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File: 26 KB, 454x238, school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7026961 No.7026961 [Reply] [Original]

Most /fa/ instrument? I'd vote for piano, if not violin.

>> No.7026963

Double Bass

>> No.7026973

>not getting any pussy
definitely the most /fa/

>> No.7026980

Bass. I own an Epiphone Viola. Love it.

>> No.7026997

Bass clarinet

>> No.7027001

I can play almost anything, do I count?

>> No.7027018

I play guitar, bass, double bass, trombone, and dabble in piano.
Also play in my states string ensemble.
Stop playing around, kid

>> No.7027020

octobass, if you're not a manlet

>> No.7027043

French horn nigga, gets the bitches wet.

>> No.7027054


>> No.7027052

Piano for sure

>> No.7027057
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fuck yeah

>> No.7027071
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probably guitar

>> No.7027151

Probably any and all stringed instruments. (Including piano, which is technically a stringed instrument)

>> No.7027176

Violin. Piano is good but it loses marks for being so unportable.

>> No.7027193


>> No.7027202

French Horn

>> No.7027204


Guitar is the most pleb of all instruments, this coming from a guitarist. You could argue it all depends on which model you are playing though, if we're talking about electric guitars.

>> No.7027212

ok /fa/ it's official

we are starting a band

we don't have to be in the same city--as long as we can record and send our parts to each other

dibs on the guitar

52 telecaster>mxr dyna>ce-2 chorus>dr sci reverb>voxac 15

who's w me

>> No.7027213


No question about it.

>> No.7027224
File: 51 KB, 500x674, harp_players.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many fuccbois with their fuccboi-ish instruments

/fa/est instrument, pic related

>> No.7027221

being poor isn't /fa/

>> No.7027240

I'm getting a Hoffner when I have the money. I'm not poor either. Just frugal.

>> No.7027238

From what I've seen, the most /fa/ instruments based upon who plays them are pianists and vocalists.

Therefore, piano and voice are the clear and obvious winners.

>> No.7027244

Bass except also being the vocalist. gotta get the bitches paying attention to you

>> No.7027246

>tfw my gf plays the harp

>> No.7027265
File: 78 KB, 450x337, Wes_Montgomery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guitarist here also. It can be the most pleb instrument ever..just depends on what your do with it. Jazz/classical is probably more /fa/ than other genres though. (probably more-so classical than jazz).

>> No.7027268
File: 8 KB, 352x271, wells1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jazz drums
Electric harmonica, pic related
fender electric guitars
martin acoustics

Anything electric guitar that isn't Fender is fedoracore.

every time

>> No.7027291

what are you talking about, fender is the most fedora guitar brand ever, along with gibson

>> No.7027304
File: 596 KB, 2048x1536, Battle_Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vote live manipulation of samplers plus turntablism.

>> No.7027309

Nah mayne, sorry.

>> No.7027326

Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe.
Epiphone's are great. Gibson is overpriced trash that is simply tone wood and shitty electronics.

>> No.7027327


yeah I guess you could just be like mac demarco and play on a $30 piece of shit

>> No.7027328

Was waiting for you to say this

>> No.7027335

Piano without question. Other instruments are respectable and impressive but pianists make every other expert look practically casual-tier

>> No.7027341

Prs is truly the most fedora core followed by gibson.

ibanez is edgy fedoracore

esp, dean, etc are hyper-edgy fedoracore

>> No.7027338

No it's not. Gibson LP's are shit tier, SG's are great.

>> No.7027360

PRS is great. You don't know shit
Ibanez RG's are awful but they make great bass guitars and simply amazing hollow bodies. Their lawsuit LP's are great too.
ESP without those shitty Active Humbuckers are great budget guitars
Dean sucks
You don't know shit
Go back to playing Smoke On The Water like a pleb

>> No.7027364
File: 23 KB, 480x360, Chemical_Brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it's a self-interested reply, but I think it really looks sharp when you're doing it right, getting involved in the music and not relying on MIDI too much.

>> No.7027371

Prs is great. But it's dadcore fedora as fuck. The rest are just trash and are built for edgy metal autists and dude bros.

>> No.7027389

>Hollow bodies are for metal autists
I'm solely a jazz and blues player. Occasionally some Van Halen rock here and there. And Ibanez makes some great guitars for a good price if you know what to look for
PRS isn't dadcore fedora, you obviously don't know guitars. If you look at guitars this way, you OBVIOUSLY aren't the type of person that will go far with it
Been playing for 10+ years.
I play a 2000 dollar guitar out of an Ampeg GVT52 and a few boutique pedals
And I can say for a fact, that PRS, Ibanez, Fender, ESP, and Charvel make some amazing guitars for any genre

>> No.7027395

I used to be really picky about guitars. But then I grew up and realized if you can get a good tone, then I don't care what the headstock says or what the shape is, as long as it sounds good
But I mean, you still wouldn't see me playing with a Flying V

>> No.7027402

Get a fucking Gretch. Ibanez is fucking lame.

>> No.7027403

I play the piano but I want to learn to play the guitar

>> No.7027407

i play alto saxophone

>tfw looking to form an experimental group

>> No.7027406
File: 50 KB, 500x467, Archie+Shepp+-+Four+For+Trane+-+LP+RECORD-558434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tenor sax obviously

>> No.7027410

piano players get all the asian bitches

>> No.7027411


Nice lab dude. That Machinedrum is a beast.

>> No.7027421


what's your setup homie

>> No.7027415

I'll bet you both sound worse and play worse than me. Post a soundcloud of a song you wrote.

>> No.7027430

Proof, Jeff Healey played Japanese Squier guitars. And he has some of the best blues rock tone out of any musician I've ever heard. And he's blind.
Any Grestch hollow body under 1000 dollars has shitty electronics and hardware. Any experienced player knows this
Ibanez Artcores are great guitars, and definitely kick the shit out of Grestch budget guitars
Play out of an amp that isn't solid state and you can actually hear the difference between guitars

>> No.7027432

Ma not as good as tennor nigga.

>> No.7027446

Can't. I wish I could Vocaroo some shit, but my roommate is asleep.
Soundcloud some of your stuff though, since you're so confident

>> No.7027448

Yamaha Custom EX
otto link with vandoren javas for jazz/dance bands
selmer s80 c** with rico reserve reeds for classical/quartet

>> No.7027449

I know - sadly, I get much more use out of the Korgs.

>> No.7027481
File: 51 KB, 361x601, patrickbateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason you can get away with cheap guitars in that context is because the sound comes entirely from the pedals, and to a lesser extent, the amp, and even then it's most just important that the amp doesn't hinder the pedals with clipping (unless the artists wants it, but that's another story)

i used to use a squier strat very effectively for psych/shoegazey/noise stuff, but i was running a zvex fuzz and a wah pedal and that is precisely where all the sound came from. it didn't particularly matter if i was using my guitar or my friend's prs or anything else, with the exception that the latent noise of single coils helped me induce feedback, and i liked rocking the pup selector and diving the whammy

i'm rambling. point is, you can get a good tone out of a cheap electric in the right context, but, i wouldn't go to a cheap brand with the aim of getting a beautiful acoustic, or even if i was just going to play directly into the amp. it won't work.

and... most cheap guitars are unplayable shit.

>> No.7027482

I've got a AT LP120 I use to mess around with as well as a Technics SL3244
I love vinyl man

>> No.7027491
File: 110 KB, 1024x580, modelpicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek.

I don't even consider myself good. But you talk shit you post a fit. Too bad you're chicken with a 2g guitar.

500 dollar guitar
100 dollar amp
400 dollar cab


>> No.7027497


i play a yanagisawa + jody jazz hard rubber + Rico Jazz Selects 3H

i'm a music major but im not in any school ensembles though :~(

>> No.7027513

Heh - mean that in most favorable way possible

>> No.7027531
File: 798 KB, 3614x1871, gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hello

>> No.7027542

>100 dollar amp
No fucking shit

>> No.7027549

it kind of sounds like trout mask replica

>> No.7027554

It's a vox ac4, small room. Sounds exactly like I wanted. Like a James Bond car chase.

>> No.7027579
File: 210 KB, 500x497, 3279067349_51d3f1cc8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


let's get some real fuckin music n here

>> No.7027588

Here you go: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0Hc1hc7adg6
Playing blues licks when your roommate is sleeping and a shitty mustang II practice amp is hard

>> No.7027605

good job

>> No.7027606

oh shit nigga ever heard of proper monitor setup?

>> No.7027611


you played too many roots nigga

>> No.7027609

Thanks. Not even comparable to how I actually play. But I think it was.. Decent

>> No.7027615

Yeah, if you didn't notice, that shit was all pentatonic scale. And as I said, trying to keep it down.

>> No.7027626

Where you at nigger

>> No.7027631

I'm planning on learning the guitar, but I have two questions though.
Acoustic or electric as a starter?
And should I learn chords first or follow a music book?

>> No.7027637

Acoustic. Follow a music book
Berklee Modern Method Guitar Volume 1 2 and 3
Good luck
Good acoustics are Yamaha F series. And Seagull acoustics. These are budget acoustics so you know

>> No.7027654

Get an electric guitar and only learn riffs from songs you like - focus on developing your own style

Never touch a book

Ignore everything said here >>7027637

>> No.7027668

Oh yes, cause learning theory and ear training isn't vital to becoming a musician of any genre.
Not learning theory restricts how much ou can actually comprehend and play.
Also, starting on Acoustic can build finger strenght, fingerpicking and hybrid picking styles. As well as be great guitars for a budget
Your advice is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.7027670


>> No.7027672

Gilbert AZ. Most of my stuff is emo/grunge crossover though.


>> No.7027678

No I was saying this cause you weren't replying after I posted that Vocaroo

>> No.7027694

And did
My favorite bands are Brand New, SRV, Nirvana, jhe, la disoute, and albert collins.

>> No.7027696

Yeah, nothing beats picking up a bunch of bad habits and then having to either struggle to lose them way down the road or being too stubborn to bother.

>> No.7027698

It's okay to be mad

Your advice sets him up for a closed-minded path to music

>> No.7027704

Oh, I haven't listened yet. I'm on my phone at the gym. Notice the mobile links. I'll look when I get back.

>> No.7027714

No it doesn't if anything yours does. Learning riffs from only songs you likes makes you learn techniques from shitty tabs and those players.
You're contradicting yourself, and you obviously don't know what you're taking about

>> No.7027724

Not really true. I learned myself in the way you're saying and while it makes you way way way more distinctive sounding it also closes you into only your style.

same guy again

>> No.7027726

I love your lack of confidence and how you have to press to back up your advice

>> No.7027748

I don't have a lack of confidence at all.
I just know for a fact that theory is some of the most important aspects of music
Learning to read music, now what spells a chord, learning how to alternate pick and finger pick allows you to play many different styles. A distinctive sound can come from tone or playability, and besides, You can fingerpick and play your own way, but if you don't learn the gist of what music essentially is, you're restricting yourself

>> No.7027758

A really good article that says everything that I'm trying to say.

>> No.7027763

I only learned that way because literally every one of my favorites did.

Albert Collins

Besides that true talent is in writing creative, distinctive, and good riffs and songs.

>> No.7027774

I'm agreeing with both of you.

>> No.7027783

"If music theory destroys creativity, as many claim, then it follows that never in the history of music there was a musician who knew music theory and was creative at the same time. In other words, all the following musicians composed uncreative music: Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Tchaikovskij, Coltrane, Parker, Django Reinhardt, Hendrix, Satriani, Vai, Jason Becker (Yes, Hendrix knew theory. Get over it!) I don't think this is a tenable position, in fact I find it plain ridiculous. The truth is that if you study theory the right way, then it helps and support your creativity. The wrong way to learn it is to think of theory as a set of "rules" to follow otherwise the "music theory police" will put you in jail. But this is not what music theory is: rather you should think of it as the collective experience of all past composers, a set of procedures and "tricks" that you can use when appropriate to move from a musical idea to a complete piece. Of course, even if you do not know anything about music theory you might have an occasional spark of musical genius, but you won't know what to do with it."

>> No.7027798

Oh, I'm learning some theory. But I don't think you should start with it.

>> No.7027808

Those famous musicians are all canonical, now. Their body of work does dominate the discourse and the curriculum quite a bit.

>> No.7027824

shut the fuck up

>> No.7027835

I'm back

Lol, you just doodled on the pentatonic. I mean what have you written? An actual song. That is the true measure of talent.

>> No.7027830

All because they were creative. They knew what to do and how to progress with their music because they knew theory

>> No.7027858

I never said anything about the value of theory. I know better than to make blanket statements when it comes to the arts.

>> No.7027886

There ya go.
I quoted this, I don't fully agree that he cited a bunch of mainstream, generic artists that are the name of guitar now.
However, all I'm trying to say is, that while style of playing and how you play is important, learning what music is, how to read it, how to make chords, is all essential. Learning how to play your own style comes with it. Theory and playing are two different things. But they come together and expand upon one another. Both are equally as important. He should just start with learning both with a book that teaches how to read music

>> No.7027903

I play trumpet, I think it's pretty /fa/
Maybe one day I'll get rich enough to buy a supereffay Monette horn for like ten grand

>> No.7027931

Anyways, as for the link, what do you think?
The first song's lyrics were by the lead singer.
I the whole third song, all parts were written by me

>> No.7027935

wow we actually play a lot alike but you sound more like the world is a beautiful place and I am no longer afraid to die and I sound more like this is a lonely road for someone with nothing to think about

>> No.7027952

Brand New
Frank Zappa
John Mayer
Robert Fripp
David Gilmour
All I was saying is that music can expand upon your playing, fuel it
It doesn't hinder creativity, obviously.

>> No.7027957

I mean, listen to that shitty blues lick and the music in that link. That is how theory can help you

>> No.7027954

Acoustic. Less overall investment.
Learn about octave equivalence first, then an e-minor chord, then the e-minor pentatonic scale, and finally an e-minor chord progression. It's the easiest thing to play in standard tuning; e major is only slightly harder.

>> No.7027989

Mine are
Brand New
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Albert Collins
Junior Wells
Balance and Composurs
Straylight Run
La Dispute
Touche Amore
City and Colour
Circa Survive
Sunny Day Real Estate

The blues differences we have is you need to work on bends and I need to work on speed.

>> No.7028009

Also check this out, Jessie Laceys cousins band. Sounds like In Utero mixed with Daisy:

>> No.7028016

I'm really good with bends, but like I said, I was playing at less that 1 volume with a roommate drunk sleeping behind me. I needed to be quiet.
Also, I really love Radiohead and ATDI

>> No.7028039

I'm the bend master. The other music I listen to is mostly nu disco electronic music, like this. Also I love playing 4/4 in a 5/8 feel. Groove makes the song.


>> No.7028057

I just want to get the supra in this post >>7027491
and drive to this shit.
