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/fa/ - Fashion

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6923491 No.6923491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone want to help a neckbeard trans girl unleash her inner women? I am already organizing hormone treatment (slowly ;~;) but i need help trying to pass. Money is kinda tight so i dont want to buy makeup/cloths that arent going to help me very much.

Already lost alot of weight and still working at it
clearing up acne
experimented with makeup for horrendous results

>> No.6923502

ask legbutt if you want specific tips on what clothes will obscure your masculine features and how to use makeup without looking like a drag queen, browse /fa/ for what little general female fashion advice it has (or I actually suggest looking elsewhere for that).

>> No.6923505

No. You are weird, sick and will never be a female.

>> No.6923506

everyone will be able to tell and you are going to be unhappy eternally

go seek therapy before you do something drastic

>> No.6923512
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>mfw faggots think there words affect me

you dont even know what i look like

>> No.6923523

>>experimented with makeup for horrendous results

Go in the makeup section of any big retail store and ask a girl to teach you the basics thing, you'll be surprised how big of a difference a little make up perfectly applied makes

You might want to take a look at the trans* communities on reddit, there are a ton of threads on this very subjet

>> No.6923528


Damn I can't spell for shit today

>> No.6923533

thank you, dont worry i cant spell either :/
i dont know about asking for advice that openly, i walked into a womens clothing store once, they all looked at me and i turned 306 degress and left from ebaressment

got a link to the trans reddit board or whatever?

>> No.6923543
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>mfw faggots think there words affect me
that's what you came for, right?

>> No.6923545


fucking kill yourself man

>> No.6923546


>> No.6923561

post pic of urself op

>> No.6923565

Come back later at night, OP. We tend to have more forward thinking types on in the wee hours. Until then, >>>/cgl/ might be a better bet. I dunno. Just hate to see you get bashed.
Polite sage.

>> No.6923566

find it yourself its not hard

>> No.6923567
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yes the whole world is out to get anon, poor anon

>> No.6923577
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>poet is into traps

>> No.6923586

It's got squat to do with fashion though, he just wants us to help him with being trans in general and how in the hell are we supposed to know

>> No.6923590
File: 128 KB, 640x480, IMG_1229[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there words do nothing to me dont worry darl
i did :^)
looking like a girl is mostly an aesthetics thing so i thought this was the right place, sorry if i am in the wrong place

>> No.6923596


>> No.6923597


this. I'm not against trannies, but /fa/ is for the most part men trying to look like men (who sometimes wear 511s but whatever). We're not going to be much help for a man who's trying to look like a woman outside of "lose weight fatty" which they're already trying to do.

>> No.6923595

why do you want to look like a girl?

Just curious

>> No.6923605
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you need to lose a lot more weight

>> No.6923607

you're cute!! idk, looks like hormones/caloric deficit will do most of the work here

>> No.6923602
File: 44 KB, 384x478, idealface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking like a girl is mostly an aesthetics thing
aesthetics are unisex
the paradigms are not gonna change if people perceive someone as a different gender

>> No.6923611


In this day and age they're used to it as more and more transwomen are doing it

Plus, unless you live in a super-conservative american town, you're guaranteed that they will treat you nicely cuz it's their job

And usually the makeup section is in a corner, so other customers aren't really a concern

For reddit I have several subreddits to recommend, keep in mind that I'm not trans* and that every info I have on this subject come from the fact that many people around me are trans*

Just add any of the following to the reddit address
/r/transgender - generic trans* sub

/r/trans - Generic trans* as well, much smaller tho
/r/ainbow - LGBTQ sub

/r/asktransgender - I'd start here if I were you

Also here's a list with other subreddits, from the /r/asktransgender sidebar


I can give you my reddit name if you need anything else

>> No.6923613

i did it they were quite unhelpful to be honest
becuase brocken trans brain
how much more? i already lost over 50kg
ah thanks, worried im going to look like shit after i trasntion, but fuck everyone else to be honest, as long as i am happy

>> No.6923623

you're very helpful, thank you alot :3

>> No.6923633
File: 108 KB, 800x456, buffer brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black pantyhose (thick pantyhose are basically skinny jeans, if you're not comfortable wearing thin ones yet they're a good middleground), grow your hair out/work on the cut you're after, save up for some nice shoes and outerwear. Don't shell out a lot for stuff you might not be able to wear once you're on HRT, get some oversized long sleeved tees and like stretchy turtlenecks, versatile stuff.

and practice doing make up, it's not too hard once you figure out a couple of basic "rules". if you're not comfortable asking in person, you can always lie, you know? At least until you confident enough - say you're going to a dress up party, or want to surprise your friend/relative/partner, anything. (i suggest you don't, though, they're paid to help any client and you're going to face enough people trying to shame you during this journey, muster up the courage to straight up ask for advice on what works for your face/skin/look)

a nice powder you should get is Mac Studio Fix, get it in your skin tone and invest in a good, thick goat hair brush (don't get anything cheaper than 50-60 USD, i.e. get one by Mac if you're broke - http://www.maccosmetics.com/product/146/1344/182/index.tmpl -, or a Dior one if you've got ~100 USD to spend.)

It should be quite rigid and wide, something you can use to "push" the powder into your skin - then lightly brush the excess powder off. This way you won't end up with "cake face".

>> No.6923642

Nah, I'm into diversity and open-mindedness.
Has quite a bit to do with fashion, he's basically asking chicks to do his makeup for him. I also gently nudged him over to /cgl/

>> No.6923669

Now that I re-read his post, he does ask (very indirectly). nvm

Also what does being "into" diversity and open-mindedness mean?

>> No.6923682

i presume it means not being a massive cunt?

>> No.6923691

You can be open-minded without being into it.

Being into something means that you do research or confront yourself with the topic immensely in my book, just wanted to know which poet meant

>> No.6923696

he was just wording it the same as the other dudes post. jesus

>> No.6923707

I think the board is more interesting when it's not a monoculture. When you have many scenes happening in one place at one time, each group involved is more likely to make great evolutionary leaps on account of cross-cultural pollination. When /fa/ is ALL 'gothninja', or ALL prep, it tends to suffer from a sort of subcultural Founder's Syndrome. Everyone ends up looking the same. The humor becomes stagnant and uninventive. Shitposting reigns.

I also simply don't like environments that are hostile to minority groups. They rustle me.

>> No.6923725


oh yeah, OP, pretty much all transwomen, at least initially, do the mistake of dressing like crossdressers, or perceived girl-only items - striped thigh highs, huge bows on everything, checkered mini skirts.. etc. Once again, you're going to get a lot of shit from a lot of people, so try hard to take pride in who you are.

and HRT does fucking wonders for anyone transitioning, but for some it takes longer, don't give up halfway through.

What "style" are you into? What kind of make-up do you like? What haircut do you plan on getting? It's much easier to help someone if they give us something to work with.

>> No.6923761


Not scolding you (that'd be pretty hypocritical of me since I still accidentally do the very same mistake from time to time, hell I had to re-read my post twice just to make sure I wasn't going to fuck it up in an hilariously ironic way) and I'm replying to you instead of anybody else in this thread since you seems to be by far one of the most open-minded persons in this thread, but usually trans* folks prefer that you use the same pronoun to refer to them as the one they use themselves or that you use "they" as a singular gender-neutral pronoun

I though I'd point it out since OP referred to herself as "her" in the op while you used the pronoun "he"

Also I never though I'd be having that kind of discussion on 4chan

Inb4 the "PC is literally ruining 4chan!" outcry, I'm just pointing this out in case someone in this thread wishes to not accidently possibly offend a trans* person and was unaware of this

>> No.6923782

a) there are places specifically for this, /fa/ is not really going to help you
b) you really need to lose weight before you do anything else

>> No.6923791
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holy fuck i went to elementary school with this guy

protip: it was a christian elementary school

>> No.6923789
File: 1.97 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1211[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i noticed that alot of transwomen dress like transwomen instead of women. as for my "style", im kinda into darker things in general (not full on goth but i guess technically i have kinda gothic taste) but I plan on having long hair, maybe dyed slightly darker, and looking at my current wardrobe everything is either black or blue, so im generally attracted to those sorts of things i guess :S i got these gloves but i would never wear them out of my house, only for fun dress ups ^.^

>> No.6923800

a) /fa/ already did help me(alot more then /lgbt/ did, that place really is a shit hole, i actually got bashed more there then this thread)
b) I am losing weight (already lost over 50kg) and there is no downside to starting now except looking like shit, but that doesnt matter because NEET

>> No.6923824

please don't
we don't care how much you lost, how much do you weigh now

>> No.6923829
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Those do fall under that category, though. Please, do experiment, but save up money to buy some high quality, beautiful pieces - both as a carrot-on-a-stick and because you'll look much better when you're done, plus you won't blow hundreds of dollars on stuff that won't fit you in two months.

>> No.6923833

There are a lot of trans communities who know what you are going through, and will gladly help you. The internet has more sites than 4chan and reddit. Fuck off, this is a fashion board. B^)

>> No.6923838


>> No.6923845
File: 57 KB, 383x510, ann_fw09_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did say they werent for wearing out of the house

>> No.6923849

Eh probably wont wear something so, out there, just like maybe a black skirt and longsleved shirt or something idk i have no idea what im doing :S
>how do i dress like a girl
>lol fuck off we only talk about fashion here
>asking how to dress a certain way has nothing to do with fashion
someone has issues with trans people B^)

>> No.6923868

yeah but there are forums that are actually meant for this

there's no point in buying clothes that won't fit you in a couple months (/fa/ is a fashion board)

>> No.6923876

Honestly best thing to do is just wait couple of months for hormones and more weight loss while saving money.
You will have enough for an entire wardrobe if you save, also buying clothes now will just result in buying more clothes in several months.
For now just focus on make up and fitness.

>> No.6923896
File: 88 KB, 1087x353, 1375754029169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't, you are wrong. I guess because your only experience with people who "like fashion" are from high school so you have some delusions, but most effay posters are not like that. "Fashion" is not a hobby to give each other advice to dress cool/cute and date attractive people, it's a form of self-expression that is often overlooked because majority of people have the same exact mindset like you. Believe it or not, after we fix ourselves up we don't stay here to give advice to newcomers. You rarely get good advice here. People who take advice mindlessly from /fa/ are the greatest fuccbois on Earth. Check out some links and infographics and help yourself, like the rest of us did.

>> No.6923901

I heard therapy was cheaper

>> No.6923904

You are extremely ill OP.
Get psychiatric help.
Feel free to dress in women's clothing but the hormones and surgery won't heal your warped mind.
Either that or go somewhere that will prop up your fantasies.

>> No.6923908


Take this time to study, practice, think about what you want to wear/look like - and save up money. It'll help an awful lot later on. I didn't mean to shit on the gloves, I guess one of the reasons a lot of transwomen wear costumey stuff is because it does provide some comfort and helps in finding out what you want to wear. Don't skip out on that phase if it's important to you.

Aight, I'm going to go grab some wine, but I know a lot about make-up, haircare and, not as much as the aforementioned things but still quite a bit, womenswear, so if you wonder anything specific just ask.

>> No.6923930

god your so helpful, but its like 3am and i need to sleep.Probs never get to talk to you again though is its pretty disappointing, but thanks for the advice anyways :D

>> No.6924249



ask away, but do it private, i don't like cluttering my dashboard with answers to anonymous asks