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/fa/ - Fashion

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7003307 No.7003307 [Reply] [Original]

Before /fa/
>Skate style
>Slim fits from Zumiez
>Graphic tees

After /fa/
>Dress nicely
>Nice basics
>Good at layering
>Borderline kleptomaniac
>Borderline anorexic

Was it worth it?
Before/after thread

>> No.7003323

>Borderline kleptomaniac
>Borderline anorexic

that was because you became /fa/?

>> No.7003343

Before /fa/
>dressin' sharp
>skinhead/suededhead influences
>girls and guys mirin

After /fa/
>dressin' sharp
>skinhead/suededhead influences
>girls and guys mirin

>> No.7003344

Maybe I'm just impressionable but I became more self conscious of my "skinny-fat" weight.

I don't have enough money to afford nice clothes, I stole some basics and now I can't stop.

>> No.7003354

pls go, you're not impressing anyone

>> No.7003369

>a lil bit shy
>wore colors
>dressed like a faggot
>anorexic body but not mentality
>through the roof self confidence
>gaining weight
>know how clothes are suppose to fit
>own basics
i cop a few things time 2 time but all my energy doesnt go in2 clothes

>> No.7003365

it's ok jail will make you /fa/

>> No.7003379


>> No.7003380

yeah browsing /fa/ has had 0 influence on the way i dress

>> No.7003404

Before /fa/
>Lots of black
>Boots and pointed shoes
>Basic t shirts and layers

After /fa/
>Feel even better than i already dressed like half you fags.

>> No.7003405

Are you self conscious that you're gaining weight? Or is it in a healthy way like eating right and exercising

>> No.7003417

Before /fa/
>didn't know about CP

After /fa/
>daily laughs at people who worry they wont be cool enough without CP.

>> No.7003428

>cheap clothes
>clothes that didn't fit well
>bought a lot of clothes but they were all low quality
>didn't look like shit but didn't look fashionable
>didn't really care about the fact that i'm short

>feel fat even though i'm <100lbs (girl)
>pretty much only wear black
>spend a lot of time mulling over whether i should buy even one piece, let alone several
>spend a lot more money on a single garment
>feel awful about the fact that i'm short because everything looks better on tall girls

>> No.7003436
File: 157 KB, 800x600, tumblr_msmua3EMg41qe5o8zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate buying clothes because everything looks like shit
>dress all black in carhartt, allsaints and cheap monday

>see gothninja threads
>this is awesome. finally good fashion
>raf simons rick owens uwidi

why did nobody tell me that goobninja exists?
finally being able to enjoy buying and wearing clothes

>> No.7003442


>> No.7003446

before /fa/
>didn't care about clothes
>crippling social anxiety

after /fa/
>care about clothes enough to maintain basic bitch aesthetic
>crippling social anxiety

>> No.7003451

My gf is 185cm=6'0"
She hates being tall and complains dresses never fit her.

>> No.7003453
File: 2 KB, 120x117, 1379174801752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7003457

before /fa/
>be autistic
after /fa/
>be even more autistic but i look like a ghost

>> No.7003464
File: 192 KB, 874x712, wellyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before /fa/
>graphic tees
>cargo checkerd shorts
after /fa/
>dress kinda better
>got a haircut

>> No.7003477

hahahaah exact same

>> No.7003478


drugs man


>> No.7003481

was your mom mad?

>> No.7003492

That's barely even skaterwear, 13 year old kid wear is more like it

>> No.7003495

you forgot
>came out of the closet

>> No.7003498


>> No.7003503


Shoplifting is so fucking addictive, man.

>> No.7003510

>before /fa/

dadcore nigger

>after /fa/

trill nigga

>> No.7003513

lad musician bomber?

>> No.7003505

was your DAD MAD

>> No.7003506

is weed good for anxiety? alcohol doesnt do shit just makes me sleepy cause im azn

>> No.7003508


Short girls are qt :3

>> No.7003534

nope just some shit i found in a mall, fit me so why the fuck not

>> No.7003539


>> No.7003547


I feel ya, babe.

>> No.7003571


w2c sink

>> No.7003569

I'm trying man, I'm trying. I've got my goals planned out, just gonna take it easy and stop wasting my life and shit
Which ones

>> No.7003570

>tfw I'm an autistic faggot that always tries to jump straight into "patrishunhoood" as soon as I get a new interest

>start listening to different types of music
>go right for dark ambient, noise, and drone the list can go on...
>start trying to dress well and now cheap (since I started to finally get $$)
>impulsively cop spacecore items and items on sale by Yohji or Ann D the list can go on...
>watch some animu
>go straight for the experimental works Lain, Kaiba, the list can go on...
>get into programming again

I hate myself and my vapid nature but at least it forces me to try out very interesting things that I do like, but for such a superficial purpose.
Lain is my waifu

>> No.7003573

weed will make you sleepy too but more chilled

was talking more stimulants

>> No.7003575


>Which ones

Weed, benzos, amps. Experiment till you find something that works.

>> No.7003579


>> No.7003588

Just stole nice boots from macy's. felt bad for like 20 mins

>> No.7003589

>dat ironic che shirt
10000 lels have been made in a mere second

>> No.7003594


>> No.7003600

so I got high for the first time ever last weekend and bumped all the asap I had. The intro to trilla is catchy as fuck.

>> No.7003601

Why didn't you write, "Overcoming shoplifting addiction"?

>> No.7003604

eating right and excersizing, i was starting to feel more tired and thought it was because of my weight also having a bmi of 15 probably isnt good either

>> No.7003605

>Raf Simons
Pick one

>> No.7003608

because google thats how i use it

>> No.7003616

That's good b, proud of you. :)

>> No.7003644


I don't know, stop going to shops? Or just deal with it and enjoy your free shit?

No one will pat you down when you leave the dressing room. If you manage to sneak something in, just put it on under your clothes and hide the tags in your shoe.

It's not a big deal.

>> No.7003648

thanks dawg i am :)

>> No.7003653

help how do I stop being gay?

>> No.7003663


You're beautiful!

>> No.7003679

Before /fa/
>band and anime graphic tees
>more tees
>shop at mall-tier stores very often
>belt and shoe color does not match
>no gf

After /fa/
>button up shirts
>ditched dadcore
>some anime tees
>more band tees
>only cop basics at mall-tier stores
>gained charisma
>got gf

I may not reach 100% effay but I'll at least get to 70%.

>> No.7003680

before /fa/
>10kg more
>graphic tees
>flip flops
>cargo shorts
>ugly buzz cut

after /fa/

>anorexic mind
>nearly skinny
>everything in S and tightly fitting
>simple color scheme consisting of navy, cream, white, soft red colours,
>no anorganic materials
>nice long hair
>less self confidence than before
>judging other people constantly (thinking about spitting on the ground in front of them to show my disgust)

>> No.7003726

I feel that feel.
I judge people so hard without even realizing it. :( I don't want to be this way

>> No.7003782

w2c shoplifting skills

>> No.7003815

i guess it's hard being at an extreme end of the spectrum no matter what it is. being too tall = hard to get clothes. being too short = hard to get clothes. usually the lowest size places stock is an S or an XS and both of those sizes are (usually) too big for me. sigh.
thank you ;_;
thanks man it means a lot

op get help for your problem, the anorexia and kleptomania are not worth dressing well, are they?

>> No.7003894

>shop at macys
>straight dadcore: chinos, ocbds, and cdbs usually what im dressed in (sometimes i'd even throw in a blazer and be jerry seinfeld core)
>people in college always asking why im so dressed up, do i have a job interview or something?
>think i am a le classy gentleman

>shop at barneys
>start wearing stuff from dd, givenchy, dries, james perse
>friends start asking where i buy all my clothes because they can never find anything as interesting as what i wear
>lie and tell them i look for deals online because i dont want to look like a moneyboi

also, at work they gave me the nickname donnie darko after i wore one of my goth ninja fits

>> No.7004121

OP here. You're right, thinking about telling someone. Just so ashamed

>> No.7004384

thats not borderline kleptomania. calling the police.

>> No.7004394

short girls are super qt. ...when they wear colors.

>> No.7004433

The basic t-shirts and socks and shit don't have those magnetic things attached to them. When nobody is at the changing room to look at the amount of pieces I take with me, I just get in with a bunch of tees, wear all of them at the same time under a jacket and go out. Once you start you wonder why people actually buy this kind of shit.

>> No.7004441

Before /fa/:
>indifferent to my shit clothes
After /fa/:
>depressed about my shit clothes
>no money to get better clothes

>> No.7004444

>got gf
at first i read it as gtfo fgt

>> No.7004451

how short are you? in american units.

>> No.7004459

Before /fa/:
>kind of dad core
>happy with my cheap shit clothes
>okay with my weight (although I already lost some weight)

After /fa/:
>some indefinite monochrome clothes
>extremely unhappy with everything I wear, always buy new stuff and throw away old (>6 months) stuff.
>kind of anorexic
>no gf, but this is actually unrelated to /fa/

It's been shit before, and it is shit now. But I think I'm on to something now.

>> No.7004464

178 hamburgers tall

>> No.7004469

top kek

>> No.7004474


>> No.7004477

before /fa/
>okay looking clothes
>happy pleb

after /fa/
>extremely skinny
>sad all the time because I feel ugly

>> No.7004491

lold hard

>> No.7004495

ooh. thats too short for me. im sure your qt as fuck, but im almost 7 feet tall.

>> No.7004520

wow almost 7 feet?! yeah that would just feel awkward haha, would probably have to stand on 20 phone books to kiss a guy so tall

>> No.7004528

i really think that the shortest a girl can be and still pull off the /fa/ all-black look is like 5'5", 5'6". my last girlfriend was 5'7" on a good day and complained about feeling short NON-STOP.

good news is if you live in a city, you can get away with wearing sky-high heels 24/7.

>> No.7004561

>tfw i used to steal yugioh cards with my older brother like 5 years ago
>tfw stole probably around $500 of cards
>tfw still wanted to after i quit yugioh
i havent ever stole clothes but if i did i dont think i could stop

>> No.7004662

ehhh, i always heels or at least insoles. that's the best i can do really. i wouldn't change my style just 'cause i'm short, i just try to work around my height (or rather my lack thereof).

>> No.7004701

i know its kind of mean, but i had a hearty lol at the lack thereof. im sorry. but really, short girls are qt. what i wouldnt give for a qt (short) effay gf. and by short, i mean proportionately so.

>> No.7004718

haha it's ok man i don't offend easily. thank you! i'm glad to hear it. i feel bad for guys because it seems like they have a lot more trouble with the height thing. although i'm fine with short guys since they're almost always taller than me anyway. and i swear i'm proportionate haha.

>> No.7004725

honestly. being tall is probably my favorite thing about myself. if i was a manlet, id probably kill myself.

>> No.7004752

post a fit

>> No.7004765

yikes. i dunno, i don't really care about the height of guys. i'd rather a guy was taller than me but that's kinda a given since i'm so short.

>> No.7004791

I know this feel so fucking well

>> No.7004821

Of course you know. 90% of /fa/ are defined by this feel.

>> No.7004845

before /fa/
>plaid pac sun shorts
>shitty boat shoes

after /fa/
>slim black jeans
>monochrome aesthetic
>cool shoes
>never stop thinking about fashion
>consumes my thoughts
>worried if i look like a fuccboi

nope, but too late to go back now

>> No.7004849

Before /fa/
>all black clothes. None of which fit right.
>Skinny. Black is slimming, so strangers are concerned for my health.
>Long hair that looked like I straightened it (maybe if you beg me enough I'll post a picture)
>Skate shoes from Big 5

After /fa/
>Know where to shop now. Get basic tees that actually fit and are quality.
>Get some nice looking sweaters. Even a cardigan.
>Girls mirin dat fashion sense
>Skinny still (6'0" and change, 150 lbs when I'm soaking wet) but in a fashionable way. Clothes fit now so it looks good.
>/fa/ would still scoff at me and call me a basic bitch, but it's undeniable that I look/dress a million times better
>Have pretty generic short hair, but flatters my face shape. Looking into getting a hitler youth soon that I'll wear down/to the side instead of slicked back

You all give the sticky a lot of shit, but it sure as hell helped me.

>> No.7004882

is there a sweater infographic? ive recently gotten into sweaters with a passion. im p sure im doing it good, but i would like to double check.

>> No.7004891

where do you cop sweaters at?

>> No.7004892

ffs stop begging for infographics this isn't reddit

why do you fuccbois want everything spelled out for you?

>> No.7004893


Just wear what you like, don't wear what you don't.

What's your frame like? American Apparel sweaters do me justice. Pretty much just write down a list of stores that you hear, find ones near you, then have a day where you just go to every one of them. Pick out sweaters you like/love, then buy ones that you like/love and that fit.

Hell, you could even hit up Burlington Coat Factory. I get some not bad sweaters from there for $20 each.

>> No.7004897

I'm 6'0" and my gf is 5'2". You're ok.

>> No.7004922

>Bootcut jeans that were too big on waist
>Cargo shorts
>American Eagle everything
>Graphic tees with giant AE letters
>Adidas running shoes and ankle socks
>Terrible haircut
>Oversized sweatshirts every single day

>Much more conscious about how I look
>Slim jeans that fit
>Clothes that fit
>Button down shirts
>J Crew
>Nice patterned cotton socks
>Much better shoes
>Shorter hair parted to the side

Thanks /fa/, you saved me from looking like a 10-year old for the rest of my life.

>> No.7004933

w2c benzos?

>> No.7004941

in my entire time on fa, this is litterally the first time i ever asked for an infographic. and i want everything spelled out for me to make sure im getting the information correctly so i can better apply it myself in the future.

>> No.7004952

i go to all the store near me, including thrift shops. around the time that the winter stuff starts going on sale. khols specifically has huge quantities of sweaters that go on sale every year. though i usuallly dont buy stuff from khols unless it goes on sale in the single digits, then i wear it only a few times and retire it.

>> No.7004948

Before /fa/
>crusty metal head
>old boots
>over sized band shirts
>very tight pants here and there
>oversized black pants
>frizzy as fuck long hair
After /fa/
>nice t's that fit tight
>long hair is still around, but it's now well kept
>nice tightish pants now (510's) along with express, and other misc jeans
>nicer casual/formal boots
>all around better fitted clothes
>everyone compliments how much my /fa/ has improved

Life is alright now I guess.
I want to do the Hitler youth haircut soon though.

>> No.7004973

>Sweaters made by brands /fa/ nuts over regularly

>Sweaters made by brands we speak poorly of

There is your infographic for le effay sweaters.

>> No.7004992

thx m8

>> No.7005036

black/charcoal with a splash of colour at the neck can look really qt on short girls depending on your skin tone. Change the colour depending on whether it's autumn, winter or spring.

>> No.7005041

nigga god bless you

>> No.7005048


>> No.7005071
File: 165 KB, 664x668, IMG_20131003_122456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before fa

after fa

t-thanks fucclords

>> No.7005077

fat, be self conscious about it, dress like alan from the hangover

still fat, but i know how to rock it B)
wearing a lot of rrl, vintage dior, dolce, etc

>> No.7005090
File: 73 KB, 404x982, sadasda56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me before effay and after just with another jacket

>> No.7005095

>before /fa/
plaid shirts
slim fit jeans
irrational elitism about my dress sense
>after /fa/
black tee-shirts
skinny jeans
irrational elitism about my dress sense

>> No.7005134

if it wasnt for the pants, that would be a sick fit.

>> No.7005238
File: 51 KB, 493x588, SedederrrsdasdadDC14876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my tracksuit pants

>> No.7005265
