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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 262 KB, 650x842, up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6932652 No.6932652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Effay feels
>going to frat party
>dress prep to blend in, lacoste polo w rolled up chino shorts and boat shoes
>tfw omg anon why are you so dressed up
>tfw anon you look fancy today
>tfw some random dude comes up to me and compliments my hair
>tfw party gets busted early and I go home alone
>tfw no gf

>> No.6932659

>tfw singing really loudly
>cousin comes into my room to ask me if I want a lift somewhere
>not sure if he heard me singing or not
>tfw new cop
>wear it college the next day
>compliments errywhere
feels good
Happened with my COS panelled jumper the other day and my CP's the day before that

>> No.6932660

>tfw OP is shit posting
>tfw OP owns those clothing items
>tfw I have no face

go back to MFA pls

>> No.6932679

>never got a compliment on my clothes
>no gf
>no real friends

>> No.6932681
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>dress preppy all the time, polo's all day erry day
>shit's getting colder
>decide i'll wear a white shirt
>"whoah you got some important meeting this afternoon?"
>mfw i just like to dress nice and somehow it's special if i dress extra nice

>> No.6932683

pretty much this. I don't even know why i'd even spend money on clothes, it's not like anyone would notice if i ever did anything.

>> No.6932692

Talk shit post fit

>> No.6932694

>wear nice clothes
>only get compliments on my hair and shoes

>> No.6932697

>going to a lounge with friends
>wear a dress, bother with my makeup
>end up going to a frat instead
>wow girl you go all out for sigma delta taus
"N-no, it was an accident"
>play boggle on my phone the whole time

>> No.6932708
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>not being a frat slut

>> No.6932709

>tfw everyone says I dress European
What the fuck is that supposed to mean

>> No.6932711

>wear something different i don't wear often
>never get compliments, always some sarcastic remark about how i changed my style
i need to find some new friends.

>> No.6932712

My friend calls me a fashionista. I just laugh him off.

>> No.6932714
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>> No.6932740

>tfw always get compliments on my hair
>get it cut
>no compliments


it wasn't even long... just a grown out HY

>> No.6932751
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>start wearing higher quality shirts, better fitting jeans
>exchange all star hightops for cdbs
>suddenly start getting compliments on the regular
>exclusively from 40-60 y/o women i work with

i never asked for this /fa/, i just wanted to dress nicer

>> No.6932766
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>start buying designer
>make sure everything has correct fits on my body
>get popular yet sleek and stylish shoes
>have a barber where i get a sleek high taper borderline HY hairstyle that fits my face really well
>go to the gym, work out every muscle of body with a routine
>watch my diet and eat healthy
>tfw still no compliments

you all must by lying or something

>> No.6932788

>still wearing cdb
Mfa Pls go

>> No.6932794
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>tfw finally find a qt
>tfw she is pretty awesome
>tfw dont think its gonna get to the stage of gf
>tfw was 21 virgin and she is 26
>tfw we are probably gonna stop seeing each other
>tfw unsure if she actually likes me

>> No.6932799

Maybe you're ugly.

>> No.6932828

You're probably full slavcore mode

>> No.6932830

post a fit friend and we'll compliment you if its good
im sure its good

>> No.6932858


So glad I'm not this delusionally gay

>> No.6932865

maybe you're an asshole?

>> No.6932912

B-but I don't wear tracksuits or flat caps

>> No.6932953

>went thrifting
>"oh man xxxxx is buying designer again"

>> No.6932963

the clerks or ur friends?

>> No.6932997
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>buy a tweed jacket from Goodwill
>go visit a friend on a whim
>we hang out for a minute
>head over to a mutual friend's house, a real qt
>we get invited to a dinner party thing
>wearing plain color tee and old dress pants with ripped cuffs
>slap on the tweed jacket because why not
>get called "eloquent" by qt later

>> No.6933004

when people in america say 'european' they usually mean western european.

>> No.6933021

>get called "eloquent" by qt later
That doesn't have anything to do with your silly jacket anon :~)

iktf tho
LDR friend of mine tells me my writing gives her a ladyboner
Too lazy to make the drive and give her the D though B)

>> No.6933031

All your feels are irrelevant

>> No.6933036

I still have no idea what that means

>> No.6933040
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>tfw "anon, you're the only guy that can pull off a sweatsuit"
Good feel

>> No.6933056

>"You look like a heroin addict."
I've made it.

>> No.6933067


Wearing clothes solely for compliments isn't /fa/ at all.

>> No.6933077


>> No.6933076

>freshman in college
>just started lurking /fa/ recently
>wear basic super basic shit, haven't really developed a unique style yet
>yesterday, wearing raws and a mossimo v-neck
>qt calls me out
>"uhhh a few i guess"
>"y-you too"

i might make it someday

>> No.6933083

That's wrong though.

>> No.6933079

but the only reason you dress nicely is to impress others

>> No.6933088

Pussy just fell in your lap. I sincerely hope you did something about it.

>> No.6933092
File: 46 KB, 499x640, Where It Is At The Moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw long and tiring day behind me
>tfw listening to LCD Soundsystem, drinking coffee and assembling outfit for friday night out
Is anyone with me?

>> No.6933091

why does this always happen to you autists and not me

i am still waiting for some qt to come up to me and compliment my fit, and i am well prepared for 5 mins conversation before asking for her number and getting the fuck out of there before i fuck up

>> No.6933093

how is it?

what other reason is there to dress nicely

for yourself? but then you are just dressing nicely so you feel good infront of others, hence trying to impress others

>> No.6933096

That's what basic is. You should probably buy a variety of colors if it's really that noticeable. Buy some henely tees and some tanks providing you aren't skinny or skinnyfat. And a print wouldn't hurt once in a while.

>> No.6933102

i don't know you but it's like you described my day. what LCD soundsystem album did you listen?

>> No.6933114

I was listening to the self-titled before, now Introns is spinning. Tiga's remix of Tribulations is massive.

>> No.6933112

Well, Daft Punk was playing at my house, sooooo...

Also, I once got props for wearing oldass grey boat shoes in a streetwear fit. It was some teenager who saw them and said "nice kicks" as I walked past. I spent the better part of 10 minutes worried that he was being sarcastic.

>> No.6933121

Lol, you getting called out for your shitty dadcore.

>> No.6933124

>I was listening to the self-titled before
anon confirmed for being me.

>> No.6933126

also, a story

>be in soho
>decide to stop by the supreme store
>walk in and there a few people but nit much
>begin browsing the rack
>wear a medium
>they had almost nothing in my size
>begin to lose hope, head over to the button-down rack
>some 14 year old kid in Supras and a Nike text t-shirt walks in
>the clerk audibly sighs
>he browses maybe 30 seconds, pulls out a Wackies t-shirt and practically slams it on the checkout table
>I ended up copping a hat

He probably didn't even know who Horace Andy was.

>> No.6933137

the netherlands. you?

>> No.6933135

This is scary, man

Where do you live? Just wondering.

>> No.6933190


Slovenia. I was in Netherlands this spring, very nice country. Amsterdam was nice, even not taking weed into account.

>> No.6933187

Probably because you're ugly du

>> No.6933197

i wear flannels, ocbds, and prints pretty often, but with the weather out lately i've been wearing tees. i'm skinnyfat as fuck so no tanks

>> No.6933207

definitely not m8

its just the way it is over here, everyone keeps to themselves and wouldnt think of ever approaching or talking to strangers

>> No.6933206

not really an /fa/ feel but
>acquaintance from school says "hey anon you remind me of a cartoon character"
>people chime in and say they agree
>optimistic, think they're gonna say I'm funny
>"yeah, you basically wear the same outfit every day"
>"haha yeah, he does!"
>"hahaha he also picks his nose!"
>"hahaha we love you anonymous you're the best"

I'm such a disgusting bum fuck.

>> No.6933210

amsterdam is shit

weed is good but you can still get it anywhere else just a bit harder

>> No.6933212

>generally just wear streetwear shit
>have to go to some semi formal thing
>wear cuffed chinos, some gingham shirt with the sleaves rolled up and cdbs
>"woah anon you look good!"
>"wow anon i like that shirt"
I can rock the fratty douche look but I hate it

>> No.6933474

Some people just feel good by dressing well.

>> No.6933519

>fratty douche
Gingham is more dadcore/real prep/#menswear than fratcore

>> No.6933541

>wear a very basic fit: white oxford, navy chinos, brown pennyloafers
>go to party, talk a bit
>get complimented by girls
>. . . and then get complimented by a "classy gentleman"
>he was kind of chubby, he was wearing pleated khakis, some kind of flannel, an ill-fitting tweed jacket, and . . . a trilby
>Classy Gentleman: "Hey, you are very well dressed! You sir, are dapper."
>Me: "Yeah, I wish I could say the same."
>walk off into the moonlight

>> No.6933547

you sound like a dick tho

>> No.6933555

Some people would say I'm a rather polite guy. But, hey, give me a few beers and I can talk shit.

From my standpoint, the chubby guy looked awful.

>> No.6933560


>> No.6933562

Holy fuck, this.
Wearing boots, chinos, and a button down, and my old boss asked me where in Europe I was from. I'm from the fucking midwest, and I'm white.

>> No.6933561

From your description he sounds awful. The only way he could've been worse is if he had a neckbeard.

>> No.6933574

Nah, he didn't have a neckbeard. He actually looked clean and employable, but he dressed like a moron. If I was a better person, I would have apologized and given him a few pointers in dressing up.

>> No.6933581

I feel bad for him then. Fuck I have way too much flannel as it is and I have no idea how I got it. I'm just going to get some OCBDs this weekend, fuck it. I've already got 2, 1 red and 1 blue CK slim fits which look pretty good but I need more to have a not retarded wardrobe.

>> No.6933591

Hey, a light blue and a white OBCD is the bare minimum, I think.

There's nothing wrong with flannel, really. It may have been overplayed for the past few years, but fuck it, flannels will be around for another 100 years. Just stay away from ugly colored patterns and colorations.

>> No.6933603

>I'm such a disgusting bum fuck.

bursted out laughing, thanks anon

>> No.6933601

>not going to frat parties in full Rick and ending the night in the back of a squad car after putting a football player in the hospital with a shattered jaw and ruptured testicles

>> No.6933604

Most of my flannels are just one color mixed with a neutral (purple with black, red with white, etc) so they're not gaudy looking. But yeah I don't even have the bare minimum. Looking to try and find some nice OCDBs over the weekend but I'm a broke ass college student :(

>> No.6933612

poet i can honestly believe that you've done this.

>> No.6933616

>one color mixed with a neutral (purple with black, red with white, etc

those are usually awful looking imo but its a case by case thing and i can't judge without seeing them

>> No.6933614


>> No.6933624

I can't stand multi colored ones, tbh the blends just don't work well for me.

>> No.6933631

Poet just wants to be hardcore but the police wont let him
Careful you don't step into 2edgy territory like bai m8e
Out of interest tho , what music do you listen to?

>> No.6933640

All flannels look shit tbh
If I could find solid color shirts from that material it'd be gr8

>> No.6933641

Man I was at a f.y.e. and thought to myself "o man just a bunch of a shits i bet lmao" but then I saw a Sunn O))) album in the CDs and the bundle of records they had LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver and new Fuck Buttons.

looks like it was full of a shits lmao

>> No.6933653

They're only shit if you aren't wearing them properly.

>> No.6933668

I Promise I've never been to that place in particular, it just seemed like a really nice image. I watched Heathers the other day, that's probably it. Im my ind there's a slow rain falling, too.

I listen to a bit of everything because I have a huge vinyl collection, but my real loves are dark, lush ambient music and instrumental hip hop.

It's odd, for someone who spends so much time writing music, I rarely listen to it the way normal folks do, ie as sonic wallpaper, or just to fill the spaces. It's always deliberate. I miss having background music, I should get an ipod.

>> No.6933689

>freshman in college
>always dressed preppy because grew up in a wasp-y town in Connecticut
>go to my first frat party (sigma chi)
>"look at this loser"
>"what a tryhard, you'll never get a bid geed"
>go to second frat party (delta chi)
>"where'd you get your costas?"
>"nice shoes, are those sperry's?"
>"v-v-vintage Dooney & Bourke boat shoes"
>"dude that's gay, my slampiece has a purse from that place"
>tfw no bids
>tfw chartered a business frat at my school instead of being in a social one
>tfw no slampiece

>> No.6933700
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>wear geos,full damir/ccp head to crotch
>get captured and instated at asylum
>life is horrifying for the first few days
>everyone tells me to "post fit fuccboi"
>take medication
>all i can mumble is tfwnoqtp2t3.14 gf
>w2c cop or not is all i can hear
>dr. komme comes in and fucks my boypussy errynight
>start losing weight
>new uniform and food is Saint Laurent jeans, 30cigs an hour and komme fucking me

>> No.6933713

Do you like Lustmord poet?

>> No.6933721

I do now!

>> No.6933735


>> No.6934494

>tfw you didn't record your mix.

You people have to know this feel
a shame im getting used to it like tfwnogf

>> No.6934498


Idiomatically, people use the word "institutionalized". "Committed" also works, but I always feel like it's a little less PC.

>> No.6934511

i think i meant reinstated
is it incorrect tho?
thanks for showing me really gotta update my vocab

>> No.6934515

>tfw you are an hour into a mix and about to finish up and fuck up

>> No.6934523
File: 74 KB, 848x465, 86aWpwrWYxbwGGidk2O65hUxybMeeePs5tVSvSyLOR0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man,recreating that energy is nigh impossible.like your first high

>> No.6934531

its never the same ;_;

>> No.6934542

>walking though campus on my way to meet someone
>dress nice
>walk by the qt I've been eyeing for awhile
>he glances at me
>omg he's judging me
>go back in dorm and never come out again

>> No.6934546

idk whats worse,feeling failed or failing the people.its almost as bad as people who expect a certain type of music and you can't win them over

>> No.6934598

>tfw bad day, feel like total fucking shit
>hey, at least i dressed nice

>> No.6934619

tfw doesnt mean the face when, it means the feel when. pls go.

>> No.6934661

>got drunk and stupid fratboys buzzcut my hair
>qt pie: "anon you look better with that buzzcut"

but mah hitler youth

>> No.6934669 [DELETED] 

>learn basic body language and gain confidence
>have major advantage over most guys simply by he way i present myself

for real, that may be the thing that takes you to the next level with women.

>> No.6934675

>learn basic body language and how to project confidence
>have major advantage over most guys simply by he way i present myself

for real, that may be the thing that takes you to the next level with women.

>> No.6934679

but what if you fuck up your set m8,and the only tracks i have left are liquid dnb.its not like its all canned openers and closers
what would Starfucks do?

>> No.6934691

Where2cop an effay grill?

>> No.6934690
File: 2 KB, 125x50, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheeky breeki i caught that

>> No.6934715

Paul Wall used to sell grills in Houston, but most malls sell them.

>> No.6934726
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hey bitch dont starve me attention like yesterdays girl,i asked you a question nintenyearold fuck

>> No.6934747
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bitch better walk how you talk or end up banned like every other pussy faggot who talked down to a young boss.

>what would Starfucks do?
i'd change my name to something less shitty.
wow man, cool you play video games. how unique.

a better name is Final DatPhantasy

>> No.6934767
File: 152 KB, 960x1280, 1361034674338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight fuccboi as always
*drops mic on your manlet head*

>> No.6934781
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>tfw your hairline is a fucking M so it doesn't really matter how well you dress because your forehead will always look a mile wide

>> No.6934842
File: 247 KB, 455x341, viola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw foreheads only 3 fingers high.

>> No.6934897


>> No.6934929

>wear rick shirt
>anon your shirt is too small
>anon your shirt is too big

pick one fuck

>> No.6934930

>remember those mouthbreathing threads
>manually breathing from my nose

fuck you /fa/

>> No.6934937

he probably likes you, moron

>> No.6934950

is this the same for girls?

if they are looking at me does that mean they like me?

>> No.6934947

thats not good at all

>> No.6934972

i'm worried i will soon know those feels

>> No.6934978

They're all laughing at you. They laugh at me because I can't find fitting trousers so I get a crotch bulge that looks stupid so I have to walk with my hands in my pockets to cover it up. I know they're laughing.

>> No.6934984

>wear rick shirt
>anon you look like a faggot

>> No.6934991

I'd say yes. If I like a girl I'm always checking her out. If I don't find her attractive I don't even look at her and avoid eye contact.
Have you seen him looking at you more than once? Do you consider yourself hot, qt, average?

>> No.6934998

i have a penis but i consider myself hot and 1 or 2 grills have agreed

>> No.6934999

I know.
I'm really self conscious about it irl.

>> No.6935002

Seriously you guys need to calm the fuck down

Nobody even overthinks shit the way you guys do

>> No.6935018

I think you were >>6934542 and were a girl

Man, I don't know but I'd say probably. If someone's checking you out it's because he/she is interested in you somehow, I suppose.
Do you find yourself looking at ugly chicks sometimes? I guess not.

>> No.6935020

the drop crotch is good because no one will notice when you shit yourself

>> No.6935039

no that wasnt me

i was referring to what she was saying though but from the male point of view

>> No.6935041

You gotta dress the part if you wanna be
eatin sammy texting slammy

>> No.6935059

I don't know, m8. Women are so concealed that if I caught one looking at me I consider that a small victory, even if it means nothing, at least I caught her attention.

>> No.6935072
File: 352 KB, 950x980, 1379169583532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your friends get embarrassed by being so under dressed when you're just wearing your normal fits

Guys pls, why can't you just wear clothes that fit.

>> No.6935081

That grill here.
I think I'm pretty qt. I like to dress in black a lot, but most people on my campus wear the usual Zara/forever21 shit. That guy I was talking about hangs out with a lot of pleb girls or reads the newspaper by himself so I find it hard to approach him.

>> No.6935091

omg anon you're so dumb~
just be a newspaper

>> No.6935112

I only stare if you look hot or you're so hideously ugly.

>> No.6935122

guys are easy as fuck, and the pressure is always on the guy to keep conversation and shit going

so just go sit beside him, ask what is he reading about or compliment his clothes or hair or something, then he should take over conversation and you just have to direct the convo in the way you want it

and if he is unresponsive then fuck it there are plenty more guys

>> No.6935129

well im definitely not ugly so thats good

>> No.6935135

Actually it's fairly odd for a girl to come up and start talking to a guy. They'll respond to be polite, but it's hard for them to figure out what someone's gameplan is if they just ask stupid questions. If she just went up to him, asked a couple questions then said "I think you're cute" or something then he'd be much more invested in talking to her.
>tfw too many fuckheads can't understand simple shit like this

>> No.6935139
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>qt approaches me in street
>Keep head down and power walk on

She definitely probably wanted a light.

>> No.6935152
File: 18 KB, 366x380, oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Head down
>Power walk on
>Nervous reply just to get away from them

>> No.6935147

A lot of guys are really dumb and won't make the first move for a number of reasons, mainly fear of rejection. I guess it may be hard for a girl to “take the first step” out of nowhere but you could try putting yourself in a position where the guy can hit you up easily, for example, you could sit alone near where he is, read the newspaper or a book and if the guy is not a beta faggot (and also interested in you) he may approach and talk to you. Or you could just go straight up to him and say hi, though these things are easier said than done.
Anyway, I think you should give him more glances and maybe a smile. As a guy I can tell a smile means a LOT from a girl.

Also, post fit? I want to see how qt you are :3

>> No.6935169

He always wears really nice leather shoes so maybe I start with that? I just find it intimidating to make the first move.

>> No.6935177

No shit so does everyone

>> No.6935182

Everyone does, honey. It's just apprehension, and think of it this way 9 times out of 10 it's the guy that has to make that first move.

>> No.6935184

just try making eye contact with him first and smile at him

if he does nothing about it he is probably just like every guy on /fa/ and too shy

so then you could comment on something and see how he reacts and hopefully it goes well from there

>> No.6935192

u have nothin' 2 lose bb

>> No.6935197

i posted that because it's really noticeable how most guys don't think about body language.

recently girls have had a masculine perception of me, and i'm not really ripped or anything.
it's because of how i sit and speak.

it isn't enough to make a girl want to fuck, but it's definitely something they notice subliminally.
it's definitely something that makes me seem more attractive and desirable.

>> No.6935206

Sorry I'm in my pjs. Maybe next time.
Thanks for the advice everyone.

>> No.6935268

That frat is on St George street?

>> No.6935320

does anyone else not like getting compliments? its rare for my poor heroin chic anyway but when i get them i just laugh it off or say 'yeah'

>> No.6935350

If I don't get compliments I feel sad
When I do get compliments I feel awkward


>> No.6935351

>Sour grapes

>> No.6935362

>tfw no one ever tells you you have good taste in music/clothes
>Probably because people don't care that much about music or fashion as we do

I'd take a “great taste” over a “you're hot/cute” any day

>> No.6935373

>tfw some plen I was talking to was convinced a Milli is the greatest rap song of our generation
I have never wanted to murder someone for being so pleb be4

>> No.6935388

I'm an entry level hip hop fan. I like A Tribe Called Quest, Del the Funkee Homosapien, Deltron 3030, Jay Z, Danny Brown, Kanye West, A$AP Rocky, Death Grips... I don't like Lil Wayne at all and that song is really bad to be honest, so I guess I'm with you on this one.

>> No.6935403

>buy GATs from some guy on styleforum
>wear them out first day with black jeans
>the GATS are blindingly white
>blind my friends with intensely fresh kicks
>they are plebs and just kind of chuckle about my shoes and say "anon always buys designer shit"
>I dont own any designer clothing
>cant protest because id look like more of a faggot
>feel out of place and overdressed around all my friends all the fucking time

>> No.6935414

You should either A) find friends who dress better B) subtly persuade them to dress better or C) dress slightly above them

>> No.6935424

>first week of dressing decently
>be at work
>older woman says "anon you look cute today"
>another older woman says she liked it better when i wore band shirts
>qt compliments how i look
>not sure if sarcastic so instinctively respond sarcastically

>> No.6935432

Pretty much anything non-conservative or tight-fitting.

>> No.6935462


I've tried all three, and switch tactics like once a month. I have a couple friends who dress well enough, though. and i can talk about fashion with them

>> No.6937377

>not doing all three

>> No.6938526

>calls other people autists
>has 5 min conversation planned out and ready to go
>so do i


>> No.6938551

>Walk around hoping to run into a cute girl
>Never do