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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 351 KB, 600x896, alcest_neige_by_suddenlle-d4gg03m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6951507 No.6951507 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ or not?

>> No.6951559

Blackgaze is the effayest subgenre of Black Metal.
And Neige has a pretty good fit
so yeah, effay, as far as these things go.

>> No.6951568

What about combining this with GN?

>> No.6951586
File: 11 KB, 250x375, b19b_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with your shoegaze shit /mu/

blackened crust is more /fa/ anyways


>> No.6951596

It makes waaayy more sense for gothninjas to listen to blackgaze than to whatever spermental hip-hap they are so enthusiastic about.

If you ask me, Gothninja ought to be closely tied to the blackgaze scene, unfortunately it isn't.

>> No.6951597

>not British Colombia War Metal

>> No.6951601

No it's not more effay, it's fucking rare and only works with the yet-unthrodden paths of hobocore.

Also shoegaze=/=blackgaze.

>> No.6951608

War Metal is not a thing, it's a word that bad, messy-sounding BM bands use to make people believe that they do that shit on purpose, to follow a theme and not out of sheer incompetence.

>> No.6951618

*tips fedora, sips his red wine and turns up his deafhaven record*

>> No.6951627
File: 26 KB, 500x417, Nuit+Noire+Tenebras+selfportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this /fa/?

>> No.6951633

I'm not defending blackgaze you mouthbreather, just pointing out that it happens to be very popular and to have a mythology around it that's pretty similar to that of gothninjas.

I already told you in the last thread, were it up to me only, industrial black metal would be effayer.

>> No.6951635


>> No.6951645

and why is that?

>> No.6951653

Because it's a kind of black metal that's completely adapted to a contemporary urban lifestyle, and therefore has a shitton of fashion potential if you try to exploit that fact.

>> No.6951655

If by that you mean more claustrophobic or chaotic, I agree.

>> No.6951667

It could be claustrophobic, if it had an atmosphere you could get into.

>> No.6951674

>urban lifestyle

if by "contemporary urban lifestyle" u mean "fat nerds on /mu/ who sit on their computers all day" then ya blackgaze is really contemporary and urban

>> No.6951671


I wear really simple goth ninja clothing, but I's so hard to find anything I like without having to pay tons of money... Just need some nice boots and tops.

>> No.6951688

lmao i know this chink irl who goes on /mu/ and he's fat as fuck and autismal about music

>> No.6951690

I'm not talking about blackgaze, but about industrial BM, and I'm rather referring to the tendency for depression and addictive behaviors that's typical of an urban lifestyle. Drugs, work, sitting on your computer all day... And how the usual occult shit BM is about aims to exploit that.

>> No.6951698

Whatever, just listen:

>> No.6951705

I prefere Deafheaven by far.

>> No.6951717

If you're the gothninja guy from earlier it's completely understandable.

>> No.6951728


I am. It was a lame statement, sorry about that.

>> No.6951726

if u mean industrial like early swans or whitehouse ya sure

nowadays its nu metal tier

>> No.6951747

If by "nowadays" you mean shit like Faderhead and Cyanotic, sure. Also, NDH != nu-metal.

>> No.6951754

Goddamn I bet you've never ridden the fucking subway in your life, let alone a freight. Leave crust alone and fuck off back to your damir diaper wearing, chris-chan tier antics

>> No.6951757

THIS is nu-metal tier?

This is nu-metal tier?




And all these bands are French. You can't get that much more potential for effayness.

>> No.6951759

i mean nu metal tier in the way that its fans are fat school shooters in tripp pants

>> No.6951778

Great, because these bands aren't what we're talking about, since they're not industrial BLACK metal.

>> No.6951783

lmao this is the definition of trying too hard to be edgy

/fa/ national anthem

>> No.6951792

Electro-industrial is the clear winner.

>> No.6951796

What, my post? No, it's simply a refutation with examples. If anything, it's Nu-metal fans who try too hard to be edgy. That's what they're known for.

The music I linked?
It's black metal, what the hell were you expecting?

>> No.6951798

>jezuz12345 7 months ago
>I just made it to the 6.666 view!?!!
>rafael prieto avila 2 weeks ago
>me gusta (y)
>xStrelok 1 year ago
>Fuck off you pretentious snob -- just because you can't appreciate the genius behind the artful crafting of such atmosphere has no consequence on what the aesthetic reality has to say about things. I bet you think programmed drums sound good, lmao.
>ibidydo 2 years ago
>@6ANNERWAR fuck all what your saying im a darwinist, christian and agnostic. you muppet athiests put a barrier on everything

pretty much sums up the industrial metal target audience

also wow that shit was awful

>> No.6951802

It's also a dead genre that hasn't known a major innovation in the past eight years.

>> No.6951814

>Fuck off you pretentious snob -- just because you can't appreciate the genius behind the artful crafting of such atmosphere has no consequence on what the aesthetic reality has to say about things. I bet you think programmed drums sound good, lmao.
>Fuck off you pretentious snob
>I bet you think programmed drums sound good, lmao.
lmao /mu/ in a nutshell

>> No.6951817

That's not the target audience of industrial Black Metal.

And it was awesome, as opposed to awful. Get some music tastes.

>> No.6951831

Yes, and?

>> No.6951833

>That's not the target audience of industrial Black Metal.

then why are they watching and commenting on the videos

keep listening to french faggots sing about russia over drum machines you fucking nerd

>> No.6951844

That means it runs the risk of being obsolete anytime now, since you have to take your historical environment into account to be effay.

>> No.6951855

>then why are they watching and commenting on the videos
because on youtube you happen to drift from one thing to another, and they obviously didn't all appreciate it, hence the argument.

>keep listening to french faggots sing about russia over drum machines you fucking nerd
Keep listening to Portland hobos singing about how grumpy they are you obtuse dickhead.