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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 640x480, LanaDelRey__NicoleNodland_01255elr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6895146 No.6895146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is drinking alone in the dark while listening to Lana Del Ray effay?

>> No.6895157

no it is not

drinking will not make it easier to deal with your problems mate

>> No.6895227

It been working pretty good so far.

>> No.6895233

fuck off u made this thread yesterday
saged and hidden

>> No.6895284

I'd wreck her so hard

>> No.6895326

Yes but it has to be Born to Die on repeat.

>> No.6895332

2011 tumblrcore as fuck

>> No.6895403

To Lana Del Ray? Lol no.

>Where to cop decent taste.

>> No.6895436

Drink alone and listen to Have A Nice Life.

>> No.6895439

out of curiosity whats wrong with her stuff?

not OP btw

>> No.6895487

It has this negative association with people who don't like music but "totally love indie music xD"

>> No.6895492

drinking alone and wondering about the "image" is pretty pathetic imo.

i've got no issue with drinking alone. i used to do it myself, but i never concerned myself with how it would make me look.

if i WAS going to plan the perfect situation to drink alone, it sure as fuck wouldn't involve Lame Del Gay (lol i just made that nickname up just now off the top of my head. if you steal it please give me credit and post a screenshot of this post.).

the perfect "look" for drinking alone is listening to chopped and screwed while playing Red Dead Redemption wearing nice fitting sweatpants, colored socks and black or white tee shirt.

be sure you get WASTED to the point of having little comprehension of anything. that way when your roommates walk inthey will see how lame and troubled you are.
they may feel sorry for you.
be sure to complain about being lonely and how the girl you loved doesn't love you (or guy if you're a gay, which you are).

anyway, this is just my personal suggestion which im sure you couldn't pull off.

it's something to work towards.

>> No.6895511

A+ post

>> No.6895557

D- post

>> No.6895590

D- life

>> No.6895596

can you please get off 4chan.
seriously im tired of playing with these faggots.
that was a A+, no questions.
i know it.
you know it.
hip$ter knows it
and the rest of 4chan knows it.

not gtfo or i'll ban you permanently.
test me.

>> No.6895607

i was saying that hipster's post is a d- post
not your post
i didn't even read your post

>> No.6895608

*NOW gtfo

not "not gtfo"
you obviously NEED to gtfo.

impolite sage

>> No.6895688

starfucks why r u bein so rude to this guy :'(((

>> No.6895702

A+ post

>> No.6895703

i just had some Jameson while i listened to Muddy Waters, feelin good currently

>> No.6895732


>> No.6895806
File: 25 KB, 450x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what a cunt.

>> No.6895809

great post. Love lame del gay.

>> No.6895813

Have some of my ones

Kendick Lameass

A$HIT Rocky

>> No.6895821
File: 1.66 MB, 170x310, lana del rey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you do to me, anon?

>> No.6895824

I think her stuff is pretty generic. Having said that, though, Video Games is still one of my favorite recent pop songs.

>> No.6895844

have you heard bombay bicycle clubs cover of it?

real treat

>> No.6895850
File: 19 KB, 381x381, fedora-tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rather some electro-swing with rainymood, you'll feel classier
*tips fedora*

>> No.6896125

yo you already got told once fool

>> No.6896129

She's such a slut

>> No.6896275

Nice ones.

also good is Danny Clown (cuz he a clown)
and Chance the Crapper (cuz he's crap)

>> No.6896320

ive got a few

starcocks 64 (bcus ur in love with cocks and u like to take 64 at a time)

scarfucks 64 (because ur anally scarred from being fucked so much by dicks)

>> No.6896330

it is if its paul woolford refixes of her


>> No.6896520

you are an idiot piece of shit.
seriously go to hell and burn eternally and miss your whole family and feel bad they think you were a failure and hate you.

>> No.6896591

This gif just made me want to fuck Lana Del Rey more than anything in the world, you have made my life sad, anon.

>> No.6896587
File: 71 KB, 300x562, 1378050597419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6896623


The only song that is /fa/ is

Trap House - Gucci Mane

>> No.6896625


is this /fa/?


>> No.6897035


>> No.6897064

>not lying in the middle of your floor with a Microphones record playing as you chain smoke yourself to death

jk its pretty depressing

>> No.6897092

Is oolong tea and listening to Robert Pollard /fa/?

>> No.6897211

If you're doing it, yes.

>> No.6897232


>> No.6897283


did the package arrive?

>> No.6897292


wait it's friday lol. haven't checked tracking but hopefully it does 2moro

>> No.6897350

tumblr mostly

>> No.6897536

fake lipz

>> No.6897538

I bet she smells nice

>> No.6897540

>gtfo or i'll ban you permanently.
you are a piece of shit but i laughed.

>> No.6897548
File: 121 KB, 426x282, f-grade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuccboi get off my /fa/