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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1013 KB, 970x848, Screen Shot 2013-09-14 at 2.12.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6929859 No.6929859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do I have the potential to be a model?

be honest

>> No.6929870

work out a little and change up your hair and i'm sure you could do it.

>> No.6929878

Cool thanks man, yeah i already started with lifting last week

what do you suggest i do with my hair?

>> No.6929889

I bet you could. Better chance than I could. Change the hair though.

>> No.6929893

i bet pep is at least 12 in.

>> No.6929901

i think so you look pretty gay

>> No.6929903

thanks guys I am already googling modelling agencies near me. i will ask them what to do with my hair

what do you mean?

>> No.6929913

well there are several types of model...

>> No.6929909
File: 91 KB, 500x585, simonn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6929931

Sure, why not? Give it a shot.

>> No.6929934

I'm waiting for somebody to post a picture of this with cum on it.

It's not going to be me because I haven't got a printer.

>> No.6929942
File: 708 KB, 542x805, Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 1.18.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6929947

this is a better shot to judge.

>> No.6929950

Am I tall enough? (6ft/183cm)

>> No.6929961

>pepyn and his ego

>> No.6929964

yes, of course!
But there are other things things to consider. Give it a shot, but try not have much expectations.

>> No.6929967

Kanker op, Pepyn.

>> No.6929978

Waarom moet ik persee opkankeren dan? Als je me niet mag kan je ook gewoon de thread hiden en me negeren, maargoed..

Thanks for giving me some confidence guys (I was very doubtful) but I will give it a shot, I am only young once and I don't want to waste my potential (if I have it)


>> No.6929989
File: 567 KB, 922x1227, 1379160968860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one pepjin?

>> No.6929990


Yeah, I need some help selling meth.

>> No.6930009
File: 346 KB, 588x464, Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 3.25.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did a good job photoshopping her but I am happy with the left :)

Lol, fuck off.

>> No.6930020
File: 61 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-09-19 at 19.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I have potential /fa/?

>> No.6930022

Shitty face.

>> No.6930024

look in mirror, mirin face and body

take mirror pic, mirin body and face

take pic with timer cam on iphone, face and body looks disgusting


>> No.6930028

Nice body but I think your face is really average man

>> No.6930030

How tall are you?

>> No.6930036


>> No.6930037

ITT: idiots

>> No.6930049

yes we are. Most of the models are discovery, and not want to be discovery.

>> No.6930051

ahahah jokes on u ur in this thread too

>> No.6930054

If you have nothing nice to say or contribute then just say nothing at all?

Please kindly fuck out off my thread

>> No.6930055

Na. You're shoulders are too narrow, you're bone structure is pretty awful, your face doesn't have any distinct features. You look as though if you took hgh as a teen you'd look good. But definitely not model tier at all.

Oh and you're face is asymmetric.

>> No.6930060

OMG this is very considerable. ALL THOSE ITENS!

>> No.6930062

u wot m8?

>> No.6930070


>your face doesn't have any distinct features.
For the face, just look to the aestetich of the new face section of models.com

and think twice, if so...

>> No.6930079


>> No.6930080


>> No.6930085

I'm not saying he's ugly, but he definitely doesn't have strong features like the models you've chosen. Neither does he have wide shoulders/6'1/6'2 or have flawless skin.

>> No.6930095

So I'm not tall enough to be a model?

>> No.6930096


>> No.6930112

I think you just fall short (heh). If you had other redeeming factors then you could make it.

Btw I'm talking about becoming a proper catwalk model, not a catalog one. You may stand a chance at the latter but I doubt you'd be able to do it full time.

>> No.6930131
File: 668 KB, 986x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6930132

>well there are several types of model...
>I'm talking about becoming a proper catwalk model, not a catalog one. You may stand a chance at the latter but I doubt you'd be able to do it full time.

>> No.6930135


>> No.6930140
File: 115 KB, 796x1024, jacob-scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this English new face for example: age: 18, height: 6’3″.

>> No.6930145

why do people want to model so bad?

its nothing like v files

the lifestyle is shitty and unlavish

>> No.6930147
File: 15 KB, 337x372, asawegwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i b a rapper

>> No.6930148

No, you can be a model though.

>> No.6930150

But look at this guy?

he's literally only 3cm taller than me... that's really not a big noticeable difference at all.. I don't see why I can't model with 6ft height, according to google that's within the range for male models.

>> No.6930151

has anyone commented on how op looks like a young eminem

>> No.6930153

but i want to be a rapper

>> No.6930159
File: 526 KB, 807x895, Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at 1.49.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6930160

He's 3 inches taller than you, there's a difference. Also if you're on the lower end of the height scale, you need good features to make up for it. Which you don't have.

If you're that bothered about it, book an appointment at a modelling agency and find out for yourself.

>> No.6930165

A raper is all you have potential in becoming with that face.

>> No.6930172
File: 185 KB, 800x992, kyle-mobus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This New Jersey new face: age: 17; Height: 6’1″. don't have wide shoulders, neither great bones structure. But his face have distinct features. He is like the male version of Daria Werbowy in some way.

>> No.6930174

Fuck you. do you really think I will let a random hater on the inernet with no knowledge on modelling crush my dreams?

think again

>> No.6930181
File: 35 KB, 519x346, 549991_359330920848975_2074768307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a turd is all the potential u have w/ that face LOL

check out my friends rap btw everyone he is my inpsiration

also he got his 15yo metally retarded gf pregnant in hs



>> No.6930184

Now you're just trolling.

>> No.6930185

Fucking clown, leave my thread at once.

>> No.6930187
File: 9 KB, 201x251, danny-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be possible, you are too beautiful. You have to be horrendous to be a rapper.

>> No.6930190

No, as a matter of fact I'm not.. I've seriously had it with demeaning people that just want to talk bad on people without providing the facts. I've been self doubting myself just for way too long and I've had it

>> No.6930197

Ok then. You asked for opinions, we gave you opinions. Go to a modelling agency to find out for yourself.

>> No.6930203

please, don't self doubt, you are beautiful. But at this time need to be rational about it, need to consider the pros and cons.

>> No.6930204
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, 50_cent_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sort of look like 50cent tho

>> No.6930206

Thanks, I will. Now please leave my thread I don't need you anymore.

It's 2 AM and I can't sleep because of trolls like you, ffs.

>> No.6930208

o.. o-ok

>> No.6930209

make me NERD

>> No.6930218

Not trollin' m8, my two younger brothers are models so I know a bit about the process.

>> No.6930237

Post pics of your two younger brothers?

>> No.6930240

any other opinions?

>> No.6930241

>Am I tall enough?
Why must you indirectly rub in the fact I'm 5'7 ;___;

>> No.6930243

>Posting pictures of family members on 4chan

Yeah ... no.

>> No.6930249

why is a backpack hanging from a flagpole?

>> No.6930250

No sorry, I don't think you can model. Your face is too fat and uninteresting ( you have good skin though!).

Ok ok, email some pictures to my e-mail instead?:


>> No.6930254

I'm not sending you pictures of my brothers. I find it a little creepy that you're asking for them.

>> No.6930260

Confirmed, you have no knowledge on modelling whatsoever, and you having two modelling brothers was a lie. Useless.

Please leave my thread in 3..2..1..

>> No.6930272

>someone refused to send me pictures of their family members so they must be lying!
>yes yes, I-I can still be a model ... right?

>> No.6930274
File: 269 KB, 291x740, Screen Shot 2013-09-14 at 8.09.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving this thread a little bump before I go to bed

Still looking for opinions guys!

>> No.6930283

Do you have the potential to be an average model? Yes.

Do you have the potential to be a famous model? No.

>> No.6930275

pepjin are you drunk

>> No.6930289

I drank a little but that has nothing to do with my posting behaviour

>> No.6930303

ok fucky the drunk clown

>> No.6930307


jelly of your height, ben zelf maar 175cm

23 dus echt groeien zit er niet meer in, kill me please

>> No.6930312


damn are u me

People compliment me when they see me in real life but on pictures i look below average.

>> No.6930313

Je weet dat we allebei eigenlijk aan de korte kant zitten met onze lengte? Ik zit pal op het gemiddelde en kom geregeld langere mensen tegen op straat. Met 183cm kan je me ook wel een manlet verklaren in Nederland :(, ik deel je voels.

>> No.6930323

I am currently 80 lbs in to a goal 100 lb cut so based off of facial geometry alone would I have model potential if I were to lose the extra weight? My nose is crooked to the left from a very bad break.

>> No.6930325
File: 32 KB, 480x640, EcFdMsY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot photo

>> No.6930326

you're balding, sorry

>> No.6930327
File: 274 KB, 327x695, suit&tie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better quality?

>> No.6930337

top kek that head shape

>> No.6930339

Yeah I didn't know if that was a deal breaker. Okay. I can handle that. Thank you for your honesty. How far can I let it get before I start shaving my head?

>> No.6930340

Above average face but I can tell you don't have modelling potential, sorry.

Also you're 80lbs, what the hell? What's your height then?

>> No.6930331

jaw line is too weak

>> No.6930344

Much better looking than Pepyn, body and face.
How tall are you?

>> No.6930350
File: 49 KB, 720x960, eww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha no I cut 80 lbs from my previous 260 and have another 20 to go before I meet my goal weight. This is how my face ooked before

>> No.6930359

I think you've got potential, perhaps a stronger jawline would be good but I'd say you should go for it.

>> No.6930361

Great progress man, congratulations.

Ok now you're just trolling, he looks average.

>> No.6930372

B-but Pepyn ... y-you look average too!

>> No.6930376

5'11 senor/ita

>> No.6930377

probably not but u arentt bad loking dont put urself down :)

>> No.6930378
File: 689 KB, 602x805, tumblr_mqltw5EsTT1s8aujyo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alot of people on tumblr beg to differ.

>> No.6930379

>asks for opinions
>when someone says an opinion he doesnt like theyre "trolling"

oh pep

why dont u just drink ur sorrows away drunky the clown

>> No.6930380

He has nice cheek bones, a good jaw, nice eyes and lips.
You have moles all over, a big forehead from the looks of it, and a weaker jaw and chin. You aren't ugly, but he's better looking than you.

>> No.6930384

A little too short for modelling, but good face and you have a great body.

>> No.6930383
File: 19 KB, 281x211, pauly-jersey-shore-281x211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pep is ur gf related to pauly d

>> No.6930392
File: 446 KB, 1080x1920, 2013-09-19 20.33.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6930388

>good source of objective criticism on attractiveness.

Average AND dumb. Quite the catch aren't you peppy?

>> No.6930400

You look good. Good but decidedly average, maybe starve yourself so your cheekbones pop more. Take up meth and get back to us in a couple of months.

>> No.6930402


Wtf are you doing there.

>> No.6930419

ok brb xD

>> No.6930429

shut the fuck up, stop posting these threads.
If you want to be a model go visit a few agencys instead of posting on this board biting ur cheeks

>> No.6930447

thanks man

>> No.6930467
File: 42 KB, 562x640, d545cdd9-c661-4b7a-9be8-b20cc03d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys could I be a model. be honest and not trolley

>> No.6930549

see a dermatologist every 6 months

google:"FAMMM" or "Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome"

>> No.6930552

better be ATLEAST 6'1. prefer 6'2 tops though.

My agency was almost concerned when I was 6'1 but they said I'll probably grow since I'm only 18.