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/fa/ - Fashion

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6960288 No.6960288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a Junior Watanabe !CommeVgIrU appreciation thread.

Thank you for putting basedprophet in his place on a daily basis.

>> No.6960291

hey nomad

>> No.6960301

Nope. Just a regular anon.

>> No.6960303

Thank you based junior

>> No.6960304

your entire family is fucking retarded, do you change ur sisters diaper before beddy-bites?

>> No.6960305
File: 942 KB, 496x279, fredo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIT /\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ BATTLE

>> No.6960307
File: 24 KB, 320x480, 00010m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey trunks.
This thread is pretty stupid.

Let's talk about Rick Owens AW06 instead?

>> No.6960308


>> No.6960311


>> No.6960314


>> No.6960317
File: 22 KB, 320x480, 00020m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much the defacto song

>> No.6960319

He op why don't you just filter all the /fa/ tripfags? just like i did with the exception on poet. srsly, /fa/ is so much better this way.

>> No.6960320


>> No.6960326


>> No.6960335

I sage for downvote and reported you for being a faggot

>> No.6960337

Come on with it, motherfuckers! I don't give a FUCK! I'm right here! You ain't puttin' me in one of those empty-ass houses neither!

>> No.6960338
File: 27 KB, 320x480, 00030m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy my stuff. I have CCP and Yohji to buy.
To be honest, I like to contribute to discussion on /fa/, and I try to facilitate it wherever possible. Perhaps I shouldn't try to foster this animosity between trunks and the rest of the board, it's pretty destructive.

>> No.6960340

lms if u think trunks should kill himself

>> No.6960350


>> No.6960351
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>> No.6960348


>> No.6960359

?you were the one who started shit tho

i never said anything to you and you started with the "hurr durr diaper hick" shit for no reason trying to fit in

fucking shitposter

>> No.6960355

whys ur family so fkn ugly

>> No.6960370

>You ain't puttin' me in one of those empty-ass houses neither!
Putting you in any home would be an upgrade from your shitty ass trailer you redneck piece of shit. no, i think a cardboard box is more suited for you.

>> No.6960375

nice diaper u hick

>> No.6960364
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>> No.6960365

This thread's against the rules, wata-whatever, make a new one if you want to dump stuff.

>> No.6960367
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>> No.6960368

>people actually hating on bp
You do know he is essentially the Lil B of the board right?

>> No.6960382

the hypocrisy, pls muh sides
Also you look like straight up resemble pamperchu

>> No.6960392

did u fuck ur retarded sister on that bed trunks????

>> No.6960393

I'm pretty sure you were just saying something ridiculous and I called you out on it, and it just developed into personal attacks from here.
I'm more than happy to look past it as well if you'll at least make an effort to be less of an inflamatory shitposter.

>> No.6960400




>> No.6960396

trunks ur trash

>> No.6960398
File: 125 KB, 720x960, 1235404_10202052726337197_454584564_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't bring brandon into this

>> No.6960403

thank you based Junior Watanbe

>> No.6960404

nah, i archived it. some dude called me a faggot so i made a lame "ur mom" joke. then u jumped in and got made the same "trailer hick" joke thats been done 10000 times. i never said shit to you before that. pseudointillectual shitposting cunt.

>> No.6960406

#fucking owned

>> No.6960411
File: 9 KB, 250x239, 1344482340220s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offer olive branch
>trunks sets it on fire and rams it up his anus
Another day on /fa/ folks

>> No.6960412

if i fucking knew you faggots irl i would fucking beat you up

holy fuck just SHUT UP *NO ONE CARES*

>> No.6960413

all hail based god he swag on hunned thousand

>> No.6960408

pepyn i ethered your ass when i was high as fuck dont think i cant do it sober

>> No.6960410

hows the sister going hick?

>> No.6960419

tbh you're the most annoying trip on this board, trunks is a faggot too.

>> No.6960420

>I'm pretty sure you were just saying something ridiculous and I called you out on it
thats not an olive branch thats a fallacy nigga

>> No.6960416

I bet you had your sister stick her toes in your lily white rosebud fartbox.

>> No.6960425

nice diaper fagget!!

>> No.6960427

Implying you did diaperboy. Look I don't want to turn this into a shitflinging thread but you seriously need to be put into your place, I am better than you in every single way, and so is everyone else in this thread. Get your act together you arrogant peace of shit.

>> No.6960428

& its not over till i say its over

u can throw words like a bitch or we can settle this like men

>> No.6960431

>I'm more than happy to look past it as well if you'll at least make an effort to be less of an inflamatory shitposter.
That's an olive branch. That's me saying we can put any past animosity behind us and just talk like two people interested in fashion.

>> No.6960432

>i don't want to turn this into a shitflinging thread

uh huh

>> No.6960433

LOOLLLLL~ nice diaper u ugly cunt

>> No.6960436

Wait is that you in OPs picture?

>> No.6960437
File: 715 KB, 1000x562, SR24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's 11:30pm
>tfw weird time when im not sleepy but should go to bed
>tfw this thread comes up

>fit battle suggestion

>> No.6960446

It's 1:35pm.. where do you live, East Asia? Not surprised, you disgusting manlet with a handicapped curved back. Cosplaying Asian ninja's everyday yet you look like a fucking hobo lmao.

>> No.6960443

yep it is

>> No.6960448

Oh fuck didn't know that, How do i filter trips?

>> No.6960449

How is a child supposed to settle something like a man? Try settling down first, a diaper change might be a good starting point.

>> No.6960450
File: 125 KB, 956x1227, ether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i didnt

>> No.6960447


>> No.6960460

Fucking hell Pepyn, log off.
He's in New Zealand, and his style and knowledge of fashion are well-formed, there's no need to be pointlessly nasty.

>> No.6960455

someone else has pep's tripcode, this isn't him, he's been doing this for a while

>> No.6960466

>making a screenshot of your own posts

>> No.6960461


>> No.6960462

>tfw a hick posts images of his own inbred kind

>> No.6960467

hey bro
nice diaper.

>> No.6960470
File: 49 KB, 1019x563, 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why bother trippin' as pepyn when you're not cute?
wow was looking for a specific post but you have more than 40 pretending to be him .___.
>not cute

>> No.6960471

this thread is the best thread i've seen in months

>> No.6960475

if that's so then /fa/ ain't got shit on /mu/

>> No.6960480

i wish

>> No.6960477

waaait nomad is junior?
i thought he was gone 4ever

>> No.6960493

are you on /fa/ 24/7? because i am and that's pretty fucking pathetic...

>> No.6960488

It's a really bad thread and it's what happens when image on this board becomes more important than content.
I'd rather not engage trunks anymore, let's just agree to bury the hatchet.
No, I just stopped coming to 4chan for about 4 months but I started posting again because I was bored.
I've been posting all day today because I'm running a 40 degree fever..
Hey Turnleft, what's your experience with Lumen et Umbra, I've never had the chance to try on any of their stuff in real life. Mostly positive?

>> No.6960489
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>> No.6960491


>> No.6960499

put your mums credit card away and do more research.

>> No.6960500

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.6960496


WHERE U @???

>> No.6960502

fucking retard

>> No.6960504
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>> No.6960505

I'd rather just not read stuff people on stylezeitgeist, superfuture, and other websites say, I'm asking your personal experience as someone who's had experience with the brand, is that so wrong?

>> No.6960511

oh ic, ur some sufu tripfaggot
pls go away or just stop tripping

>> No.6960512

hey man, i'm sorry for being a dumb cunt, i'm gonna go fuck my sister now and maybe wear my diaper, bye

>> No.6960515
File: 88 KB, 625x400, f_nhxa1njrm_728dff0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


E T H E R ED ##

>> No.6960516

you guys are so pathetic it's hilarious

>> No.6960523

>"Do you really need other people to tell you how to make decisions."

-junior, when i asked turnleft for advice

now hes asking turnleft for advice

youre a joke m8 log off

>> No.6960531
File: 49 KB, 432x650, 17LEU 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly if you need to elicit my opinion about those kind of works then you don't get it.

the stuff is cool but it's not cool because of what it is but it's cool because of what it's trying to say

there's a really distinct difference in intent between that shit you get in the mall because 'it's sick af m8' or something like eg, vis, guidi, mmj etc etc where it's good quality product and product is everything

and other stuff, LEU included which kindve requires a bit of thinking outside of the product and maybe some soul searching inbetween.

here's a little start up for you
issey fujiti
ex-carpe member
likes light manipulation
kindve a introvert weirdo

>> No.6960532

i wrote this whilst boning my dad

>> No.6960526

Goodbye you fucking waste of space.

>> No.6960540
File: 101 KB, 433x650, 3LEU 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>issey fujiti
----->issey fujita

>> No.6960544

AM I COOL YET, /fa/??????

>> No.6960579

I'm not saying "turnleft should i cop lumen et umbra pants???". I'm asking for his experience with the label.
Thanks, I've been meaning to check out the work of those who worked with Maurizio Amadei, I appreciate your response.

>> No.6960587


icant believe u actually post like this, its so fucking lame and you will prob look back on it soon and back ur back from cringing

>> No.6960593


brake ur back*

>> No.6960589


>> No.6960600
File: 48 KB, 350x500, 28MARV REC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not maurizio altieri?

tbh it looked really suspect of 'tl what's ur exp. w/ the label ive seen some sick shirts and i want a sick shirt'

>> No.6960603


>> No.6960604

thank you for ruining my favourite tv show of all time. i doubt i will ever be able to enjoy it again now that you've said hat

>> No.6960617

no he isn't. what are you talking about? in what way is this retard "trunks" similar to lil b ?

>> No.6960612
File: 93 KB, 423x634, photo_mid_def_1455938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes plz


no it is not


>> No.6960619

if his experience is good it will lead you towards buying them

if his expeirence is shit it will lead you towards not buying them

when i ask him whether i should cop, if hes had bad experiences with julius_7 hell lead me away from copping, if hes had good experiences hell lead me towards copping

hypocritical fuck

>> No.6960625


>> No.6960626

cy@ trunks m8

>> No.6960632
File: 22 KB, 320x480, 00320m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sorry if it came off that way, I just haven't actually come across the brand in real life, I was just looking for some personal opinions. I'm certainly going to delve into his work more rather than just go to farfetch and add to cart. So thanks for your reply.
And yeah, I meant Altieri, not Amadei, my mistake.
Except I can form my own conclusions from what he says, whereas you take his yes or no rather than just take his opinion rather than forming my own?

>> No.6960639

and i can form my own conclusions from him saying yes or no

>> No.6960635

moron. i doubt you even went through private education

>> No.6960649
File: 56 KB, 320x480, 00370m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's far less open to interpretation and personal thought than discussion on the nature of LEU's work, don't you think?
Anyway, like I said, I'd rather not stoop to petty bickering if possible.

>> No.6960655

>I said, I'd rather not stoop to petty bickering if possible.

Like you haven't been already? You know he's 19, right?

>> No.6960653
File: 26 KB, 320x480, 00250m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duhhr where am i going

>> No.6960656

wow, gr8 discussion m8. u rly know a lot about fashion

>> No.6960662

>gee i hope we dont run into rick scoob

>> No.6960726


>> No.6960739


>> No.6960743


>> No.6960777

Lets be honest here.

The true cunt of /fa is JUICY J.

>> No.6960783


>> No.6960785


>> No.6960790

>actually archiving it
>remembering all this shit

>> No.6960796

go away samefag

>> No.6960798

777 has spoken

Juicy J is a nobody though, nobody likes him and nobody knows him.

>> No.6960810

fuck off fake pep

>> No.6960833

but you just gave a fuck just now

>> No.6960828

fuck off anonymous

im actually the real pepyn but i dont give a fuck if you dont believe me.

>> No.6960844

i can just go on fuuka and find the post where u said u were fake pep lol


>> No.6960845
File: 230 KB, 467x700, tumblr_ms3nihdTlm1s8aujyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i didnt, i just stated my demeanour
Can you fuck off you deformed asian manlet cunt?

>> No.6960848

>Pepyn !q422qWTZIE
Nice try. Can you even read? Totally different tripcode

>> No.6960851

stop trying so hard

>> No.6960861

yeah, you just made a new one

>> No.6960862
File: 242 KB, 293x843, pepyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960871
File: 38 KB, 300x417, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this ugly asian fuck is talking to me

>> No.6960872

ur such a fucking faggot, easily least liked trip on fa

>> No.6960878

go away fake pep

>> No.6960881
File: 50 KB, 450x600, trunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960886

All asians are beautiful

>> No.6960888
File: 60 KB, 347x170, 6aab53a0add3ddd1c11f91bc68719068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timestamp or fuck offf fake pep

>> No.6960889
File: 298 KB, 600x456, kazbosslaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> !!q6+Eh
Is this fake trip Inception now?

>> No.6960892


>> No.6960896

It's actually the real Pepyn, he posted that on tumblr as a coverup. He really is this retarded.

>> No.6960901


>> No.6960909


>> No.6960906

im tripping so you fags wont pose as me

>> No.6960910

Putting my trip on so people won't impose as me

>> No.6960912

Fuck you aiouh. I really hope you're not that retarded. I'm the real Pepijn, check out the archive. I told you guys I left, I just got linked this thread by tinfoil. You guys are better off without me, I'm better off without /fa/. Just ignore and report the imposter.

>> No.6960918

>Implying you're the real pepyn
fuck off nerd get a life stop trying to be like pepyn

>> No.6960924
File: 142 KB, 973x741, tripconfusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can we stop talking about this now

>> No.6960928

did you hack my tumblr you fucking nerd?

>> No.6960931
File: 161 KB, 1522x905, Screen Shot 2013-09-25 at 3.14.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shop
stop using my name.

>> No.6960935


nobody cares bout ur tumblr u slimy gook

>> No.6960938

I feel flattered

>> No.6960952

im sorry u had to get caught up in this xin u didnt deserve this

>> No.6960960

nah its cool, I just hope they don't feel too miserable about themselves now or later

Also forgot to shop his screencap, apparently

>> No.6960984

Bit rude