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/fa/ - Fashion

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6988354 No.6988354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how have you changed (in any aspect) since first coming across /fa/?

>> No.6988358

im now picky as fuck which sucks because i dont have the money to satisfy my palette

>> No.6988359

Only realized im an eccentric and most people into fashion desperatly want to blend in.

>> No.6988360

when I first came here I had money... now I spend it all on clothes.

>> No.6988368

I look like I live out in the forest and spend all my time listening to or making black metal now.

>> No.6988376

/fa/ makes me mad depressed cuz im so fuckin picky that i lierally have buyers remorse for EVERY piece i buy. either its moderatly priced but im not sure if i like it, or i like it a lot but it really dug into my wallet. i have so may receipts :(

>> No.6988385


>> No.6988392

I wear longer tshirts and have a better haircut

oh, and I find myself typing lyk dis if I dnt pay attention

>> No.6988398

stop buying trash and buy solid pieces until you get an idea of what you're doing/going for

>> No.6988393



palette is in reference to colours

>> No.6988400

I am no longer tumblrcore and I don't look like an idiot anymore. i also have a better haircut and better bod

>> No.6988408

nothing, or actually i learnt that i am the fucking man

>> No.6988412

i dress like kanye west

>> No.6988421

i've become more aware of how others perceive me, and i've had a major reality check in terms of how unattractive i really am. but at least i'm pretty sure i've finally developed my own "look" or sense of style

>> No.6988416

whats tumbelcore

>> No.6988419

>got a new boyfriend
>lost my virginity
>graduated high school
>moved out of my parents' place
>started uni
>joined a sorority
>got a new boyfriend
>declared a major
>got a new boyfriend
>got a new psychiatrist
>got a new boyfriend
>got my first fashion-related internship
>travelled a lot
>started spending more time with my mother
>watched loads of movies
>lived alone for three years
>moved into a house

>> No.6988422

Hair is better. Also constantly without thinking calling things effay or not effay irl

>> No.6988426

i hope u were dumping them

>> No.6988430

ty bruz i actually didnt know that

>> No.6988434

my life in a nutshell

>> No.6988437

>Lost virginity post 4chan
are you not attractive or what?
not going to ask for tits or anything stupid but srsly post a pic

>> No.6988444

look up "Dorothy Winifred Read" on google images

>> No.6988439

I was like 15 when I started browsing /fa/

>> No.6988442

Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.6988453


This so much.

>> No.6988466


tripsk nudes, they're out there bud

>> No.6988462


same feJack

>> No.6988471 [DELETED] 

i dress better than 90% of people here just by wearing vans, shirts, plain color hoodies and skinnies.

>> No.6988472

those r cp tho

>> No.6988470

Started wearing a lot more black and acquiring better taste. Also became a lot more judgmental about what people are wearing.
>the feeling I get whenever I see a fedora

>> No.6988480




>> No.6988486

what does she look like now

>> No.6988484

i dress better than 90% of people here just by wearing vans, shirts, plain color hoodies and skinnies.

>> No.6988489


>> No.6988496

probably not because people either wear the same shit or wear better shit

>> No.6988504
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>> No.6988503

no you dont skater fag

>> No.6988510

fa just told me how ugly I was. Got over it quick and used that advice to my advantage. I'm changing a lot of things but it slow going.

I'm working out, getting different hair cuts, and buying nicer clothes. I'm really stingy with my money so I have only really bought two pairs of pants, solid shirts, and a pair of shoes.

>> No.6988513

i can get away with it because i'm 18
they don't. welcome to the third world.
i don't skate m8

>> No.6988516

Nobody here cares about dressing better, they care about dressing in a way that makes them feel better. If someone feels more confident in goofninja or dadcore then they will adhere to those styles. Also, you're just talking about the visual part of fashion. Quality is a large factor; if your clothes fall apart after a single wash then you're aren't dressing better.

>> No.6988524

Became more attractive
Became more insecure
What a board

>> No.6988520


>> No.6988531

provide pics?

>> No.6988532

>Nobody here cares about dressing better, they care about dressing in a way that makes them feel better
good post

I've changed a lot when you told me some hard truths after reading my script

>> No.6988550
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>> No.6988572

W2C front guy's jacket??

>> No.6988581

i think thats phillip lim

>> No.6988616

just became a lot more self conscious

>> No.6988618

So basically you had normal life experiences that everyone else has.

>> No.6988627

i never said that i dress better exclusevely on aesthetic terms. i do feel more confident. i'm a massive autist and before changing my wardrobe i was scared shitless of going out because of the horrible clothes i used to wear (baggy jeans, white/green sneakers, ugly graphic tees, hoodies with design).

quality is indeed a large factor, but not much to do when you live on a place that doesn't even have low-tier /fa/ stores like h&m or uniqlo. i'm saving money to buy some stuff online though.

>> No.6988630

I can't really afford anything at the moment, but now I want everything Errolson Hugh has made.

>> No.6988633

i have cooler shoes and my pants are a little tighter and more expensive

>> No.6988639

im just glad someone told me I was ugly. Everyone I know is so nice and does the whole "You are perfect the way you are!"

>> No.6988646

>Dorothy Winifred Read

>> No.6988704

slimmer fitting clothes. and nicer footwear.

>> No.6988722

Thanks, I hope things are going well for you after the changes if they were necessary.
I can understand where you're coming from. To be honest, I think it's not a bad thing to believe you're better than others. Narcissists are more fun to be around than people who put themselves down.

I'm glad that your quality of life changed so much with just a wardrobe change, and basics are enough to put you ahead of most other people (whether they're lurking here or where you live). The social part of fashion is important, too, because of how much it affects people's thoughts about character. If you dress like shit, people will assume the worst of you and avoid you; if you dress too well or experimentally, the same reaction happens. The middle ground makes people less intimidated and lets you get your other qualities out in the open. If you don't like dealing with other people, an avant garde wardrobe is viable.

>> No.6989207

I got a real person haircut (instead of just buzzing it really short myself when it got too long), got expensive shoes and pants, got glasses that say "I like cool music" not "I like science," and started taking better care of my skin...and now girls pay attention to me.

Thanks, /fa/

>> No.6989260

>I just improved my wardrobe a bit because I am too poor to buy the things I want.
>I grew confident, and secure.
>Still spill spaghetti from time to time but I am more confident of my looks.
>Hair is beautiful and now falls into a perfect Hitler Youth.
>Fashion is now a big hobby of mine.
>Graduated from HS
>Became a NEET
>Became an alcoholic

>> No.6989273

one of the few pyrex fits that look good

>> No.6989276

it doesn't

>> No.6989283

i think it does.

>> No.6989284

>started getting dad-core
>thought t-shirts were pleb as fuck
>started to realize how pretentious and narcissistic it was to think like that
>started to tone down to dress more casual but still with a conscious eye on style and aesthetic
>Pretty much where I am now

>Got better hair
>Am now more willing to spend more on clothes
>Now look at everyone and everything I see for inspo, even if it's to recognize something that I don't like
>Went down from a waist size 34 to a 30, from 75-80kgs down to 70kgs now

Overall, /fa/ has changed me for the better

>> No.6989320

I've started noticing the way people dress reflects who they are or what they're into. I realized my wardrobe was filled with mall-tier and shit-tier clothing and I look like I don't give a damn about anything. Slowly getting more into /fa/ but it'll take time.

But seriously, /fa/. Thanks for making me realize how much of a faggot I was and looked. I've got to change that about myself.

>> No.6989423

>stooped wearing graphic tees
> got myself an asymmetrical undercut (curly hair)
>started working out
>pants and jeans have never been part of my getup
>just bought 2 pairs of chinos
>started rolling up my sleeves on my plain tees
>wear long socks with my plain shorts
>bought nice pair of leather black shoes with white soles
>kindda skaterish california look(from california so why not)
>started smoking
>started skating
>no more cargo shorts

i feel better about my life
by no means do i consider myself effay cause im chubbo but i feel better about myself

>> No.6989548

I used to not care about height or about how attractive I or anyone else is or what people wear.

Now I realize I'm the perfect height (6'2) and I don't respect anyone shorter than me. I also realize that I'm fairly attractive so I do not respect anyone less attractive than me. Also I'm constantly judging people based on what they wear (I think everyone dresses like shit).

Because of all of this I've heard that a lot of people think I'm an asshole and girls are intimidated of me so no one talks to me. I'm also slowly losing all of my friends.

The worst part of all this is that I don't want to feel this way about people and I'm constantly telling myself to stop judging people based on their height/attractiveness/clothing but all the years of being on /fa/ has permanently warped my views and attitudes and now I'm afraid I'll be an asshole forvever and lose all my friends and end up dying alone.

But atleast I'm attractive ;_;

>> No.6989579

>gain closet full of h&m/asos/topman/zara that serves as daily reminder of /fa/'s #menswear years and a memorial to all dem lost cops
>amassed 1800 hours in m&b
>got into twee pop
>got sick of twee pop
>graduate middle school and highschool
>get kicked out of college
>tfw still no gf

other than that ive been p much the same. still have the same hy ive been getting since 6th grade too.

>> No.6989585

>better wardrobe
>better body
>better hair
>better skin
>acquired gf, finally lost virginity
>got more friends
>took up new hobbies
>listen to better music, frequently attend shows

Despite all this I'm more insecure than I've ever been in my entire life.

>> No.6989587

Your body may be /fa/, but you, as a person, are terribly un-/fa/.

>> No.6989593

I dress better now. I'm willing to spend money on clothes. I have fewer clothes.

>> No.6989596

people think you're an asshole because you're an asshole

>> No.6989604

Lol this

>> No.6989646

>Quality is a large factor; if your clothes fall apart after a single wash then you're aren't dressing better.

you are the distillation of /fa/ fuccboi. The very essence.

>> No.6989648

i pay way too much for clothes because everything else fucking sucks

>> No.6989863

I became a drug addict

>> No.6989873

>realized I got a receding hairline
>got obsessed with judging everybodies hairline and general hair status

Thanks baldchan.

>> No.6989918

Yep that's
That's me
If it doesn't stop receding I'm killing myself

>> No.6989963

yeah, i found that paying full price is never a good idea. and i need to stop immediatly

>> No.6989969

im a little less pleb now but still pleb

>> No.6989982

>amassed 1800 hours in m&b
gj dude

>> No.6990853

>have a high hairline
>massive paranoia about it receding
>been thinking it's receding for 5 years despite it staying firmly in place
I don't know why I torment myself like this

>> No.6991029

I make fun of fedorafags even though I started off as one when I came here

>> No.6991053

I don't eat nearly as much.
I drink alot more coffee.

>> No.6991084
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Developed a huge ego, became very narcissistic but almost stopped caring about how other people dress and focus solely on my own image.

I dunno if I'm a better or a worse person than I was before.

>> No.6991091

yet you dress like shit

>> No.6991115

I started dressing in darker and more simple colors; black, white and navy.

>> No.6991138

realized that expensive clothes really do not make you look more attractive

>> No.6991202
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It started innocently enough, I started finding myself in simple layers of clothing and I didn't really mind, but then it escalated quickly, It shocked me at first but stacking 3 unzipped tops/jackets just felt so right, I mean all these shiny zippers just jingled so nicely together, all these layers of clothing also made me feel so big, comfortable and warm..
It just got worse with time, soon I started judging all my friends clothing, I went no-poo and I started to trash my clothes to achieve the glorious hobocore look, as time continued to pass the clothes got tighter and tighter and the layers just keept on growing Until I had reached a point where the mass that was my sick layering became so compact and so intense that it finally imploded into a black hole which devoured the last pieces of my shattered soul.
Now I'm nothing but an empty shell...
A walking corpse hidden deep down under pieces of cloth...
A silluete...
A silluete, with no qt 3.14 Cara gf.

>> No.6991234


I'm much more conscious about the various lifestyles and budgets that different people have.

>> No.6991231

/fa/ made me feel better about myself because I don't spend all my money on clothes while still living in my parents' house.

>> No.6991249

became more attractive
started working out a little and running to reduce bf
became more /fa/ as a person 'cause of a book that was shared on /fa/
insecure and nervous as fuck when I know that the clothes I'm wearing are bad
recently stopped buying new clothes since I became too picky and can't afford anything nice

>> No.6991260

definitely this

i also started paying attention to other people's fashion and what they wore and shit like that

also started looking into improving myself in more ways than just fashion because just fashion won't make me look good

>> No.6991267

I started reading The Bible to become more like Jesus, the most /fa/ person.

>> No.6991282

>became more attractive

>> No.6991284

>tfw I need matching fjallraven bags now
>tfw it would cost half of my checking account
>spending money on clothes as fast as I can make it
>I can't stop

There is hope though because I'm starting another job. So I'll make about $300/week as opposed to $150.

>> No.6991297

pretty scandinavian teenager /10

>> No.6991309

I'm 6'2" and golden blonde with blue eyes and cheekbones for miles.

>> No.6991359

Oy I play M&B too, you play on NA servers?

>> No.6991381


same here besides the insecurity

>> No.6991411

started wearing marginally less shitty stuff
became so picky I can never buy anything
went from kissless virgin to two friends with benefits
started to respect 4chan a bit more

>> No.6991419


I spend a lot more time on /fa/

>> No.6991422

I abandoned my dadcore tendencies and now view blogs like putthison with extreme suspicion.

>> No.6991431

Not much.
I still wear more or less the same clothes as before - I did ditch some that fit really bad tho.
I mostly just learned about a couple brands/designers/styles I didn't know about before.

>> No.6991436

Good point - I am definitely much more skeptical of anybody claiming to give fashion advice.

>> No.6992174

>top kek

>> No.6992211

Maybe there is something wrong with you physically.

>> No.6992228

I only buy something if I'm absolutely in love it. Means a slower-growing wardrobe, but I've 100% happy with everything I own.

Prolly harder if you're into limited-run stuff though.

>> No.6992237

Style changed twice. Went a bit casual dadcore. Bought a cardigan, some ocbds, nothing too offensive. I know how to wear them better now, and do sparingly and when necessary. Then my style change to lots of monochrome, usually with one piece of color. Usually the pants or shirt differ from the color scheme, but is well balanced by the other prices.

>> No.6992250


>> No.6992260

Haven't changed much at all, or rather I haven't deviated much from the path I was one before I started visiting /fa/. A lot of what I see on here seems geared toward a younger, more trend-focused crowd whereas I'm more into timeless stuff.

>> No.6992400

dem feels

>> No.6992411

Not much, since you all dress pretty shitty.

>> No.6992414

I hate everyone now

>> No.6992442

Before /fa/ I wore oversized everything and whatever was cheap.
Now I spend more time looking for pieces I like that I can afford and have a general look going.
I guess you could say I went from autismal to pleb.
Thanks /fa/

>> No.6992440

im able to shitpost all day now

>> No.6992462

What book are you talking about?

>> No.6992616

same. now I gotta just work on branching out. finding my style.

I think I like streetwear but I don't know. gotta find some good inspo

>> No.6992722

>realize i dress like a tryhard faggot
>stop dressing (dadcore (ocbd, chinos, cdb usually what i wore to college)
>throw away a lot of my clothes
>start shopping at barneys
>always broke because i spend my paychecks on new clothes
>become an alcoholic

>> No.6992833

ending is the best omg someone archive this

>> No.6992854

im less of a tryhard
i threw away all my boat shoes
i save up for stuff now
im a huge cynic
i have bouts of high self esteem and then followed by extreme low self esteem/insecurity, but mostly high self esteem
im more lonely

>> No.6992924
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I now know not to listen to anything on this board and that the Mr.Porter youtube is a godsend and that GQ.com > everything also that every fashion guy on youtube doesn't know shit and dresses like shit

>> No.6993381

I know this sounds cheezer as fuck, but its made me feel better about my face. I've always been thin and tall, very model like....but I pretty much hate my face, can't stand it. I go through the pics and find the models with weird faces, and it makes me feel better.

Gets tons of inspo and shit too

>> No.6993386

(sniffle) /fa/ gives me feels

>> No.6993422
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I play NA cRPG. You Darkkarma the dickass xbow?

>> No.6993434
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>tfw you'll never be in a fashionable street gang

>> No.6993794

>i have bouts of high self esteem and then followed by extreme low self esteem/insecurity,
same but its mostly low self esteem/insecurity

>> No.6993978

Haven't changed because /fa/ actually doesn't know fuck about style. I come here for the lulz.

>> No.6994045

>for the lulz

>> No.6994190

save that booze money for grailz bruh

>> No.6994238
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>> No.6995048
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>took a break from fa for a few years
>learn about style from bf

Pic is before I met the bf and during
>Ugly duckling to momcore

fa pushed me to realize I was a hamplanet though
Also, critic me

>> No.6995084

Yes, that's what I was getting at.

>> No.6995119

That's a pretty terrible jacket and outfit on the right so let's hope that's part of the before as well but you seem like you're trying so I'll just leave it at that. :(

>> No.6995116

I actually really like the far right. Really nice palette and it's arranged appropriately.

The other three are really bad though.
Broad stripes don't suit your body type.
Dresses that don't fit don't suit anyone's bodytype.
Cardi on the far left is the definition of frumpy.

>> No.6995126

pretty much this

>> No.6995128

Last two pics are 9/10, good job sister

>> No.6995139


whoopsie daisy

>> No.6995151

how tall are you?

>> No.6995259
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now when i walk down the street i go
is he fa, is that fa, am i fa?

>> No.6995271

>is he fa, is that fa, am i fa?
hahaha iktf

>> No.6995290

top kek

>> No.6995767

Your welcome

>> No.6995808


>> No.6995833

K, ty
The two before pics...took all of those clothes and sold it


>> No.6996485

How does an asymmetrical undercut look?

>> No.6996508

you look so happy on the 2 pics on the left and so mean/grump on the right

Just dress however you like, sweetie, no need to copy people if it doesn't suit you.

>> No.6996821

Super cute! I think the straight bangs ages you a bit though. :(

>> No.6997709

Difference is being outdoors with friends and indoors alone

I guess it depends. I had three separate clients this week say I look 16, too young to work, and like jailbait.

>> No.6997768

I find myself saying "effay" IRL

>> No.6997794

street goth is /fa/ as fuck

>tfw no crew to roll around and play dress up with

>> No.6997837

you gotta keep dat powerlevel on the downlow bruh

>> No.6997841

Started judging my appearance more

Started judging the appearances of others more

Dress better, hair is better, skin is better, posture is better

Even started working out a bit

Negatives: Judging people