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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 498x600, 1373689061309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6964924 No.6964924 [Reply] [Original]

so /fa/, you can look great your face and clothing, but do you sound nice?
Like do you have a /fa/ voice, and what creates a /fa/ voice? How do you stop your voice from ruining people's impression of you?
Vocaroo link is mine

>> No.6964933

I've been told I sound like a huge faggot

>> No.6964940

Ive been told I have a really sexy voice, but I feel like I sound like an utter cakeboy

>> No.6964948


You sound like a dork.

>> No.6964957

I'm the dorky guy who plays kickass.

>> No.6964960

Someone's mom once said my voice was sexy.

I sound like the biggest fucking nerd on the planet though.

>> No.6964963

listen to my bad song : https://soundcloud.com/canis-rufus/shrooms

>> No.6964967


laptop microphone so it is the worst quality

>> No.6965093

>asian but no asian accent
>people are constantly surprised or disappointed in meeting me after speaking over the phone

>> No.6965097


you sound like a pretty nice guy imo. You have that nerdy sounding US accent, not from there so I'm unsure as to which region is responsible for this.

I get the pitch change thing too >_<

>> No.6965101


>> No.6965129


i just read what you wrote, OP, i have a lame voice but i'm bored as shit so whatever

>> No.6965161


>> No.6965319

what has happened here

>> No.6965387


Also I am Californian
best accent by income

>> No.6965409


>> No.6965425


>> No.6965456


>> No.6965496

me n u both bro

thats what happens when 'rents decide to speak almost exclusively english at home n get mad at you for not speaking asian when ur grown wtf mom n dad

>> No.6965510
File: 647 KB, 2048x1536, classy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that voice
>also "philosophy club"
hahahah my fuckin sides

so done

>> No.6965536

The girl from your philisophy club sounds like a great thinker.

>> No.6965677


>> No.6966223

>that's what /fa/ sounds like
dear god.
Have you ever listened to your own voice?
You sound like an immense faggot. There are some people with gay lisps who still manage to have a nice voice. You are not one of them.
Your voice is high, nasally, and you have feminine patterns of speech. You say 'like' too much, and you manage to go into vocal fry despite speaking in a high voice. You draw out your syllables and you have weird inflections. You sound like a retarded Australian valley girl.
Get testosterone replacement therapy asap.

>> No.6966230

you could be a somewhat nerdy affectionate protagonist in a movie.

>> No.6966236

mumbly as fuck. sperger king. could be good if you talked louder and spoke more clearly.

>> No.6966242

fuk oath kunt

>> No.6966244

ladz http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ERPLxbEoX9

>> No.6966245

dandy fukin stayshun 6:30 karnt i ffukkin swear on me mums loif yabout ta get ya hed kikd in kunt oil glass ya ya poof

>> No.6966284

get ur lads brah, mett me down at Gosford station 1t 12:30. Ill teach u how to fucking brah.

>> No.6966287

lel it's just my normal voice. I'm not going to try and make it manlier than it normally is.

>> No.6966339


/fa/ as fuck bro.

>> No.6966345

Trigger warning: Ladies contain your orgasms.


>> No.6967650

well you should because your voice is fucking shit

>> No.6967714


>> No.6968133
File: 1.02 MB, 449x206, doge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for interest

>> No.6968169

I get told I sound like someone from the radio (not specifically, just that I have a broadcast voice). I have no idea if that's just the way I sound or the fact that years of being a ref in HS has given me a really strong voice.

>> No.6968201

No mic. I would have included one if that weren't the case.

>> No.6968197


>> No.6968215

If you have a smartphone, you can use that as well.

>> No.6968249

I tried. Won't decect the mic.

>Unfortunately, recording is not currently possible as iPhone and other devices have decided not to allow in-browser microphone access.

>> No.6968264

meh.. I hate my voice :(

I talk in a very feminine manner, I lisp and when I talk about something I think is intresting I get all riled up and talk really nerdy and super fast.

>> No.6968274

post voice fit or don't talk
I mean im not hear to doubt you but
>hey guys i have this cool voice but i cant recorded it
isn't only a cop out its just uninteresting

>> No.6968297

Meh, lots of other people are doing it. And I never said I had a cool voice. Just what I've been told about it.

>> No.6968347

I know man its nothing against you but its just not conducive to for posting and provides no content
perhaps if you described your voice or gave a anecdote about it it would have more content

>> No.6968364

no idea, you tell me


>> No.6968378

you sound like dan abnett

>> No.6968421


>> No.6968426


>> No.6968433



>> No.6968808



>> No.6968820


>> No.6968837

r u rushin

>> No.6968841

yesterday, a girl said I have a hot voice

i didn't known how to respond

>> No.6968846

why is everyone not american? did other americans expect this?
>inb4 ignorant american

>> No.6968869


>> No.6969282

Who the hell is Dan Abnett

>> No.6971158


>> No.6971174


>> No.6971196


>> No.6971223


>> No.6971289
File: 29 KB, 591x422, gpZwR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's emo btw

>> No.6972832

I'm not a fan of my voice.

>> No.6972900

your voice is adorable

>> No.6974207

/fa/ is over run with effeminate brits. Everyone knows that.

>> No.6974224
