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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 389 KB, 912x684, yhghuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7017849 No.7017849[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

OK /fa/. I've never posted here before and spent about 2 minutes lurking over 5 years. I am not one of you.

However. I find myself, for the first time, interested in what you have to say.

I'm 27 and I just bought my first pair of brogues, and it sucks because the only people I could think to ask about what trousers go with brown brogues is you guys.

This is for an office job (mainly), but there is considerable leeway for style considering it's an office. So what sort of trouser would you guys suggest? I'm just wondering if anyone on /fa/ actually has the skills to teach me something.

>> No.7017853

ok ill help you out but first post a fit fuccboi

>> No.7017856

yeah OP please post a fit

>> No.7017857

Mad because you can't pull them off?

>> No.7017861

i dont think he was using that in a derogatory manner

>> No.7017864
File: 33 KB, 476x217, 1352715755131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7017865

Either way, I'm not looking for his opinion.

>> No.7017868

why must you be so picky
can you just post a fit so we can see

>> No.7017872

just /b/

I'm starting to think fit means something that I don't understand, and I might not have to ignore the first 30 posts...

>> No.7017873

>So what sort of trouser would you guys suggest? I'm just wondering if anyone on /fa/ actually has the skills to teach me something
>Either way, I'm not looking for his opinion.
also lol cause u r 27

>> No.7017877

So this is where you've come from obviously, you autist.

>> No.7017881

fit means outfit
it means post yourself
it means post your body

>> No.7017883

OK, yes, I'm an asshole. I know.

I don't know what post a fit means.
I was sort of thinking people would just be posting trousers that work with these shoes.

And I didn't want his opinion because I assumed he was being an asshole - now I understand it's probably just me.

This has become very complicated. /fa/ is terrifying.

>> No.7017888

lurk more.
we can't help you if we don't know what you look like.

>> No.7017892

lol dw

>> No.7017891

>I'm just wondering if anyone on /fa/ actually has the skills to teach me something.
haha i doubt it. are those shoes from office?
you can wear pretty much any colour with brown shoes other than black. navy, grey, beige, etc
just go buy some chinos in those colours

>> No.7017894

I don't have any really.
I'm 5' 10''. 70 kilos. pretty skinny i guess. Nothing special.

>> No.7017902

if you don't look too young, do what >>7017891 said. if you do, you will look like a tryhard.

i was thinking about using this post to insult your height, tell you you are fat etc. but then i decided not to.

>> No.7017913


how hard is it to take a picture of yourself

>> No.7017923

niga im 5'10 60kg and im semi-skinny
wtf son

>> No.7017929

>passion fruit rubicon

absolutely based

>> No.7017976

>wtf son
Im 5' 10" 88kg, youre fucking skinny.

>> No.7017982

l-leave me alone ;_;

>> No.7017989

and you're fat

>> No.7017991

lol, no.

>> No.7017996

Sorry to tell you this but you're fat.
I'm 6' and 65 kg = Average

>> No.7017995

Ehh usually slim fit chinos, jeans can work too as long as the top part is casual.

I'm assuming you're British due to the drinks can price.
So if it's for your job in an office then regular fitted trousers really. Not one with pleats. Learn what pleats are if you don't know.

>> No.7018001

Of course 88kg is fat/overweight. That's about the average weight for somebody 6'6", actually I think it's a little less like 84kg. And I doubt this guy is 6'6"+

>> No.7018009

Nothing to be sorry about because Im not fat.
>Of course 88kg is fat/overweight
dat delusion and shortsightedness, not everybody is skin & bones m8.

>> No.7018022

>not everybody is skin & bones m8.

Yes. They are called fat people.
Don't delude yourself. You are probably an American or a Brit with a skewed logic of what is an average and healthy body weight.

In a nation of obese, fat looks normal or slim. It isn't. Go to the middle east or China etc. and you'll see many "skin and bones" people who are actually average weight. And no, they are not starving.

Unless you are an athlete and that weight is muscle etc. but if you are some 6ft guy who doesn't work out and weighs 88kg then you are overweight.

>> No.7018054
File: 21 KB, 480x800, 1380638813566[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a guy I know who is the same height & similar weight, would you call him fat then m8?

>> No.7018147


>but if you are some 6ft guy who doesn't work out and weighs 88kg then you are overweight.

He had that covered. If you're built like that guy, then your fine. If you don't work out - then you;re fat.

>> No.7018151


well you're already wrong just due to your last post

the pitfalls of using idiotic false dichotomy fallacies

>> No.7018154

That was my first post. lol?

>> No.7018161

What, you don't call him fat? He is fucking fat, I can accept it only if his cutting phase starts today.

>> No.7018163

What >>7018151 said. Took the words out of my mouth.

>> No.7018170

Stocky. Would definitely have a higher bodyfat percentage than an average build.

But also remember you are on fa, so from an fa or even model point; that's too big.

>> No.7018172
File: 35 KB, 450x370, 1354365493796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is the photo posted of the guy fat? You can clearly see he is at a healthy, if not average bodyfat percentage?
Talk shit, post fit
I can already imagine the little fatty pouch of a stomach you have on your scrawy physique, and youre busy critiquing others.

>> No.7018187
File: 178 KB, 423x270, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related: 6'1" 165lbs.

>> No.7018215
File: 9 KB, 125x125, side 1 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me at 6'3" 195, so 5 inches taller than that at the same bw. (picture is 1.5 years old, currently 202 at the same bf% and approaching natty max progress-wise)
this guy is fat and probably sitting around at 15% bodyfat, the same percentage that I had post-bulk (5 months prior to this picture) at 230 lbs
also note how my 17" arms dwarf his (I'd estimate 15") arms due to the unnecessary fat/water he's holding, this despite both of us weighing 88 kg

tl;dr - time to cut fatty

>> No.7018229

If the picture is 1.5 years old post a current one you projecting faggot.

>> No.7018253


LOL you're fat! I'm 6"3 and 69kg...

>> No.7018256

wouldn't change anything in this argument; that other faggot is deluded if he thinks he isn't atleast approaching chubby-tier despite "muh mass"

>> No.7018281

if the argument is leaning towards Mr. 6'3 then theres no harm in him posting a current photo.

>> No.7018313

>picture is 1.5 years old
Post a recent photo, not one when youre in your 'prime' with decieving angles. You could be chubby now for all we know.
>this guy is fat and probably sitting around at 15% bodyfat
>15% bf
thats the average bf%, being above 8% bf doesnt suddenly make you overweight.
I think I already have a hunch of who you are too, seen you post in WAYWT like a fuccboi

>> No.7018327

I don't really care enough to take a picture just for this thread
thing is, I posted a picture of myself with stats that were taken at that time. Haven't really gotten fat though as my small weight gain may indicate. Posted once in a waywt but nothing embarassing really
and my point still stands: >>7018054
is nothing to be proud about

>> No.7018360

The fact that your most recent photo is 1.5 years ago (implying its even you) says a lot.
Stop being a fuccboi and contributing to a dick measuring contest.

>> No.7018369

>complains about internet dick measuring contest
>in a thread where some chubby guy denounces people of average bodyweight as skeletons
it's overplayed on /fit/ and it's annoying when people spam the "hungry skeleton" shit on other boards

>> No.7018395

I literally opened this thread regarding OPs post you humongous faggot, then i stumbled upon all this shitposting.

>> No.7018608

where 2 cop, m8? I kinda dig 'em.

>> No.7018639
File: 27 KB, 367x451, hahafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look like some shit from Aldo.