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/fa/ - Fashion

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7026236 No.7026236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cool theory alert:

Lunarcore is a response to goofninja, but a drastic swing the other way. White, tight fitting, functional clothes is almost the opposite of gn.

>> No.7026247

cool theory alert: lunarcore isnt specifically white or tight fitting.

>> No.7026271

cool theory alert: You would get laughed off of the street if anyone ever saw you wearing either of these styles of clothing

>> No.7026269

Lunarcore typically ISN'T tight-fitting, it's just not draped.
And the predominant colors aren't white, they're beige.
Moreover, gothninja is functional to an extent.

Let me educate you: Lunarcore was explicitly intended to be a cheap alternative to gothninja based on a different concept. Not an anti-gothninja.

>> No.7026284

Disclaimer: that is wrong. At most, two or three plebs will giggle or give you funny looks.

If you think that counts as getting "laughed off of the street" (supposing that's even possible if you're not a massive pussy) then you're clinically insane.

>> No.7026287

cool theory alert: so much this.

>> No.7026290

theory: lunarcore is a shitty nonexistant trend/style that's desperately trying to be forced on /fa/ so some fags can say they were on it first.

/fa/, stop trying to make luncarcore happen! it's not going to happen!

>> No.7026307
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>> No.7026303

This. With Poet at the helm. lmao

>> No.7026316

dadcore niggers: stop trying to prevent it from happening, whether it does or not.

>> No.7026318

>stop enjoying things!
This post made me consider exploring lunarcore at least ten times more.

>> No.7026319
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tight fitting

>> No.7026331
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>> No.7026337

lunarcore looks like shit first of all

secondly, unless you live in a shit hole no one will laugh at cool fits if you look like you are wearing the clothes and not the other way around

>> No.7026335

he looks like a BDSM sex slave lel

>> No.7026338

Do it then, no one cares.

>> No.7026339

do all rick jackets have that strap or just leather?

>> No.7026347

bunch of cool theories up in here

>> No.7026348

I have 2 Rick leathers and neither have that strap

>> No.7026350
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only some jackets have it at all

>> No.7026352

here's a theory
lunarcore on /fa/ is a bunch of people wearing exactly the same outfit because they see it as an easy way to fit in on the board with no effort by following infographics
thanks poet

>> No.7026353

combine all 3 and post corresponding fit

>> No.7026376

only the thinner ones? i want to cop an intarsia

>> No.7026380
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not really relevant, the point is that you described a superficial difference that doesn't actually exist. it doesn't have to be white, tight fitting, or functional to be "lunarcore" and "goth ninja" doesn't cease to be when it becomes tight, white fitting, or functional, and i'm using scare quotes because actually delineating things like this is a little bit silly.

lunarcore is just a funny name we applied to design which takes cues from the space age.

>> No.7026389

>dadcore pleb is tryin 2 define lunarcore

>> No.7026392
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im the one who named it lunarcore.

>> No.7026406

twerk it confirmed for trendsetter
who started "gothninja"?

>> No.7026414


>> No.7026415

no, i did.

>> No.7026419


>> No.7026421

Lunarcore looks so much better than goofninja. It actually looks practical and wearable from day to day.

>> No.7026423

fuck off, i hope you aren't the guy who's been saying that all day

>> No.7026447

ghetto ninja

>> No.7026441

Are you guys bumping lunarcore like it's a real thing

>> No.7026457
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>Lunarcore was explicitly intended to be a cheap alternative to gothninja
No it wasn't. You can have a $5000 Lunarcore fit, you can have a $200 Lunarcore fit. It's just a way of curating design details that take cues from aerospace under the roof of a single outfit.
Not at all. If anything, it's the thinking man's response to tacticool.
Lunarcore is just a linguistic shortcut to describe outfits that would otherwise require a paragraph or so to properly contextualize. That's it. That's all there is. Stop trying to make it not happen, it been had happened already. It's really not a big deal. A footnote of a blip on the cultural radar, if anything.
There aren't supposed to be infographics. None of it is set in stone. People can either take the idea and run with it because they understand style, or they can sit there asking to be spoonfed because they want a shortcut to something they like. Chalk that up to human nature, not my posts. All I've done is try my best to get a very nebulous concept across to a whole bunch of people at the same time.
Twerk coined the term, AFAIK.

>> No.7026471

Whoops. Forgot trip.
>having to type those words

>> No.7026787

gothninja is functional if you're in the middle east, africa, or south asia

>> No.7027214

It's functional in large cities, too. While we're on functionality, I think my Rick cargos are the most functional cargos I own. Seriously. They are such a breeze to put on, compose outfits with, carry stuff in, look weird and be comfy in.

>> No.7027236
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maximum comffff
i dont want to wear normal crotch again
just skirts and drops and booty shorts
all comf af
>mfw plebs wear fitted crotch trousers near me
aren't ur legs hot
isnt ur butt sweating
butt sweat aint /fa/ pls go

>> No.7027320

I just want to become an astronaut to leave this gay Earth ;_;

>> No.7027442

>Not at all. If anything, it's the thinking man's response to tacticool.

Can you develop this?

>> No.7027469
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>booty shorts

p-post a fit

>> No.7027474

>yfw that jacket costs 50k

>> No.7027498
File: 115 KB, 500x358, i got a little hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont go to booty exposing length. just a little bit above the finger tips. it's extremely comf in the summer, good for bike riding too because they arent long enough to cause issues with cycling or to wear on the saddle.

i think the ones from that season were cheaper? i want one regardless

>> No.7027506
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Off duty tactical or "tacticool" is too bogged down with militaristic connotations. It's highly practical + functional wear that is nevertheless weighted by its association with active duty militaries that are currently killing people worldwide. Spacecore manages to sidestep that baggage by borrowing from less loaded areas of inspiration, like govt. + private aerospace, NASA, cyberpunk sf, moebius etc.

That's not to say that tactical can't be worn in an urban context, just that it benefits from time and distance from actual war. (See the development of the MA-1 or M-65 as fashion items AFTER their active military use.)

>> No.7027536
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that aint nothin fam

>> No.7027602
File: 1.05 MB, 1104x1600, To_Other_Planets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the pieces come from a military background, they're just tailored to suit a different job. Think about how the space program and the various experimental planes came to be via funding & personnel from the Military. There are design roots shared by both outfits.
The people singled out to become pilots are already the best of the best - the astronaut programs take things a bit further, really stretching a candidate's operational efficiency and capacity to perform complex tasks under miserable conditions. You've got to be very smart and very strong. Meatheads are a dime-a-dozen. Nerds are maybe 50 cents to a dollar a dozen. Incredibly intelligent, highly fit, fearless and motivated men are priceless.
Tactical looks invariably begin to dehumanize the wearer after a certain point, imo. The standards for outfitting an army or an airforce are very rigid, inspections are regular and uniformity is key. Individuality is to be quashed, and for good reason - it makes for better soldiers who are more likely to follow orders.
But something happens out on mission. Without the ceremonial pedantry of military regulations and pomp, a soldier's humanity begins to reassert itself. I see Vietnam vets with heavily altered uniforms, living in the jungle like wildmen, reduced to increasingly primal gestures, even ghastly behavior like the taking of trophies.
I think it was Plato who said "Nature must not be allowed to win the game, but She must not lose, either." I mention this quote because it's a good example the sort of relaxed, easygoing take on tactical and techwear this look offers. A nice, decayed, human balance.

TLDR - Meatheads don't get to be astronauts. Or even pilots, depending on who you ask.

>> No.7027712

get the fuck over yourself regina, it brings discussion and creative construction of pretty decent looking fits to the board, which we don't get in "which color clarks dbs should i get" threads that people like you start

>> No.7027959

cool theory alert: suck a nigga dick or somethin'

>> No.7028618

that aint cool tho thats lame

do u think suckin dick is cool

lmao gay ass nigga

plus why it gotta b a nigga dick u aint gotta make this a race thing fam cmon

>> No.7028657
File: 3 KB, 326x258, CEN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool theory: poet from /fa/ is the same user as space elevator from /pol/

>> No.7028731

>plens tryna shoot down twerk

you think that because this board takes it too far