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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 565x318, karl_lagerfeld_choupette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6976196 No.6976196 [Reply] [Original]

'Life is not a beauty contest, some [ugly people] are great. What I hate is nasty, ugly people. The worst is ugly short men. Women can be short, but for men it is impossible. It is something that they will not forgive in life - they are mean and they want to kill you.'

How does it feel manlets?

>> No.6976208

I'm not a manlet, but this is just too funny.

First person who came to mind was Faust.

>> No.6976214

faggot janitor lurking

>> No.6976215

I think us ugly manlets figured out we are invisible and we can get away with more socially unaccatable behavior. And sometimes we have to to make it in this world.

Beautiful women think life is all about being nice to attractive men then going to the bar on froday night.

Us ugly people know that you have to movr that kilo you only have 100 rounds of essentially non lethal fmj 5.56 and you dont give a ahit its you and the money you need to survive

>> No.6976226

woh, dat ether

>> No.6976243


>Karl is 5'10" and ugly

>> No.6976246

just be a fcuking hot manlet....
this one girl once told me that i am SOOOOO short, but that im SOOOO HOT it doesnt matter, she even told me i was a catch... she was drunk so i believed her,

another girl told me that im short when we started dating and before i broke up with her she told me there was no substitute for me that she doesnt think she will ever get anyone better
no one even comments it anymore like they did in school really onyl some girls i date will bring it up to test if i am insecure about it, its a real easy shit test to pass

once they see how i am cooler than all there ex bf's

once another girlfreind told me that i may be 2 inches shorter than the average american but that im twice as cool, i dumped her because she started talking about marriage and i wasnt with it, but i kinda miss her now actually...


im glad about who i am, im glad i have money too
i still think im better than 6'2'' guys i know
at work everyone is tall and they all respect the fcuk out of me cus when we go to clubs they see me ladies man, and see me pull bitches for them and see me be awesome wingman making out with girls,

the ONLY BAD thing is some girls MUST have a guy taller than them, but its almost a good thing cus it gets rid of shallow bitches from my life...

seriously im the short one but i dont feel bad at all and i feel bad for my coworker who is really insecure about his height but he is taller than me lol,

>> No.6976253

This is fucking retarded, how is this obvious troll thread still up, while the fucking faggot janitor deleted my rick thread?

Fucking faggot.

>> No.6976260

i think the fact that you're constantly considering how your height effects that facet of your life kind of proves the contrary but maybe you're just thinking back on it now ??? ;s;s;s;s

>> No.6976272

how short are you

>> No.6976269

despite what /fa/ tells you, you're not hideously ugly sieg. you aint great but you aint terrible. you could do way better than that fug bitch you were banging. maybe not in california, but you're missouri or ohio hot.

>> No.6976282

i see what you mean, yea ,im just thinking back on it now those are all just recent memories... the more i think about the more i could keep writing about it...

tl;dr no one gives a fcuk if you dont give a fcuk

short guys no one really hates you cus i only see short hate on this board lol

>> No.6976286

are you actively swapping the u and c around when typing out fuck...?
stop that.

>> No.6976292
File: 30 KB, 400x388, fat-lagerfeld_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6976304
File: 37 KB, 351x450, fat-karl-lagerfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6976301

5'5'' ripped as fcuk,

>> No.6976315

Do you have a big head?
If not
You are safe my friend
>big head
Why live?

>> No.6976320

shut the fcuk up

>> No.6976330

don;t worry dude, this isn't runescape
you don't need to bypass automated censors through careful letter placement
we're all friends here
>even if u r a manlet

>> No.6976343

karl's like 5'10 way to fuck up everything nerd go cum in your trapper keeper and drink it

>> No.6976348

im not him soz
my friend was a player mod once tho

>> No.6976351

I agree. I hate short men, not because of their height, but because their height makes them assholes.

>> No.6976355

that wasnt me this is me, i never once played runescape but i heard about it... and i do it out of habbit. and yes we are all freinds but maybe you dont want me as a friend because i is i see that your chick isnt all that into you i will try to fcuk her behind your back LOL JK :p

i only did that a couple times once the girls bf was in the marines, and other friend i fcuked he fiance because he made out with my mom...

>> No.6976375

>this post

>> No.6976406

Have you seen the way women act about short men?

They fucking immasculate them.

>> No.6976444

i know right ? check it out tonight im gonna go out with a girl TALLER THAN ME!!! oh wait that reminds me- once i went out with this chick and she wore heels, and she was like im taller than you, and i was like" ohh i like it, DOES THAT BOTHER YOU?!" and she was like" no i like it "
and we fcuked after SHE PAYED FOR DINNER took me to movie, she lasted a few months...

. anyways the girl tonight gonna pick me up she gonna pay for the wings and im gonna reward her by fcuking her... she has skrillex hair, and a tattoo on her skull.... she cool. shes a bartender at a bar AND SHE WORKS MANAGER AT EXPRESS SO I CAN GET DISCOUNTS ON DISCOUNTS too bad i hate express..

peace out guys :p

>> No.6976455

WRONG!! WOMEN WILL TrY To IMMASCULATE TALL MEN too, SOME WILL TRY AS TO TEST YOU EARLY ON WHEN YOU MEET THEM if you pass the shit test youre good... tall short it dont matter bro, im gonna go out with a girl taller than me tonight...

>> No.6976476

lol i think turnleft got sexually intimidated and ran away

>> No.6976478

This is fucking pointless, women will test ANY GUY, not just short or tall men, it's in their fucking nature.

But short men will test tall guys in a way to try to prove themselves. See >>6976246

Compares himself to tall guys in a challenging way.

Its happened to me several times being 6'2, some short fuck tries to prove himself and comes up to me talking smack, but that is a story for another time unless someone wants to hear it.

>> No.6976484
File: 62 KB, 523x600, hell yeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6976487

thats cool, the only supreme short guy i know is my cousin Michael. he's 5'2 or 5'3, but a great wrestler in high school. my brother told me he slept with a guy who was in the army's baby mother while he was on tour

military cuckolding is probably very common

don't love them, don't cuff them

>> No.6976494

tfw he has raf velcros and i dont :(

>> No.6976531


I was at a bus stop last year waiting for the school bus to drop off my sister. I don't usually pick her up but my mom was at the doctors that afternoon.

There's this short mexican, the tip of his head barely reached my shoulders who was also waiting for his kid I guess, and I say that because he was a full fucking grown man in like his 30s, I was 20 at the time.

I'm standing there under a tree in the shade waiting for the bus to roll up and this fucking mexican comes up to me in speaking spanish and asking if I think I'm better than everyone else because I am "pocho" which is a mexican term for men of hispanic origin who were born and raised in the united states. I ignore the fucker hoping he will just go away and once again he says "you think you are better than me?"

Finally, I respond "why do you say that?" and he says "you are standing there like you are the fucking big goat" and then I say "exactly I'm just standing here so why the fuck am I bothering you?" and then he says "its because big goats like you forget where you came from (hes referring to the fact that a lot of hispanics born and raised here dont give a shit about mexico)"

So I ask this guy how the fuck does he know anything about me? And at this point I guess some beaner women come up and tell him to leave me alone but he's all like "this fucking disrespectful big goats need a good ass kicking"

I got pretty tired of him and I told him that if he was gonna kick my ass then I hope

>> No.6976541

i never talk smack to taller guys... i never try to prove my self to anyone, i dont try to be anyones best friend im just me, once i was with my cousin and her freinds at the bar and i was just standing there not wanting to be there, and her freinds were buying me drinks and telling me i was such a cool guy and all i was doing was just listeing to what they had to say. the hot one was into me too, she was kissing my thumb becuase i think i promised that i would see her again or something she was drunk idk but she was kissing me fingers lol and im 5'5''

>> No.6976556

I told him that if he was gonna kick my ass then I hope he still remembers how to jump really high like he did when he hopped that boarder or else he wont reach me. After this the dude snapped and came at me, I ran behind the tree and he actually got restrained by both of the fat beaner women lol. He tried to come at me but they were holding him yelling "juan! Juan! no!" So they took him to the other side of the bus stop to calm him down and I stayed behind the tree til the bus arrived. Meanwhile I could hear the dude talking about how much better mexico was than the US.

This entire confrontation happened in spanish that's why some of it may not have translated over so well.

Yeah but did you fuck them m7?

>> No.6976555

>being short and retarded

that's the person you met mate. There is no denyign that height plays a big role in status. Hell a tall guy with a small dick will attract a girl better than a small guy with a godzilla tenticle.

I'm 5'5" and pretty much dismissed as no one special. I don;t dress fancy or anything and I hate bitches. I hate em because once they see me entering my carrera s, now I'm someone of interest.

>all they want is your money and attention

>> No.6976572

is that how it became the worst story ever

>> No.6976569
File: 14 KB, 245x247, chav man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kick my ass then I hope

>> No.6976574

juan pls go

>> No.6976577
File: 28 KB, 400x310, chavs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still remembers how to jump really high like he did when he hopped that boarder or else he wont reach me

>> No.6976578
File: 439 KB, 1600x1200, 1279877766599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. Carrera guy here. My roommate was this 6 feet soemthing black guy. Only reason we both respected each other were our intelligence.

Man he once got denied a job because he interviewed over the phone. I heard his conversation when i was sleeping.

I just said, " you're first mistake was not taking the interview face to face. You'd would have gotten the job the moment you stepped into the office."

All in all, height plays a big factor. But it's more about who you are and how comfortable you are that really sets you apart.

i always laugh at the pic.

>> No.6976580

>that's the person you met mate.

Yeah, but that's just a single story out of a bunch more that i have. I'm not gonna generalize every short person off of one guy though, but you gotta acknowledge that there are some short dudes out there who try to prove themselves by over compensating or doing stupid shit. I'm not saying you are though cause I respect australians of all sizes, but there are some out there.

Where you expecting a blood bath? This is real life son get off that grand theft autos.

>> No.6976593

over the years i fcuked many of my cousins freinds MANY!!! over the past years about lets see, gloria, sadee, taylor, and i forgot another ones name... actually im thankful i had her as a cousin great way to get laid
sucks for you, you are dismissed as no one seacial because you yourself must belive that you are no one speacial... im 5'5'' and i love girls, once a girl told me when she saw me it was like love at first sight, i fcuked her on the first date i guess girls she was a slut idk, maybe girls just see me as good fcuk on the down low, but then prolly not because some want me to meet there parents fast lol like "look mom dad meet chris" those never last, i leave early so girls dont do that lo and the parents will always like me........ fcuk i never really thought i was a player now that i think about it i have hella stories too tell.

most of these girls are just average, 18-24 years of age.... only a few i had were FCUKING HOT. im 23 if yall wonderin' so i have a few years ahead of most you kids

>> No.6976595

Manlet reporting in. 5'7". My height has never bothered me and it still doesn't. People don't seem to notice my height when I post fits in the WAYWT.

>> No.6976596

well look at it this way. Cops are usually tall and intimidating people. People get annoyed by them and more so when you're short.... and sell weed.

lmao. 5'4" guy i knew that sold weed was like "i hate cops all of them." I'm like no fucking shit you dumbass, selling fucking weed next to a public safety office, no fucking shit your afraid.

>> No.6976599

all short pepople are evil

>> No.6976603

yup I do believe I'm no one special. And it's a problem. But to be honest, I don't think a girl would enjoy my company. I don't want to waste people's time dealing with my bullshit.

>> No.6976612


>> No.6976629

hey bro, you must be young still, right? how old? damn wish i could help but really its gotta come from within. i used to think that way about girls when i was like in high shcool maybe youll grow out of it when you hang out with girls and realize some girls think the same you do.

>> No.6976651

nah it's more like.... how I grew up. Yes I do like them, but the problem is, I don't like hanging around with them. Sadly I'm into older woman but they view me as a "younger brother" sort of guy. it would be extremely weird. age isn't really important as long as you're within ranges.

I'm down to have a drink and talk buddy. You'd be surprised what kind of conversation you can have with a stranger.
I'm more of a leave alone guy. i have bro's i hit up for a bar and talk, but that's about it. Girls text how I'm doing and I just say fine and convo dies.

I know people say I'm missing out but hearing all the relationshit stories my buddies tell me, I'd rather guy keep doing what I do.

>> No.6976665

>I told him that if he was gonna kick my ass then I hope he still remembers how to jump really high like he did when he hopped that boarder or else he wont reach me.

>> No.6976667


>> No.6976668

how tall is faust?

>> No.6976671

5'5 or something

>> No.6976672

post seig's face

>> No.6976683

yea well you never have to get into a relationshit if you dont put up with it and if you have the balls to dump bitches and never see them again, i just recently dumped a girl of one year... and yea it scuks but not as much as she feeling, basically you will never get into relationshit, if she feels she has more to lose than you do, so just never get sprung on bitches and go have fun brah, i dont like hanging around some either ill just stay quiet, 10 second replys and it works for me,but sex isnt really that important, cus some days i just wanna stay in my room all day and never even check my phone once

>> No.6976804

Karl Lagerfeld is an overrated manlet with gaudy, tacky, shitty designs

>> No.6976873

>over the years i fcuked many of my cousins
stopped reading there