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6979357 No.6979357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I just graduated with a business degree
>dont know what I want to do
>apply to urban outfitters just for some income
youre fucking with me right...

>> No.6979360

why would they hire you? you're over qualified. You would just quit and ditch them the second a better opportunity comes up.

>> No.6979370

if it's a general business degree and you don't already have a job/internship lined up, you're in big fucking trouble buddy

>> No.6979367

>i has a paper with no experience
>why aren't i drowning in opportunities

>> No.6979400


Don't put your 4 year degree on an application to an entry level position.

>> No.6979431

business degree is irrelevant to your ability to re-rack clothes and make change at the register

>> No.6979439

>tfw engineering undergrad
>tfw already offers for summer 2014 internships

>> No.6979447

OP, you gotta be looking for internships, not entry level jobs.

>> No.6979455


Engineering bro-fist.

>> No.6979461

If you aren't in engineering, then you should kill yourself. Besides, you are in an over-saturated field. Nobody needs more businessmen. Businessmen ruin the world, engineers will bring it back up.

>> No.6979477

mah engineering bro

bschool is for fags

>> No.6979546

>tfw having to choose your study field
>tfw very good at physics and math
>tfw only interested in literature, music and architecture

What do

>> No.6979554

go into engineering school

you will get a job

>> No.6979568

But I don't want that, it bores me ;_;

>> No.6979569

study architecture, its the most /fa/ career
>muh engineering degree
dont ask 4chan or reddit for career advice on that shit they will literally just spout engineering is GOAT bs

>> No.6979577

fucking loser engineers. medical ftw

>> No.6979578

Lit, music, and architecture are oversaturated fields like business. Engineering and Mathematics are the only worthwhile disciplines to study. Some sciences like Physics and Chemistry are worthwhile, whereas Biology is just useless.

>not taking excellent life advice

>> No.6979587

Hahaha, I bet you are a nurse. Enjoy having you job taken by Pakis.

>> No.6979592

Go to school for engineering and do arts as a hobby.

>> No.6979597

Exactly this. Arts is just pretty stuff on the wall--which makes a perfect hobby.

>> No.6979600

why are stem students so awful

>> No.6979603

What do you actually do in a engineering degree? Play with robots?

>> No.6979606

I really don't find engineering and math boring and I think you will probably come to find it interesting once you get studying it. Really if you are good at math and physics you should study engineering. There's nothing like having businesses compete for you to work for them.

>> No.6979609

Why are arts students so useless to society?

>> No.6979617


because they are fucking nerds

>> No.6979618

Did you maybe think you need retail experience to work retail?

>> No.6979619

Is being unemployed /fa/?

>> No.6979622

they have autism and therefore can't understand anything artistic or than doesn't directly result in money
they use the fact that they are studying something "superior" to mask their autism and pretend they have some kind of upper hand in society whereas they are actually bottom of the barrel in terms of friends/getting pussy/enjoying life/being kind

>> No.6979624

I know, man

I don't know about the situation in America, but in my country, those are far from being as saturated as the folk (rebbit, 4chan) wisdom goes. Must be the harsh entrance exams. The worst fields to go into employment-wise are economy, political science, and sociology.

>> No.6979626

Lol, you mean it's too hard for you. Engineering is just solving puzzles. That's is as fun as it gets.

>> No.6979635

but engineering doesn't result in money

>> No.6979636

they think it does though because it's easy for them to comprehend

>> No.6979637

Mmmmm, smells like shit and dead people and bleach at work today.

Just like every day.

I sure can't wait to meet disgusting diseased people.

super /fa/

or I could work for intel

>> No.6979640

Engineering students are exactly the kind of losers that wear leather jackets. A true sign of an autist is a leather jacket and an engineering degree.

>> No.6979642

Dem grapes

>> No.6979647

bandit pls

>> No.6979649

>tfw too stupid and dropped out of a major in the arts
>tfw barely any friends and virgin
i am the worst of the worst

>> No.6979652

No chef bros here?

>> No.6979655

why are non-stem students so hostile towards stem students? i don't get it.

>> No.6979658

i like the idea of cooking nice food for a living
but just for myself
working in a kitchen would be too stressful for me
maybe i should be a tv chef i know ainsley he could hook me up

>> No.6979662

you seem to not have had that much contact with engineering students. about 10-20% of engineering students at my school are the autist socially awkward type. the rest are just normal people who happen to have chosen engineering as a career.

>> No.6979668

most engineers appear "normal" but they're the nerds that discovered mfa and tried to dress more "professional" but under than dadcore shell lies a true autist

>> No.6979671

read the posts before mine
kiddies getting suckered into engineering degrees so they can design doorknobs for 80k a year for the rest of their lives

>> No.6979683

15 hours shifts n shit
mad stress
so satisfying and rewarding tho
u learn stuff 24/7 aswell
if u do go on tv make sure u yawn real loud in ur first episode so i know its u

>> No.6979684

made me laugh anon, thanks

>> No.6979688

>not designing doorknobs
>not designing a doorknob that resembles the male genitalia
>not designing a vagina keyhole


>> No.6979691

damn that's heavy, is it really worth it?
i mean i love cooking anyway so i get how it's satisfying but i imagine doing it under those conditions would take the love out for me at least
brb calling ainsley now i'll let youo know when my show is on

>> No.6979711

like any other career there will be people who make it to high paying managerial positions and people who design door knobs for their life. what engineering at the very least guarantees is a good job with good pay.

>> No.6979707
File: 317 KB, 600x900, 1379630803300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes a certain type of person 2 b a chef
every1 i know who's a chef always has the following traits
>OCD hygiene and cleanliness
>funny as fuck
>can't sit still for a minute
>works well under pressure
if that sounds like u then go 4 it
follow ur dreams
got some pics of stuff i've made on my sufu if ur interested

>> No.6979715

how do i into cooking, i can make a sick curry.

>> No.6979721
File: 8 KB, 300x251, rb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yawn im trying 2 make raymond blanc's cafe creme for gf soon

am i way out of my depth plz advise me

>> No.6979731

but it doesn't
I worked at lend lease and they'll only hire honours graduates and they're hiring in smaller numbers as they're increasingly using engineers from the middle east and india

>> No.6979747

I wouldn't mind engineering doorknobs for $80k a year

Better than OPs situation

>> No.6979751

do other STEM graduates get the same opportunities for employment as engineering guys?

I'm a neuroscience and chemistry double major, freshman

>> No.6979754
File: 33 KB, 372x355, 1379726303139 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol cooking is easy
just learn the basics and u can apply them to everything u will ever cook
like just knowing the average time to cook diff meats and all the veg cuts will b fine
pastry is a bit harder tho
^make that instead
u'll learn more and its like my fav RB dessert of all time
plus u can always make it taste like coffee if u want

>> No.6979757


>> No.6979766

Funny thing is, I've been renovating my new house, and I've been looking around to replace the doorknobs. The old ones look too brassy / country kitchen. Can anyone recommend some NXTLVL doorknobs for me?

I'm sure there's a doorknob engineer in this thread.

>> No.6979822

Yes, you will probably end up working for big pharm research in Texas. But unlike engineers you will probably need to go to grad school.

>> No.6979830

What, do I have no other job opportunities?

>grad school
That's alright I guess
Are there differences in pay between masters' and phds?

>> No.6979855

Generally 20g between phd and bs and 5g between ms and bs. Don't you want to work for pharm? Neuro and chem is for drug development.

>> No.6979890

Oh ok so I should do a PhD.

>Don't you want to
I don't really care, I went into neuro and chem because I love those subjects, not because of 300k starting or whatever.

Don't I have a choice between
>pursuing the chemistry part and doing something else than pharma
>pursuing the neuroscience path and being able to do research on HCI and cool stuff like that
>pursuing the neurochem path and doing pharma


>> No.6979900

Because most STEM student are utter douches, saying that them, and only them help and make society better, that only them are useful.

>> No.6979918

Yeah so basically chem would give me a lot of opportunities.
I guess I should get into chem then.


>> No.6979909

You could do chemical engineering or get into material engineering. But if you really like biology because of the neuro you could also try getting into medical nanobots. I have a grad student in chemistry friend who did nanobot research at UofA.

>> No.6979919


>get business degree
>doesn't make any contacts in college

yeah you're fucked OP.

Better start working out those forearms, they're going to get tired flipping burgers all day.

>> No.6979920

Probably because they made everything that has improved the quality of life to where it is today.

>> No.6979931

I know this feel so much.
I'm studying physics at the moment, and I am actually pretty good at it, but I'm doing absolutely nothing for it, because it just bores me. I mean, it has it's moments, but I'm not obsessed with it like my colleagues. I never really talk with them, so I'm not really sure though. Whenever I home I paint or play the guitar or photograph or something. Somehow I'd like to try something else at the moment, but I'm in the fifth semester already, I finished my Bachelor in a year.

>> No.6979976

yea it sucks, but you live and learn. Honestly business seems so fucking boring to me, hence why I was just unsure of what to do. I was thinking of saving up and moving to paris for awhile just for shits. Then come back and get my MBA in finance. I figure once I get that career its only gonna be that for awhile. I have plenty of time to waste away my life being a cog in society. Meanwhile I'm seeing if i can get a career path to be a buyer, cuz thats one career I can genuinely be interested in

>> No.6980029
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>> No.6980059

I don't hate the STEM disciplines; they're valuable, dynamic, and rich fields of study.
The kids who take those majors and then lord them over everyone on 4chan are fucking repellant though. It's even richer when you realize that most of them are still students and have neither graduated nor found employment yet.

>> No.6980061
File: 34 KB, 234x200, sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I was thinking about majoring in business because I'm afraid of going into art school and getting a worthless degree

>> No.6980069




>> No.6980066


>can't find a job
>"i guess i'll just go to paris and come back and go to school some more"

is anyone else reading this faggots shit an laughing their ass off?

you don't get it man. its OVER. You can't make enough to get to paris, and even if you could they won't give you a visa because you don't know the language and you don't have a degree in a field they need workers in.

you don't really seem to grasp how completely FUCKED you are.

>> No.6980077
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Fuck, well what do... any advice?

>> No.6980084

If you can't do stem do finance.

>> No.6980102


I need to wipe my ass right now. I just lost my shit.

>> No.6980105

oh fuck...I think I finally just realized it. Thank you anon. I cant believe it took some anon in an image board to make me finally see it. I dont even know what do to with my life anymore...guys im scared.

>> No.6980124


you don't need money to travel

and by travel, I mean for real, not tourist shit

you're in America? Fucking fine, travel in america, it's huge, and believe me, there are MILLIONS of amazing experiences and opportunities to be had by traveling there

just do it anon, if you have nothing to lose

>> No.6980127

gonna drop out of uni soon but i don't care since i'm gonna kill myself within the next 3 years anyways
don't even give a fuck

>> No.6980150

please explode yourself in area 51

>> No.6980142

Get your shit together. Go look for an internship with a small company. What you need right now is an internship, motherfucker. Not Paris.

You need some real world experience to sharpen you teeth.

>> No.6980145

2 years at a CC, scholarship transfer to uni. Anyone can go to college. CC is sooooooo cheap. Just get an IT 2-year degree. Everywhere needs an IT guy. Then transfer and do programming or something while working at an IT job.

>> No.6980155

Pls go on a killing rampage in Detroit.

>> No.6980162


you get a trade skill.

You become a plumber, or a cop, or a firefighter, or a carpenter, or a welder. You work out every day so your back doesn't break.

The reason you do this is because by the time you have your house paid for, your parents are going to start dying and you're going to need to take care of them.

Being young is fun and all, and you're still young and should have fun, but realize that you have responsibilities to other people and you're going to need to take care of them down the road.

For instance, if one or both of your parents got altzheimers, could you put them in a home? it costs like a thousand bucks a week per person. You think you could foot the bill until they croaked?

You had the college experience man. now its over and it's time to grow up.

>> No.6980166

no i'm not angry at anyone. i just don't like the way life is and don't mind losing it

>> No.6980171

thats what I want to do...travel to Paris
but life experiences...
I already graduated with a finance degree and Im not interested in IT.

>> No.6980176

>don't mind losing it
Well, I was saying to go to area 51

Get a gopro camera or whatever and strem your shit

Break into groom lake

Let the whole world know what's going on there

Kill a few cops then kill yourself

You could also go to the Pentagon, or anywhere like that really

>> No.6980187

Did you never work before or something? You should be able to get a job at your local bank with a finance degree. Or any loan shark office. What are you doing?

>> No.6980185


your time to travel was in college. That's over.

>> No.6980199

but i was a broke college student...how am I suppose to travel. Also I did travel for like a month...loved it. Wanna spend like a year or two there

>> No.6980204

This thread got emosh. pretty quickly

>> No.6980207

do it op. if you think it's right then do it.

>> No.6980222


you get a job or a grant dummy.

"what you want" doesn't matter because you pissed all your time away. You thought you had forever. you don't, and now you know too late.

So im telling you NOW, get a skill and join the workforce and start saving money before it's too late AGAIN.

>> No.6980226

yea my dad said he knows someone from Bank of America that can give me an internship. I dont really want it. I wanna live life while Im fucking young.

this >>6980105 was more sarcasm than anything else. The guy was just being a fucking asshole. Its like my life isnt over are you serious jackass

>> No.6980231

This. Life will work itself out, so enjoy it while you can.

>> No.6980241


>are you serious jackass

yes, actually.

it's ok man. when you're 30 and still living at home on your parents dime you'll see i was right.

>> No.6980313

The boomers fucked you OP.

They don't have retirement, so they're going to keep working their jobs until they literally drop dead. So sure man, go travel and find yourself for all the good it'll do ya. I have no idea where you'll get the money or how you'll eat, but im sure you'll figure out something.

Meanwhile, everyone else is going to be retraining and interning with the other wolves at the door trying to get into their field of choice. You're going to get left behind.

>> No.6980322

Let me guess, you've never worked before?
They're not going to hire an unexperienced kid because he has a fancy pantsy degree when he knows jack shit about working.

>> No.6980331

It's all about them connections.
Unless you know someone somewhere you're kind of fucked unless you want to be an intern.

>> No.6980334

Take the internship. Life isn't rainbows and fairydust.

>> No.6980341

Get that internship if you want to have a job in the next three years.

>> No.6980353
File: 13 KB, 876x603, 1339809093136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aunt works as manager of a shoe store
>got me a job that pays 17 bucks an hour saying hey can I help you

>> No.6980356

That's nice until you're 25.

>> No.6980366

I'm 19 and studying, I don't intend to work there all my life.

>> No.6980371


that's the thing though, you might.

>> No.6980379


is this a family job or can anyone get a job at a shoe store saying "hey can i help you?"

>> No.6980380

I hate it, no fucking way I'm working retail a minute more than I have to.
Customers are shit people.

>> No.6980389

Most large retail stores have people walking around to help people.

>> No.6980391


lol where else are you going to make that much money for that little work?

You don't get it man.

>> No.6980394


that pay 17 an hour? no fucking way

>> No.6980400


i tell you what man, if you tell me where you work i'll MOVE THERE and take your job. TOMORROW. That's how badly i want to get paid as much as you.

>> No.6980404

You sure you want to move to sweden?

>> No.6980411

Not 17 an hour, although some stores do have commission if it's like tech or appliance store.

>> No.6980415


oh my god for real? you live in fucking SWEDEN and you have the nuts to complain about anything? fuck you you piece of shit.

>> No.6980417

upper end stores ftw

>> No.6980422

working in retail doesn't have much to do with your qualifications at all, more your practical experience/potential... the point is to be either experienced or extremely likeable/attractive/friendly/sociable and so on. if you were shit in the interview, your qualifications mean nothing. does being intelligent mean you'll be a likeable enough person to sell something? of course not. i'm about to go to university so i don't have a degree yet, but i have a job in retail despite my lack of qualifications because i am well-suited to a job like that (organised, present myself well, friendly demeanour, etc). most people who work in retail start off like that, then they gain lots of experience and move up the ranks.
as a person with a qualification, internships are what you should be looking for. jobs such as retail are a different world to academic jobs, and the means through which you get them are different.
i'm not putting down retail jobs or the kind of career you should be getting into, i'm just making the distinction to help you understand why you were rejected (probably). don't worry. you will probably not be rejected by jobs that are actually suited to your qualification.

>> No.6980426

You think working in retail is better here?
I got somalis getting their pirate fingers all over the leather boots.

>> No.6980444


do you have to deal with NIGGERS TOUCHING EVERYTHING and hispanics trying to ask for help even though they can only speak spanish and arabs and indians trying negotiate for 50% off everything? Or white trash rednecks returning everything when it's used as fuck or broken?


fuck you.

>> No.6980442

>somalis getting their pirate fingers all over the leather boots
hahah holy shit I laughed so hard, based swedenbro

>> No.6980453

And people say sweden is infested.

>> No.6980458

w0w u sound unpleasant

>> No.6980466

>arabs and indians trying negotiate for 50% off everything?

they want EVERYTHING for free

>> No.6980477

>graduated without connections
>graduated without a job
lol m8 u literally just pissed those 5-6 years down the drain

>> No.6980479

People like that aren't intimidated by everything in the store being like 500$ in the US?

>> No.6980514


>working at pizza place
>indian dude calls
>no sir that's dominos we are pizza hut
>no sir we do not match competitors coupons
>sir if you'd like i can put you on with my manager

i can't be arsed to type it all out but he called back twice in the next hour trying to negotiate prices for pizzas. Eventually he "agreed" to settle on a coupon that was on our website.

My mom and dad raised me to not see color, but jesus christ i fucking hate indians.

>> No.6980521

I just stopped explaining things and just say "yes" or "no" whenever indians ask questions.

>> No.6980544

Your parents raised you not to see colour, theirs didnt raise them not to act their colour

>> No.6980547

It's my gift to you, I wish I'd thought of it earlier.

>> No.6980540


that's.. actually an incredibly good idea.

>> No.6980558

I work at kohls where everything is essentially free and the indians only come in with our 10 free bucks then get everything off the clearance racks then spend 88 cents and leave. The asians are worse. They come in with a posse of 10 asians all with the 10 free kohls bucks email then all together slap down the email monopoly money and then buy all clearance. Then they all sign up a new email and pay with the matriarchs 30% off kohls card. But they aren't smelly or rude like the indians. They're nice.

>> No.6980572

Asians are polite but incredibly stiff and impersonal.
I've went to the same drycleaner once a week for 5 years and that chink asks for my number every fucking time. No accknoledgement whatsoever.

>> No.6980574

That's generallymy experience too.
East Asians are stupidly, insanely frugal but they aren't pushy about it, they're just chancers.
West Asians will stab a dog in the face if it gets them a penny off.

>> No.6980576

That's not how I should have spelled acknowledgement.

>> No.6980587

i used to work at kohls and for some reason they would lose thousands of dollars of merchandise daily to theft.

you would have to fill three truckloads to get $1000 worth of merchandise from kohls.

>> No.6980589

>want to get a degree related to IT/computer repair
>enjoy working on computers, and everywhere now needs a IT guy
>shit at math, need lots of math credits for any related major

i guess i should just get a tutor or something

>> No.6980590


>everything is essentially free
>10 free bucks

hows this work now? just sign up with email? Any other tips for jewing the system?

>> No.6980599

filipino here my mom is frugal as shit, that sounds so much like her

>> No.6980609

Why do brown asians have to shit up the name of asians everywhere?

>> No.6980617

i have no idea, fuck filipinos though. Theyre fucking scum

>> No.6980633

Sign up for the email get 10 free kohls bucks. Spend 50 and get 10 free. Kohls cash doesn't expire. Our return policy is retarded. We will take anything back. Check the wifi on the way out and there is usually a coupon. Signing up for a kohls charge during the scratchers sale one week a month is 30% off everything.

however the only clothes worth buying are the nike, adidas, levis, and dockers. Everything else is shittier than h&m quality and the worst cut you have ever seen in your life.

>> No.6980720

Well the life khaki chinos are pretty good quality too but the cut is straight, not slim.

>> No.6981059

>Kohls cash doesn't expire
We're turning away expired Kohl's Cash at my store now.

>> No.6981105

I did a BSc in Geomatics and a BA in French Language studies. Now I'm pursuing a Master's of Planning. Everybody who went to my university for this program for the last 5 years who wanted a job got one within 3 months of graduation that started at 80k+ in Canada. It's also extremely engaging and interesting, and as a multi-disciplinary program I'm enjoying it.

>> No.6981124

>muh self loathing

>> No.6981137
File: 62 KB, 498x720, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate myself and everything about my race

>> No.6981815
File: 204 KB, 637x1134, ios7_homescreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GraPHic DesIGn MasterRace Here!

>> No.6981858

this made me laugh

>> No.6981877

journalist major here

how the fuck do i make connections

>> No.6981894


>> No.6981899

i dont wanna be one of those faggot journos i wanna be like hunter s thompson style, at least im planning to be like that

>> No.6981911

>hunter s thompson

i genuinely laughed

how would you even plan something like this? are you planning to change your personality? are you planning to take copious amounts of drugs daily?

take one look at the guy and tell me he planned out his life

he is the human embodiment on spontaneity, he trusted his erratic instincts and was lucky enough to come out on top

>> No.6981916

>not working god tier union blue collar job

thank you based socialisms

>> No.6981932

>apply to all sorts of high school jobs

>wearing a suit becuase city planning dept. interview for 70k /year position. ALL the soccer mmoms in the building treat me like shit and say shit like "you need to have a degree for this position, let me find you something part time"

flash resume, master.s ba, bs, aa, as that's more college than all of their kid's classes ever taken added up 7 years at a top LA law firm owned by my father........25 years old, get more shit done in 25 years than 3 generations of her family.

>kicked out of building

go to local dave n buster's type place

hand resume into manager, 5'2" scene girl probablt 20 years old

>oh wow this looks impressive, what's this here master's? whats that?

it's one step below "doctor".....

>oh ok cool cool, so like do you have any advice on how to get into a college????? twirl hair

no, keep the resume, my card is attached to it

>oh cool you have a business card!


at this point i'd sit there and decant front sight posts, and fix wobbling magazines in ak's for al qaueda as long as they pay 6 rupees an hour

>> No.6981937

oh and al qaueda if you're reading this, i know how to work solidworks, reload ammo, and i know where all the major metropolitan areas are!!!!

i know how frag grenades are designed, and i can mass produce them given enough pot metal, and smokeless gun powder

- open avalibitlity

>> No.6981941

I joined the army at the beginning of global war on terror. Did some school while in, finished with international relations at a brick mortar.

I work for a three letter intel agency and have travelled and done awesome shit.

Suck my dick STEM.

>> No.6981959

enjoy your van'

>> No.6981981

90% of students who complete their bachelors in my course get jobs in the field in their first year

You don't know what you're talking about fuck off.

>> No.6981991

hey, for every american they kill, thats another job!

and if they bomb senior centers, we will keep social secuity profitable, and it kills a bunch of useless baby boomer idiots opening up several positions for everyone else

>> No.6981992

A lot of architecture students don't have job and unemployment its reported at very high ( 15%).
Perhaps its because architecture has a lot of temporary work which still lists them for unemployed

Is your college well known for architecture or something

Please tell me i would love to here

>> No.6981995

>applies to one job
>doesn't get it

Wow OP this is so fucking messed up, what a huge fucking surprise too. (Btw I work at Urban Outfitters)

>> No.6982004

let me steal from your store, sell the clothes on amazon in masse and i'll hand you 20%

33% of take from meth sales
and i'll bring a few working girls in and you can work out a deal with them.

also i need a workspace to build Chinese ak's for a bunch of muslims

>> No.6982009
File: 9 KB, 460x276, Rick-Owens-in-Paris-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw i wasnt a complete idiot and learned a skilled trade instead of going to uni

feels good being able to afford high end fashion

>> No.6982007

>master.s ba, bs, aa,
I bet it's in something useless too

>> No.6982016

I literally spent my summer applying for part time jobs and went to over 9000 interviews when I finally landed this one. Easy money and flexible schedule for a college student.

>> No.6982026


I know this feel too

The first government that acts quick and hires the best salesmen in the market instead of faggy analists will conquer the world and obliterate it's own debt in a blink.

>> No.6982041

financial security is not fulfilling for everyone

>> No.6982053

nothing is worse than commerce academics.

i feel u b

>> No.6982064

I am actually doing some research inspired by the stem fields
I am looking at hiring fluctuations since just like the market there are surplus and shortages
From what i can tell the stem surplus is hitting now and there are going to be a lot of kids who jumped on the band wagon to late

In all honesty I want to map out the standard hiring cycles for all careers

>> No.6982069

Is Carpentry a /fa/ job?

>> No.6982073

>go for degree in psychology because it's what i'm interested in and passionate about
>get job right out of college with local organization
>pay is shit but actually enjoy work
>become supervisor
>pay still shit
>plan on going for MSW next year
>pay will be better but still shit
>any increase in salary will probably be offset by student loans

No Rick for me anytime soon but believe it or not doing something meaningful that you enjoy can make up for not making much money.

>> No.6982078

sounds like a waste of time
how do you define a stem field?

also i swear people make it sound like every field is saturated, is that why i have all these internships lined up?

>> No.6982085


>> No.6982093

economy like in economics?
why? economics is the best business related degree, but they have the best ability to analyze stuff.

where do you come from?

>> No.6982096

I do economics so not really writing papers on economic cycles is good and since it is the governments job to mitigate low and upturns in economics cycles it could be of use to them

Its not specifically for stem Its just because the sheer amount of faggots going into stem i was wondering how the market was sustaining it

Not every field is saturated at masters level but bachelors degrees are like high school degrees now so there is a great influx

I get into a little rage ball by the amount of people who go into college for technical skills

>> No.6982106

>tfw my father, grand father, and great grandfather have all gotten engineering degrees and have had successful careers in the steel industry
>tfw i got my degree in english and now work delivering boxes of wine in nyc
>tfw my dad still sends me checks that allow me to still shop at barneys
at least i live in a /fa/ city right...

>> No.6982116

no offense dude but don't spend the money your dad gives you on unnecessary life things. save it to buy important things or to prepare to forward your career

>> No.6982117

Sorry b but seeing clients make progress and live better lives is better validation than the opinion of a tripfag on 4chan

>> No.6982115

>highschool was ez as fk(took most of my classes during summer)
>breeze through grade 11 taking most of my grade 12 classes already
>grade 12 comes and essentially graduated, go into trades school(for that maxcash/time ratio) take Automotive Refinishing.
>start my apprenticeship after 6 months of tradeschool while the rest of my peers still slaving for the books
>I get my ticket a couple months from now and will just turn 19 next month
>The old fucker I work with is slow as fuck and still manages to make 80k a year.

Am I effay

>> No.6982124

how do you define a stem field?
how do you define field saturation?

i have a feeling none of this is really objective?

what are you talking about...how else will people learn them? it's not easy to buy your own electron microscope so you kind've need a medium to access it. on top of that college facilities often have great programs (such as internship programes) that allow subscribers to develop their skills???

>> No.6982130 [DELETED] 

You have some pretty warped views on nutrition. Most of that is plain myth. Where is your science?

>> No.6982133

you can say that but there's a reason a lot of medical professionals call it a pseudoscience.
but if you enjoy it and are finding results then the opinion of a tripfag which happens to correlate with most of the medical science community is okay.

>> No.6982141

neuro student here
psych is kind of needed for my shit

>> No.6982153

>all these undergrad autists itt
Shouldnt u nerds be studying

>> No.6982159

Leave the degree off you're CV moron.
Fill it with the job/s you had whilst studying.

>> No.6982165


top kek

>> No.6982171

>do you define a stem field?
Science t ( forgot what the T meant) engineering math
>how do you define field saturation?
How many people are studying in a field compared to the amount of job openings and in general the total amount of jobs currently in the market.

>what are you talking about...how else will people learn them?

By going to a trade school and not going to college if they aren't going to research
This isn't so much an issue of the people but rather how American schooling is sprawling upwards in qualifications to compensate for its shoddy schooling

Turnleft this isen't that hard of stuff to figure out perhaps you are just a retard

>> No.6982173

Liberal art fags like you wouldnt understand

>> No.6982200

God fucking dammit I know this. Fucking indians. I work at a men's clothing store. I was new, like weeks new, first job fresh out of high school. This fucking skeeving shitskin asks me how much a 2,000 dollar suits costs, and I, mistakenly say a sale that expired the day before applies to it, and its around 500 bucks. My manager corrects me, and says the suit is full price. The indian makes a big shit about me "keeping my word" and goes on such a bitch fit my manager just lets him get it for 500 dollars, down from 2,000.

I thought indians were equal to white people until i got a job. They are just dumber, more numerous jews.

>> No.6982194

Is computer science and computer programming saturated?

>> No.6982214

Lucky for you the demand for CS is so fucking high that despite the huge amount of people going into the field there is still room for more.
Last i checked it was 36% growth rate that is ridiculous

Along with that the field itself is a good compliment with any other degree. If you get CS and any other bachelor/masters you can work at a high end job in many other fields

>> No.6982212

mate, youre researching about stem fields but you don't know what the 't' in stem means...

anyway a 'stem' career can lead to careers outside of stem applciation...having said that stem encompasses a really broad spectrum of potential careers which i don't think you're appreciating in your 'research'.

wait what...
if i was a stem student why would i learn technical skills (microscopes, genetic analysis tehcniques, simple tool shit etc etc) if i wasnt planning to go into research?
your sort of ubiquitous approach to research without really having a firm knowledge on what youre talking about it is kind of 'interesting'.

perhaps i am a retard though.

>> No.6982232

Like i said I am not researching stem specifically more that they gave me the idea for this vein of research I will be attempting all majors.

And although the Stem field is very large the majors are becoming more and more stratified in order to compensate for the influx of applicants

>> No.6982246

oh I actually agree it's not a science, but it still works.

>> No.6982249
File: 469 KB, 500x307, 1356515887803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work in Bottle-O
>Special tickets all over the place buy 2 etc buy 3 etc
>Sometimes bottles of stuff end up in the wrong spots through customers moving them around
>Or they're unable to read the smallprint listing the exact items included and assume it's the entire row
>Come up to counter
>Ring it up
>Deal doesn't work as they don't have the right items
>That's not how it works
>No, only items listed on the ticket are relevant

It's almost as fun as the times sketchy cunts come in and swap tickets around, ie.

>Stella 6pack for $14
>They take the ticket and put it on a different product
>Bring the product to the counter
>Scan it, that's X dollars
>Go with them over to where they got it
>Point out the label on the ticket clearly says Stella

About the only time that works is if we forgot to take down a special ticket that ended and it actually says the item they want on it.

I've had customer complaints.

>> No.6982255

it means tech.

yeah, you dont have a solid knowledge foundation for your commentary or w/e.
it's also diversifying at pretty notable rates...perhaps consider the comment above yours (cs is considered stem).

>this is why people dont like commercial studies.

>> No.6982276

>.perhaps consider the comment above yours
I wrote that

>> No.6982277

This is debatable. While all engineers change the world, only a few do it well. Most engineers just design how to make a chair in the cheapest way possible for it to be marketable for wal-mart.
Basically most engineers do is work for a company that decides for them how the much expense, convenience and quality of a product will be balanced and work to create within those boundaries. They do nothing to improve the world, as marketing plays a bigger role in design then design itself.

>> No.6982288

i had a feeling you did...

>on one hand you're saying stem is oversaturated and stem students have a unfortunate future...on the other you're saying the exact opposite for stem students.

>> No.6982301

Like you said before stem is a broad field and like i said before I am not doing my study on stem as a whole merely the majors in it

and CS is an anomaly it has ridiculously high demand but that does not define all fields realize whenever I refer to stem I am usually not trying to be scientific and am just doing a normative statement

>> No.6982345

Give it up m8, you've been backpedalling for like 3 posts

>> No.6982352

then next time stfu
>stem surplus is hitting now and there are going to be a lot of kids who jumped on the band wagon to late
this is complete bs. your opinions are uneducated, stem fields have a lot of potential and some eco student is in no position to define it.

here's a real anecdote for you; s/t like 40% of first years at my uni go into business, eco or commerce related degrees.
less than 2% of those that graduate find careers in that field.

random people will say s/t different about finance and sort of the more analytical/stats side but idk about it.
>this is not true of everywhere - truth be told businesses where i live struggle due to the region. maybe america or other countries don't suck for it.

>> No.6982374
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>getting a degree in business
>don't know what to do
>applying for UO
Man that's just 3 terrible things to do in a row, god damn OP you just can't stop fucking up can you?? Not even trying to be mean but god damn man holy fuck nipples.

>> No.6982386

This, feels gr8 man.
Income to support a home-studio, mentally stimulating career.

Because being useful feelsgoodman.
If it weren't for breakthroughs in STEM, the computers you live and die by, be it your art blogs, forums, music production DAW, art design interface, digital files, ideas and concepts easily accessible, and so forth, you wouldn't have jack shit.
STEM doesn't just provide our knowledge our world, and make it easier to use, but help progress the artistic and historical understanding of it.
STEM master race.
High income master race.
Poorfags can suck it lmao.

>> No.6982398

>High income master race.
>Poorfags can suck it lmao.

brought to you by a first year undergrad whos got it 'all planned out'

>> No.6982412

>>stem surplus is hitting now and there are going to be a lot of kids who jumped on the band wagon to late
>this is complete bs. your opinions are uneducated, stem fields have a lot of potential and some eco student is in no position to define it.

>read normative statment
I never said it didn't have a lot of potential
> lrn two reading comprehension

I was merely stating that there are more people applying to stem related fields in the
recent years

>here's a real anecdote for you; s/t like 40% of first years at my uni go into business, eco or commerce related degrees.
>less than 2% of those that graduate find careers in that field.

1% career rate would mean our economy is truly terrible statistics aren't good though
90% are employed the statistics on employment by field is shaky at best but it shows that 68% usually are employed in there field perhaps your area it is particularly terrible though.

Let me summarize all that i am saying.
A career path becomes very popular and well known for its employment rate and income

People here about this then attempt to get a job in said field.

This continues until the field is filled yet since people are not omnipotent they may not find this out until up to 4 years.

This is something that is proven to happen in many careers not even bullshiting you there. we know this happens.

What I want to do is map out the cycle to see the average amount of time between the shortage and the surplus of applicants for each major

The whole band wagon thing is obvious and I am not implying much that when a person with little interest in the field ( aka me) is hearing rants and raves about its benefits. that this career path might be becoming over saturated

>> No.6982418

>being a business pleb with no specialization
you fucked up op

>> No.6982428

>people in this thread are actually choosing jobs they dont like just so they can have more money

im losing my fucking shit reading this

>working for the bourgeoise

you should all feel ashamed

>> No.6982442

Yeah great, lots of shit we don't need. What else? Whatever you're going to be doing probably won't be furthering humanity. Just because you study physics and Einstein was a physicist you feel some type of entitlement, access to clandestine knowledge.. the brotherhood of STEM.

It's a fine myth you've told yourself, now fuck off.

>> No.6982443

there isn't really anything to argue so im just going to green text.

> a lot of kids who jumped on the band wagon to late
>merely stating that there are more people applying to stem related fields in the
recent years
>band wagon to late
>band wagon to late
>band wagon to late

>find careers in that field
> careers
>in that field
> business, eco or commerce related degrees
>1% career rate would mean our economy is truly terrible statistics aren't good though
>68% usually are employed in there field perhaps

>A career path becomes very popular and well known for its employment rate and income

>something that is proven to happen in many careers
>I do economics

>whole band wagon thing is obvious
> I am usually not trying to be scientific and am just doing a normative statement

>> No.6982445

3rd year and 3 internships, 2 of them repeated, so yeah, it's pretty planned out

>> No.6982452

>Yeah great, lots of shit we don't need. What else? Whatever you're going to be doing probably won't be furthering humanity. Just because you study physics and Einstein was a physicist you feel some type of entitlement, access to clandestine knowledge.. the brotherhood of STEM.
>It's a fine myth you've told yourself, now fuck off.
Man that's some grade A butthurt right now, my point was that STEM helped progress other field's capabilities, literally almost all other fields have benefited a great deal because of STEM.

Sure I won't be refining laws of the Universe and verifying String Theory some bullshit, or finding a multiuniverse effect, causing time dilation or whatever.
I could be helping the arts progress by providing more tools for artists, computational refinement for researchers, definitive guides for firms to grow, the list can go on.

Cry harder.

>> No.6982454

>doesnt know that the government pays for a portion of intership wages
>they are only keeping you becuase youre cheap
>when you apply for a real job, you wont make the cut

>> No.6982465

Toppest of lels, oh man. Just because your internships as a marriage's photographer and never got another job doesn't mean it's impossible for everyone else.
>tfw friend ditched finance+business for math and is now working an entry-position for Goldman Sachs
He's rolling in Jew gold all because he ditched a useless Finance degree and got a legitimate one.

>> No.6982472

ITT: people who think they have control over their lives

ITT: thinking that any of this shit matters in the grand scheme of things

ITT: average minded people talking about jobs for superior minded people

ITT: skinny nerds dropping job statistics from their parents suburban household

ITT: people telling OP to take an internship at an unsatisfying and predictable job over travelling

ITT: people thinking they take their wealth with them to the grave

This board is cancer.

>> No.6982478

,,i am so enlitend buy the bulshit of life & your all sheep inside this second i am feeling euphoria`` - u

cry harder about your useless degree fagtron and project your shame onto people who actually are getting degrees that benefits themselves and others

>> No.6982494

>,,i am so enlitend buy the bulshit of life & your all sheep inside this second i am feeling euphoria`` - u

you say this because its easier for you to categorise me as a fedoracore neckbeard than to try and figure out what it actually means. lazy.

>cry harder about your useless degree fagtron and project your shame onto people who actually are getting degrees that benefits themselves and others

do you actually think having more money than you really need is benefiting yourself? your delusion is deeper than i previously thought

>> No.6982513

you only really want money because everybody else has it
it's not really that important- not to a first world borne such as yourself. unless you become illiterate you'll survive.

>> No.6982516

>ur dumb ur dumb u dont kno anything
That's your argument, which is why you're as pathetic as a buttmad fedorafag.
Wealth gives you access to more resources, more resources gives more power over yourself and others.
More resources allows more opportunities.
More resources allows buttmad fedorafags with a political science major to bath you in glorious tears.

Am I against learning them? Fuck no, you should learn those and there should be specializing in those fields.
Am I against people telling others that it's ok to allow yourself to spiral into massive debt to pursue something that'll get you no income? Yes, we live in the information era, take advantage.

>> No.6982530
File: 169 KB, 968x1457, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Fuckig shit dumbass
I used to be like you...
In highschool!

Play the game shithead! It's the myth of Sisyphus, more more more
Power is all it is at the core

But you're too good for that huh?
Eat a dick faggot you disgrace my country

>> No.6982531

resources and opportunities for what exactly? moving one or two rungs up the proletariat ladder? stop buying into the bullshit facade that is presented to us from birth

>> No.6982542
File: 445 KB, 1360x2217, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facade presented at birth

Lol you went full euphoria
I used to talk like that too
You get over it and realize fuck it yolo and you grind til the day you die
It's a game and I want the high score

>> No.6982546

Whatever you like, a better music studio, a faster car, gun collection, figurine collection, art collection, dragon dildo collection, better security system installed, faster and more efficient computer with the highest end components, the ability to freeze yourself to be brought back to life in the year 2090 when DA SINGUULURITY happens and I can live in an era where I can finally be with my waifu as we live on being effay.

New Ricks.
Are you seriously arguing this shit on /fa/?

>> No.6982556

Have the money to afford to not live in a nigger community and not have all your Rick Owens, Raf Simmons stolen as A$AP Rocky rhymes are chanted by a mob of fuccboi nigs.

>> No.6982552

>It's a game and I want the high score

you will never get the high score simply because you were never born into monumental wealth that only a select few ever get

you will never become one of those people

if you play the game you will lose

bourgeoise want you to play the game so they get more profits

you aren't benefitting anyone except them

you are delusional

>> No.6982559

You're overqualified

They know you'll leave at the first chance you'll get, and you know they're right. Welcome to the fallacy of the open, free market guiding our lives. In reality, it just makes us divided, selfish, and necessarily cruel.

>> No.6982560

if you think fashion is all about owning the best things you should leave this board

>> No.6982561

Well that's your fault. I've been studying accountancy and haven't been unemployed through my degree. Plenty of people in the business school have jobs lined up before graduation.

>> No.6982568

>major in math+computer science
>plan to maintain 3.9+ GPA and get president in math club & finance club
>go to Yale/Harvard/MIT for grad school
>seduce professors with my euphoric intellect and sicc fits
>work for Goldman Sachs
>join Jews in political control
>learn their secrets
>expose secrets
>become next big Snowden
Suck it poorfag ima reveal the world as you stay in your poorfag world crying about how unfair life is and you're too gay to do anything about it while spouting buzzwords.

>> No.6982580

>if you think fashion is all about owning the best things you should leave this board
I... never implied that? You're just more enabled to do so with more money?
Why is this so hard to understand?
>Cheap but quality cop? Yes!
>Expensive but super quality cop? Shit..
>Super expensive but shitty cop? Lmao no way! Stupid consumerist sheep would probably get it anyways!
>Cheap but quality cop? Yes! Wait, spent all money this week
Not poorfags:
>Cheap but quality cop? Yes!
>Expensive but super quality cop? Sure!
>Super expensive but shitty cop? Lmao no.
>Cheap but quality cop? Yes!

More resources = more enabled.

>> No.6982582

Obviously psych isn't a science but that's utterly irellevant to its value.

turnleft please think.

>> No.6982583

help i took a gap year mid way and now i dont really want to go back to college

i could do a electrician course next yr mad job prospects and gwap but id be effay modelboi amongst trailer trash bogans and god knows what else, probably not as much as the other trade fields though

i got offered a hairdressing apprenticeship which is an effay af field full of qt3.14s and fashion killas plus it has mad job prospects

what do u think effay

>> No.6982587

you'll end up as a middling trader

>> No.6982585

Not anymore, at least a specialized field.
Everything can just be learned along with your field.

>> No.6982588

you think slaving away most of your life and giving a small sliver to charity compares at all in any way to being someone who actually gets their hands dirty and does the shit to help others themselves that none of us do because we're all out to get our piece of the pie?

it's fine if you're a doctor, we need those, and you're probably too busy working and helping people to enjoy the money you're making. but we need people to serve our food to us, clean our shit, yet they can't even climb out of poverty despite working full time.

"The whole deal's like some crazy game. They put you at a starting line, and the name of the game is "Make It Through Life," only everyone's looking out for themselves and looking to do you in at the same time."

>> No.6982589

you're philosophies now are cheaper than mine in high-school, and that's not saying much.


>You get over it and realize fuck it yolo and you grind til the day you die
>It's a game and I want the high score
>glorious tears

you honestly sound like you're 15
your concept of life is incredibly fucking shallow, it saddens me that you think you've got some hotshot mentality when you have what billions of other people have.
lets learn one simple concept here, hotshot shitheads rarely make it. whether your philosophy about life is 'correct' or not, you're not a new breed being edgy and hedonistic.

business owners don't think like you
CEOs don't think like you
Inventors don't think like you
Traders don't even think like you.
the 20 richest men on earth don't think like you

you need to stop listening to kanye and watching mad men, your dreams of financial grandeur are a goddamn embarassment, you're nothing but another fucking dollar amount in the student debt bubble.

>> No.6982590

do what you want

>> No.6982594

why is psych practice valuable?

>> No.6982595


>> No.6982597


>defending psych in any manifestation
>asking someone in an actual medical field to 'think'


>> No.6982599

obviously but we still use psych
we just don't need to take specific courses but we still use it

>> No.6982617

marry a fat old rich woman

>> No.6982613

>having the ability to get what you want
>automatically hedonistic
I'm not about to go joining AIDS-ridden orgies, not everyone is Dorian Gray.
>you're dumb you're shallow you're naive I hate you stop it
Your frustration with my mindset shows how naive YOU are.
Not everyone is an average B student and actually capable of making it well, you just have to not be retarded and do your work. Just because YOU are shouldn't mean you should be telling everyone, especially those capable of becoming successful, that it's dumb and stupid and for delusional SHEEP!!!

>you think slaving away most of your life and giving a small sliver to charity compares
Damn, all those hot assumptions. Too retarded to make it through school amirite?
Honestly I used to complain how underwhelming the American school system and how it's designed to pander to the most retarded students, but I slowly stop thinking that's unnecessary seeing how people actually struggle with -that-.

>> No.6982615


i just want nice garms and a fat booty bitch

>> No.6982620

>being this dogmatic and retarded

you're fucking drivel

>> No.6982644

>more enabled
honestly man are you even old enough to be posting?
Anyways, nobody's arguing that money doesn't give you ability in the consumer world, but if you'd stop basing you're lifelyhood on what you can purchase, you might grasp that living life is much more complex. it's hedonistic to see equate money with joy.
happiness is success, success is meaning, meaning is not purchasable
that's why they say money can't buy happiness. it can only buy stimulation. stimulation = pleasure, pleasure = hedonism

you are a hedonist, you are too underdeveloped in probably quite a few ways to understand this.
you won't think like this in a decade, even half a decade. hopefully sooner than later.

>> No.6982711

>Not everyone is an average B student

>and actually capable of making it well, you just have to not be retarded and do your work.

>Just because YOU are shouldn't mean you should be telling everyone, especially those capable of becoming successful
you're really trying to beat this in but you don't know me, why try to assume you're in any way more successful than I am?
if you spoke like this to a successful person, odds are they'd feel sorry for you, because either you're going to fail or you just haven't developed enough yet.
I just know how you think and how it's below myself, and below anybody in this world who is both wealthy and happy
you're just one of a couple billion others trying to climb over everybody else, your ideas of success are shallow.
it's going to take some real hardship for you to stop being such a twat, goodluck in life.
>that it's dumb and stupid and for delusional SHEEP!!!
fedoras everywhere

>> No.6982733
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You have to slave yourself in a no pay retail internship for 2 years 40 hours a week first before we can consider you for a interview.

Don't be so entitled

>> No.6982755
File: 196 KB, 496x375, 1277780602359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>amirite delusional SHEEP
>fuck it yolo and you grind til the day you die
>It's a game and I want the high score
>No Fuckig shit dumbass
>I used to be like you... In highschool!

get a load of this guy

>> No.6982776

thats pretty much it, but it's more like no pay for 5 years as everything requires at least "5 years experience"

americans in general are fucking stupid
by americans i mean the jews and whites since if you're not white in america you're not american (but you're american in every other country)

>> No.6982817


>not doing both

biomedical engineer here

can't wait to design wheelchairs for fat people

>> No.6982851

The point of humanistic study is to make students human, to allow us to realize some distinctively human abilities such as having and understanding values, reflecting upon and understanding the past or cultivating aesthetic appreciation.. It refines the intellectual tools necessary to understand, interpret, and interact with the broader world as something other than an automaton.

Business and engineering and other fields that have their uses--they make life livable, but not worth living.

Honestly, business shouldn't even have a place in the university and here you have people claiming that the entire study of psychology is snake oil. But hey, it's a fashion board, I'm not looking for very high intelligence.

>> No.6982868

not him but you're missing a word in that sentence m8

>> No.6982889

>implying material possessions aren't great sources of hedonistic pleasure

>> No.6982917

hilarious to me that u guys think business degrees are fashionable

crass bourgeois pragmatism validated by your need to consume. then again this board is full of people fetishize pieces of cloth and leather, so im not really surprised

>> No.6982991

I don't understand? I am not a student and I have that mindset. Do you think it is wrong to say that you could make money in this world if you are smart enough and work hard enough to do it?

Tbh even a small fortune ( a la first million) is something that feels like success and can be enjoyed.

What is the "hotshot" mentality? Didn't quite get what you were saying there

>> No.6983038


What is worthwhile then son?
ib4 stem

>> No.6983051

>What is worthwhile then

whatever you care about enough to be better than everyone else at

>> No.6983060

The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.

>> No.6983085

U r holier than I... Pls enlighten me.

>> No.6983081

did you even read his post

>> No.6983112

Mongol-core is too nxtlvl for a business graduate m8

>> No.6983752

General killjoy arrived I see.