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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 133 KB, 373x500, keffiyeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6927071 No.6927071 [Reply] [Original]

Middle Easterner here,

Westerners, do you really understand just how buttfucking retarded and faggy this looks?

>> No.6927077

years late to the trend sand dweller

>> No.6927082

No shit only plebs wear those.

>> No.6927083
File: 82 KB, 350x467, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

westerner here

do you middle eastern realise how buttfucking retarded and faggy this looks?

>> No.6927091


Because usually it was limited to hipsters who took them home and the occasional edgy FREEDOM4PALESTINE liberal. But now the tourists can't wait until they get home and have begun wearing them in the fucking city streets for some reason.

>> No.6927094


I've never seen anyone wearing those.

>> No.6927098

youve lived in poor middle eastern districts

regardless, p.sure 4chan is blocked in 80% of gulf countries,

>> No.6927108


No, I actually live in the richest part of the Middle East.

Never seen that overcoat. If you mean the robe, only Imams and the occaisonal Salafi wear them, plus sometimes 80 year old men who can't into modern clothing. They're a religious/historic dress really, not a hipster dress.

If you mean the pictures of the rich Saudis/Gulf Royals who are always wearing them, it's because they're snobs who want to look rich and distinguish themselves from the street plebians, and people like them about as much as you think they do.

>> No.6927123
File: 50 KB, 600x833, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which part?
>inb4 saudi
4chan is blocked there - reporting to police - prepare for execution on friday

when i lived in dubai i saw men always wear the overcoat jacked throughout the city.
you also don't have a clue...the jacket is evidently derived from western tailored jackets...probably post the western occupation of the middle east ~1900s~ not really historical, rather a remnant of complete occupation.

>> No.6927128

I haven't seen anyone wear one of those in years. Thinking of picking one up now

>> No.6927134
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably post the western occupation of the middle east ~1900s~ not really historical, rather a remnant of complete occupation.
okay admittedly this is mostly wrong.
probs something like 1870s+ when the jacket was introduced and adapted by middle east.
maybe historical but not religious.

>> No.6927146



And I repeat myself, I've never seen anyone wear those.

>> No.6927148
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post israeli occupation
>middle east
yeah no youre a cunt.

perhaps consider your 'middle eastern experience' when you've actually lived within arabic countries.

>> No.6927151


Exactly my point. We're half-western and still think the pic in the OP looks absolutely buttfucking ridiculous. So I can't even imagine how hillarious it must be for someone from an authenticly Middle Eastern country where even young men where the keffiyeh the proper way to see it.

>> No.6927156
File: 9 KB, 340x236, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check yourself.

tbh i couldnt care less
there are more ridiculous things in the world...like Israel .____.

>> No.6927158

#sick burn
#ether game adolf hitler

>> No.6927162

>Middle Easterner
Sucks to be you.

>> No.6927161


>Lived in Dubai
>Making fun of Jerusalem for being too Western

top kek.

>> No.6927166
File: 39 KB, 218x300, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubai is like 1/6 cities in the UAE?
the rest are p.damn arabic - Al Ain especially.

>being an israeli stuck in war for almost a century now
>better than anything
yeh no

>> No.6927219

Such an ignorant statement
Abu Dhabi is super westernised, probably more than Dubai but not as big (and "famous") and will just keep getting more and more westernised

>> No.6927222


>Having a higher HDI than most of Western Europe while our neighbors are still burning camel dung for energy

It actually feels pretty damn good.

>> No.6927224
File: 132 KB, 249x300, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

al ain isn't abu dhabi

anod youre wrong

such a naive thai
abu dhabi is A LOT less westernised than dubai

abu dhabi you can at least hear the prayer call and there is at least one mosque at every corner.
perhaps but the abu dhabi prince isnt a push over like the dubai one.

>> No.6927228
File: 40 KB, 420x547, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw that camel dung is what has allowed the country that had financed israel from its birth to keep financing it.

>> No.6927231

>the rest are p.damn arabic - Al Ain especially.
>al ain isn't abu dhabi

NO shit Sherlock. You said "the rest are p. damn arabic" , I didnt see you excluding Abu Dhabi from that statement

> and there is at least one mosque at every corner.
No there isn't. I was just there a couple of months ago (for the 100th time btw) since my father lives there

I'm not going to start an argument with you cause I cant give less of a damn on proving you that you're mistaken BUT just to show how much westernised Abu Dhabi is getting, the UAE government is making deals with Dubai to send their expats to Abu Dhabi (even if they are working in Dubai)

>> No.6927240
File: 42 KB, 605x632, fite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt like a 'maybe dubai is more authentically arabic than abu dhabi' thing

this is an arabic person telling you whats up
if you ask any arabic person thats lived in the UAE will tell you the same

you probably live in a hovel
you can see the sea of calling towers showing the crescent from any building from maybe the 5th level.

abu dhabi is less westernised than dubai - i.e. p.damn arabic

>show how much westernised Abu Dhabi is getting, the UAE government is making deals with Dubai to send their expats to Abu Dhabi (even if they are working in Dubai)
that's still less westernised than dubai...
you proved my argument
iirc dubai prince is broke - abu dhabi bought most his assets etc etc -effectively the bitch boi to abu dhabi now

>> No.6927267
File: 70 KB, 215x304, 1366847406928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand OP, it's a nigger wearing a blue (what a retarded color for a shemagh) shemagh.

>brown/olive green shemagh masterrace reporting in

>> No.6927300

gay paint pic

>> No.6927325

>implying that's not dope af

>> No.6927365

That wasn't implied. Whether or not he thinks it looks bad/good doesn't matter. He posted it to draw attention to the silliness of trying to isolate regional culture in any way.

>> No.6927395

he didnt say shit about seeing the jacket being worn and yet you carried on and patted yourself on the back for being so clever toppest lel, typical tripfag

>> No.6927401

>typical tripfag
hehehe how's the sticky treating you?

>> No.6927405

kinda looks like casemods in the thumbnail

>> No.6927416

as if i'd read the queerest board on 4chan's sticky, don't flatter yourselves you skinny fat turbo virgins, you're up there with /mlp/

>> No.6927521

>queerest board on 4chan's sticky
i was going to point out how /b/ro like you sound but fuckit