeks with freshers week and all so just dropping a few till I'm back to normal
If you're that hot then I look forward to meeting you mystery model. Although that arrogance isn't so appealing

>> No.7037354
File: 177 KB, 721x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feedback? tried the kanye look

>> No.7037364

Well she studies History what do you study?

Also E what year of your degree are you in + whats your age?

>> No.7037372

You failed. Its funny because even if you were black it would be shit. But because you're white you had 0 hope.

>> No.7037373

more like the Kenya look lmao #lmao

>> No.7037371

Nice TV.

>> No.7037377


>> No.7037375

>Although that arrogance isn't so appealing

bitch that whole post was arrogant

>> No.7037382

Hey ginge I think its time for you to post us another photo of you. we've all exhausted our dicks on the other ones.

>> No.7037383


i can talk shit to girls from behind my computer screen

you will be lucky if i even approach you irl

but when you see the hottest guy in the bar (me) come over and talk

>> No.7037406

this fucking guy. if you were so hot you wouldn't be on this board you'd be balls deep in some hot chicks

>> No.7037426

I second this motion. E show us more of than qt body of yours. You got any bikini pics?

>> No.7037441


my dick need a rest every so often m8

and its gonna need a lot of rest before i rek this qt on thursday night

>> No.7037451



>> No.7037467

But you're white?
Don't know why this guy hasn't responded. I'm in year 3 I'm 20.
I was just saying what I thought
I don't want you guys wanking incessantly over pictures of me.
Where do you live? If its not close by then why are you so determined to 'rek' me on thursday considering I'd be lucky to have you? post a picture of yourself. Also how old are you.

>> No.7037478

w2c bag pls respond pls

>> No.7037492

i live a few streets over from the Portuguese bar

im 20

dont have a camera to post any pics, dont worry i never dissapoint

do you have a friend sarah?

>> No.7037501

Not in London

>> No.7037525

Shitting on half the posters and your too much of a pussy to post your own fit you are the worst kind of poster.

>> No.7037523

post an old pic of one of your killer fits then faggot

>> No.7037532


>> No.7037549


Either change the shirt out for something more casual you can wear untucked or just ditch the whole outfit and start over.

>> No.7037546

he did

>> No.7037548

this is a joke?
nice vest
nice ginger
nice cap

ur moms good photography

>> No.7037556

what country is it even called a vest in wtf?

>> No.7037579

ok whatever that ugly beige shit is
ur hat is still shit
u r still ginger
u still say jesus like a queen
ur hat is still gay
u will neva b black
you still live with mom
u r rubbish on internet board
and u wear vests like a big gay
nice treehouse btw

>> No.7037575
File: 151 KB, 685x960, 1003021_10153057191320072_938879330_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think I've found the girl. i mean you no harm E I will just post a picture of you with your face wiped out and you can say if its you or not. picked this 1 because she looks qt as fuck

>> No.7037581

pls be her. my dick is like a rock now

>> No.7037592

rek this girl

>> No.7037586

>typical H&M fashion diva

>> No.7037587
File: 21 KB, 340x340, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on the entirety of the thread
>dresses like this
oh my sides

>> No.7037601

dat stomach

>> No.7037612
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, 20131008_073520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the pants especially, I'd like some opinions. imo they were a gr8 cop

>> No.7037614

Okay well am I allowed to tell you if I think you're dissapointing?
Do this, but drop the faggot bit.
Umm yeah thats me : / do you know me? Thanks for blocking the face.

>> No.7037623


>> No.7037657


please do

>> No.7037667

yeah I know you I'll text you in a minute. didn't know you came on here : /

>> No.7037669




>> No.7037675


why did you post her picture you creep?


>> No.7037683

otherwise i'd be texting her without being sure its her.

>> No.7037688

this must be a troll

>> No.7037691

this girl is gonna be getting all sorts of d just from posting on /fa/

does this always happen?

>> No.7037695

shit that ass looks tight. you ever done anal?

>> No.7037720

Nobody on here will actually have the balls to go and talk to a girl this cute

>> No.7037757


i definitely would if i lived near her

she is obviously up for the d and starter convo is already sorted "hey you are that qt off /fa/"

these guys are retarded if they dont go to that bar on thursday

>> No.7037945

Did Trunks delete his shitty fit? hahahaaha

>> No.7038175

Turning up to a random bar alone to meet a girl who will be with a load of dudes and actually thinking you'll be able to get her to suck your cock because you say you're from /fa/. i'd love to see you try

>> No.7038206
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 418936_4598374924201_863025626_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who posted this. looks like Emma (the girl in the pic) has gone now. Jsyk her little sister is even cuter than her. pic related.

>> No.7038231

her sister is fit but even though I can't tell what the face is like I prefer the original red head

>> No.7038253

i'd like to see this phaggot try and pick her up too.

>> No.7038269


>> No.7038756

I don't see why It's getting so much hate The problem is that it needs some better elements to boost it up. It needs a more elaborate pant but until then I would suggest leaving the boots open and unlaced, and imply letting your pants stack inside of them.
The main problem is that it needs to stand out a tiny touch more - you can do that with the way you style the outfit. Color palette is just fine.

>> No.7039032
File: 598 KB, 1632x1224, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look @ my fit
Look @ me in my fit

>> No.7039039


>> No.7039097

I changed me whole outfit before the date.
You just saved me /fa/, date went wonderful. :)