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/fa/ - Fashion

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7011255 No.7011255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>browns /fa/ for aeons
>almost 2014 and realize not one person being able to put a perfect silhouette like this effigy together
why are you kids even trying?
what's wrong with you /fa/ggots are you even trying?

>> No.7011261

Is that /fa/scist?

>> No.7011259

thats /fa/cist u kno

>> No.7011271
File: 3 KB, 203x210, -_-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do faggots always start green text with
>be me

Who the fuck else would we think it is?

Same goes with linking the post number to the OP.

>> No.7011270 [DELETED] 

exactly. not a single person comes close to Marcus. it's like you kids choose not to learn for a great. you choose to wear voidthebrand and shitty RO pieces from gilt sales.

>> No.7011283

It's for quick replying

>> No.7011281

exactly. not a single person comes close to Marcus. it's like you kids choose not to learn from a great. you choose to wear voidthebrand and shitty RO pieces from gilt sales.

>> No.7011290

>implying youre any better
post a fit fuccboi

>> No.7011288

this was almost good minus those shitty boots.

>> No.7011296

kids r poor and unappreciative. what can u do? :^)

>> No.7011298

You don't get it. If you reply to the thread without linking a post, it's a response to the OP.

>> No.7011312

Then I guess people don't feel like backspacing and are lazy

>> No.7011955

7/10 but perfect silhouette revealed your intentions.
Overall a good effort but more subtlety was needed

>> No.7011973

perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette perfect silhouette

>As if this means anything to anyone other than yourself.

>> No.7012023

good one, enjoy being ignorant of beautiful shape design and the way your brain interprets every image you see

>> No.7012045

My taste. > Your taste.

>> No.7012053

whatever you say bro

>> No.7012109


Is this the dude that makes his own clothes?

His fits are dope.

>> No.7012141

/fa/scist, poet, twerk, mifune, turnleft, user, ux3hx3, mamma dod, tinfoil, tomato, all have great fits but also have some questionable fits.

/fa/scist is the most consistently excellent.

>> No.7012143

No, it's so you can use the quickreply feature without opening the thread

>> No.7012353

you just listed the most "popular" tripcodes not the best dressed.

>> No.7012366

Nah that's User

>> No.7012369

tomato has never posted a fit

TurnLeft's fits are more interesting than /fa/scist's imo.

>> No.7012418

There is also that guy who always uses his backyard with that brick circle floor thing... Yea his fits are nice..

>> No.7012435

leisuresuitlamy I think
might have spelled it wrong
I like him too

>> No.7012521


>badly dressed

oh hey look another sassy born again internet fashionista

no please do bestow upon me ur great and powerful fashion knowledge

>> No.7012532

oh look tin dropped his trip
or maybe just that faggit who is still trying to push SLP

>> No.7012536

>tomato has never posted a fit
i was thinking of teddy, sorry mang

they're popular because they're knowledgeable and they post good fits, unlike you.

>> No.7012537

Your face renders you incapable of producing a good fit even when you aren't wearing your girl jeans with the manually ripped knee. Sorry, tinfoil.

>> No.7012544

even worse lol

post your collection of everyone's fits if you've honestly studied them so much

>> No.7012555
File: 46 KB, 497x501, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Jedi

Fuck I'm jelly

>> No.7012560


What brand is that cardigan? Rick?

>> No.7012576

why would i need to download people's fits

i have a memory and when i see someone post a good fit it changes how i view the poster

such as: poet
he posts lunar-core sometimes but he's also posted full on goth-ninja stereotype fits as well as average /fa/ dude fits and he always looks good and ahead of his time

or tinfoil:
good understanding of the pieces he has, not afraid to try new things despite not having a huge variety in clothing

or turnleft:
constantly putting items together that don't seem intuitive as well as not being intimidated by societal boundaries of clothing expectations (skirts, dresses, feminine silhouettes, etc. although this is also shown in twerk, one of poet's fits, and multiple of /fa/scist's fits although /fa/scist and turnleft maintain a much more masculine air than twerk.)

why are you so interested in how i see tripfags

>> No.7012583

>why would i need to download people's fits
so you actually have comprehensive records that you can look back on and compare instead of comparing how you remember them (your impulsive reaction)

>> No.7012585



>> No.7012590

>those trousers with those shoes
>that skirt layer
>perfect silhouette
He looks good, but not even great let alone perfect.

>> No.7012622


hey wow cool so i have a different opinion 2 u i am now tinfoil

how does this work lmao???

also protip u cant be fash if ur not slp consider investing in diet pills ;)

>> No.7013338
File: 137 KB, 323x454, 1380486516383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

look at me guys I have an opinion