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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 320x480, dickovenss14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6969654 No.6969654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

fuck you all raf was always the true king fuck you fat enablers :^))))))))))) #dickovenslikesfatblackgirls

>> No.6969661

fucking repulsive

>> No.6969668

honestly it makes his clothes look like shit.

>> No.6969682

>fat niggers making faces like they've smelt shit and dance like monkeys

just lel. no matter what rationalization ppl are gonna try and use fat ass nigs aren't /fa/ and never will be.
he's become a parody of himself.

>> No.6969707


Let me guess you've been following Rick since asap rocky name dropped him in Peso. Rick is anti-fashion. He has always been anti-fashion. That what he does is today fashionable is due to the genius of his vision and not due to his ability to conform to trends.

>> No.6969713


delicious. rick has revitalized his career.

>> No.6969718

Rick was iconic today, think what you like

>> No.6969720
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>the genius of his vision

>> No.6969723

no, i have not.

if he is anti-fashion i hope he realizes that people will always make trends out of his shit.

to make something ugly just to not fit into the /fa/shion world is beyond words.

>> No.6969728


BOLD risk taker who only listens to his inner voice

>fuccbois be mad
>fuccbois be up in arms

Rick confirmed his antifuccboi status.
As always, really.

>> No.6969769
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>> No.6969781

do you want a kleenex baby

>> No.6969797 [DELETED] 

what do you get out of defending a nigger lover? serious. i get it makes you feel superior but is that it?

>> No.6969805

what do you get out of being a nigger hater? serious. i get it makes you feel superior but is that it?

>> No.6969812

i get to see you cry like a bitch

fuck off

>> No.6969819

i knew /fa/ was going to have a hissy fit about this.

>> No.6969836

The Yeezus of fashion.

Think about that for a moment.

>> No.6969856

there's nothing worthwhile about them. everyone knows this deep down. you'll eventually learn.

i'm not crying. it's just disappointing to see any sort of refinement get constantly thrown out the window all in the name of what?
progress? being alternative?

>> No.6969868
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>> No.6969869


/pol/ stays on /pol/
enjoy your ban

>> No.6969870

hed rather make something "controversial" and edgy than actually good? yeah that sounds about right actually

>> No.6969886

i guess only a certain kind of controversial is acceptable, interesting.

>> No.6969895

p much, also edgy fat nignogs too

>> No.6969912

ricks just trying to make his run original, and I think it kind of goes along with the menswear run he just did because of how it was set as a performance sort of. I don't think that people will be hailing how good his clothes look or anything because the models kind of look like shit, but thats okay because his style doesnt heavily progress and he's admitted this.

>> No.6969906

>going against the grain by making tryhard edgy clothes makes you a genius
kek. You can't tell me that you look at the model in OPs pic and think "wow that's a very nice peice"

>> No.6969923

Thank you for posting that .gif.
Finally figured out where Lia is from.
Rachel is supah qt 2.

>> No.6969932

>there's nothing worthwhile about them

Having been fucked by a black man, I would have to disagree.

>> No.6969959

>muh dickk
is the argument topkek

shitskin or coalburner?

>> No.6969967

he just admitted to being a coalburner

>> No.6969991

>>fuck off

Top kek
>>fuck off

Lol b2/b/ after that kinda manhandling

>> No.6969998
File: 26 KB, 532x410, katie-got-bandz-e1341177427779 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking everything rick likes too
>not liking katie got bandz and other thick black chicks

stay mad fuccbois

>> No.6970003

i don't know if particular tripfags are white or not c'mon now

>> No.6970025

ur fucking 19
do you honestly think you can understand the motivations of rick or kanye in the slightest

holy crap

>> No.6970036

>i'm not crying

yes u are
kleenex offer stuff open

>> No.6970037


What I'm saying is that Rick never cared what the grain was. He just made clothes and people ended up liking them.

I agree, the clothes look bad on the models, but fashion shows have become less and less about the clothes since the 90s. What used to be a trade show is now a powerful tool to define the brand image, not only to insiders, but also to the masses. Rick's shows this season are all about Rick and not so much about his clothes. (Branding doesn't have to be a bad word.)


I hate this phrase, but grow up, jesus. You're being malicious, that's why you're behavior is unacceptable.

>> No.6970048
File: 1.08 MB, 2136x3201, PTforROSS14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw pixyteri walks for rick

i can't tell if this would be funnier as a joke or a serious comment

>> No.6970054

i still cant get behind the look of those shoes
but the geobasket had to go someday

>> No.6970059


Never encountered the latter, but it's a pretty funny turn of phrase.

>> No.6970070

geobasket hasn't been shown on runway in a long time.
these sneakers are just collaboration, they possibly could only last a season. the geobasket will still be in production either way.

>> No.6970078

not liking nigger is malicious? guess i'll stay malicious then.

you must delight in the shit stain consuming the western world which is indeed sad.

>> No.6970082

i delight in ur tears babe
gimme moooore

>> No.6970084


It's a one-time collaboration. There are no current plans to make it an extended project (like Y-3).

>> No.6970108

didn't he write a list of fashion rules or some shit where one of the rules was something to the effect of "look after your body"?

>> No.6970114


>wanting to be controversial to the point where you embrace a turd.

>> No.6970138


wasnt the 10th rule "don't follow rules"

>> No.6970143
File: 122 KB, 429x413, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just realized that the sneakers look a lot better on people with really thick calves/ankles even though i still h8 them

touché, rick

>> No.6970147
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>> No.6971793

>shit stain consuming the western world
if you're so superior why do you feel so threatened by black people I don't understand, aren't you supposed to be the master race lol

>> No.6971962
File: 117 KB, 414x417, myqueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god, amazing.