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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 143 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6958232 No.6958232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At first I laughed at this like, "LOL this what normalfags think," but the I realized this was me. And you.


>> No.6958240

You're a faggot.

>> No.6958249


>> No.6958246

none of my friends have any idea how much i research fashion and i plan to keep it that way. otherwise i'm sure they'd say the same thing.

>> No.6958247

>caring what plebs think

if you want approval from t he general population just wear whatever the fuck most people wear and get off /fa/

>> No.6958252


mm truth hurts, does it anon?

>> No.6958256

>own over $8000 worth of ann D, dick ovens, dior, MMM, and YSL.
>never posted a pic on here once

Way off OP.

>> No.6958257

Megan sees right through you bro. You fucked up

>> No.6958258

This. I really don't share my thoughts on clothing outside /fa/.

>> No.6958253


>> No.6958261


>hell yes I care what these /fa/ggots think

>> No.6958267

megan seems cool

>> No.6958273

stop blogging

>> No.6958283
File: 704 KB, 202x170, george-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not hiding your powerlevel
>talking to girls

>> No.6958293


>> No.6958294

Dude charge your phone

>> No.6958296

>implying it doesnt last longer if you dont degrade the battery by being a chargefag

>> No.6958313

you fuck her? Is she hot?

>> No.6958305
File: 140 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah she's aite

>> No.6958319



>> No.6958314

Megan is right and you're a tryhard.

>> No.6958316


Megan has this whole board figured out

>> No.6958317

hahahaha oh shit OP, why didn't you just be humble instead of this? Jesus man, do you not know how to talk to women?

>> No.6958325

>admitting youre wrong
>especially to a woman

top lol

>> No.6958321

u should listen 2 her
she seems smart

>> No.6958329

>why didn't you just be humble instead of this?
Fucking this, megan has painted the real picture of OP even though she is an enigma to us.

OP you need to change your ways, a lot of us are only dicks on 4chan but if you come to /fa/ meet ups everyone is kind.

>> No.6958326

holy fuckkkkk
megan just blew my mind

i need to rethink shit man

>> No.6958327

literally autistic

>> No.6958333
File: 143 KB, 625x784, 1378071323227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>getting #rekt my Megan

>> No.6958338


>> No.6958341


>you don't understand what 4chan is


>> No.6958342

>not figuring out within even 5 minutes of being on this board that everyone is incredibly vain with extreme self image problems that rely on the approval of others

It's like megan is some sort of wizard, or something.

>> No.6958351

Lithium ion batteries are actually designed to be frequently charged and shouldn't be run down to <10%. You're doing the opposite of saving your battery by doing that.

It's actually ideal to keep it >50% all the time.

>> No.6958352

noods of megan?

>> No.6958347

op got blasted the FUCK away

holy shit

>> No.6958357
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1379971089589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like megan is some sort of wizard, or something.

The average woman will see through your shit if you hang out and talk with her long enough. They know how to zero in on your shit and exploit you if you get close to them. That's just how women are.

>> No.6958372



Anyone who isn't a complete fucking moron will figure out your positive and negative personality traits sooner or later depending on how glaring they are

It doesnt take anything special

>> No.6958373


for you

>> No.6958379

Dammit Megan stop judging us.

>> No.6958383

OP post a pic of megan please, I need to put a face on her as she is from the #ether

>> No.6958385
File: 42 KB, 500x500, gosling OGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Megan has solved the enigma of /fa/

>> No.6958395

fuck you OP

i wish i had a friend who helped me grow as a person

you fag

>> No.6958410
File: 31 KB, 1080x720, IMG 8231760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's a picture of her.

>> No.6958412
File: 78 KB, 640x480, megan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6958425


sucks she sees you only as her gray friend

>> No.6958421
File: 36 KB, 640x480, megan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6958422

Which megan is the real megan

>> No.6958432


man i hate saying words like 'newfag' but fuck what a newfag

>> No.6958433

theyr eall the same person u retard she just has diff makeup

>> No.6958428

gay you mean

>> No.6958431

lel thats the hikikimori girl does she still have her profile up?

>> No.6958444



>> No.6958437

Being friends with girls as a guy is fine though. It's possible to treat them as people who you can interact with in ways that aren't sex.

>> No.6958438

I was just pretending who is the newfag now faggot

>> No.6958440

but thats wrong

>> No.6958448


oh shiiiiiiiit

>> No.6958451

Megan and op are like the perfect match, they're both dumb.

>> No.6958453


not when they look down on you and don't respect you

>> No.6958456

No, It's not.

It's a myth that you should run phone batteries all the way down, based on how one handles nickel cadmium, but it actually heavily degrades the lithium ion batteries used in phones.

>> No.6958471

i think its preferable to have qt girls as your friends instead of guys. even if you dont intend to ever date them, girls are normally funnier and act less like retards.

in college i was in a frat (ATO) and everyday it was "hahahaha lets do something to this guy while he's sleeping itll be so funnnnyyyy" and they all legitimately laughed their heads off. got kind of tired of it within 3 weeks but i really wanted my coat of arms so i stayed until i graduated.

>> No.6958468

more of this grill p ls

>> No.6958488
File: 125 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here - waiting on pic

>> No.6958489

YOu sound like a super virgin, besides if you hang out with more than 2 girls at one time people tink you are gay.

>> No.6958486

damn she really made u mad huh

>> No.6958494


>> No.6958495
File: 829 KB, 2548x988, megan, queen of effay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6958497

bitch show the shit you blanked out

>> No.6958498


wow im pretty sure this is the last conversation you'll be having with megan

>> No.6958514


you fucked up, now she's gonna freak out

man, you sound like such a loser, honestly

>> No.6958515

>Um what is 4chan?

You clearly brought 4chan up previously here though: >>6958305, so she would have asked before.

I'm calling BS and saying that these are all fake texts.

>> No.6958506

you truly are pathetic

>> No.6958510

wow you are such a fucking virginal fag

"hey megan you're famous on my stupid internet site"
"send me a pic of u so i can post it on it"

jesus christ

>> No.6958517

wow and I thought I was bad
thanks for the confidence OP

>> No.6958518

>OP is actually willing to deliver, /fa/ acts like a bunch of fucking faggots to keep this enigma of megan

You're a bunch of fucking idiots, megan is a big girl if she wants to share pic of her and if OP is willing to post it then there is nothing wrong with that. Faggots.

>> No.6958522

what is wrong with ur english
r u the mexican kid

>> No.6958529

>They know how to zero in on your shit
tfw this is why i dont have a gf
but w/e
implying i care about not having a gf

>> No.6958525

we can tell its you op

>> No.6958527


what 'enigma' you retard?? you completely missed the point you dumbfuck

>> No.6958538

explain the point then, I bet you cant.

>> No.6958540

>needs to ask for a pic
>cant just take one from her facebook, instagram, twitter or tumblr

>> No.6958542

u fucked up so bad u shitboi pls take those texts back i kno u cant but if u were at&t u would need too its just that bad smdh

>> No.6958546

>act less like retards
Jesus fuck no. I have a bunch of (now) platonic girl friends (there are 3 dudes in the group and we've already been around them all) and they're fucking idiots. Not to mention annoying. They keep pointless secrets. Their chosen method to spread the "secret" is via a huge chain of Chinese whispers. It's never 5 minutes until the whole group knows anyway.

>> No.6958548


the point is how much of a loser op is, not if megan wants to share her pictures, jesus...

>> No.6958552

go away you filthy mexican
no one likes you

>> No.6958558

This is sad, just sad.

>> No.6958554

OP post the pic, fuck the rest of /fa/. They think you should value your friend because you have something they don't have. AS stated earlier "a friend that will help you grow as a person." But do you really care about the opinions of these faggots who are only spiteful towards you because of their jealousy?

Post the picture and be done with it, become someone who delivers.

>> No.6958555

I dont see what everyone's so riled up about

>> No.6958560

Is this you?


>> No.6958563

Lol, you're both a bunch of idiots, kill yourselves. please.

>> No.6958574

i don't understand mexaican duddaudude

>> No.6958570


nigga u r autistic af

give me her # pls im feeling lonely 2nite

>> No.6958571


you don't know any of us and can't possibly know if anyone here is jealous or not, you can quit your freud bullshit now

>> No.6958581


sad attempt at a comeback

>> No.6958587

if you guys want my comeback I will have to take it back from your moms face lmao

>> No.6958588

why the fuck is matt a top comment on this

fuck off matt i don't need this shit

>> No.6958593

i've never seen any shit older than that come back
other than ur mum

>> No.6958596
File: 436 KB, 417x700, 40524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


old and played out

i pity you

>> No.6958604

>old and played out
just like your mom LMFAO

>> No.6958608

i just said that
you just repeated my joke

ur just terrible wow mexican education must have done a number on you

>> No.6958611



>> No.6958612

Then provide a good reason why OP shouldn't deliver the pic? It's because you've all latched onto megan as someone who #ethered you, when it's far from the case. There are plenty of people on here with more integrity than that.

>> No.6958618

>ur just terrible wow mexican education must have done a number on you
you mean like the number I did on your mom when I educated her about my mexican dick

#ethered LMAO

>> No.6958624

ur so bad m8
just give up

cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress cress

>> No.6958625


why? what does that have to do with anything? he can post it if he wants to, i don't care. i don't even see the thing megan said as anything particularly illuminating, all i'm pointing out is your stupid playground reasoning of 'YURRR JUZZ JELOUZ!!!!!"

>> No.6958628

that's all you can say?

thats what I thought bitch next time keep ur mouth closed before I slip u the dick like i did ya mum lel

>> No.6958634


Why is OP stalling?

>> No.6958642


>> No.6958638 [DELETED] 

can I make angsty music without having a grainy cobainy voice

my voice doesn't really sound very cool

>> No.6958647

Yeah, that's what I thought, I knew as soon as I told you to justify yourself you'd back pedal. Now kindly fuck off.

>> No.6958672


back pedal what? i said i don't care about the picture, i don't care about megan, i've just read like the last 10 posts of this thread; none of these things have anything to do with my original comment. what exactly do you want me to say?

>> No.6958668

Hurry up and deliver OP, you fuck. It's the only way to redeem yourself now.

>> No.6958674
File: 46 KB, 586x419, 1369467443327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6958676


don't post any pics op i just want to piss this guy off

>> No.6958679

I come here to be inspired and find nice clothes/shoes/whatever. I could care less about being approved by you /fa/gs.

>> No.6958688

You don't need to say anything. As a matter of fact your silence would have left you with a shred of credibility, because at this point you've voided your original argument just because you had to call me out on some stupid shit then cite your indifference because you couldn't justify the means.

>> No.6958686
File: 107 KB, 295x309, megan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry it took me so long guys, here's the pic

>> No.6958694
File: 69 KB, 368x956, 1378449885211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude that is really fucked up, you know she just came back a while ago, I hope she isnt lurking in this threa,d that shit really affected her man, and it's not like she hasnt proven herself to be useful on here, but nigga s like you wont let her move on.

>> No.6958695

Didn't know there are nudes of Tripskank