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File: 449 KB, 1024x768, Saoirse-Ronan-saoirse-ronan-33671837-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6919845 No.6919845 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have to be social to ever get a qt gf? Am I doomed?

>Wear only black/monochrome to reflect my personality (usually my julius leather, all black, i keep it pretty modern but definitely a solid amount of edge)
>dont like talking to people generally, just want to get my degree done so i can move to alaska
>prefer to work alone, dont like to talk about stupid meaningless shit with boring people
>read far too much existentialism, hate to sound 2 edge 4 u but nietzsche is my hommbre
>have crippling loneliness

I don't want an idiot to talk to...I don't want a qt gf who's bland and boring (though i wouldnt mind givin dat D)...but I just...wish I had an interesting gf or even best friend to fill this empty part of myself.

Do I have to become social to ever be happy? It's such a fucking waste of time, I'll be finishing my degree in 2.5 years vs the average of 5 here because i dont waste my time on stupid shit boring people do

>> No.6919859

Rick said he used to wear all black to hide his insecurities, but now he does it cause it rubbed onto him

don't wear all black to hide ur insecurities

>> No.6919865
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>> No.6919869
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you are already in the depths of the abyss

>> No.6919870

>have crippling loneliness
>refuses to talk to people
Yes you need to be social to get rid of that. Quit thinking talking to others is a waste of your time, your time isn't worth shit retard

>> No.6919872

im not insecure of anything, man.

I just want a admirable qt gf that doesnt shop at f21 and is majoring in psychology cause her friends are

>> No.6919876

there are so many people like that
you're just shit

>> No.6919889

You see a qt gf as something to own, keep around and fix you. That's not attractive at all to any girl

>> No.6919893


gtfo please
go back to r9k or grow a pair and hire top level prostitutes like a normal successful man with a tight schedule would do.
also if you made a feel thread chances are you just mention julius because you saw it namedropped around here recently.

Are you still in highschool?

Either way stop making feel threads fuccboi

>> No.6919896

That's kind of a brash generalization but any way you slice it, you need to get out to meet this girl.

Spending your days cooped up, hopelessly waiting for that one person is a shot in the dark and you'll end up failing.

You're better off putting yourself in situations that you feel comfortable in and finding someone that way, rather than green texting your sorrows and coming up with nothing.

>> No.6919901

nah, im just using the meme notation

I completely agree 100% that a qt gf should be an accessory, not a necessity to your life. She should add on to it and enrich it.

I do have a good life, but sometimes I do just wish i had a partner to enjoy it with.

>> No.6919904

People are like onions... they have layers. Just because people like their distractions doesn't mean they aren't worth getting to know. Also
>have crippling loneliness
>dont like to talk about stupid meaningless shit with boring people
Do you see how your loneliness is self inflicted you retard

>> No.6919914

>I completely agree 100% that a qt gf should be an accessory
Wow way to completely miss my point. They're human beings. They're not here to serve you bro

>> No.6919924

So I have to wade through a bunch of retarded people and put myself out there into stupid pointless events and communities to meet some other qt who is doing the same thing


Aghh...I know it'll be a lot easier later...but I'm only 19 and i'll have my petrol engineering degree before i'm 21. I have a 95k/yr starting job offer already set up that if it goes through, I'll be living in alaska til my late 20s at least

everyone else my age is either in 1st or 2nd year and are pretty insufferable, there are no girls in engineering at all and for me to ever meet a qt id have to actually go to stupid school events and shit

>> No.6919934

>accessory to your life
Wow, way to completely misunderstand the analogy

accessory to your life means having a qt gf in your life adds to it, but doesnt define it.

>> No.6919950

Maybe people see this insane superiority complex you have and don't want to deal with you because no one likes being around people who think they're better than everyone else only because they can't deal with the fact they hate themselves so they project that onto others because they must be in the wrong and you must be in the right! Quit thinking so low of others and maybe someone will want to be around you for more than a few minutes

>> No.6919954

>So I have to wade through a bunch of retarded people

Are you trying to imply you aren't a retard
because you are
I wouldn't talk to you ever unless I had to you sound like a little bitch

>> No.6919964

But you're literally seeing a girlfriend in terms of how it will enhance your life. That's selfish, dehumanizing and unattractive af

>> No.6919973

I know, I admit to that 100% and I fucking agree with you

But from my perspective....am I really wrong to think that way? I wouldn't be a human if I did all these things better than people and didn't make the relation that I'm just better than them.

I seek humbleness, it'd probably help me out a whole bunch...but it's just so damn edgy to be an elitist, and it's kind of where I'm comfortable at. I don't think I'd be able to genuinely enquire about "why kelsey is taking psychology with a art history minor" without seeming 100% fake as fuck

>> No.6919980

Wow you sound like a 15 year old. Did you take drugs and fuck up your brain so your maturity level is 15 forever?

>> No.6919995

make friends with STEM kids
also who the fuck asks that anyway
say what you want to say retard

>> No.6920000

You aren't better than anyone because you bought a Julius cargo pant and avoid others. You're just a dipshit that sees other people's flaws and think that's how they should be defined but think you should be defined by your strengths. Grow the fuck up and realize you are just as shit as everyone else. You're boring, annoying, and stupid. Now go out there and talk to boring, annoying and stupid people or just wallow in self pity for the rest of your pointless fucking life

>> No.6920002

Well part of having an admirable gf who is interesting means there is an exchange of information from interesting person to interesting person. We learn from eachother and enjoy eachothers company. It's exactly what boring people do with other boring people, but at a much more interesting level

I don't take drugs because I'm not a degenerate

implying you wouldnt be miring my drips
implying you wouldnt be jelly as fuck that im graduating with a 95k/yr job at 20 and before you hit 2nd year of your "psychology" degree
>implying I'm not more well read and knowledgable than you

>> No.6920013

i'm a neurology major, asshole
I put work in labs and contrib to research

>implying I'm not more well read and knowledgable than you
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6920014


I definitely have this, i get it from my Mom and Dad who criticize EVERYTHING, but also feel like they have to be perfect, and yet feel like they never are. It's quite a mind fuck. My first GF ever I was horrible to, because first of all I couldn't imagine why anyone would like me so I thought there was something wrong with her, wile at the same time thinking I could do waaaay better than her naturally.

>> No.6920025

I do say what I want to say. When I am forced to interact with these kinds of people, I do voice my opinions, which are usually dismissive because they are wasting my time

I agree, I have a superiority complex

>I'm boring
nah lol, if I had a wiki page for my life right now it'd be interesting as fuck bro

>> No.6920031
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Implying being a degenerate is not the most FA you can be! mfw.

>> No.6920032

after reading this thread its p. painfully obvious why u don't have a gf

ur a little douche

>> No.6920033

fuck you dipshit get out of my thread

>> No.6920048

have you ever been to /r9k/?

>> No.6920049

make me you subhuman loser

>> No.6920058

is that not what i've said every post?

I'm a douche for a reason, people generally are sheep and are of little value for me. I'm asking if I have to navigate through this sea of sheep fucking eachother to find another of my kind

def: my kind ; someone interesting who isn't a boring piece of shit

>> No.6920059


If Nietzsche was really your hombre you wouldn't care about having something so trivial and bourgeois as a qt3.14 gf. You'd be catching syphilis from sex workers.

>> No.6920063

>>Wear only black/monochrome to reflect my personality

Lel you're an insufferable cunt.

>> No.6920074

>implying passionate sex isn't my biological craving, nihilist or not

>> No.6920082

How many bodies have buried in your back yard?

>> No.6920087

>succumbing to biological impulses

I'm better than you.

>> No.6920090

>nah lol, if I had a wiki page for my life right now it'd be interesting as fuck bro

And no one would ever read it. Write a book about your life. See if any publishing house will ever pick it up. They won't. Tell your life story to some random person. They'll get bored and suddenly have other things to do. You are boring. You're boring me right now, YAWN. You're going to die and not a single person will remember you a few years after the fact. Must be great living above us you massive faggot. Seriously if you ever want your life to get any better you need to look at people as wholes and not just see yourself as one. Everyone and their mothers know this kind of behavior stems from feeling outcasted and turning the hatred outward instead of learning from it.

>> No.6920092

okay virgin

>> No.6920095


>implying you need a gf for that. Please you have been confirmed for a pleb.

>> No.6920100

I could write a book if I wanted

>> No.6920107

>Allowing the very society you despise to dictate your standards of "coolness"

Not even a virgin, too.

Still better than you.

>> No.6920109

But you're not interesting. If you were you wouldn't need to
>>Wear only black/monochrome to reflect my personality
>>but it's just so damn edgy

>> No.6920113


50 Shades of Grey is book. Who couldn't write a book?

>> No.6920114

>passionate sex
>hooker or subhuman vagina
>not the vagina of some qt you actually have feelings for


I agree, but nobody knows it unless they choose to tread on me

>> No.6920119

No one would read it. Not even the fabled qt gf

>> No.6920129


OP was #rekt

>> No.6920130

I agree I'm edgy, but what kind of style would a person of my personality adopt? This is the only way. Black.

>> No.6920136



>> No.6920138

Are you sure you aren't 15?

>> No.6920145


She'd read it, at least a few pages, then laugh at the pleb tier prose with her friends.

>> No.6920151

Chances of finding your match in your field of study is going to be rare. No offense, but that's just how it is with engineering, comp sci, and the like.

I graduate with a bsba concentrating in information systems. I lived a real shallow, cacoon-mode life for two years until I got fed up with doing the stupid bro routine on the weekends (binge drinking and hitting in lib art sluts, even though I didn't talk to anyone hardly during the week) and just decided to take the stick out of my ass and put myself in situations I was very uncomfortable with. I started going to clubs, going to different schools to meet people, art and fashion shows, concerts that didn't really appeal to me - the list goes in. Eventually, I broke that shell and became comfortable in my own skin where I could approach girls by just being me and it paid off.

The first few times are going to be excruciating but it'll eventually dawn on you that you weren't really living and you'll see everything in a decent light.

I'm not suggesting changing who or what you are, but more trying new things that you'd stick your nose up at before.

Just throwing it out there, that's all.

>> No.6920156


>Confirmed for never having been with a sex worker. One of life's ultimate pleasures.

>> No.6920169

Okay, let's start over guys

I am an egotistical, narcissistic (for good reason), edgy asshole who sees no reason to communicate with the subhuman scum that i must paddle through daily. I have a good life, but do get lonely not being a writer or having someone to bounce things off who can actually understand my ideas and give me feedback.

I'm also not happy that I treat people this way, it's cruel.

How can I adopt some modesty? How do I entertain myself in such abundant company of lower-beings? Do I dismiss them immediately as I've done? Pretend to care? Exploit them?

I just don't know. The most innocent route is just to prevent them from wasting any of my time by telling them to go away or not associating with them at all.

>> No.6920162

>I was born in darkness. The truth I was taught was my superiority. My life is... Black.
Nikki what the fuck are you reading?

>> No.6920165

Make your money... Ill be fucking all the qts and meeting awesome people that you'll never even say a word too.

I promise you, I'll be happier.

>> No.6920176

I think you should go back to >>>/r9/, subhuman scum.

>> No.6920174

>concerts that didn't really appeal to me

I get everything else, but this would be hell for me. Like going to Mumford to score with qt's whose tastes I couldn't respect. I'd have to really hate myself to stoop to that level.

>> No.6920183


KEK OP needs to realize this is what he sounds like.

>> No.6920184



>> No.6920182
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learn a martial art

when you get you ass kicked by your senpais and molested by your sensei, you will then learn humanity

>> No.6920187

You're going to die alone clutching a picture of Nietzsche. Congratulations on your life

>> No.6920189

You think it's about money? I'm getting my 95k/y job at 20 and will have 500k in the bank by my late 20s.

I'll retire at 28 and do occasional petroleum eng projects and make a massive amount of money and actually explore things I am interested in (I do like petroleum engineering, but I'd like to get into scuba diving, marine biology, arctic biology, and a plethora of other hobbies)

also, the only awesome person i'm aware exists is me


>> No.6920196

i was miffed initially but i just feel sad for you now

>> No.6920200
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>Edgy teenager problems

This is why people under 25 shouldn't be allowed to post on the internet/have opinions.

In all seriousness, try to avoid taking the meds the doctor is inevitably going to prescribe you for your "depression". They just do more harm than good.

>> No.6920205

get my ass kicked by people who spent their one lives on this planet learning some stupid methodical ancient chinese kung fu wing punch that charge tourists 500 bucks a lesson.

protip: most of those guys aren't even chinese lel

>> No.6920207

OP can you please just post a fit so this thread can end

>> No.6920226


sup OP, I'm assuming a girlfriend or your group of friends betrayed you at one point in your life and you constantly suspect the worst in people. You're probably extremely judgmental and have an outlook in life in which you insist on being serious and analytical. You probably tell yourself, others need to EARN my respect and EARN my friendship.

Let it go. Don't pretend to be interested in people's shit life. They can tell when you're faking. Become genuinely interested or don't try at all. You'll be wasting your time and their time. If you can't live with the solitude - adapt. If you are true patrician-tier you will adapt. Make some genuine friends, get clean pills, go to a rave... or don't... but enjoy your 20s and learn to sift through the garbage of people so you can make true life long friends.

The universe is not going to gravitate and revolve around you. It will not bend to your will and have things conveniently fall into your lap. You know those pleb retards you think are stupid fuccbois? They had to find each other at one point in time to develop a social circle. Your current mentality towards social interaction is not only pompous and elitist but its extremely unhealthy. Even if you perceive yourself to be better than others you need to learn not only to sympathize with people but to empathize with them too. Very big difference. People will pick up on your true nature and thats probably why you don't have friends to this day. Stop faking. If you want something you need to do what it takes to have it.

>> No.6920221
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ill never be depressed
but sometimes when i lay in bed
i just wish i had a qt gf to talk about things with that i didn't think less of

a girl that can really stimulate me emotionally and mentally, that can add value to my life outside of busting a nut on her tits

>> No.6920231
File: 271 KB, 480x585, VgsTYC19Pic66JbgZjF51k99t1LD5pzK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to /a/ or /jp/

get a waifu

>> No.6920235

You know matt is one of the people you hate right
Post ur fit
Let's see ur great all black beauty

You're better than us, right? Let's see it.

>> No.6920246

Serious suggestion. Do some volunteer work. You may not stop being a prick, but you'll appreciate things a lot more.

>> No.6920248

>people who spent their one lives on this planet learning some stupid...

That's the problem you are so full of yourself, and that is not changing soon.
What are you doing with your life that is so important to see what others do as meaningless.
Are you even helping the world becom a better place, the universe, what? are you Dr. Manhattan at least?
Fucking edgy teens

>> No.6920258

I don't see that people need to earn my respect or friendship, I just view it in the frame that if they are worthy of it, I will try to make it happen. If they seem like they possess some trait I could really incorporate into myself, they have value.

This is very wise though. It's not so much I want to learn some humility, but I just want to stop taking everything so serious. Life success/quality is at the top of my list of goals, and I guess when it's up there I really compare what I'm doing to what other people are doing and instantly discredit them.

I'm not sure how I'd be less serious and analytical. I surely can't do things like take pills and go to raves...

>> No.6920266

>borrowing OP's thread

how2talk2girls? I'm not that bad looking and dress alright but I have low self esteem. How do I strike up a conversation with qties? There's one in my English class and tomorrow I think I'm gonna try to have a seat next to her. how should I strike conversation?

>> No.6920283

Something light. How'd you on the last exam? Blah blah. Don't just be all WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE DESIGNER RAF SIMONS RICK OWENS USUALLY WHAT IM DRESSED IIIIIIN

>> No.6920289

I didn't mean it like that - more in a sense of broadening your horizons. I didn't go to Barstool Blackout because I wanted to fuck randoms, but because I wanted to see what the hype was. I got into house music that way and I love going to concerts now.

Getting out of your element. That's what I'm saying.

>> No.6920295

I'm op, and while it seems like im autistic, I do actually know how to talk to girls (and do the sexxing)

Just go ahead and sit next to her. Just because you're asking this kind of question, means you're not very experienced with talking to girls, meaning there's a good chance you'll fuck up any chance you had to get with her. The good thing is, that's the first step of a learning process, and your entry into qt getting game.

So yeah, just sit next to her, talk to her, try to keep off the topic of boring shit like school and major unless you turn it into something more interesting (E.g if she says business, you talk about her not really looking like the business time, blah blah). Overall, try to avoid school/education shit unless it's an icebreaker. You just need to get comfortable with talking to girls and that's definitely a process that involves failure and rejection.

>> No.6920301
File: 29 KB, 450x532, 1375848955306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck a gf dude, only betas have those anyways

what season is your julius leather from?

I got one from Thieves, the quality still blows my mind, even blows rick leathers I've handled out of the water.

Been lifting and stuff so it doesn't fit anymore.

So if anyone's interested in buying a julius leather size 1 get at me, will also trade for a size 2 depending on the jacket.

>> No.6920298

"How are your tits?"

>> No.6920311

08, got it for 650 on rakuten ^_^

>> No.6920325

>>6920226 (i'm this guy)

You're judging people to see if they're "worthy" of your acknowledgement. This is essentially the same thing, only worse. They need to earn your recognition before they can become your friend or even have any social interaction with you.

Life is not a tragedy. Its too emotionally taxing to be a tragedy. Consider your life and others to be a comedy and stop comparing yourself to others. If you really want something for yourself and your own purposes, do it for yourself and your own purposes. Get off facebook and work toward your own goals.

I was a lot like you, not an engineer but still a STEM major. Fast tracked my Master's and got it 1 year after my Undergrad. Being analytical in class and lab is great but it takes so much more than that in everyday life and social interaction. Be charming and amiable. Try to think of yourself from someone elses perspective. If you didn't know yourself (AT ALL, ZERO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE) and you saw yourself brooding and being judgmental, would you want to befriend THAT guy. Don't be THAT guy.

You don't have to lie to yourself and have drunken rager weekends or go to raves if you don't want to. You definitely shouldn't tell lies to people just because its what they want to hear. But you need to be more open minded and friendly. If you have off putting qualities such as being dismissive try to work on it. If you have at least one friend right now (I really, really hope you do), focus on developing that friendship. Smile when you meet new people and try to remember names and details. People will be apart of social circles long before you enter them and you may feel like they're hostile to you... don't take it personal just be you but be the best possible version of you that isn't a prick.

>> No.6920326

What kind of leather is it? Just straight cowhide or what?

Mines blistered and reverse ram, softer than pussy, looks like it was made out of cooled lava

>> No.6920339


it's like a lightened greyish-black-brown, its fuckin awesome

>> No.6920358
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I was a kissless 21 year old virgin and thought it was just gonna stay like that. A girl said I was hot, gave me her number and things changed. I didnt really do anything and I got further in a night then with a girl I was trying to be social with for a year

>> No.6920359

does it have a gun holster?

>> No.6920361

OP what a laugh. You are the problem, not everyone else.

>> No.6920368

Ironically, my one friend right now is so below the people im talking about. He just leeches off me, and I do find value in him willing to learn things from me, because it helps me understand myself and my ideas better.

Other than that, I have no real friends.

You say to let loose and enjoy life...but there's many ways one can do that. I just don't see a "point" in having these people I speak lowly off as my friends, or associating with them. I can tell myself oh yeah they're worth talking to because I have to work on being nice, but my brain computes it analytically. From my own experience, if someone asks me if i wanna go grab a bite to eat in between classes (2 hr block), - you're saying yeah it'd be good to let loose and enjoy and be nice, but i know what happens during those fucking eating blocks, they chat absolute shit about nothing of importance, end up spending money on capitalist pseudo gourmet food and in general are just a waste of fucking time. In that 2 hour time block I can heat up the food I bring from home, sit in a corner and watch two MIT lectures on something I've always been interested in

I agree there is an issue I need to resolve...but I'm trying to solve this logically and give myself a reason to actually be nice to people and be charming and be likable...and I really only see that as another subhuman model standard people like to achieve.

I enjoy my life. I just wish I had someone to enjoy it with that didn't feel like a pet.

>> No.6920378 [DELETED] 

Op I think you want to go after a really high tier amazing life that really defines what it means to live and "make it" and you feel like that spirit of living isn't shared by the people around you. It infuriates you to see people making bad choices and forging a life path filled with easily avoided mistakes. A life that is complete stagnation with no higher drive or passion.

You want a truely high life for yourself. To know what it means to really live to the best of your ability and you know that this sentiment isn't shared by people who aren't going after a better life. To you, these people have just given up or don't care enough to go after a life that matters.

Because of this you plan ahead and see that just meeting one person who makes bad choices in life could be enough of a risk to open up a time line in which you waste months or even years of your life around this person who doesn't care about their life. So you avoid people in general.

However heres the problem. Right now you're living in the same medicore way as all the people you are trying to avoid. You're putting off the day you decide go after high living every day for no reason.

As such, you are now rotting here in a no mans land of indecision by yourself. You don't socialize with them still because you still see the chance for you to someday go after a better and higher life and you know when you get around to it you won't regret having not made social connections with these people now.

You only want to socialize and live with people who care about life as much as you hypothetically do.

But until you make that decision to make your dream world a reality you will be stuck here forever.

>> No.6920382

The problem in what frame?

The problem from my frame is that I don't know how to find quality people among the rubbish

Another thing to mention is that I'm 19 and starting my senior year. There is nobody else doing this, my classmates are much older than me, and yet I still feel as if they're all mindless children

>> No.6920392

I'd buy one though if i lived in murrica

>> No.6920402

holy shit, just reading the first clauses of that explains everything better than I could explain it myself

you are a wizard, will finish reading now

>> No.6920409

oh my god

r u fucking serious

ur life is a joke man stop lying to urself

>> No.6920412

sucks dude

mine don't either, but it's w/e

I keep a glock 7 nestled between a book and passport in my rick pockets so it aint no thang

>> No.6920432

To the guy I quoted who wrote that long thing then deleted it for some reason

You had it on point except for the part where I'm "putting off" living a higher quality of life. I'm doing that right now, and I just wish I could seek out the people with that same amount of passion. Passion is interesting. I don't care if they watch jersey shore, party like fuck and are a psychology major. If Psychology is legitimately their passion, and they have that drive - they are interesting and of value. Anybody with a passion has value to me because I can nt only learn from them, but I respect them that much more.

I see people living shitty lives and it disgusts me. These are the people I'm talking about that provide no value to me. It's so disgusting that I see it as an infectious plague, where someone's shitty life decisions may rub off on me if I so much as surround myself with them for a second.

I don't want to have to wade through all of these people to find the ones that are worth knowing, though.

>> No.6920446

i think you just have severe autism

>> No.6920455

Sometimes I feel that way. After starting my intense engineering curric at 17, I went full autism mode and finished with a perfect (4.33) GPA

It involved dismissing a lot of people, doing 2 or 3 man labs entirely by myself and in general only relying on myself

>> No.6920472

>>6920325 (i'm this guy again)

Enjoy yourself within reason. Find people who aren't going to be talking about the bullshit you're not interested in. Not everyone is human garbage if they don't see eye to eye with you but if it helps you then think of it in that way and just wade through the trash until you find someone else like you.

You're right, you can be more productive if you don't spend your time filtering through people you don't care about. Keep in mind, though, that every 2 hours you spend watching lectures/youtube videos/on 4chan/reading forums is another 2 hours you could have spent looking through the trash and finding someone you connect with.

You're a smart guy and its understandable you don't want to build someone up and have them be your "pet." Thats fine. Understand that a friendship/relationship needs to be built over time though. These things don't just develop over one conversation - with bestfriends or girlfriends.

Allocate your time properly and take a moment to stop questioning the world and begin to question yourself.
Is quite right. He's not taking the time to discuss it with you but self-reflection is incredibly important. There are ugly truths that we know about ourselves that we constantly fail to confront because its uncomfortable. Find out what yours is and resolve it. If you come from an upper-middle class family or better and you're in a developed nation that isn't corrupt, the world is essentially yours and you can have anything you want as long as you put the work in and do what needs to be done.

>> No.6920478


If you want friends, do what needs to be done. Internally and externally. If its too much work, don't do it... but don't complain that its the worlds fault and not your own. Nobody in the world owes you shit. This sentiment is often held in regard to material goods but you should consider the social implications as well.

P.S. Try not to spend too much time on 4chan... ESPECIALLY /fa/ (its extremely petty and vapid.) You WILL become socially retarded and numb to conventional thoughts on your surroundings and peers. This is my last post seeing as how I'm going to cut myself off from 4chan for today.

>> No.6920481

exploit social media. easy. really.

there are the occasional extremely successful, crime syndicate, narcisstic intellects that peruse and journal their daily metacognition and rigid, lonely thoughts.

people of varying intelligence, beauty and aspirations are drawn to that shit like flies.

in now time, you will have gathered the admiration and respect of many. it is witnessed how easy you will have the beautiful and somewhat intelligent, young fresh meat throwing themselves at you.

go fuck an enlightened, opinionated drug induced woman or two or two dozen. literally flying and driving around the world to meet you and spend a day or so in your presence.

it's a type of sought after cyber reality, a celebrity type. underground. and brimming with blossoming advent prodigy youth yearning for the same mishapen attention and affection

some just wana fuck. you, OP?

>> No.6920498

You're right.

When I was a bit less accomplished, I was around people I see similar to me. I was one of those valueless people, and I fucking appreciated the fact that these people who know so much mor ethan me with so much more experience actually gave me a chance and discredited me, because they wanted to see what people could offer before dismissing them.

I kind of want to do that. I kind of want to be the guy to just taste a bunch of people and pick what I like. Give people chances to prove themselves, and if they have nothing for me then I don't need to talk to them...but the only way I can use that is if it's with absolutely everyone


why is this so hard

i just wanna move to alaska

>> No.6920524

>upper middle class family

I'm entirely self made and that's what I think is a part of it. Growing up, I didn't have any parents. I went back and forth from group homes, seeing the filth of society. Eventually I was able to live on my own at age 15 and have been planning my life ever since. I'm being revered for my actions and perseverance by my uni and i think that adds to my ego a bit because they literally pay me to go there. I am already in the process of doing what I want to do, I know there are infinite possibilities for someone with my intelligence and situation, and I'm fucking doing it. I went into petro eng because I found it interesting, and is a great excuse to get me up to alaska for a while (Which I'd love to fucking explore). I just want to have a quality life where I go through hardships and tough times and get the thrill of achievement. I am actually thinking of taking caltech up on their masters offer after a few years of work just so I can be in achieve mode again

idk I'm just addictive to productivity, so much that Its grown into my hobby as well

>> No.6920536

I actually write a blog that gets on avg 10-15k hits. Mostly promoted from being my schools "posterboy" for achievement (Have had a lot of articles written for me in uni paper)

It's about philosophy, but I post my real name on there so I'm a bit hesitant to link it here

>> No.6920538

I used to have this same outlook on life. And back then i had a qt gf in monochrome to share my misanthropy with.

She broke up with me, then I got social and went through several different boring, normal girls. The only effay af girl since then I've really loved being with and having sex with was married though, so things could never go very far. I have a total pleb gf right now, I hope she breaks up with me tonight.

I did overcome my general misanthropy though and now i genuinely enjoy humanity.

>> No.6920554

Yeah, I've had quite a bit of sex, but only one gf.

And she was the worst human being imaginable

did e every weekend, drank 3x a week, worked some shitty job and kept "saying" she wanted to get into business or go back to school

fucking degenerate, really

>> No.6920580

if you're still here. This is great, you are wise. Thanks man.

I'll do some thinking tonight. Maybe I am making excuses for being a dick to people. Maybe I am relishing a bit too much in my elitism.

>> No.6920588

Do I have to become social to ever be happy?
Yes. That doesn't mean you have to force yourself into pointless conversation. Basically just mingle with as many people as you have the energy to mingle with at any given time and move on when the conversation naturally "fizzles out" you will be planting in your "food for thought" and they might be inclined to think and talk to you about other subjects later on. Get as much of a diverse range of people as you can, and age groups... for the most part though, stick to dudes at first. rushing into, or obsessing over the girl just because of the prospect of getting laid is a waste of time. I you chat with enough smart dudes and girls, you may be lucky enough to at SOMEPOINT land a qt gf who is smart and will be a good friend. you have to be patient for this, but it is way more satisfying than just a fuck buddy, because even if you don't end up staying together forever, you will have gotten a good relationship out of it.

>> No.6920605

If you aren't happy alone, you will never be happy with someone else.

Another person will never "fill" an empty part of you. You're going to have to do that yourself.

>> No.6920600

adding to >>6920481


you are at least fucking, if not making love at the moment?

fuck people. fuck women that are gorgeous and lustful. fuck women you find interesting and curious.

what you may find when mutually open and vulnerable, may surprise you. investing your time with another being, try to see her in equality, free from a closed-minded superiourity complex. perceiving and empathetically understanding how her mind operates, the emotion and reason behind her mental processing and physical action.

the whole understanding of another person's "person," in it's entirity and whole being may satiate your own thirst for knowledge. temporarily, if need be. until this >>6920472 beyond "pet"

>> No.6920619

You remind me a lot of myself. I never got into the whole social media/self-publishing stuff, but just googling my name (and no one else has my same name) yields several thousand different search results in about half a dozen different languages referencing me or stuff I've published. The only thing I'm really proud of was an article that I was solicited to write for a German magazine a few years ago that aged very well and people still contact me about. People thought I was going to do very well for myself. Then I got a shit job after college and became a functioning alcoholic. I still dress in monochrome, but I have a pleb af gf.

>> No.6920622

I'm just tired of being surrounded by people that try to fucking suck up all my fake kindness. I'll be nice to someone who can't do as much as think for himself, and he'll constantly pester or put me in a situation where they ask what I do for x, what i do for this, what i think of this etc

it's fucking annoying, think for yourself

My sex life is gone since around mid summer when I was prepping for this semester (Solidying my job). all summer i kinda locked myself up in my room and studied the curriculum beforehand.

I am not a virgin though, I've had points of good sex life, and even having a fuck buddy wouldn't be bad, but I'd still have that debilitating loneliness at times.

I guess achievements and producitivity has kind of been suppressing that natural calling for another person, and now that I'm coming to the end of my urban-center-living life, I'm starting to feel the heat and regret

>> No.6920634

I am happy alone. I don't need anyone else.

I do consider my life really good, it's just one thing that comes into my head sometimes, when I have some free time or time to breathe (Which is rare because I'm usually preoccupied with work), I start thinking that I could be spending that little spare time I had talking to an interesting qt, or having a conversation with someone I can actually learn from and be honest and genuine with, that I can give feedback in equal amounts to feedback received to ideas or thoughts

>> No.6920671


keep telling yourself you're happy alone.

you already have a lack of meaning in your life, you are a goddamn fucking idiot if you don't believe humans are social creatures and that we derive joy from being around others.

honestly just off yourself because this thread is just a cry for attention, you pathetic, miserable fuck.

>> No.6920686

you are aware there are people that prefer to be alone, so much so that it overpowers their biological desires right



>> No.6920715


stop thinking you're the exception to the rule based on the shallow observation of one data point you fucking narcissistic idiot

>> No.6920731

If you're good looking you don't have to be anything.

>> No.6920743

>>Wear only black/monochrome to reflect my personality (usually my julius leather, all black, i keep it pretty modern but definitely a solid amount of edge)

post a fit

you don't actually prefer to be alone if you're spending so much time on a social platform like 4chan

yes, it has less accountability than other platforms and real life, but it's still not like being truly solitary as newton was

>> No.6920750

because I can interact with people that have my unique niche tastes.

Socializing with people about rick and julius is a lot easier here than searching through thousands of people to find ONE person who even knows about those brands

>> No.6920754
File: 51 KB, 600x400, me listening to shoegaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw life is meaningless, just going through the motions, and finding solace in trolling on a fashion forum and self-inserting as the MC in japanese cartoons

>> No.6920757

How do you know Newton wasn't a part of some niche science forum that always proposed little ideas that other intellectuals reasoned over, and didn't just decide to go all out and explore it?

You don't

>> No.6920775

i did ask why you did it or say that you are not justified in doing it, all i said is that you don't actually prefer to be alone

with that said, i really do want to see a fit, and if you won't post one here, then please mail me at some point

>How do you know Newton wasn't a part of some niche science forum that always proposed little ideas that other intellectuals reasoned over, and didn't just decide to go all out and explore it?
i'm wouldn't be surprised if he was a part of it, but the fact remains that he didn't have internet access and because of that couldn't participate in the forum at just about any given time throughout the day, week, month, etc.

>> No.6920780

>what are letters

>> No.6920817

snail mail? that's even slower than a live forum and even less comparable to having internet access

>> No.6920826

yeah, back then it'd take me approximately 4-6 weeks to call you a faggot

thank god for technology huh

>> No.6921015


Not really, girls create all kinds of narratives in their minds about the guys they want. You could get a gf. In my experience she will start to resent you when you don't socialize with her pleb friends.

>> No.6921022


I know that feel anon.

>> No.6921132


i think you have aspergers