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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 113 KB, 700x538, Education_for_Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6965194 No.6965194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hitler youth inspo thread please
bonus for bangs

>> No.6965234

hitler youths are for trolling newfafg

>> No.6965257

naw bro 1940's germany was /fa/ as hell regardless of how awful that ideology was
style doesnt come from the political status quo

>> No.6965280
File: 598 KB, 1280x1707, uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except its an actual thing. Literary every male I remember from here had one.

>> No.6965285

>was /fa/ as hell regardless of how awful that ideology was
....if anyone had the perfect ideology. It WAS Hitler...go kill yourself

>> No.6965294

what is "here"?

>> No.6965302

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6965309

What was wrong with it?

>> No.6965322
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>> No.6965357

Hitler couldn't run the country efficiently, he needed endless cash flow to power his military and he got this by liquidating the wealthy intellectuals in whatever nations he invaded. He was a shitty commander in chief who overextended his army and sent countless numbers of his own men to their deaths for the sake of his own ego-driven fancy.
The entire german apparatus was powered by state sanctioned theft. Nazi Germany was literally a kleptocracy that ran on stolen assets.
Hitler was also a drug addled meth head lunatic who ran his entire nation into the ground before swallowing a bullet.
The man was an awful leader. Really, truly awful. A complete failure. Maybe you like his ideas, but there's a reason they failed.

>> No.6965372

i always thought people said hitler was a good leader

but he went to russia and got bamboozled

>> No.6965381



>> No.6965389

the scientific fact that the pigment of your skin means nothing but how well you get sunburned in areas you shouldn't live is enough to show that anyone following his ideas is a moron. and from a purely statesman standpoint, his policies lead the the invasion and destruction of germany. germany will never be a world power ever again because of hitler. he is the biggest failure of any german statesman since the country was unified. at least Wilhelm didn't let german towns be reduced to rubble.

>> No.6965411

If he couldn't run the country efficiently how did he saved Germany from the post-world war I crisis?

If he was bad military commander why he got half of Europe?

Russia was a desperate attempt because he was going to lose the war to the Russians anyway, they kept coming and coming eventually Germany had to stop playing the defensive but they failed thats how strong was Russia militarily.

Addicted to drugs? Please share the link to this info I want to laugh.

Holding a country against three super powers is a hard task that requires some serious management.

Maybe you're right about Hitler but not about Nazi Germany they were competent as hell. I'm pretty sure that without Russia they would have kicked the ass of England easily. Germany has always been a competent nation.

>> No.6965426

ask yourself who's policies it was that caused 3 super powers to attack him. also it doesn't matter how much you conquer if you cant hold on to it. the allies certainly held onto the areas the conquered...

anyways can we have some haircuts posted here for the love of god please

>> No.6965442

>Addicted to drugs? Please share the link to this info I want to laugh.
Theodre Morrell, Hitler's private doctor, shot him up with amphetamines several times a day, as well as codeine. The entire german high command was addicted to morphine, why do you think they spent so much effort synthesizing methadone? Allied forces had blocked all the opium shipments, they couldn't get their fix so they set their scientists on making a substitute.

Stalin practically begged Hitler not to invade, even sending home one of his downed pilots in style after a crash landing on russian soil during preliminary exercises.
Holding a country against three superpowers is madness and no sane commander would go about picking fights with a country like russia when England & the rest of europe were already in the mix.
Hitler saved germany from the world war 1 crisis by liquidating private assets. Through state sponsored theft. Not through wise planning.

>> No.6965680
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>> No.6965695
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>> No.6965713
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>> No.6965760
File: 163 KB, 500x709, hy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965778
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>> No.6965782


Lol'd heartily with.

>Germany has always been a competent nation.

Lol'd heartily at. Fuckin' essentialism in 2013.

And that they were incompetent is something I don't see how people can't be grateful for. Naziism is basically what you'd end up with if you were designing an ideology from scratch to destroy everything good in human life.

>> No.6965791
File: 118 KB, 500x707, yeh u drink dat water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965801
File: 38 KB, 468x474, cole mohr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965873
File: 178 KB, 257x542, nice hy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my problem with the hy. from one side (left on that pic) it looks pretty, but from the other it looks like shit (right on that pic).

in that photo the guy looks nice from both sides because of the way he styled the hair, but mine is more like pic related. you see how the hair goes to the left? i would really like to see a take from that side (the one in which the hair "ends"/goes to), because seriously, it always looks like shit.

maybe it's just me, but damn, it's always front view + 1 side that loks good, never both.

>> No.6965914

yeah i know what you mean i find when mines shorter the right side looks nicer

front and the side with the part looks good right? because yeah its wierd I find when the side opposite the part has less of a fall with the hair so it doesnt sweep or scraggle it just falls straight down it looks nicer/neater idk

>> No.6965945
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, Heydrich-1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Building a proud, productive national community
>the same as destroying everything good in human life

commie pls

>> No.6965969

>front and the side with the part looks good right

well, nothing to do about it.

>> No.6968669
File: 56 KB, 458x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out /fa/ I like the hitler youth haircut but I can't enjoy it cause my hair grows back too fast. I usually leave a little hair like this but now I'm thinking about asking my barber to cut the sides without the comb attachments. What do you think?

>> No.6968692
File: 181 KB, 1280x1617, 1378321469389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based aryan aesthetics

>> No.6968696

I would really like a source on this.

I'm not a neonazi btw, just want some proof before I believe you

>> No.6968699

How short (in mm) would you say is his hair on the side?

>> No.6968713

Go google it yourself, it's common knowledge. Hitler also had amphetamine laced chocolates in a bowl in his office.

>> No.6968726

Adolf Hitler was a drug-abusing hypochondriac with deformed genitals who regularly consumed a cocktail of amphetamines, bull semen, rat poison and morphine when he sent millions of innocent people to their death.

>> No.6968737

yet another meme that needs to die. the major downside about this board is when /b/ and /pol/ come here with their HY hurr-durring

>> No.6968751
File: 997 KB, 500x270, j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968745

show me a haircut that looks better

>inb4 manbun

>> No.6968757

i heard that other people were constantly finding ways to give him estrogen secretly and he was injecting testosterone.

sounds like by the time he died he was pretty fucked up chemically.

do you know any good and accurate documentaries about it?

>> No.6968762

imo it probably look better from his right side if he swept back the bang a bit so it wasnt hanging out over his forehead, maybe need a bit longer hair for it to blend in though idk

>> No.6968773

>Russia was a desperate attempt because he was going to lose the war to the Russians anyway

Hitler and Stalin were allies at that time lol

>> No.6968770

national geographic nazi underworld hitlers drug abuse or something

>> No.6968790
File: 62 KB, 456x562, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 3.08.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a PDF of a book about Doctor Morell (pic related):


There are also a few docus about his addictions, here's the first decent one I could find.

>> No.6968799

Like 4mm from the sides. Mine is 10mm

>> No.6968852

cooool i'll check out that doc in a bit.

>> No.6968873

>ask yourself who's policies it was that caused 3 super powers to attack him
That does not imply anything about their competency.

>> No.6968994

Generally starting shit with people who can fuck you up is considered a bad idea, let alone three of them.

>> No.6969785

>the scientific fact that the pigment of your skin means nothing but how well you get sunburned in areas you shouldn't live

less pigments mean that get more vitamin B through the sun, it´s better in areas where you "should live"
according to your logic black people shouldn´t live in the northern countries and white people not in the southern

>> No.6969803

Except we dispensed with the naturalistic fallacy generations ago, and the idea that people should just live in whatever uncontrolled environment they pop into ages before that. We have sunblock, jetplanes, and, you know, roofs.

>> No.6969800

>being a history buff
>not talking about looking cool

>> No.6969846

I know, i meant >>6965389 and his statement
nowadays skincolour is like hair and eyecolour: just a little extra that makes everyone special

>> No.6970397

There are traces of codeine and other 'drugs' in modern medications. Hitler wasn't weird for using these drugs, as they were pretty par for the course, honestly.

Better than FDR or Churchill (cripple smoker, drunk fatass) if you want to just throw ad hominem around.

>> No.6970463

>nazis had bad ideologies
fuck off

>> No.6970467

Churchill was a drunk and used cocaine before speeches. Hitler was literally a man held together by painkillers and amphetamines.

>> No.6970475
File: 553 KB, 1600x1200, 1376442493046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes the jews trying to make everyone think that he wanted to kill everyone who wasn't a white male with blonde hair & blue eyes

>> No.6970485

Poet, this is unrelelated. Were you the one talking about taking Tums to intensify Adderall.
Was it baking soda and water that does the same?

>> No.6970491
File: 311 KB, 1000x1500, 1376441698906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mean the jews that the nazis tried to feed but ended up dying thanks to allie bombings?

>> No.6970506

oh wow average people don't have a very deep understanding of history that's shocking

>> No.6970503

>today one finds rampant alchohol and drug addiction

thats pretty funny considering most of the leaders were addicted to drugs

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6970504

>allie bombings
oops, my ex never bombed anyone. meant to say allied

>> No.6970510

Yeah. One hour ahead, take 1-2 teaspoons. I forget why, but more of the drug makes it across the blood brain barrier when your stomach has a lower PH. There's something else, too. But whatever.

>> No.6970513

I am amazed that Nazi propaganda still convinces people on the internet 70 years later

>> No.6970520

Does it have any affect if you take the shot a few hours after the adderall has kicked in?

>> No.6970523
File: 270 KB, 800x718, 1376991580055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it amazes me that you support zionism

>> No.6970527

At this point I doubt it'd matter much unless you're gonna be taking more adderall.

>> No.6970531
File: 10 KB, 215x215, 1378100843544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitler a druggie alcoholic
i don't think so

>> No.6970538
File: 642 KB, 959x1074, 1376763025578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6970539

>anything i disagree with is a product of the jews

/pol/ pls go

shit up your own board

>> No.6970544
File: 174 KB, 400x634, 1376723384921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spreading lies
jidf pls go

>> No.6970545

I can never tell whether these guys are joking or serious

either way,

>> No.6970554
File: 50 KB, 489x506, 1377756687484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your diversity back to your own country

>> No.6970556

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6970561
File: 58 KB, 181x282, 1376997273146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6970570

Doesn't it get itchy? Wearing all that tinfoil on your head all the time?

>> No.6970583

>If he couldn't run the country efficiently how did he saved Germany from the post-world war I crisis?

He didn't. It was the politics of the former chancellor, in fact most of his "changes" (incl. the great autobahn" were all planned beforehand.
They couldnt be realized because Germany had to pay reperations.
The plan was: We act like we're poor, this way we dont have to pay reperation (to england)/ we have to pay less reperations (to france) -> we do this until deadline of the WW1 Treaty of Versailles and then we can start rebuilding germany.

>If he was bad military commander why he got half of Europe?
Blitzkrieg. This was also the reason why it didnt work with Russia.

>Russia was a desperate attempt because he was going to lose the war to the Russians anyway, they kept coming and coming eventually Germany had to stop playing the defensive but they failed thats how strong was Russia militarily.
You know that he could have prevented the war against the Russians ?

>Addicted to drugs? Please share the link to this info I want to laugh.
Who the fuck cares.

>Holding a country against three super powers is a hard task that requires some serious management.
Yes. Thats why his strategy was bad.

>Maybe you're right about Hitler but not about Nazi Germany they were competent as hell. I'm pretty sure that without Russia they would have kicked the ass of England easily. Germany has always been a competent nation.
Germany is very competent. Since the fucking 18th century everything is super organized. I'm loving it here . But Hitlers actions did NOT improve Germany.
In any fucking way.

Also please post real HY. Not everythings is a HY, for fucks sake.

>> No.6970620

We could also take a second to point out that with British radar systems Hitler would never have been able to launch a serious land invasion, especially not without bringing the U.S. in earlier.

I might post a pic of my hair in a bit, not quite HY but it's along those lines

>> No.6970627
File: 370 KB, 978x1420, 1376443654144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many shekels did you get paid to post that?

>> No.6970626

On the off chance that you're actually serious, I want you to know that when you go to extremes to express yourself the way you do, you might as well be sending your money to Israel.
Why is that? Because hard line Zionists use people like you to mark all dissent as lunacy and thus reduce very complex problems to glib and binary bullshit.
At the end of the day nobody even remotely normal wants to be associated with you and it's so bad that they'll go so far as to lie in public, even if they don't agree with Zionism or the Divestment, because they don't want to be labeled as one of your kind.
You're shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.6970624

I browse both /fa/ and /pol/ regularly and this is hilarious

>> No.6970640
File: 283 KB, 1631x1257, 1376443689100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrr give up
>send money to israel
what's with you jews and your obsession with money?

>> No.6970680


You're really only proving my point.

I'm not even Pro-Israel, you just make that assumption whenever someone disagrees with you.

/pol/ in general over simplifies the whole Israel thing anyways.

>> No.6970716
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x3000, 1376443770328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't like me making fun of you, you are assuming everyone is JIDF!

>> No.6970731

>/fa/ having trouble swallowing the redpill and assuming that everyone from /pol/ is a racist, National Socialist who believes everything is a conspiracy


>> No.6970747

I don't think it counts as assuming if you blatantly present yourself as that.

>> No.6970766

I wasn't the one who posted any of that. Also /pol/ is not one person. That's like saying everuone on /fa/ wears goofninja and MFA is just dadcore. /pol/ has users from the far left, the far right, and anything in between.

>> No.6970773

I j-just want to talk about clothes

>> No.6970779

I can't take a joke so I'll call him a jew on Israel's payroll

Yes but one of those groups is a lot louder than the others and starts shit on other boards all the time because "muh redpill

Now post some HY's or fuckoff, no one wants to talk about this shit here.

>> No.6970789

Actual milfag here. No way that Airforce POG would get away with that length of hair anywhere else.

>> No.6970790
File: 170 KB, 720x960, 1376457856188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks about how hitler is bad
>gets told
>"no one ever wanted to talk about this! let's get back to topic!"

>> No.6970796
File: 135 KB, 500x750, 1379590171080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts shit on other boards
Yeah many of those are people from /b/ to appear edgy or SRS to try to discredit anything that comes from /pol/. Many of the users realize that moot created the board for a reason and know why it's not a good idea to post shit outside of it.

And here's your HY faggot

>> No.6970817

>I wasn't the one who posted any of that.

>Also /pol/ is not one person. That's like saying everuone on /fa/ wears goofninja and MFA is just dadcore. /pol/ has users from the far left, the far right, and anything in between.
Too bad it's overrun by a certain group and known for injecting a certain type of ideology into other boards.

>> No.6970824

>Yeah many of those are people from /b/ to appear edgy or SRS to try to discredit anything that comes from /pol/.
yet another reason why i can't take you guys seriously
the SRS shit was a scapegoat blown out of proportion for your own convenience, on par with the westboro baptists and MSM, but at least MSM didn't try to paint westboro as the people behind every single thing that makes them look bad or just disagrees with them

the fact is that there are plenty of mindless pollacks who latch onto buzzwords and infographs and shit up the rest of the site with it

>> No.6970828
File: 71 KB, 611x583, jews jewing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews spreading propaganda
>perfectly normal
>someone says otherwise

>> No.6970834

It's generally agreed upon that genocide and military aggression is bad.

I did not start the argument on Hitler, I posted the tinfoil thing and one other post.

I was in no way "told"

This is how /pol/ argues and why no one likes you, and frankly I don't even know what this shit is doing on a fashion board.

Kindly fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.6970847

the one that the united states allowed when bombing supplies? yeah i remember that
too bad hitler was denied when he asked for peace over 3 times and to stop the war

>> No.6970849

>people rightfully shit on your idol to the point where you stop responding to the original argument
>cry about it by spreading propaganda that's as retarded as the propaganda you're whining about
This is what actually happened.

>> No.6970855

>too bad hitler was denied when he asked for peace over 3 times
>break your own treaties
>get surprised when your requests for peace are denied

>> No.6970858

yet another reason why i can't take you guys seriously
the SRS shit was a scapegoat blown out of proportion for your own convenience, on par with the westboro baptists and MSM, but at least MSM didn't try to paint westboro as the people behind every single thing that makes them look bad or just disagrees with them

Users have collaborated countless examples of people from SRS, JIDF, etc. who's interests are, again, make /pol/ look worse than it really is. The other time you see accusations is just shitposting or ironic criticism that obviously flew over your head. Same goes for buzzwords. Don't take it that seriously, dude.

>> No.6970860
File: 356 KB, 1360x1888, storm front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6970899

That's heavy.

>> No.6970896

>Users have collaborated countless examples of people from SRS, JIDF, etc. who's interests are, again, make /pol/ look worse than it really is.
SRS was a small ragtag group of fuckfaces who got too much attention for making brief posts full of nonpoints
almost all the "example" pictures are pure conjecture and i wouldn't be surprised if many like the supposed chat logs were staged by pollacks themselves
i believe that JIDF is real but i do not believe it is actually based in thejidf.org (fucking lol) and is much much more covert and can't really be verifiably tracked or identified beyond recognizing prose and

pol honestly needs no helping making itself look bad at this point

>Don't take it that seriously, dude.
when it comprises the vast majority of content that your kind contributes then i am not going to just dismiss it, sorry
this is like boys being boys but pol being pol
guess what? if you have to resort to something like pol being pol then that means that pol is too shitty for its own good

>> No.6970909


let it go, we're done. No one's going to change their minds, let's keep politics on the board that's been dedicated to it.