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/fa/ - Fashion

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6943232 No.6943232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /fa/, looking for some advice. I've skimmed over the sticky but it seems too high end for my taste. What I'm searching for is basic, fundamental information about not looking like a slob. Things that will help a guy go from zero knowledge to a baseline understanding. Not looking to stand out or make any statement, just plain, simple, and safe. I know nothing beyond denim jeans and a tee shirt and don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard.

>> No.6943257

basic rules for people like you
it's all about fit and not wearing loud colours or graphic tees
it's also about not being fat and having a proportionate body.
the less proportionate you are, the harder it will be to dress. whether that's being fat or being really muscular but I doubt you're the latter.

>> No.6943366

Okay. Let's assume I'm an average guy with average proportions. What next?

>> No.6943369

buy basics that fit you well

>> No.6943371

learn to recognize when shit fits or not

>> No.6943394

get to know your body/proportions and then get well-fitting basics. you can get a lot of basic shit for a good price and decent quality at Uniqlo. i wouldn't recommend getting anything expensive yet except for maybe shoes and 1 or 2 jackets.

>> No.6943396

Cop some basics

>Plain colour tees, get some round neck, some V neck
>Shirts, plain colour or some plaid patterns perhaps, nothing too lumberjacky though
>Straight leg or slim jeans, I'd personally go for slim, Levi's 511 is a good fit. A dark blue pair and a black pair will do you good for a lot of outfits
>Chinos if you want
>A pair of white sneakers of some kind. A simple, minimal design rather than something with loads of needless details. In your position, some white converse will probably do fine.
>Sneakers in some other colour if you like
>A jacket of some kind in a darker colour than most of your shirts

There, now you are basic

>> No.6943403

also check out www.mfa.com

>> No.6943419
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Oh yeah, fit is really important, everything must fit properly.

For upper body stuff make sure the shoulder seam actually goes over your shoulder instead of hanging next to it like pic related. Trousers should be able to stay on your waist without the need for a belt.

>> No.6943436

loose some more weight

>> No.6943442


Read the sticky more, OP. It isn't too high end for you.

>> No.6943502

>>6943369 >>6943371
But I don't know what that means in a fashion understanding. I feel like I'm going to not get something that is obvious to regular /fa/ browsers. Let's just assume I know nothing and go from the ground up.
>>6943396 >>6943419
Thank you. Are you saying I should wear a plain tee underneath a button shirt? Should it be open or closed? Tucked in? Are there some common beginner mistakes to avoid?
I'm actually a bit underweight at 135lbs 5'8". Not sickly or anything, I keep myself healthy with simple exercise.

Also, I'm having trouble finding the right sizes since "proper fitting" seems to be important. What should I measure? Pants have always been a problem with me because of my small waist and relatively long legs. I usually have to settle with slightly baggy pants, but I'm looking to change my wardrobe.

>> No.6943515

>Are you saying I should wear a plain tee underneath a button shirt? Should it be open or closed? Tucked in? Are there some common beginner mistakes to avoid?

Shirts are meant to be worn buttoned all the way up except for the very last one and with no visible tee underneath. you can wear a deep vneck underneat if you're sweaty so that it doesn't show. don't tuck them if you're wearing a casual attire man.

>> No.6943529

Learn the difference between casual oxfords and dress shirts. One of the biggest mistakes guys make when trying to start dressing better is wearing their dress shirts with jeans just because they have buttons.

>> No.6943536

If you're going to wear a plain tee under a button shirt only do it for warmth. Use a V neck so you can't see it.

>> No.6943556

this is extremely important

also if you can't get fitting jeans because you're tall just get them straight from levi's website, pretty sure you can get stuff like 30x34 511's there.

>> No.6943601

>What I'm searching for is basic, fundamental information about not looking like a slob. Things that will help a guy go from zero knowledge to a baseline understanding.
you literally described the function of the fucking sticky
you can't tell, but i'm saging as hard as I can

>> No.6943632

>>6943515 >>6943536
I had a friend tell me to wear simple graphic tees with an open shirt over it. Is this not a good idea?
>>6943529 >>6943556
I'm looking up both "oxford shirt" and "dress shirt" but they seem the same. Both are buttoned all the way with collars and cuffs. Is it the material that's different?

>> No.6943639

This is not a good idea

If you're going to wear a graphic tee make sure it's something subtle (nearly all metal band tees are out at this point) and if you're cold wear a jacket over it.

>> No.6943652

Why is it bad? I've seen people do it and it seems okay, but then again I don't have any fashion sense to begin with.

>> No.6943665

That's just it though, it looks just about okay. Also open shirts flap around and are annoying as fuck.

>> No.6943668
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It's just best to get your basics in first. As you say you don't really have a fashion sense and graphic t-shirts are a fucking landmine. You're better of avoiding them at first and then maybe looking at them a year or so later again when you've got an eye for them.

>> No.6943720

Ball crushingly tight skinny jeans

>> No.6943738

>tfw my conquistador is 6" in it's flippyfloppy state

>> No.6943752

I'm okay with looking just okay. Not going for eye popping or anything.
Have any examples of good/bad graphics? I'll stick with plain, but even then there seems to be a lot of variables like material and shape.

>> No.6943794

Not OP but I have a similar newbie question: When you wear oxford/chambray shirts, are you expected to roll up the sleeves? Unless you wear it underneath a cardigan or sweater I mean. Personally I think rolling up is always superior but I wondered if that was wrong. To me, long sleeves plain are kinda boring.

>> No.6943798
File: 50 KB, 762x1100, 4BE22D01B-513@1.1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really wear graphic t's myself, the closest I've got to that is pic related.
There was also this one shirt by COS that had just three differently sized rectangular blocks of (subtle) colour in the middle of a gray tee that I really liked but I can't find it right now.

>> No.6943819


>wearing clothes that fit right
>eye popping

Stop resisting our suggestions. You have no style so take some of ours. We're trying to help you here.

>> No.6943826
File: 262 KB, 600x800, Inspo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always roll myself, that's more of a temperature thing though. But plain and 'boring' can be good too.

>> No.6943845

Well you pic is fine because he's wearing a sweater. But I mean just like wearing only a dress shirt or oxford and not rolling. Seems like it would look weird/not aesthetic

>> No.6943853
File: 97 KB, 500x750, 1378857212016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I can't really find all that much with plain shirts and unrolled sleeves.

>> No.6943900

>temperature thing
>wearing a large knitted sweater
mmhmm.. just admit you like showing off your gay ankles you harlot.

>> No.6943918

That isn't even me you nincompoop. That's an illustration to accompany the second sentence.

>> No.6944124

Somewhat related question, what other accesories for men beside watches are generally acceptable?

>> No.6944250
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>> No.6944275

Messenger bags, tie clip, phone saddle, and maybe leather/wood/seashell bracelets if your some kind of hippiestonersuferdude

>> No.6944311

goddamnit read the fucking sticky, it's there for a reason.

stop spoonfeeding /fa/