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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 5 KB, 300x255, nirvana-smiley-face-t-shirt-profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7019193 No.7019193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>No graphic tees

Cmon guys, I cant wear even a tshirt from a rock band?

>> No.7019196


>> No.7019213


c'mon homie

>> No.7019214
File: 66 KB, 455x475, 180770_mrp_in_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subtle patterns are nice

>> No.7019215

Depends on the shirt, but generally no.

>Nirvana t-shirt

Pleb shirt from a pleb band. No thanks

>> No.7019224

only mfa faggots follow this

>> No.7019237


lol that's so subtle

>> No.7019240

wtf is this abomination

>> No.7019246

>being this pleb

>> No.7019251
File: 190 KB, 468x655, circle and gradient tee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple graphics are fine. just don't get anything gaudy.

>> No.7019256

Sometimes a graphic tee can work in an outfit but 99.99% a normal t-shirt will look better.

>> No.7019271

this looks horrible

>> No.7019287
File: 57 KB, 650x420, 9826264076_48af6b1e85_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only graphic tees I've considered getting in the last two years.

>> No.7019292

lame as fuck

>> No.7019299

not even this? in mens?

>> No.7019302
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1200, teganandsara_diagram80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot qt pic

>> No.7019305

Less lame than assrock/grunge tho

>> No.7019316

If only it was a good band man
If only...

>> No.7019348

it was just the most common rock band t-shirt, im not gonna show a tshirt of your hipster band

>> No.7019364

fuck u
Nirvana is not pleb, most Nirvana "fans" are. Also, songs like Paper Cuts, Hairspray Queen and Milk it are God-tier.
Was Kurt Cobain /fa/?
>chain smoker
>heroin addict
I thought these are considered effay.

>> No.7019365

yesterday I saw this old guy with a Delicious Vinyl tee
Still don't know how the fuck he knows about Delicious Vinyl (Or even got that shirt in Brazil, for that matter)
Guess he must be a pharcyde fan or somethin

>> No.7019377

Suicide is a pussy move and def. not effay

>> No.7019381

I don't really see how suicide is a pussy move
Kurt was a faggot eitherway

>> No.7019385

being effay is'nt always what you wear but how you wear it and your general attitude to looking like a cool motherfucker.
I wear a Led Zeppelin T-shirt from time to time and I look sick in it

>> No.7019392

I bet you don't
I really bet you don't
I bet you look like a faggot
I really bet you do

>> No.7019394

realized I sound like a tryhard Nirvana fan who just mentioned the edgiest songs he could think of before tipping his fedora
>not a good feel

>> No.7019401

nope thats even more lame

>> No.7019402

But at least I'd never wear a graphic tee.

>> No.7019403

Graphic tee general

Can I cop this anywhere in the US?

>> No.7019408
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, 490919625_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7019409

>Instead of dealing with my problems upfront and making a better person of myself, i rather end it all.
thats how its a pussy move

>> No.7019419
File: 27 KB, 176x187, 1355481637142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all you pretentious little fucks, I'll wear my maiden shirt with the sleeves cut off all day every day.

>> No.7019430

That's p biased
What if I feel like I don't wanna live anymore
not like "hurr i don't wanna face my problems being a teenager is too hard x( lol im bullyd" sort of deal
But in a way that you just feel you'd rather off yourself? not for being sad or a pussy or anything, just really not feeling like living anymore

>> No.7019449
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 113294291251734998810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite shirt

>> No.7019461

look at it from an evo standpoint. there is no reason why any person (or organism) should feel like he is done living. it has to be physiological reason why a person doesn't want to live anymore, which can be helped with therapy and meds. i don't think there is any documented cases of suicide where the person is content/happy with life, but doesn't want to live

>> No.7019470

Then us living people will call you a pussy anyway because it makes us feel better about trudging on with the dull lives we wish we had the courage to end.

>> No.7019475

I know, still doesn't mean said persons a "pussy" just because they don't wanna do therapy or have meds or watever
why do you even care?
If anything it's helping you, world's overpopulated anyway

makes sense

>> No.7019535

why do i care? because i don't want people to read your crap and think their are courageous because they are offing themselves. everyone wants to be happy, not a single person doesn't. it just doesn't make sense. they are pussys because they don't want to take the steps to become happy.

>> No.7019558

Nah man.

>> No.7019570

maybe they realise there's no such thing as being a happy person
you can be having a happy moment
you can be having a sad moment
in the end though, life's neutral
life always brings you back to that same shitty inbetween
never too happy, never too sad
life's monotonous as fuck, not saying I'm gonna off myself, but life is p tedious
also, people are different from eachother, if they wanna off theirselves and they feel it's the right thing for them, leave em be. Pussies are the people who constantly want to kill themselves but can't do it because they don't have the balls

>> No.7019650

there is never a person that is happy 100% of the time. but contrastly, there is never a person sad 100% of the time. a happy person is someone who can understand that the happy moments in their life outweighs the bad. happy moments weigh more, so to speak. or he has more happy moments that sad ones. everyone can work to be happy, everyone can pull a trigger. which one takes more effort? the thing about suicide is, its an easy way out.
plus morally, its super irresponsible to promote suicide. you seem unhappy, maybe see someone about that.

>> No.7019814

are graphic tees just a no for men or is it okay for girls to wear them?

>> No.7019865
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, poopdicks

>> No.7019909

mika is that u

>> No.7021334

>rock band

Nirvana was a pop band

>> No.7021357

>Dadrock band shirts
No. Just fucking no. Whether it's Metallica, or Black Sabbath or whatever, they ALWAYS look retarded.

>> No.7021371

Nirvana was a band of the genre Grunge, you dickweed. Learn some fucking common sense before posting on things that you have no idea about.

>> No.7021379



Have a basic level of musical knowledge before getting into arguments that make you look like an asshole.

>> No.7021390
File: 133 KB, 600x894, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was acceptable

>> No.7021392

You know what? Fuck you. Preppy little shit. You have to use Wikipedia to figure out music knowledge how dumb do you have to be?

>> No.7021398

i also thought it was acceptable, but i have the black version. it's just too good

>> No.7021406

>Resorting to logical fallacies because you're wrong

>> No.7021409
File: 279 KB, 1063x1041, talkingheadsfront_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shirt /fa/?

>> No.7021413

Scientists have discovered that a skinny woman can wear absolutely anything and look good in it.

>> No.7021419
File: 54 KB, 553x546, 1378072820251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7021421

Look up the song Milk It. It's poppy as fuck.

my favorite song on in utero

>> No.7021448

Here you go, nerd

>> No.7021453

Not answering my question dumb dumb.
a picture will not prove any point you may think you have
in utero is my least favorite, they really sucked after Kobain died. My Favorite Has to be Nevermind, Curt era was the best

>> No.7021458
File: 34 KB, 212x411, 1380961219362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le epik troal face

>> No.7021461


Being this autistic. What a faggot. Fuck off back to whatever hole in the ground you crawled out of.

>> No.7021464
File: 500 KB, 470x296, tumblr_lnwy9d0X5u1qh2mpqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le epik rage lololololol

>> No.7021470

Yeah it was just a typo don't get so fucking worked up, nerd lol. Kobain was a huge anti homophobe so calling me a faggot isn't really making you seem like more of a fan then me

>> No.7021502

Le epik troal lololololol

>> No.7021508


Fuck off, thanks.

>> No.7021527

Why don't you state real opinions instead of trying to get a rise out of people. You nerd.

>> No.7021552

The first conversation I had with my current girl friend was because I was wearing a band tshirt.

Maybe you lonely fags should wear band shirts and get girls instead of euphoric trenchcoats

>> No.7021558

Lol, I bet you're both plebs.

>> No.7021564

>implying a girl will talk to me about Swans

>> No.7021565

You know, Kurt was an active pacifist, so I'm just going to ignore you. Faggot

>> No.7021588

You're a fucking troll. If you know that kurt was a liberal tryhard then you know this is wrong.
>Inutero is my least favorite, they really sucked after Kobain died. My Favorite Has to be Nevermind, Curt era was the best

>> No.7021585

sure you can. you're a faggot if it's something as obvious and mainstream as nirvana, though. I was close to buying a Brooklyn Brewery t shirt today (because they make a damn good lager)

>> No.7021599

yo, swans are gay, mate. talk about ducks. ducks are cool. no one fucks with ducks.

>> No.7021605

Yeah, swans is for poseur tryhards. Sorry mate, you listen just based on what nerds on the internet tell you to.

you're a complete pleb.

>> No.7021612
File: 70 KB, 480x360, sp_1507_clip07_youre-getting-old_its-called-getting-older.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Stans mom every time you nerds mention swans.

>> No.7021611

>liberal tryhard
You're the fucking troll. You obviously didn't research your wikipedia page enough to know that Kurt Cobain used to do anything to disrupt the government and the "mainstream" and express himself even if it caused trouble, very LIBERAL traits.


>> No.7021615
File: 75 KB, 677x459, givenchy+angel+crest+oversized+tee+(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Givenchy graphic tee

I don't give a fuck I'm still wearing it

>> No.7021616


>> No.7021617
File: 156 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copping this no matter what you say.

>> No.7021619

>Be chilling
>Head over to Whataburger to get some food
>Enter the store
>I was wearing an Aphex Twin shirt at the time
>My friends order their stuff before me and go sit down
>The guy looks at me and his eyes sort of light up and he looks at my shirt and grins a little bit
>I order a medium sized cola
>He gives me a large cup but charges it as a medium
>I thank him, give him a nod, and go sit with my friends
When have you ever gotten free shit for wearing a blank tee?

>> No.7021621
File: 404 KB, 72x72, afro-shaking-head-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7021623

>the irony

Switch around a few words and you have /effay/. Not that anon btw

>> No.7021627

*chilling with my friends
Dnb that's gonna read weird

>> No.7021626

See that one's at least subtle enough to not be recognizable as a band shirt by someone who doesn't already know the logo.

>> No.7021632

Implying I dress like /fa/.

>> No.7021639

He crossdressed on stage to lose right wing fans. Are you even trying? He was liberal as fuck.

>> No.7021640

Where did you find that shirt?

>> No.7021644


did you read the shirt? Come on, drug culture isn't "cool".

>> No.7021647

>Not realizing that's what I'm saying
It's like you cant even read

>> No.7021675

I don't understand because you make no sense. Crossdressing is what makes him a tryhard. I think you're confusing poseur with tryhard.

>> No.7021707

ahhhh whatever. well... were both nirvana fans so that makes you alright in my books. \M/

>> No.7021723


>> No.7021726

jil sander i think

>> No.7021729

You can't afford it pleb

>> No.7021732

>nirvana shirts
pls leave

>> No.7021870
File: 85 KB, 500x375, jelly doughnuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7021914

Says you,

>> No.7022072

>projecting this much

>> No.7022080

LOL a t shirt that can make anyone look fat

>> No.7022091

>would avoid in public/10

>> No.7023488

nice 1

>> No.7023493

saying you're into nirvana is like saying your into the beatles. if you're white people just assume it anyway.

>> No.7023505

graphic tees are fine imo, just try to get something subtle and original.

check out threadless and designbyhumans.

>> No.7023580

Yeah David Byrne, yeah David

>> No.7023673
File: 72 KB, 487x750, tumblr_mjo29obOwN1r4l8xoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't too graphics tees that look good.

>> No.7023926
File: 43 KB, 512x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only graphic-t I own. A few close friends wear it, but in different colors, when we go to like amusement parks. We do it as a joke, but we probably look like faggots.

>> No.7024127

I would audibly laugh at you and point obnoxiously if I were to come across you in public.

>> No.7024138
File: 39 KB, 376x480, GRAPHIC_TEE_WITH_SUIT_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wear graphic tees with a suit

>> No.7024144


oh no

>> No.7024192

>those fucking sleeves
>nirvana phone cover
>gay long hair
6/10 would laugh at if encountered IRL

>> No.7024857

