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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 215 KB, 591x591, 123123135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7001237 No.7001237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

just copped an alpha m65, any m65 fits or inspo pics out there?

>> No.7001241

Relevant to my interests

>> No.7001260
File: 189 KB, 451x750, tumblr_ms1v9suAug1rvhwhbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7001266

that's the only good not baggy fit I've seen yet

>> No.7001274


You have to size down usually, there's a high probability knoch tailored that one himself too.

>> No.7002277
File: 200 KB, 1313x2784, M65_Style_Jacket_OG_Colour_with_Vest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such style

lol good luck being one of the few here proud of their m65 purchase

>> No.7002344

protip: everyone regrets their m65 purchase

>> No.7002359

How the fuck do these things fit properly? I have a small and I'm 6'0" and the sleeves are wide enough to fit my legs into

>> No.7002362


>> No.7002363

I reckon it would look pretty cool once its faded a bit.

>> No.7002372

It's designed to fit like a bag so that one RTW garment can be given to a hundred thousand men at the same time.
If you want it to look like something out of a photoshoot or film, you're going to want to visit a tailor a break in the resulting product by hand. A run through the wash may help.

>> No.7002375
File: 54 KB, 590x885, military jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7002381
File: 241 KB, 800x533, military jacket2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002389
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>> No.7002398


my favorite out of the 3
so rugged

>> No.7002431

What is around his neck?

>> No.7002453

When you wear a piece of fabric like that around your neck it's to let people know "I will suck your cock. No strings attached."

>> No.7002467

I found an actualy military one at a thrift shop a few years ago and its been my favorite jacket since, I love the bagginess even if its not necessarily fa. Though now every single girl has imitation ones and i feel like a fuccboi. Gonna keep using it though its a good conversation starter with qt tumblrcore sloots.

>anon why are you wearing a girls coat
cuz im a qt

>> No.7002487


>> No.7002494

for wiping the cum off your chin?

>> No.7002507

same here It isn't fa at all but girls love it for some reason

>> No.7002518

I just know now I look like a trend hopping fuccboi. Just gotta keep wearing it for years, that will teach them

>> No.7002521

Girls loving Uniforms?
Who coulda seen that coming

>> No.7002527

They're made for grown ass men, not twiggy babbybois from girly town.

>> No.7002532
File: 97 KB, 1008x758, 0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like the best way to rock the look is to get it oversized

>> No.7002531

Holy fuck, this is so awful

>> No.7002539
File: 41 KB, 388x480, 81717-246_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks shitty tbh.

would rather get this for an olive jacket.

>> No.7002542
File: 34 KB, 640x480, lc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awe shit

>> No.7002559
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>> No.7002576

the shoes are yeah

>> No.7002603

And the chinos, ascot, sweater, and no socks. The fit has no direction, like spring wear bottom with prep top and military outerwear, like what the fuck? Top it off with some stupid glasses and I'm cringing.

>> No.7002623

I hate being in the military I feel like such a douche wearing camo anything

>> No.7002621

Whats a good Alpha bomber jacket?

>> No.7002689

Then kill yourself, babykiller.

>> No.7002702

w2c a black m65

>> No.7002712

I fix jets I don't kill anyone plus I get paid to live in england so idrc

>> No.7002717

gimme ur 341 for opsec, fag

>> No.7002729

:( whats yr job?

>> No.7002733

cryptologic linguist

>> No.7002751
File: 909 KB, 1014x629, Picture 122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7002758

ah nice I am just a crew chief how long have you been in? I didn't expect anyone on /fa/ to be in the military

>> No.7002767

been in for like 18months

still in tech school cause surgery, i'll graduate tech school like next april or something lol, i'll be SRA by then haha

>> No.7002782

ah shit I can't even imagine still being in tech school I've been in 14 months how's linguist tech school? You're guy's tech school is so long I figured it might be a lot different from the average tech school. The worst part for me was when the order system went down I had to wait like 3-4 months doing details waiting for my follow on training at least I'm in england now so it was worth it.

>> No.7002803

i passed and did well, depending on how you do on the DLPT you get FLP pay, so i'm making 400 extra a month so that's cool. it was hard but not too bad. i've been on night CQ since august and i'll be on it until december at least. i really want to TDY to goodfellow for my next training so i can get BAH from monterey which is like over 1300. make serious bank

i'm tpg here so i don't pt with squadron and i don't go to formations cause i'm cq, so i'm basically not in the military at all. took my eval this morning and raped it.

i wish i was in england though, monterey is nice weather and stuff but is terribly boring after being here so long

>> No.7002824

yeah but imagine being in witchita falls TX for like 8 months and 3 months of mids CTK (working tool section from 10pm-8am then pt at 9am) at least I'm getting COLA and BAS so I'm making like $1400 as A1C because our flight line kitchen shut down so we can't eat at all on our 12-16hr shifts. England is amazing though seriously I'm an hour from London and can travel to any country basically with this airline that flies super cheap for under 100 pounds. The clubs in england are so awesome the biggest difference between clubs in the uk and us is people here dance rather than just grind which makes it x100 more fun.

>> No.7003426

Another mil here, 11ND airborne (NL)

>> No.7005856
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>> No.7005876

Recently got myself an N-2B, waiting for that shit to ship in. Not Alpha Industries though. I never really liked the M-65 style.

>> No.7006042

I got one for $20 at a thrift store. Such comfy much warmth

>> No.7006168
File: 48 KB, 640x427, MV5BMTM1NjQ0MjM5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjM5MjY0NA@@._V1._SX640_SY427_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7006177



>> No.7006176
File: 200 KB, 560x421, alpha_sizing_m65b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7006222


>> No.7006228

What are some good thrift stores? I'm from Brooklyn if it matters

>> No.7006253

Whats the slim fit version of the Alpha M65 like? I just copped a medium and I think it might have been a mistake. 6'3", I hope it doesn't look like shit.

>> No.7006587

I don't know man, I live in Australia.

>> No.7007294

I like where from?

>> No.7007650

It will look like shit dude, something everyone on /fa will do at some point is make a bad m65 purchase. We all regret it even though some of us tell ourselves it looks ok

>> No.7007724
File: 135 KB, 1000x1000, surplus_m65_jacket_black_1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this for 50 euros?
i mostly wear dark skinny jeans

pls respond

>> No.7007725

jesus dude, what do you think the jets are for?

>> No.7007849



>> No.7008127

I am shorter than the guy on the left but taller than the guy on the right. I weigh less than them. Should I get an x-small?

>> No.7008170


don't. even the XS is baggy as hell and the sleeves are really wide.

>> No.7008210

thanks should i get a standard m65 and take it to a tailor or something
i'm 183 cm and 60 kg

>> No.7008224

I'm wondering what a tailor can fix when it comes to jackets. If they can make it fit not like a bag I'll gladly shell out 60 bucks.

>> No.7008239


i don't think the tailor can fix the sleeves and this is what pissed me off the most. i wore this shit for 2 years, i hate it lol

>> No.7008242
File: 22 KB, 384x384, 59234-w384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of this thread should be that there are better field jackets than the m65.
I copped a Spiewak Field Jacket. It is great. Not as heavy as the Alpha I tried on, but fits a little better. (Sleeves are a bit long but I'm lifting so it should turn out better)

>> No.7008244
File: 83 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ml0rkkhNLw1s6ppyno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2013 not having wide sleeves etc
the fit of issue m65s can actually vary pretty wildly because theyre just farmed out to contractors who are free to use their own patterns so long as it makes specs
i have one that fits pretty nice tbh still "anti fit" but a fairly well done shoulder imo

>> No.7008249

I mean better field jackets than the Alpha.
If you lift a lot, you can probably make it work.
(Refer to Dean Winchester. he doesn't dress well, but his fits nice if I recall)
If you are hungry skeleton mode though, might wanna hunt around a bit.
I hear good things about the Lad Musician and wjk ones, but they are expensive and I can't find them fucking anywhere.

>> No.7008247

looks like shit

>> No.7008257

kay back to ur parka thread babez/

>> No.7008263


i disagree. with the liner attached the sleeves look like big sausages. and without the liner it's a useless jacket.

>> No.7008286

reminds me of dean winchester.

>> No.7008291
File: 132 KB, 634x900, My name is Doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same jacket Joaquin is sporting here.

I prefer it more than the M65.

>> No.7008287
File: 144 KB, 576x576, 00d9305a877d9e5f1cbbd2c9e7091ddc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was describing my issued m65, not a repro

>> No.7008290
File: 53 KB, 200x200, 1319072636001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw winter is coming and you don't have anything warm to wear
I would just stay at home the whole autumn and winter if i hadn't classes to attend

Can someone please recommend me something cheap the m65 that is just as warm but made for skinnier people. i don't want to look like a tent

>> No.7009039

>tfw I love going up to girls in those imitation-jackets while wearing my own surplus and saying "nice jacket"
They get all giggly and shit, same when wearing my 1461s and I compliment girls on their docs.

>> No.7009437

w2c jacket in pic m8?

>> No.7010225

w2c boots in pic plz respond

>> No.7010240


reminds me of Travis Bickle

>> No.7010268

Where would one cop a legitimate vintage M-65 jacket size L?