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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 640x480, waist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7025535 No.7025535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who has the biggest waist on here? Post your measurements.

>> No.7025542

29 inch waist

feels bad man.

>> No.7025548


I'm so fucking fat

>> No.7025560

32 here.

>> No.7025577


45" chest and 6'3 height though, so no worries.

>> No.7025579

I ain't even fat.

>> No.7025595

28 here

tfw u r mak fun of me :(

>> No.7025601


>> No.7025621

27 inch, wear 28 jeans since a lot of shops don't go lower than 28

>> No.7025638

it sucks. gotta put on some lbs brah. we can do it together.

>> No.7025645


>> No.7025670

about 40, 42"

>> No.7025694


too skinny?

>> No.7025714

32 master race

>> No.7025733
File: 841 KB, 266x199, 1356036623562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

height: 5' 8"
waist: 32"

according to this thread I am a fatty fat fat :'[

>> No.7025749

28 waist

>> No.7025760

fucking fatties

>> No.7025767



>> No.7025768

32 inch waist
I'm not even fat, skinny as hell, but just have girl hips and fucking roided looking thighs :\

>> No.7025769

Fine by me

>> No.7025774

I know your pain. Except I have a 28" waist.

>> No.7025781

liar. post pics.

>> No.7025788

36 waist

pretty fat, that pic sums up my body

>> No.7025865

29 waist. 5'11 140 pounds

>> No.7026230

Sieg get in here.

>> No.7026632

wide hips a shit

>> No.7026657
File: 1.59 MB, 330x186, 1373705885025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh you

>> No.7026681

37 inches I have a fucked up hip structure my chest is 36 inches.

>> No.7026690

>i aint even fat

i dont believe you

>> No.7026695


Become a trap.

>> No.7026785
File: 47 KB, 700x466, 1353180678413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

34, sometimes 36 in certain jeans.
Working to be a 32, anything smaller I would feel like I wouldn't find my size.

>> No.7026792

30-32 is god tier

>> No.7026805

top haha

>> No.7026803

>30" waist
Feels bad to be fatty :(

>> No.7026813


sort of womanly hips, but pretty broad shoulders, so works well

>> No.7026842

6'1 - 29 waist

>> No.7026843

28 but I do 29's so I feel like my belt is doing more and i can never find 28s with the right length

>> No.7026857

It's only /fa/ to have a waist below 30 if you have wide shoulders. Most male models have waist sizes between 30-32

>> No.7026891
File: 48 KB, 370x363, george-foreman-grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7027042

p-pls respond /fa/

>> No.7027049

i'm the exact same measurments. yes. we are both way too skinny and you should be as embarrassed as i am.

>> No.7027062


>> No.7027070

5'8 and 29 waist is not skinny, how much do you guys weigh?
I'm also 5'8, 29 wasit

>> No.7027084


>> No.7027105


>> No.7027124

5'8 125-130 in the morning

>> No.7027160

230 lbs
36" waist

I'm chubs. Trying to lose some weight but I'm in bear mode because weight lifting, hard to sacrifice gains for looking better.

>> No.7027167

fuckin hell m8
I'm 6'1 172 and a 32 waist
jealous af

>> No.7027384


If I actually measure around my waist, its about 27", but I wear 30-32 usually as that sits nicely on my hips.

>> No.7027394

You need to eat.

>> No.7027461
File: 9 KB, 200x252, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 6"2' 158 lbs but i have size 31 waist
my birthing hips make me cry every time i look in the mirror

do i kill myself? do i start lifting?

>> No.7027523
File: 159 KB, 500x661, 1381066413442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32/34W depending on brand (typically 32)
Decent build, I have fairly broad shoulders and hips, and I work out quite a bit (as in every day). I think I'm hovering around 10 or 9% body fat at the moment, trying to get down to the golden 8%. Mostly focusing on weight loss at the moment (still in high school, I was 230 lbs as a freshman with mostly fat and no muscle, now I'm about 180 lbs as a senior with a sizable build) then I'll eventually focus on pure muscle growth.

>> No.7027971



>> No.7027977

size 30.

bulk officially started for me now that summer is over. hoping to get to 165+ before i cut down again

>> No.7028026

but she's measuring his belly, not his waist... do men measure their waists at their bellies? i can see that guy's waist like two inches above the tape..

i already measured there, at 5'10" i'm 26"

>> No.7028664

Not thin enough

>> No.7028694

29 inch waist here, but i usually buy 31 or 32 and wear pants on my hips

>> No.7028810

>tfw 30 in waist and 5'7

>> No.7028859

74cm waist
186cm tall

I can't believe you people continue to use the imperial system.

>> No.7028886

My fashion waist (where my pants sit) measures around 30-31 inches. But I end up buying a size 28 at uniqlo in Asia which ends up being the smallest waist size. Wtf, I though Asians were skinnier than that.

>> No.7028919

I don't understand Uniqlo. I'm a medium and 30 waist in nearly everything, but I've started to buy smalls there. Fucking need a belt to keep a pair of 30 pants up. I just thought they overestimated American sizing for the stores here, but if it's the same in Asia, maybe Japs are getting bigger.

>> No.7028945
File: 94 KB, 500x500, 1338312783300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6,0 195lbs 36-38in

>> No.7029128


>> No.7029142


>not being /fit/

>> No.7029200


>> No.7029205

Where is that gif from?

>> No.7029221

6'1", 28x34 you fags jelly of my slimane tier figure?

>> No.7029224

I should add I'm 130lb

>> No.7029230

I never go on here but this looks like a thread I can brag in :3


>> No.7029241

Looking through here, i'm pretty sure i've won.
About 3 months ago I was 44" though, so getting there.

>> No.7030541

Waist is 23.5
35 inch hips though.

>> No.7030778

190 cm tall
32 waist but big ass so it's bad

>> No.7030791

195cm 29/30 waist.

>> No.7030803

52 chest
44 waist

>> No.7030805

Oh yeah, 5'9.5

>> No.7030824

also i think i weight 260ib when i last checked.
happy about i though, enjoy my size for the most part.

>> No.7030878

I don't know how anyone with a > 32" waist hasn't killed themselves yet

>> No.7030882

ur mum is still alive, isn't she?

>> No.7030892



>> No.7030906
File: 114 KB, 600x450, bearmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ plz

>> No.7030923

30 waist but I have big hips for a dude

>> No.7030926

6'0 tall/235 lb/36' waist

>> No.7030928

sieg is here
idk why he isnt tripping

>> No.7030975


yea shit sucks. That's why i started lifting.

>> No.7030995


They're eating more McDonald's.

>> No.7031000

32 inch waist. But I'm 6'6", so I think I'm okay.

>> No.7031015

I've found that after a few months of heavy lifting I'm up to 36. What's the best way to lose muscle mass? I don't want to go above a 34 inch waist. Would jogging help?

>> No.7031144

>a few months heavy lifting
the amount of muscle mass youre gaining in a few months isnt going to affect youre waist size that significantly.

>> No.7031151


the fact that you believe this indicates you probably dont know much about weight lifting, and have therefore either not been doing so, or have been doing so in a suboptimal way.

>> No.7031156

The desire to "lose muscle mass", is also indicative of general ignorance of human health or fitness.

however, ill give you the benefit of the doubt and assume youve been eating at a caloric surplus and engaging in either strength training or a hypertrophy focused split routine.

>> No.7031165


For either case, whatever muscle mass you did gain is likely accompanied by at least a moderate amount of bodyfat. this, combined with your previously discussed ignorance of the human body and 36" waist suggests you either have extremely atypical bone structure or you have a moderate amount of fat to begin with. Although both are possible, im inclined to believe the latter.

>> No.7031169

This is ultimately irrelevant, however, as the prescribed course of action is the same: cut. Begin eating at a caloric deficit while maintaining a high protein diet. Jogging is good for cardio but HIIT is better. Find a program you like and stick to it. Continue until desired body is achieved

>> No.7031176



I just came here looking from some shoes that aren't sneakers or square toed

>> No.7031180


Not everyone wants muscles roidfag

>> No.7031219

sorry, im all natty, penis is too small to risk roiding :-^)

regardless, i think youll find my advice is sound. the only thing you can do to shrink your waist is cut and cardio

>> No.7031742

32 pls kill me

>> No.7033805


29 inches

>> No.7033853
File: 58 KB, 796x480, 4 mouchette bresson MOUCHETTE-1(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pretty average right?

>> No.7033869

28 1/2
I wish I could at least be a 30 so I could find pants more easily. I need a 34 in length and most brands don't make anything longer than 32, if they carry sub-30 waists at all.

>> No.7033871


dem birthing hips

>> No.7034449
File: 440 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too fat to be /fa/t.

>> No.7034461

i-is that a training bra?

>> No.7034494

Sports Camisole rolled up.

>> No.7034608

my natural waist is the same size (im a guy)

>> No.7034622

36 reporting in...
>gonna start getting /fit/ soon

>> No.7034660

Natural waist? Is there an artificial waist?

>> No.7034975

27/28 waist
Is there any hope for me?

>> No.7034979

I went from 28 to 32 waist and 56kg to 68kg in a month
I have really thick and deep stretch marks on my thighs because of my rapid weight gain.
I have no motivation to do anything in life including get fit

H-hold me /fa/

>> No.7035309


Female torso but man hands.

>> No.7035315

Why do some men have wide hips? There is no biological reason for them.

>> No.7035324

>tfw 6'4", 42 inch chest and 32 inch waist.
Feels pretty good man.

>> No.7035336


You won the genetic lottery.

>> No.7035348

Wasted it from about ages 12-17 being a fatty.
Also, a lot of clothes fit awkwardly. Anything loose fitting makes me look like a fridge.
Would much rather be an Ectomorph but I'm not complaining too much about my lot in life.

>> No.7035377

>32inch waist

ahhahaha fatty

>> No.7035388

>genetic loterry
>being black


>> No.7035396


I think I'm ok for my height

>> No.7035410

implying being 6'4 = being black

>> No.7036058

>King of the manlets reporting in
153 lbs

>> No.7036074

136 lbs
just increased from 28'' to 30''.

>> No.7036094

black people are generally shorter

it's because all famous black people are nba players do you associate them with height

animals in cold climates grow bigger and taller, mammoths towered over normal elephants

>> No.7036099

30 waist
133 lbs

>> No.7036110

getting broader shoulders or working out your delts does help. or working out your chest. its one of the roughest flaws you can have in your body to be honest

>> No.7036117


>> No.7036123

idk it sux

>> No.7036519

What's IKTF??

>> No.7036569

i killed the fag

>> No.7036612

30" waist.

It's more or less just bone width...

>> No.7036622

in kentucky turtles fly

>> No.7036663

5' 11"
120 lb

tfw /fa/ manlet

>> No.7037424
File: 105 KB, 900x1253, 1380361785114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they are repeating digits (aka dubs).

>> No.7037457

I think it's a bit large. I love Mouchette by the way, great film.

>> No.7037468


>> No.7037464

exact same measurements.

>> No.7037539 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 293x473, sdkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fat only though, do you want to lose weight?
I started lifting last month, now losing weight in starving mode + lifting + cardio. In 3 months I hope to be lean.
But I have wide bone stucture so I'll only look good if I become /fit/.

>> No.7037599

24" waist

>> No.7037605

Don't fucking starve yourself. You gain nothing from working out if you starve yourself.

>> No.7038743


get on my level

>> No.7038888

36 waist
>tfw drinking and nigger food
>tfw not successful in football in college and not slim enough to ever wear skinny fit clothes

>> No.7039724


I've got some pretty wide hips, mucho hate them.

>> No.7039743

190 pounds
36 inch waist