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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 90 KB, 612x612, 1381782_2324645958134_698469147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015676 No.7015676 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we discuss /fa/ days of yore and reminisce and what an even bigger shithole this place used to be.

Picture related, it's Tomorrow.

>> No.7015687

Whatever happened to Tripskank, and Alicia?

>> No.7015709
File: 152 KB, 921x663, tumblr_mp49epgazw1r71gy7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alica is a hooker now.


Not sure what happened to tripskank.

>> No.7015716

problem with this board now is that its all filled with dadcore faggots in highschool or college who want to look so fabulous when they show up for their social studies classes

when /fa/ is good it is about the serious discussion of fashion and aesthetics, about what is "interesting" and "intriguing"

>> No.7015717

Jow much for a bj?

>> No.7015724

problem with /fa/ now is ether culture, autism, and ironic shitposting/spelling badly on purpose for the intent of humor

>> No.7015722

Uggo but cool money. Srs why does America's money suck so much?

>> No.7015726

Hey, I'm intersted on a blowjob too!

>> No.7015727

have a pic of her sucking dick but cant seem to find it on my comp...

oh well :(

>> No.7015728
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And she got beaten up by a client.

>> No.7015737


She posts nudes all the time on her Tumblr so by this point it's kind of not that interesting.

>> No.7015735

>filled with dadcore faggots
Everyone I've seen post on this board in the last three or so weeks has used dadcore as their goto insult and is fairly obsessed with goofshit. The only people dressing dadcore I see are in the fuccboi threads.

>> No.7015743

Man... I remember the days, back when jeans_in_piss.jpeg was posted every day right on schedule.

>> No.7015745

i bet hooker pussy smells awful

>> No.7015748

what in the hell ever happened to spoony?

I remember when her face was all over /fa/ every goddamn day.

>> No.7015751

tripsk has been busy with college and frat parties.

>> No.7015753
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>> No.7015756

Euro is goat currency

>> No.7015761

what happened to erika? does she have a tumblr?

>> No.7015763
File: 158 KB, 1050x591, tumblr_mu65il2ODV1r3cbfvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She quit 4chan but she has a Tumblr, looks totally different now.

>> No.7015762

Tfw ena will never bw remembered because she never posts face pics

>> No.7015764

tripskank still posts occasionally. not too often

>> No.7015765


blah has such a fine-ass body

shame about the face tho

>> No.7015770

good input, capslock trip

>> No.7015769

That's okay anon. I don't ever plan on posting face pics.

>> No.7015772


>> No.7015777
File: 1.44 MB, 768x1024, can u feel the poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunrise, bloodshot eyes, realize we were born to die, so get the money nigga.

>> No.7015788

what's her rl name? kate?

>> No.7015796

jesus christ she fat as fuckkk

>> No.7015795

cuz u ugly lol

>> No.7015800
File: 384 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dude
I remember she being fat and being disgusted by her
Now I'm getting a major hardon

>> No.7015810

wtf, she lost weight?

>> No.7015811

is she naked with her dad?

>> No.7015814

no that's her sugardaddy

>> No.7015817

>Curved barbell for nipple piercing
>Not straight

>> No.7015816 [DELETED] 
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Idk her body look thinner but her face is still huge as fuck

>> No.7015841

she didn't quit 4chan ya dingus.
she became a seagull like beck and the others.
the sperglord trolls of /fa/ drove all the women out so they went to their own board and became weebs. you did this.

>> No.7015937

lol @ how now seagulls like eyebrows try to join the party that is /fa/ and suffer mental breakdowns as a result

>> No.7015966

you mean spoons? it's likely she lurks here every now and then like all the oldfags. it's just boring here now, and there's nothing to talk about if you're not an avaricious manlet with twig legs and a $45 haircut.

>> No.7016026

dam, she's looking pretty good

>> No.7016114

She's alright, she's a regular on Snapchat and seems well collected, other than the occassional >tfw no bf comment

>> No.7016256

tripskank replied to a post of mine a week ago, but I haven't seen her anywhere else

>> No.7016276

prodigy is gone
last time i saw her i was bullying her

>> No.7016280

i want artichokeme and #cookingwithknoch back

>> No.7017215


most of the old trips got driven off. not sure if good or bad. kidna feel bad ofor tripsk she seemed niceish maybe i guess

>> No.7017232

i don't recognize your trip, were you around so early in /fa/ history?

>> No.7017240

she's an extremely newfag.
but oldest female on /fa/

>> No.7017244

I've been around for around 2 yrs m8
Just never tripped.

>> No.7017256

tripsk still posts fairly regularly

>> No.7017257

but the ilm tripfag wave was in 2009-10...

>> No.7017287

i was there for it :(

its nothing to brag about trust me.
it seems most of you had forgotten WHY spoony left in the first place.

>> No.7017288

and youre the fattest

without question.

>> No.7017295

youv been on /fa/ since 09 and still haven't lost weight?

wtf man

>> No.7017302

'08. im the only one here who reg posts who has been here since the beginning

>> No.7017306

wow congrats.

you sure are the authority here then.
i respect that greatly.

>> No.7017308

I've been on /fa/ since 2007 and I can honestly say that nothing really has chanced on this board.

dadcore now is goofninja
same old memes
still a couple of old trips (case, tripsk, sieg)
same everything

the only cancer that has been killing this board for the past couple of years is the influx of tumblr niggers posting here.

i goddamn hate them

>> No.7017310

you only started tripping toward the end of it, after unpop. you were a jerk then, too.

>> No.7017314

but theres more trips now and shit relationship threads.

>> No.7017316

>im the only one here who reg posts who has been here since the beginning

>> No.7017320

and im the only person who has filtered you since the beginning.

>> No.7017328

if you filtered him how come you're replying to him right now? And if i recall, there was not no such thing as a filter back in 08

>> No.7017332

actually i knew unpop well, jocento, had him on facebook for awhile

>> No.7017333


>around since 2008 and still this new

>> No.7017336

>if you filtered him how come you're replying to him right now?
Fair question.
once i filtered him i realized i could no longer keep tabs on his stupid BS and call him out on all his gay posts. was forced to buy a second PC so that i would be able to read his posts.
keep in mind, this was a decade or so before threads were archived so it made it very easy to miss things.

>And if i recall, there was not no such thing as a filter back in 08
technically you are right, partially.
there was no filter in early 2008, but by fall of 2008 there was.
i'd know, as i was part of the development crew.
hard to imagine it's been almost a decade, and still going strong.

>> No.7017351

there was a filter in 2008. you had to download a sep source for it.

after awhile ~09 it was a firefox addon

moot recently took the "best" one and incorp. it into 4chan.

anyways, i've been using the same netbook since /fa/ started. to browse without using the desktop haha.

its been awhile. i really should move on

but i have no friends, family or anything and this is the only social "interaction' i have.

i was desperate in 2009. so i watched alexa chung's talk show and xplay just to have something to talk about

i got into fashion just so i felt like my life had purpose

>> No.7017372

Man no offense but you should see a therapist - I'm worried seig ;(

>> No.7017573


I think you need to get off the internet. Your life sounds sad and empty.

>> No.7017607

sieg whats spoony's rl name again

>> No.7017612

ebony butler she uses ebony white as a surname

>> No.7017614

u wot
isnt she from the UK not Uganda?

>> No.7017813


dayummm she got cute

>> No.7017830

Kinda was to be expected.

>> No.7017846


Why are you so obsessed with her still? Everytime I see you post it's always about her.

>> No.7017852


he's mad that spoony turned him down

>> No.7017903

Actually the problem is the opposite with a bunch of goffninjas that should go back to Södermalm, Williamsburg or whatever shithole they crawled out of.

>> No.7018428
File: 78 KB, 639x595, ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Mike

he was soo coool

>> No.7018452

someone asked what your name was spoony, shut the fuck up and gtfo

or i'll send your nudes to your parents again

>> No.7018460

Most tripfags stop being tripfags after a year or two realizing how gay /fa/ is and move on with their life
I feel sorry for you

>> No.7018478


>he thinks I'm spoony
evidently I'm not the only one that's picked up on this obsession...

>> No.7018489


Who's spoony?

>> No.7018504


some old trip/camwhore that used to post here years ago that sieg has an obsession with, along with every other female 4chan poster
even after all the trips up and left, sieg still continues to post and thinks that that they're all hiding anon and insulting him, hence >>7018452

>> No.7018509

Real seig doesn't even post anymore.
His trip isn't even hard to crack.

>> No.7018519

tripskank is still around, doing college stuff mostly, but she is at least pretty /fa/

>> No.7018521


if that's not the real sieg then this imposter is doing a pretty good impression of the desperation

>> No.7018537

does she have a bf

>> No.7018533

which sieg are you looking for? the mexican who used to race hondas, or the asian guy who sieg gave his trip to? both are "real" as theyve been at it for awhile

>> No.7018539

Sieg is a team. And people post with that trip all the time its I love Lou or something like that

>> No.7018558


the fat asian faggot who always inserts a random paragraph about his life and his last purchase into every post he makes

>> No.7018589

sieg gang we in dis SQUAD

>> No.7018600

youre going to have to go to 2011 for that dude.

>> No.7018615
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>implying you wouldn't fuck curlgurl

>> No.7018620

Holy shit tom got fat!

>> No.7018622

Average as shit my dude.

>> No.7018643

Dude you are like slightly below average

>> No.7018664
File: 123 KB, 781x1022, 1361958254898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not much shittier now
I don't even know why I come here anymore.

>> No.7018671

because you don't have friends

>> No.7018673

that's actually her grandparents or parents friend, and she got naked like that because he was "ignoring her" she's so fucking pathetic and orbfaced it's sad

>> No.7018679
File: 218 KB, 150x113, 1379007232592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away curlgurl.

>> No.7018694

why does toms jaw look normal

>> No.7018702
File: 241 KB, 564x619, 1378499405812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chin I mean

>> No.7018704
File: 658 KB, 1600x1200, 0928003923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent time with unpop just last week in nyc and ive been lurking this board since it started. yes thats unpop in the pic

ask me anything

>> No.7018711

do you guys still lust after designer clothes?

obv in new york still.
how do you like new york?

can ya hook sieggy up with a job in ny?

were you 2 in that 200+ person motorcycle gang that beat that suv driver?

>> No.7018753

I can tell she's one of those special hookers that has clients come pick her up at home and shit.

Not the street corner crackhead.

>> No.7018759

i do. got a pair of shorts from rick owens while i was in nyc. i like rick in general, but this season a few things from dries, damir, geller, and issey miyake made an impression. tried some things on from boris and it was ok, didn't feel as though boris knows what direction he wants to take his clothes yet, but there is promise.

>> No.7018807

I hate it when labels/tags pop up like that.

>> No.7018852

who's"Tomorrow"? she's the only qt grl posted in this thread
any more of her?

>> No.7019163


newfag detected

>> No.7019255



>> No.7019275


>> No.7019417

What is spoony's Tumblr.

>> No.7019444 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7019462
File: 198 KB, 392x750, knoch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one I legitimately miss is knoch. He was pretty cool.

And maybe slater... At least he was funny.

>> No.7019472


Slater is still around, he moderates the effay TC.

>> No.7019482
File: 46 KB, 1500x1383, iktfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get over here.

>> No.7019483

dammnnn matt long time no see

when you gonna make another youtube vid
do a q&a

>> No.7019502

blah is such a fucking mess hahahahaha

>> No.7019516

Why did Mike leave anyway? Fuck, he was awesome

Inspired me to work towards reaching my full potential

>> No.7019519


need some Qs first

>> No.7019541

how's the lifting progress? can i see a pic of face/body? do you have cheekbones now?

recent cops?

>> No.7019593

down a few lbs since i last posted but nothing crazy (only been a month)

i copped a couple of our legacy tees, might be some othert shit but thats the only clothing purchases that come to mind over the past few weeks

>> No.7019648

i got some q r u ready

1. do u like me
2. will u be my bf y/y
3. am i pretty
4. do u like anime

>> No.7019652


>> No.7019758

dno who u are