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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 640 KB, 1280x720, GTA-V-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6891237 No.6891237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone on /fa/ interested in starting a crew for GTA V?
We'll be able to dress in full goth ninja attire or even fucking dadcore if you're feeling a bit nostalgic. Just look at those sick designer masks, even Kanye can't get enough of them.
If anyone is interested, just let me know so we can get started.
>inb4 video games aren't /fa/

>> No.6891249

You can dress gothninja in GTA 5? What?

>> No.6891250

im not getting my xbox fixed for this shit

>> No.6891261

We can probably make it work by combining monochrome pieces

>> No.6891267

Im down

>> No.6891269

>or even fucking dadcore if you're feeling a bit nostalgic.

I haven't been on /fa/ in a while and it seems most threads now are streetwear and fuccboi generals etc. What happened to the dadcore stuff? I remember people used to talk about Clarks DBs and OCBDs all the time.

>> No.6891277

>only friend who has a ps3 is going to prison
>tfw no one to rob banks with

>> No.6891278

I dont care what /fa/ says, boots and button downs will always be my staples

>> No.6891279

Alright, we need a name idea for the crew
Angsty teens flooded the board in the past year

>> No.6891290
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>Alright, we need a name idea for the crew
You know it's going to end up being called dick ovens or something

>> No.6891295

I'm perfectly fine with that, it needs to be a recognizable /fa/ meem

>> No.6891309

down, footwear in gta better have cons or geo look alikes

>> No.6891310


>> No.6891320
File: 27 KB, 939x317, ec37c897787abd88f22cd4c5de47618b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't set the colour to black for some odd reason

>> No.6891335

>tfw no PC version

I just wanna ninja it up and wreck shit with my /fa/ buddies. ;__;

>> No.6891362



smh if u use some wack meme tier name for the crew im not joining

>> No.6891359
File: 115 KB, 669x879, 1378622331051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here

>> No.6891367


ralph's semen

>> No.6891369

Suggest something

>> No.6891379

the patrician fuccbois?

>> No.6891388

The Post Fits.

>> No.6891396
File: 114 KB, 668x878, 1376886125913 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6891394

not bad

>> No.6891402

not funny. sorry.

>> No.6891403


>> No.6891407


TALK SHIT POST FIT in all caps if poss would b better

if ur gonna do some herby ass board culture name it needs to be post-internet edgy not reddit tier

>> No.6891413

We can't use any profanity in the name

>> No.6891422


use a lower case L instead of an i?

>> No.6891427

yeah i didnt even know the game came out so i dont really care.
i just want to help effay

>> No.6891435

i'd rather not take any risks
thanks man

>> No.6891446
File: 1 KB, 111x62, 825116a0951d123e502da242eeb07a7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also need a crew tag, which is a shorthand designation for our Crew that will be displayed both in game and on the Social Club website.

>> No.6891476
File: 26 KB, 906x295, 92309053bc3f688e38ce2f099dae4b83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can edit the emblem later, would people be satisfied with this?

>> No.6891483

if you want to fashun your video games just go play tf2

>> No.6891488
File: 725 KB, 717x536, fasg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>inb4 video games aren't /fa/
more like
being a consolefaggot isn't /fa/

being /fa/ is about being superior and spending stupid amounts of money
you're not /fa/ unless you're mustard race

ITT: plebs


>> No.6891492

What if I can afford to be both a consolefag and a master race patrician? What then?

>> No.6891499

w2c cheap geos in los santos? for the motto?

>> No.6891501

Just fuck off with this shit you fucking geeks

>> No.6891503

Where are you editing this? I want to try an emblem

>> No.6891510

>visits imageboard pretty much based on anime
>calls others geeks

>> No.6891515

Just create an account on the Rockstar Crews website and then create an emblem, you can then upload it to the crew and I'll be able to use it.

>> No.6891528



>> No.6891545
File: 314 KB, 1920x1080, pcmasterrace.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends hundreds of money on clothes
>calls me a geek for having a nice computer
lmao ok faggot

>> No.6891546

Which one you niggas got a Triple?


Otter Collective
Deep Sea Mob
Los-Santos Sharks

>> No.6891553

Yeah, it won't let me edit the emblem, I'm done trying.

>> No.6891562

I'm on PS3

>> No.6891569

Oh and those names have like literally nothing to do with board culture on /fa/

>> No.6891605

I gave up waiting, I'm going to bed. Hoping to see some members tomorrow

>> No.6891622
File: 669 KB, 615x410, I-am-so-happy-to-announce-that-I-will-be-a-radio-DJ-in-rockstargames-new-GTA-V-coming-soon-Tune-in-Woop-woop-2233220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im getting this game midnight launch.
my last day of work is monday.

btw, GTAV is /fa/, this pic confirms.

>> No.6891640

patrician fuccbois is literally the worst name i would've thought of

at least the PC ppl will create a crew that doesn't have a retarded name

>> No.6891762


i would rather in a crew called thugcore than "patrician fuccbois"


finna form a free sosa or based taskforce crew bye

>> No.6891784

who's getting it for xbox? i heard it has 2 discs

>> No.6891795

where the hell were you earlier when we were trying to find a name
it does

>> No.6891815

ones just for installation.
and you have to install it on PS3 as well, so really it doesn't matter.

but im copping for PS3 since i copped a PS3 just to play the game.

>> No.6891861
File: 13 KB, 426x364, 1346304022648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midnight launch.
fuck i miss those
pc gaming is kind of gay sometimes tbh

>> No.6891894

i'm down for ps3. not sure how much time i'll have to play, but other than work, a couple morning classes, and the gym a few nights a week i should be able to get in some decent play time.

>> No.6891932

I'm in, I'm going to cosplay as The Driver.

>> No.6891977

can we just be the Sad Boys. or Yung Based Gods. YBG represent #ThankYouBasedGod

>> No.6891999

But dat inferior controller. I love Sony so much, but they need to update that controller. Just copy the Xbox controller. It's about as perfect as it can be.

>recessed thumbsticks
>optimized resistance on said thumbsticks (imo)
>trigger buttons better by a mile

There are a lot of subtle things that I won't mention, but whoever designed the Xbox 360 controller deserve a goddamn award.

>> No.6892008

FUCK the ps3 controller., its made for tiny little asian hands, literally cannot use that pos for more than 20 mins, so uncomfortable

>> No.6892032

i feel the same way.
360 controller is so nice.
PS3 controller looks nicer but it doesn't feel anywhere close to the 360.

i got Max Payne 3 a few months back to get used to it, and i don't mind it anymore.

>> No.6892131

Well I have tiny hands, but I still think it is inferior. I wouldn't think twice about it if the Xbox didn't have such a ballin controller.

Yeah it's not worlds apart, but I don't want a hampered experience if I can help it. Reminds me, I gotta get MP3. That game looks like it satisfies some primal urges.

>> No.6892218

I hope this crew is PS3 because Xbox 360 is not /fa/ at all. Fucking ugly piece of shit.
To be fair, the first PS3 slim is the only /fa/ model. But the first PS3 and the second slim model are still light years better than anything Microshit could design.

>> No.6892226

sonybronys gettin mad

>> No.6892230

>Xbox 360

How does it feel to feel like a commoner?

>> No.6892265

>mfw it doesn't even come out on PC for several more months


>> No.6892274

pc mustard race

360 is for multiplats that didnt make it onto pc and shitty ports (gta4/dark souls)

>> No.6892279

>people who own a 360
og's who invested early and have been hardened by years of monthly fees just to play with friends
>people who own a pstriple
kids who hopped onto the whole video gaming thing late but ultimately were able to buy the superior machine

>> No.6892282

>sonybronys will never know dat feel of 4 man halo 3 sleepovers

>> No.6892291

>sonybronys will never know dat feel of 4man halo 3 sleepovers + wine coolers turning into gay circlejerk orgy
"j-just pretend i'm cortana..."

>> No.6892292

>muh PS3 exclusive.
notice how most of them are all 1 player, faggots.

>> No.6892326

holy shit that feel
haven't felt it in forever, though
tfw pc master race now
tfw other pc friends have moved onto rts's and ASSFAGGOTS and none of them fuck with fps's
tfw none of them want to get fucked up and stay up all night and bro op some halo on tha 360

feels bad, man

>> No.6892333
File: 82 KB, 640x428, VV11218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried 2 organize a game of quakeworld or w/e the other day but we had some connectivity issues and everyone who could join got annihilated bcuz we were on a public server and ppl who never stopped playing in twenty years came on

>> No.6892340

quake is for nerds
i just want to get drunk and play halo or nazi zombies all night

>> No.6892339

feels thread?
>busted xbox 2years ago
>moved and decided to claim insurance
>everything going smoothly
>dad went to hand in papers before left
>filled home as new place
>2weeks of fucking w/ insurance people
fucking insurance...
i just want to play some jrpg and maybe lost odyssey nostalgia before break ends ;________;

>> No.6892342

>tfw only owned playstation
>always stayed over my mates playing Halo, Doom 3 & Brute Force
soz i know that feel

>> No.6892369

>before break ends
i got a week to go, too
where do you go to school, turnup

>> No.6892370

we should have an /fa/ minecraft server

>> No.6892372

university of auckland

>> No.6892376

oh you mean those same sleepovers that you all decide to experiment with each other and then have to form a blood pact never to tell anyone and then jimmy decides to tell his girlfriend and she tells his sister and she tells his dad and his dad disowns him and you all tell his dad it wasnt his fault he caved into the peer pressure and then his dad commits suicide because he thought he had raised his son better than that and then jimmy becomes emo for a while then joins the military and dies in combat and you all meet up again at his funeral after going your separate ways and decide to have an orgy at the hotel where the whole process just repeats itself again until all of you die

no thanks i'll stick with my ps3

>> No.6892377

>university of auckland
wow that sounds foreign
welp have fun

>> No.6892378


>> No.6892384

>being straight
haha faggot

>> No.6892386

>being a faggot
haha straight

>> No.6892389

Patrician Fuccboi's is the only correct /fa/ name

>> No.6892394

i'd be down bro but im not paying for xbox live.
can we get a clan running on ps3 as well?
keen to socialise you dudes but not on skype. that just seems weird to me

>> No.6892484

I remember a dude bought a floral Doc Martens. Bring them back /fa/.
>Also Balmain and KVA is very rarely discused(especially Balmain, which is like never now.)

>> No.6892662

Fuck you, this guy takes time out of his life to make things bald. That's the funniest fucking thing ever. Go shit a dick

Keep doing your thing, baldchan

>> No.6892864


cringing rn

#cosigning effay taskforce

>> No.6892870


>> No.6892878

uhh, balmain moto jeans are dicussed frequently.

>> No.6892886


>> No.6892896

I'm down!

>> No.6892910

im on Xbox btw, who else? or is everyone ps3

>> No.6893032


Xbox here as well

>> No.6893038

I bought blops 2 today and I really regret it
thx for listening

>> No.6893064

why, its good

>> No.6893068
File: 759 KB, 1122x419, 1377030893550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck ps3, im on xbox

dunno if ill be gtting it tho, going to uni on the 20th, not bringing a television unless i bring this big ass 32inch but i cannot fit that in my suitcase :(

>> No.6893072

Yeah lets get an xbox crew going
>tfw no friends to play multiplayer games with

>> No.6893083


add me on xbox

yung lean 2002

>> No.6895052
File: 18 KB, 230x300, 1376164066746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Join you faggots

>> No.6896180


>> No.6896197
File: 92 KB, 497x750, tumblr_m7y3k37fRa1qgjvz2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey if any1 is interested in being in a gang let me kno cuz i was thinking that if wud be fun 2 make a gang and i hav a treehouse we can use and we can get matching uniforms and stuff and if u want 2 be in the gang it might help if u r good at fighting cuz other gangs will probly want 2 fight us

>> No.6896203

what's the character limit?

>> No.6896216

Now that was an epic troll, I will gladly thank you my fine gentleman and wish you a pleasant evenin *tips fedora in the treehouse*

>> No.6896224

already chose PLEB

>> No.6896225

i want!

>> No.6896236


>> No.6896336
File: 1.95 MB, 320x180, 1378934534451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent an hour making an emblem

Most of the time went into the hair #storyofmylife

>> No.6896365

Im gonna be playing it on ps3 the day it comes out

PS3 team?

>> No.6896377

>Doesn't remember the Irish sea washed backpacks

Thats where Salty-bois comes from.

>> No.6896395

Damn that's nice
I'm on PS3

>> No.6896526
File: 25 KB, 1024x1024, 06bd6029441682fabfbb052c7ab90dfd9466fae6_1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6896533
File: 10 KB, 241x210, therideneverends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6896541

that was literally last month no one cares

>> No.6896546
File: 362 KB, 395x443, c524cc656b356fab360b63231606dd2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His bitch ass looking like a fatter MC Ride with a shorter beard

>> No.6896675

hahahha I fucking love you baldchan.

Top notch work

>> No.6896738

You can easily find existing models and change to monochrome with coding. It will probably be customizable anyways. It would still be easy to add new models with PC versions. The possibilities are endless and the difficulty to achieve a full outfit only depends on who the modeler is and how hard the models are to add to the current game.

>> No.6896748

I aint buying a console for this,so I just wait to play it on my PC in HD.