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7003618 No.7003618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the same person, he got an orthognathic surgery and a slight nosejob. Discuss.

>> No.7003628

no he got a haircut

>> No.7003646


how much does that shit cost?

>> No.7003650

It was done by an Italian surgeon called Mirco Raffaini.

>> No.7003665

like 30k

>> No.7003666

The jaw surgery is about 12000 dollars. They adjust your teeth using brackets and then cut your jaw bones, move them and fix them using screws and hardware. Then they heal and you basically get an overhauled jaw and chin, and therefore an overhauled face shape. You need at least 6 months to recover.

>> No.7003678


How did his face become longer?

>> No.7003694

Surgery and natural growth. The last picture is 6 years after the surgery, I guess puberty did its job.

>> No.7003699

I bet he's still insecure as fuck, I had a shit jawline and barely any chin when I was 13 puberty turned all that around but I still think everyone thinks I'm ugly.

>> No.7003703

>natural growth

You can't get this shit until your jaw is fully developed.

>> No.7003716

>You need at least 6 months to recover.
This is the worst part. I can justify the cost but I don't have 6 fucking months to lose.

>> No.7003715

Looks like he did, but I don't know the details anyway.

>> No.7003718

It looks like he just lost 5%bf and got tan.

>> No.7003720

surgery and aging

he looks about 14 in the first photo set, 17 in the next, and about 24 in the last

>> No.7003727

Maybe the regulations are different in Italy or wherever, but having looked into this in the US I can tell you no surgeon will perform radical stuff like jaw correction unless you're at least 18 and they believe you're finished growing.

>> No.7003728

Including fees and shit, like 30k.
If I ever had it(and I plan on having it) I would use my holidays to get it done, and cope with the rest of the post op when I finish them. You need 6 months to fully recover, but you can be at work in like 2-3 months, 1 if you are lucky.

>> No.7003733

Just tell people you fell while bicycling and broke your jaw.

>> No.7003759

Italy isn't the US, and there are plenty of opportunities where people who aren't of age get surgery.

It usually is just a matter of money, parent waivers, and finding the doc who will do it. Like that surgeon who gave a teenager a nose job because she was bullied

>> No.7003763

I would have no problem admitting to people that I got it for cosmetic reasons since right now my jaw is seriously fucked. No one would judge me.

>> No.7003768

People usually get it because of sleep apnea. You can say that you couldn't sleep and that was fucking up your life, and then just get away with it.

>> No.7003814

You must be blind.

>> No.7003828

jaw surgery is free with some forms of insurance (I know for sure in cali), but only if you can have a doctor say that it's for health reasons. You bite your cheeks, your breathing is messed up, etc

>> No.7003854

How fucking beta you have to be to actually change your fucking face into something totally different.

I mean I understand it if you are properly deformed or something, but other than that no fucking way. Especially as a male literally nothing depends from your looks, and no surgery won't give you the other stuff that actually make a difference in your life.

>> No.7003906
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>as a male literally nothing depends from your looks

>> No.7003915


>> No.7003934

As long as you arent obese or deformed. Women care about security (financial) and social status, and your babyboomer boss won't hire you for your facial aesthetics.

>> No.7003962
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>> No.7003989

what are the risks of failure on something like that, provided you go see a very renowned surgeon?

>> No.7003997

Women don't care about money until the point when they start to lose their looks.

>> No.7004003

shit mang i remember this guy asking for glasses choices on effay

now he's a mfw

i will never ever post my face without censor bars on fa anymore

>> No.7004082

But then this will happen to you:


>> No.7004088

How the fuck
Her chin is atleast 5 inches long

>> No.7004089

this was more worth it than the example used in the OP

>> No.7004092

i'd love to see her husbands face when their kids are born

>> No.7004125


>> No.7004132

It's a routine thing, the risks are very minimal

>> No.7004136

except that only happens in japan
that girl is obviously american

>> No.7004147

I've recently undertook this procedure and everything you are saying is an exaggeration. For starters the cost is around 12-15k, but since my grandfather was a doctor and I had the surgery done by a friend of his it only cost me 6k. The recovering time is much much less. In 2 weeks I was already able to go to work, the swollenness however took much longer to go away. I had the surgery in June and I can still notice some swollen areas, the doctors says that it should take about another months, so 4 months in total for your face to go back to normal.

To the cost of the surgery you have to add the cost of the braces. Since they saw your face in half, after the surgery your bite is gonna be off so you need braces to adjust it. Add about 1.5k

>> No.7004156

>those comments


>> No.7004163

did you like the outcome of the surgery? Can you post before/after pics, if you feel comfortable doing so?

>> No.7004177

Actually I'm much happier now, not only because I look better but because now I can breathe regularly. My orthodontist recomended I took the procedure to fix my open bite and recessive lower jaw.

>> No.7004190

thats good to hear. I had braces when i was like 12-14 and i feel they fucked up my facial structure, now my jaw and chin are recessed and i have a large nose and my profile view looks goofy as fuck. I want to talk to a doctor about the surgery, but i dont know how to go about it. What kind of information did they present to you when they first talked to you about it?

>> No.7004247

First of all, i'm sorry to tell you that braces are not gonna fix that problem. If you have the following sintoms is very likely that if your orthodontist ,if he knows what he is doing, will recommend surgery:

·mouth breathing

·open bite

·recessive lower jaw (to the point were your bite is really off)


There are several ways to go about the surgery but the safest one is to get braces again (is a fucking pain I also had them when I was a teenager) for about 6 months then get the procedure and keep the braces for two more months. Then after a really uncomfortable post-op you will see the results in about 2 to 4 months (though immediate results will be noticeable If you have a really low profile, i.e recessive chin and jaw)

>> No.7004282

thank you, i have a few of those symptoms. I will try to talk to my ortho soon. 8 months with braces is better then the 2 years i had them, especially if it will improve my facial aesthetics and help with my breathing while sleeping.

>> No.7004334

He's just not the same anymore ;_;

>> No.7004360

This disgusts me. Fucking ugly cunts should stay ugly cunts.

>> No.7004370

she was a qt, even with the chin

>> No.7004376

Yes you can, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7004385

If the surgery fails, it can be very bad and painful, you're face can get kind of fucked up.

>> No.7004426

I'm sure his wife will be happy when the kid pops out looking like a rat.

>> No.7004925

it also shows that hes fucking loaded 30k shit to blow on his face

>> No.7004981
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>> No.7005001
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Good on him.
>tfw boxer (wasn't wearing mouth guard, got hit in the side of the mouth, broken tooth) and couldn't afford braces as a child
>tfw teeth are flashing gang signs

>> No.7005099

I have a chin like his before and I'm fucking 30 years old.

>> No.7005223


Eh, I wouldn't be too worried about it. Teeth are teeth. You could stand to have them whitened, though.

>> No.7005250
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>> No.7005270

I had jaw surgery. My jaw wasn't as messed up as his though. You couldn't tell physically that anything was wrong unless you were a jaw surgeon. I just always knew I had a weird smile. I had braces for a full year, then the surgery. My jaw was wired shut for 4 weeks (no solid foods at all, no talking etc). It took about 4 months for the swelling to go down completely. My cheeks are still more full because they pulled my top jaw down and forward. But my smile looks a lot better.

>> No.7005288

feel sorry for whoever reproduces with her

>> No.7005335

Nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery, I'm getting a trachea shave and forehead reconstruction at
To be more androgynous. Just don't act like they're your natural features.

>> No.7005351

fuck I need a nosejob

>> No.7005369

oh my Christ I had the worst dream last night
I was so ugly and disfigured it was awful
like part of my forehead stuck out more on one aide and my whole head was one big pyramid of something
and my nose was even bigger and my eyes were so bulgy

hold me /fa/

>> No.7005376

Damn androgyny is like my dream look

>> No.7005393

Women start caring about money the minute they enter college. Which is about 17 - 18

>> No.7005405

>dat 1st chick

jesus christ, plastic surgery is magic.

>> No.7005412

How much cash do Plastic Surgeons make? Damn they must be loaded if petty shit like this costs 30k.

Seems like an easy job too.

>> No.7005425
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>two people post-op surgery meet each other and eventually reproduce
>they were ugly af before surgery and now look 10/10
>they give birth to the most hideous baby in all of history

top lel siutation.

>> No.7005439

this. it's going to be hilarious when
>>7003618 and >>7003962 make a baby

>> No.7005445

So basically every kid in South Korea

>> No.7005447


Yeah, but if they were rich enough to get surgery then they can give their kid surgery. He'll only have to be ugly until he's 18.

>> No.7005452


Then the kid can just get plastic surgery. Eventually the world will be full of naturally ugly people that plastic surgery will be like a rite of passage for children, it almost already is in SK.

>> No.7005453

>Seems like an easy job too.

Eight years of school isn't cheap

You do earn a fuckton though.

>> No.7005454

People with plastic surgery shouldn't be allowed to breed. How am I supposed to pass on good genes with all these uglies around?
I feel bad for S. Korea, they're a permanently ugly nation.

>> No.7005457

the kid would get eaten alive during junior high/high school. i guess as long as it's good looking by college freshman year, all will be okay

>> No.7005460

All this means is that ultimately, money is what matters most, not looks. Because with money, you can get looks. Genetics is fucked.

>> No.7005462

Transhuman dystopia soon

>> No.7005468

Yeah but during high school reunion they will be fucking king.

>> No.7005482

in SK plastic surgery is generally high quality (you still need to do your research etc.) and extremely cheap when compared to U.S/Canada so if any of y'all want jaw surgery i'd consider flying down there, it's basically their specialty.

i think i want minor stuff done like mini v-line surgery so i have a more defined side profile...already saving up for a new nose

>> No.7005489

>I basically have OP's first nose
>It'd cost me £3000 to get it fixed
>Every time I try and motivate myself to get it done, I end up thinking it's fine as it is
>Every time I accept my nose as it is, I end up hating it

I don't know if it's something stupid I'm wasting my money on or something that'd make me feel so much better being fixed.

>> No.7005507

>tfw the only thing I want fixed is my slightly too big upper lip

too scared of knives doe.

>> No.7005519


It's fucking insane how their prices are like roughly 50% cheaper, sometimes even a bit lower? Guess it's cause the competition there is more intense and there's so many clinics to choose from

>> No.7005522

also no jews.

>> No.7005569

*pats head* it's going to be ok.

>> No.7005616
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>tfw spending close to 9k on invisalign

It'll be worth it r-right /fa/?

>> No.7005628

u jelly

>> No.7005623
File: 53 KB, 500x666, rickowensssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop a rick owens snakesk instead

>> No.7005634

Definitely, having crooked ass teeth sucks.

Also don't do this unless you're twerk lol.

>> No.7005638

>have OP's first nose
Do it

>> No.7005925

School would cost 200k and take about a decade to pay off but every job takes a decade to pay off

>> No.7006893

Do you count 18yo as not finished with puberty yet?
I literally turned eighteen two weeks ago and I have a shitty jawline and shitty nose. Much like OP's pic, only my nose isn't crooked

Is there still hope

>> No.7006945

>tfw they told me men age like wine

where's my handsome face, motherfucker?!

>> No.7006983

My jawline definitely improved from the time I was 18 to now (I'm 23 now). I was a late bloomer however, as I hit puberty around the time I turned 16.

Remember that weightlifting (heavy weights) can actually improve your facial structure, as it can help stimulate the growth of bone.. Look at every guy that can lift heavy ass weights. Pretty hard to find a weak jawline.

Lowering your bodyfat percentage will also help, of course.

>> No.7007000

yeah beautiful receding thinning wine

>> No.7007009

How fucking beta you have to be to be complacent with being sub-par

>> No.7007052

>tfw you are better looking than some dude who got plastic surgery

>> No.7007397

What kind?
Should I just work out, or should I focus on something on particular? I pay attention to my abs and upper body but I don't do shit with my legs apart from running.

>> No.7007710

You guys don't seem to realize why people need jaw surgery. They need the surgery because they have grew up with bad habits such as mouth breathing and it caused their facial structure to change for the worst.

Orthognathic surgery is a corrective procedure not a cosmetic operation. When you look at the after pictures, that's how those people were supposed to look had they not grew up with abnormal breathing and chewing habits.

>hurr ugly people should stay ugly

No. These people have a mild deformity and are merely correcting it.

>> No.7007712

>implying working with you've got to produce desirable results doesn't demonstrate far more mastery and skill than modifying what you can't work with.

>> No.7007726

>They need the surgery because they have grew up with bad habits such as mouth breathing and it caused their facial structure to change for the worst.

- Anonymous M.D.
Royal Institute of Broscience
Seaside Heights, NJ

>> No.7007757
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One day.

>> No.7007791

Mouth breathing in children can be a cause of abnormal facial growth primarily in the upper and lower jaw shape, leading to long face syndrome or other malocclusions.[1]
R.M. Rubin, Mode of respiration and facial growth. Am. J. Orthod. 78 (1980), pp. 504–510. [1]


>> No.7007798

you're that weird looking cunt, just fuck off and stop posting pics of your ugly face you abomination

>> No.7007799

my sides

>> No.7007804

i need that. my chin doesnt look that bad but i definitely do that. my teeth dont line up. underbite.

>> No.7007807
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You can do a lot by just losing weight

>> No.7007814

he looks so dirty

>> No.7007815

>tfw my molars only touch then i put my jaw way back
i need to go to the dentist fuck

>> No.7007827

>those acne scars

>> No.7007832

Acne scars are hot

Imperfections on a man's face and chest give him character.

>> No.7007857

>Jaw surgery
No. You wear shit on your mouth at night which pulls the lower forward and fixes your bite

>> No.7007864

You do both moron

>> No.7007869


>> No.7007885


>> No.7007895

We're all gonna make it

>> No.7007935

You go to a dentist and he puts paste in your mouth to get a print of your teeth, then they make a plastic mouthpiece that pulls the jaw forward. You might also have some braces, or gradually change the print on the piece if some of your teeth are out of place

>> No.7007950

That's one procedure. Jaw surgery is another. Stop posting.

>> No.7008839
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>> No.7008845

>hover hand
>a cutout
Holy shit
I just

>> No.7008874

That's not too bad really... how old are you?

Also change your hair.

>> No.7008885


>> No.7008897

Everyone in that video is fucked.

>> No.7008910
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>> No.7008927
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>> No.7008921

Stop it please
stop it

Also that anime club one's a classic.

>> No.7008932

>and a whole bunch of other people


>> No.7008930

That's not the same person.

Also, the one on the right doesn't look like a real person.

>> No.7008939


>> No.7008937

fucking kill me

>> No.7008942

fucking internet

>> No.7008945

He looked the best in the middle.

>> No.7008947

you can thank those faggots

>> No.7008965
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>6 years ago
what the fuck am i doing with my life?

>> No.7008969

You are wasting it, man.

>> No.7008974
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>> No.7008982

Whatever helps you sleep at night crater face. He just looks dirty on camera.

>> No.7008995

we're gonna make it bruh

>> No.7008998

I used to have an overbite

I just starting to think about my jaws position and would move it so my teeth was normal, kept it there, now I don't even think about it

When I chew tho my jaw slides back a bit cu my teeth only touch like that

>> No.7009018

girls in college don't care about money

maybe ones in sororities but why would hang with those dumbass hoes

>> No.7009041

>being so insecure that you need plastic surgery


i can understand rogaine and shit but cmon man

>> No.7009059

ok i am answering this as a girl
you are literally totally wrong. its the other way around.
i would take a fucking mad hot guy over a rich guy any day. looks are everything. even if you're poor or boring or something, if you're incredibly hot you win always. looks are important for guys.

>> No.7009102

Ya but if you are rich you are confident, self driven etc etc and that looks good to girls
>unless papa gave you money
If you a good looking guy and a waiter
Idk he can fuck basic bitches but the god tier ones won't look at him

>> No.7009108

Good looking guy is*

>> No.7009162

Looking good to yourself has nothing to do with being insecure. If you offered ANYONE the chance to look the best they could, they would take it, especially if they were ugly to begin with.

>> No.7009169

>tfw curly hair but not curly enough to make a cool afro
>tfw I can only get shit haircuts and am a 4/10 because of that + weak jawline

why doesn't hair surgery exist

>> No.7009180

you're not a girl stop lying

girls aren't attracted to looks. they just say it because they get told so. who is telling them? advertisements who make money off of beta males

>> No.7009184

yeah but droppin <30k on it and then not even looking like yourself? nah man

>> No.7009249

mate if you're not a girl don't say you know what girls want, lol. you can believe what you want about me i'm just throwing in my two cents, as a girl and someone who has 90% girl friends, in my experience girls would prefer a really hot guy with average income then a really fugly guy with loads of income. most girls don't want to end up housewives, most of them want careers of their own. so if they're not relying on a husband for ALL their money, why would they need one who is really rich? it's common sense really but yeah whatever you go on thinking what you want

>> No.7009254

What about an average to relatively cute guy with a good salary and a fun personality?

W-would that work out
>inb4 implying you have a good personality

>> No.7009256

>mate if you're not a girl don't say you know what girls want

>knowing what girls want
my fucking sides
didn't even read the rest of your post

>> No.7009274

>lel mra face

>> No.7009272


This. This this.

Looks help of course. But if the girl considers herself ugly or whatever and thinks you're better looking than her she'll always think you're cheating.

>> No.7009290

>average to cute
>good salary
>fun personality

i think a lot of girls would like you. from my personal view point (and you can take this with a grain of salt since girls apparently have no clue what they want!!!! stupid bitches haha bro why don't i have a gf??? tfw forever alone) girls like guys who are secure. it doesn't necessarily mean you have to be rich but being able to support yourself is important because nobody wants to have to fucking look after your bum ass. if you're funny that's good too because everyone has different tastes right but the quality i hear the most from my friends is that they like guys who are funny.

but honestly it's all relative, right? funnily enough, girls are actually people (hard to believe, i know) so they all have different things they're looking for in a person. so don't worry about it too much since obviously there are girls who are gonna be looking for the type of guy you are exactly

>> No.7009296

looks do help but unless you're really ugly or really handsome there isn't going to be a difference.
the thing is that good looks are a signal for social status and if you meet a new girl she will assume that you're an outgoing guy who could have any girl which makes you attractive. an ugly guy has to prove himself and show that he's a cool guy more.
good looks itself aren't attractive to girls

>> No.7009310

also being insecure enough to care about what girls want is really unattractive. that's what girls do so be a man and stop giving a fuck

>> No.7009413

This. I'm a girl too, and looks are way above job income in my opinion. I'm not gonna date some ugly fat ass just because he makes a lot of money.
Unless a girls really that bad off/materialistic, girls are going to prefer the hot guy with a low pay job.

>> No.7009453

thank you! i mean it was probably that way 50 or more years ago when it was more normal for women not to have careers but now women often make money of their own so a hot guy with average income is fine. i'm not saying money/a good job isn't important at all but imho looks are more important.