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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 320x480, david-gandys-nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6927338 No.6927338 [Reply] [Original]

So I've looked at you guys' haircut guide and I'm not sure what to do.

See, my face profile is kind of strange as it doesn't seem to go well with any haircut, especially since my hair doesn't grow straight (they're kind of curly and when they get too long, it becomes some kind of ugly caucasian afro thing)

My chin and cheekbones are shitty - chin is round and pointy, and I got a very thin jawline but nothing even remotely close to being called "defined".

Most of all, I got a jewnose, like pic related. The combination of chin + lack of defined jawline + shapeless hair + nose makes it really hard for me to find any kind of good haircut.

Could you tell me what would go with what I described?

General advice thread, too.

>> No.6927342

post a pic of entire face if you actually want any good answers.
saging until then.

>> No.6927664

What if I don't want to?

I don't mind generalistic answers, I just want to know which hairstyles go best with what I said (big nose, round chin, etc)

>> No.6927876


>> No.6927885

nice sage

>> No.6927902

You wanted a general answer.

Good looking people can get away with anything.
Ugly people go best with nothing.

Eat your red pill.

Pic or else no one will even care to answer you.

>> No.6928008

How do I make my jawline more defined? Just lose bodyfat?

I have really fat thighs and my face is puffy (not as in fat, but I can see that there is some fat on my neck, chin, cheeks etc)

So is a diet the best way? Any things I should eat in particular?

Also will lifting fix my posture
I just look skinnyfat lanky atm, like some kind of thin branch with an egg stuck on top of it

>> No.6928015

Eat less gym more
coffee more
see you in 4 months anon : )

>> No.6928020

>coffee more
I hate coffee though

Anything else

Thanks by the way

>> No.6928032
File: 36 KB, 287x339, 1372190239755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water/Face exercises.
yes lifting will give you great posture cut carbs don't eat gluten for a while and don't drink corn syrup unless its arizona ice tea.

>> No.6928037

>Water/Face exercises
Should I do anything I find while googling?

Thanks for the tips. I have a godawful mouthbreather profile because of the lack of jawline, I hope it can be fixed.

>> No.6928057

drink almost retarded amounts of water
this help just about everything
On average i go thru 3 brita filters a day via coffee/water

>> No.6928060

oh yeah and bread is like off limits unless its that 45cal/slice shit
Your weight x 11 = calories to be losing weight

>> No.6928082

in lbs or what?

>> No.6928119

I drink on avg 2 liters a day, is it enough

>> No.6928957
File: 1.19 MB, 1181x502, Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this thread is about face/hair grooming, does anyone mind if I post my own?

I'm currently trying to go from fat to fit, dropped 20kg along the way, but still 5 or so to go I think.
19, no facial hair to speak of, so what concerns me is my hair.

What face shape do I have, and what hairstyle would you recommend?

Excuse poor quality shots, I'm not a photographer.

>> No.6928972

you look 15 m8
also, you need to lose another 10-15kg
and for the hair, either buzz it or let it grow to hitler youth length

>> No.6928980


smile in your pics

>> No.6928999

Born 1993, but I look quite younger. Weigh 85kg right now, and I'm 186.

>> No.6929018

yeah, aim for 70-75kg

>> No.6929026

And about the haircut? I think my head is too big for a buzzcut...

>> No.6929048


What did you ask your barber for last time?

>> No.6929057

I usually just go for short back and sides...

Let me make this abundantly clear, I am a hardcore pleb, and I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. Read through the sticky, but still trying to learn.

>> No.6929054

When I smile, my teeth don't show and I look retarded. What do?

>> No.6929072

the back looks as long if not longer than the top m8, that's why I'm asking

let it grow a bit, and next time you go, tell him to not cut the top and cut it pretty short on the side/back

also, when letting it grow, don't let it hang on your forehead, drag it back

>> No.6929080

don't listen to that faggot. 70kg is basically stickman for 6'1.

put in some effort and build some muscle

>> No.6929082

The thing is my hair tends to droop forward, also, I live in the eastern coast of Spain, so a lot of heat, a lot of sun, and quite some sweat somedays.

I was actually thinking of going to the barber tomorrow.

>> No.6929094

I don't think you need to go to the barber

and there's products to keep your hair from drooping forward

That's why I said 70-75, It varies from person to person

>> No.6929096

I'm trying to lose body fat and gain some muscle, but the /fit/ way. I don't want a lot of bulk, so 75 might do.
I'm availing myself of my uni's installations, pool and gym. At home I also have a bike.

>> No.6929108


I have to say, this board is considerably mellower and more helpful than I imagined, thanks people.

>> No.6929110

cut your lips off

>> No.6929116

It's europe time, you're lucky

>> No.6929132

Very true.

How long should I leave it before cutting?

>> No.6929142

I'd say you're good for a month, then cut it like

>let it grow a bit, and next time you go, tell him to not cut the top and cut it pretty short on the side/back

>> No.6929150

Wilco, thanks again.

>> No.6929157

No but seriously though. I look retarded when I try to show my teeth while smiling.

Do I just smile by stretching my lips and not trying to show my teeth? What about laughing? I look like a mongoloid when I laugh

>> No.6929161


>> No.6929167

try different things in the mirror till you find something that doesn't look retarded, and than practice making that your real smile, and it will become your natural smile with enough practice

>> No.6929178

This sounds borderline sociopathic, but get infront of a mirror for a few hours and practice different smiles.

I never smiled because I had braces, so I always had my mouth shut. When they took them off, I didn't really know how to open my mouth to smile.

Postpic of you smiling.

>> No.6929181

man you look like you could stab 10 people to death and walk away with that face on. scary shit m8, smile every once in a while!

>> No.6929184

This pic is flattering, if you saw the mugshots I've accumulated over the years...

Looking young only makes it worse.

>> No.6929187

smiles always make you look better/more likeable
always smile when it's warranted

>> No.6929198

I'm not really good at forcing smiles, but I actually smile quite often in my day to day.

>> No.6929202

Thing is, I think the space between my nose and lips is too wide which makes me unable to smile properly.

When I try to show my teeth in any way possible, I end up just stretching my lips because I *can't* show my teeth. When I hold my nose up and stretch that space between it and the lips, I have a normal smile.

But I can't just pull on my nose whenever I smile... That's 2nxtlvl

>> No.6929204

I want to see you smiling next time you show us a picture m8

>> No.6929210

show me your mouth when you're trying to smile with you mouth open (without holding your nose back)

because I did not understand any of that

>> No.6929217

Will do. I discovered /fa/ two days ago when I clicked on the link on a whim. Now I realize I should have been taking better care of my image.

>> No.6929232

Well, 19 is still young, you're only starting university, so really you're not too late

>> No.6929242

Well, I am in my third year. December birth. But yeah, I still have quite some time I think.

>> No.6929245

what are you studying?

>> No.6929246

Ugh I'm in bed with a phone right now, it's 11PM, too lazy to turn on the lights and stuff

I'll post a pic tomorrow for sure, ok? Thanks for your help.

Just to try and make it clearer, it seems that I don't show my teeth when I smile because my lips cover them no matter what and I end up looking like the joker
So I guess my upper lips are too long or something. Lel

>> No.6929253

Mechanical engineering. What about you?

>> No.6929255

sure, if I find the thread you're posting in

I'll bookmark this one, it shouldn't be deleted by tomorrow

are your teeth visible when you speak?

>> No.6929258

You have plenty of time to step your game up. start with the basics don't buy Rick Owens shoes just because everyone here has a pair. take your time and you'll be fine.

>> No.6929266

industrial computer science (literal translation there, sorry)

>> No.6929275

I actually have close to zero understanding of clothes. Scratch that, negative understanding.
My current footwear is a pair of CallagHans.

>> No.6929281

I think I get the gist of it, one of our faculties has something similar. Where are you studying?

>> No.6929289

lurk this board and try applying the basic stuff you see,

don't go for the retarded goth ninja or flower patterns or whatever,
it does not look good, it's not trendy or whatever, it's hipster level garbage

>> No.6929294


>> No.6929297

I'd actually prefer some menswear, but I look too young to pull it off at the moment.
Most avant-garde is way too avant-garde for me.

>> No.6929306

Ooh, what language area?

>> No.6929313

what do you mean by menswear?

Flemish school in Brussels

>> No.6929326

Yeah, mostly. In the sticky they file them under Traditional I think. I actually feel comfourtable with suits and dress shoes...

Cool, practically the capital of Europe nowadays.

>> No.6929339

you're gonna want to wait for the business life to dress like that, it'll look out of place at uni

>> No.6929357

Yeah, going full suit to uni is bang out of order, but I think one could pull off a waistcoat.

Spain is too hot for suits either way...

>> No.6929366

eh, I guess you could if you have a nice stature, but it'd be hard to not look like a tryhard fedora fag

>> No.6929373

And with that disturbing though I'm off to bed.

Thanks to all of you guys.

>> No.6929375
File: 481 KB, 2203x2937, oPJg4g6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should i do with my hair? looking into chemical straightening

>> No.6929387

don't take a picture with the camera above your eye level

goodnight m8

>> No.6929391

why do i need to smile? im showing you my hair

>> No.6929396

>this is who critiques you on /fa/

>> No.6929400

because you don't look like someone you'd want to help when you're not smiling

cheer up man

>> No.6929398

get a new face first

>> No.6929407

how could he cheer up with that mug

>> No.6929408

I'll post in this one and try to bump it regularly.

Also not really. My lower teeth show, not my upper ones. Or if they do, it's extremely slightly - when I had braces, people hardly noticed them.

>> No.6929415
File: 430 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130919_231956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /fa/ what hairstyle would fit with me in your opinion? What should i do?

Ill try to smile next time

>> No.6929416

ok, sounds good to me, I'm sure there's something you could do about it though, just haven't though of it yet

>> No.6929422

Why are you even on this board?

>> No.6929433

To better myself

>> No.6929443

obviously you'll want it much shorter

>> No.6929454

I'd like to be able to do something, indeed... My smile/laugh is what I'm most self conscious about.

>> No.6929468

you're laugh is really the same as your smile concerning the training, you can adapt it to whatever you want if you force yourself to change your laugh gradually, so it sound less retarded

>> No.6929479

can't believe I'm that retarded
time to go to sleep

>> No.6929486

I guess. What I really need to work on is my smile but since it's really about my lips themselves I dunno if I can change anything.
Always got surgery as an option but I don't want to get that extreme yet.

>> No.6930268

camera is too close to your face. shave and reshoot.

>> No.6931542

Guy here, first time posting on /fa/. Should go to a barber or a hair dresser?

>> No.6931571
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Picture 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the other hair thread, no replies though. I'm going to get my hair cut soon and i'm looking for ideas on what to do with it.

It's just reached a length where I can't seem to style it properly any more, naturally slightly curly, easily goes to the side on the front.

I can grow stubble, but not a beard.
Facial features to note - Big nose
What do?

>> No.6931595


>> No.6931604


Just go to the faggiest place you can find
Look the hair dresser right in the eye while you are walking arond the chair to sit down your ass and with a strong and steady voice just say::
"A fooshboi please!"
Smile at the end of the phrase.

>> No.6931627

mixed black/taiwanese here

my hair grows wavyish, but i have pretty black features so I just look silly with any kind of white hairstyle

what do lol

>> No.6931635

You look like my old roommates twin. He buzzed his hair and it turned out really well.

>> No.6931682

grow it out dont get it cut. get a big filthy fringe and learn to skateboard

>> No.6932201


>> No.6932216
File: 48 KB, 480x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay bro, I hope you're still here.
Pic related is my "smile". It's literally the most I can do - I can't show my teeth more before it becomes creepy.

>> No.6932273

>before it becomes creepy
as opposed to what?

>> No.6932276


I know though, I can't smile at all without it being sociopath-tier.

>> No.6932283

yeah, still here, uncover your teeth mate, I can see you're holding back

you can try doing a silly half smile or something like that

>> No.6932287

Sorry mate, couldn't resist. I kind of had that problem myself because I stopped smiling when I got my braces and had to relearn it once they were taken out, took me some time to do it without looking deranged.

>> No.6932291
File: 37 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most I can do...

I already do half smiles but whenever I really want to laugh, I hold back because it looks stupid.

>> No.6932294

NP, I'm not offended or anything, I know it looks bad.

>relearn it
How did you do?

>> No.6932310

that's already much better looking, try opening your mouth a bit (like not have your teeth closed)

>> No.6932318

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, grinning at my reflection like a goof, making faces until something looked kinda normal. That was a couple years ago, long before I got /fa/ though.

>> No.6932324
File: 46 KB, 480x346, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot pic

>> No.6932322

Like this? Or does it look bad?

When I smile, as you can see, "creases" appear on my face and make my face look more round. Not sure if it's the case for everyone?

>> No.6932328

Heh, I'll try that then, thanks.
>long before I got /fa/
Did it help?

>> No.6932329

yeah no, that doesn't work, sorry mate

can you pull your lips back without using your hands?
like when dogs show their teeth

>> No.6932333

shit nigger, that's what I told you to do yesterday
you lost a day already


>> No.6932334

Nope, I can't...

I know, I just got back from uni classes bro

>> No.6932340

Yeah, not afraid to show my teeth anymore.

>> No.6932342

you have to pull your nose up (without your hands) and the lips will follow

>> No.6932349

I guess it helps for social relationships, right?

Hmm, I'm going to try and post a pic later.

When I pull my nose up, I have a normal smile and I like it. How do I pull it up without my hands?

>> No.6932359

I don't know how to explain it, it's something you learn when you're making funny faces when you're a kid, try moving the muscles around your nose m8

>> No.6932369

Meh, I seem to be unable of doing it.

If I force it too much, my face becomes too round and it looks like shit. I'm going to practice more.

>> No.6932378

i know its reddit, but how do you feel about toners and the "eye roller" thing mentioned here?

>> No.6932379
File: 31 KB, 480x480, tumblr_mte3shozHB1rus7hgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went to tumblr and saw pic related (no homo)
Does this guy just have good genetics or is it potentially possible for anyone to have a smile like that?

>> No.6932409

Truth is, a man can't be aesthetic without a good jaw.

>> No.6932413

there's always a bit of genetics in play

>> No.6932452


God damn BasedProphet you are one ugly sumbitch. Must be why you dropped the trip for this shot.

>> No.6932460

probably not the thread for it but no poo'ing right now and i'm wondering if just using some conditioner about once a week will help make my hair look a little more healthy without losing the effect of no poo?

>> No.6932463

With practice, could I make my smile at least close to this guy's?
W2C good jawline

>> No.6932501

Any advice for someone with big eyes? Facial hair & short hair swept out of face?

>> No.6932591

I think I could safely bet that I have the biggest nose out of every single anon browsing the board right now.

How much does good nose surgery cost?

>> No.6932603

never do surgery

>> No.6932606


What should I do then, embrace the jewcore? No way I'll ever be able to get any kind of pussy above 6/10 ever with this shit just ruining my face.
>inb4 confidence, money and good personalities

>> No.6932755


>> No.6934247

bump again

>> No.6934492 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 612x612, muh face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyones still posting in this thread, could you tell me what I should do with my hair I really want to change it up but have no idea. Any suggestions would be nice.

>> No.6934620

Oh you poor baby these sharks are going to eat you

>> No.6934622

do u 'ave a lazy eye lel

>> No.6934627

oh wauw...thats horrefying

>> No.6934641
File: 2.96 MB, 544x434, why bruuuuh bruuuuuuh why brujh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the closeup of acne I truly appreciated it.

>> No.6934646

nigger, are you 5

>> No.6934657 [DELETED] 

I just wanted some damn help on my hair thats it.

>> No.6934664

worry about ur hair later trust me.

>> No.6934676
File: 77 KB, 480x640, IMG_20130921_003944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I rethink my quiff? meant to be a 50s style throwback

>> No.6934681
File: 20 KB, 336x475, thenightporter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more Tintin than 50's style throwback.

>> No.6934965

How do I remove sebaceous filaments from my nose?

>> No.6935104

You do not

>> No.6936334
File: 23 KB, 294x353, 1375128691138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want a thick, full beard. My dad can grow a nice beard. I'm 22, coming up on 23 and my beard is still shit. It's patchy and thin. Is there anything I can do to make it better?

>> No.6936433

It helps keep skin moisturized, but you can lighten them. If you go and try to get rid of them and wash your nose with hard brushes you will just damage skin. They form on the pores to keep your skin from drying. I use to have dark ones but they just lightened up for some reason. I never sough out to lighten them so I have no advice, but they are a natural symptom of your skin trying to keep moisturized.