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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mso90oNQiL1rh7x3co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6879525 No.6879525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious question can black guys be /fa/ or aesthetic?
I'm not trying to start a "lel niggers" thread, I just legit want to know.

>> No.6879539

If you're hot, tall, and rail thin or slightly buff yes.

>> No.6879533

of course

>> No.6879534

no it is literally impossible and has never happened once in history ever

feel free to delete this thread now

>> No.6879547

Of course they can. Are you black, OP?
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

>> No.6879552
File: 58 KB, 500x375, whiteboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6879551

the fact that you posted adonis bosso and seriously asked that question leads me to believe you're trolling

fuck off

>> No.6879559

you can be the beta black guy or the alpha looking black guy

beta black guy characteristics
shitty nigga skin
not educcated in the slightest, OR anime wanna be faggot nerd who self hates
straightens hair (lel)

alpha black guy
embraces blackness, uses resources to gain intelligent, fitness and style status

its really not that hard for black guys, you can put in 1/10th the effort of some equally good looking white guys and any girl with a niche craving for black guys will be on dat D

>> No.6879561

Yes, but its harder when it comes to facial aesthetics, because the human brain finds thinner noses, etc. as more attractive. Euro-poors with some Asiatic features like high cheekbones and almondish eyes are most attractive.

>inb4 racist

>> No.6879565

>/fa/ or aesthetic ever
ye right m8
go pick some cotton you fucking monkey

>> No.6879576

>This is what some white people actually believe about us.

Lolno. We put in more effort. If you'd like go look at statistics that show white men are preferred overall in comparison to us. The girls who like us for stereotype of the D are usually boring and below or average and don't want us for any other reason, many even think we're ugly despite wanting the D.

>> No.6879577

c-c-can black girls be /fa/?

>> No.6879587

yes pls

just dont be fat

>> No.6879588

female niggers are even worse than the male niggers so no

>> No.6879583

>woe is me
Say it with ya chest little ass nigga!

>> No.6879584
File: 66 KB, 940x916, hair_relaxers_linked_to_fibriods_black_women-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the qts yeh

despite having bigger noses than whites, QT black girls have softer and more beautiful looking ones than their male counterparts.

>> No.6879596

Yes because of natural swagger

>> No.6879607

>Tfw in high school girl wanted this really fat fuck black guys dick just because she was hoping it was big
>tfw she said if it was normal sizes she'd leave
>tfw i'm black

>> No.6879608
File: 455 KB, 1000x1500, 1375158414648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this even a question?
>of course they can

im indian, you will never know my pain ;_;

>> No.6879623

that guy is so gorgious

>> No.6879622

stinky indian. don't forget to take a million napkins with your order, sir. and anything else you can get for free

>> No.6879640

thank you! please come again!

>> No.6879646
File: 160 KB, 999x1280, 1377911478993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6879657


indian girls are almost never /fa/, but men can sometimes be when they have that jaw

>> No.6879661

hahha, what the fuck. I was just posting the same thread and the captcha changed on me so it failed.
Weird. I was also gonna ask what colours would compliment akon-level dark skin.

>> No.6879670

god. indian women with an accent sound so fucking stuck up

>> No.6879668


>> No.6879679

Thanks for reminding me that sicklysweet exists you shitters.

>> No.6879676

pretty sure that's cultural, bro

>> No.6879688

where has tripsk been, lately

>> No.6879689

Francisco Lachowski can garner 30k+ likes on insta despite having a family and a wife. He gets over 30k especially when he posts some with his family, or of himself alone. While Adonis gets 300 likes on average.

Its not fair, but its that way.

>> No.6879693

In my dreams~

>> No.6879696

wow who need scientific research articles when you can just look at peoples likes on instagram


>> No.6879697

>a 4chan board that literally takes instagram likes as a valid measurement
This place is a fucking enigma

>> No.6879707

>despite having a family and a wife
Why is it despite?
How do you know it's his skin color getting him likes and not his family?
It's probably some whole other unrelated shit anyway.

>> No.6879705
File: 70 KB, 357x512, maria.psd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying popularity doesn't matter
>Implying it isn't simply understood by looking at the golden ratio in reference to beauty.

>> No.6879713

more people know about oprah winfrey than me :(((

rip white people

ps golden ratio is pseudoscience bullshit

diff ppl like diff things get the fuck ovver it

>> No.6879716
File: 61 KB, 389x672, fuark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Francisco is hotter than Adonis and it's not because he's "white"... He appeals to twink lovers and women alike.

>> No.6879728
File: 102 KB, 248x277, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6879729

not trying to be intentionally racist

but i dont think ive ever seen a black person that wouldnt look hideously ugly if you gave them white skin, they only get away with it because theyre black

>> No.6879723

In Canada/hanging out with her family. She left /fa/ to be a mod at the other place, but she still posts here very rarely.

>> No.6879731

uoft classes have started so she might be there

>> No.6879742

>Psuedoscience= Mathematics

Fucking christ, what do they teach you backwater shit Canada?

>> No.6879744

lmao speak for urself dunny

>> No.6879745

Holy shit... That is one handsome fucker.

>> No.6879748

yeah and most white ppl would look fuckin weird too if you gave em br skin and asians would look fucked with ethiopian skin

youre brain associates certain facial features with certain skin colours because who crazily enough people with different skin colours have different facial features

>> No.6879751


look at black white mixes

they only look good because of the white features

>> No.6879758

they sure as fuck dont teach me to apply ancient greek numbers to subjective things like facial features

>> No.6879760

Normally I assume you're going to say stupid shit, but when you call an integral piece of Mathematics, Architecture, Art and Music psuedoscience you've stepped into a new level of idiocy.

>> No.6879761

>dat black ink on black skin

I almost wish I was black.

>> No.6879766

ok I generally agree with your points here tripboi but the golden ratio does hold true for most westerner sense of aesthetics
like it's not a universal thing and everyone has their own taste, but the top models and shit tend to line up with it and in general it makes something "aesthetic"

>> No.6879764

mc ride has legit the best tattoos ive seen

>> No.6879772

best on black guys*

>> No.6879773

>Implying your brain doesn't calculate what you find attractive

There's a game of Math going on in your head nanoseconds before you decide someone is attractive. You calculate the angle, the length between both eyes, is there face symmetrical, etc.

>> No.6879767

was obviously talking about him applying it to facial features dumbfuck

>> No.6879768

it's a shame white ink looks like fucking shit
tats look the best on white guys

>> No.6879776
File: 148 KB, 671x824, heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting you say that, since many of the great artists were also mathematicians and scientists. They seemed to believe opposite, when it came to their work.

>> No.6879777
File: 70 KB, 560x839, 1364159081210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooooooo they do not

most models are picked for their unique facial features not for looking average

>> No.6879784

beauty isnt an objective thing

you can find something that will appeal to the greatest numberof people but something that one person finds ugly another person will love

>> No.6879788
File: 167 KB, 1238x1600, senait-gidey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what r u smoking.

there are plenty of people who dont have an ounce of white genetics in them yet have a thin nose

>> No.6879791


you are dense

>> No.6879794
File: 26 KB, 200x300, golden ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats called the mean my friend, and anything outside of it is not normal.

But we all still can recognize beauty regardless if we don't think its amazing. There are guidelines in photography as to what is a good composition, as to whether you like it or not it subjective, same applies to beauty.

>> No.6879793

she has white in her

>> No.6879800

you got good taste in homeless rappers but nah dude, a lot of people would call that uggo
a LOT of the shit that normalfafs find hot follows golden ratio numbers
also most natural "designs" that we tend to like
irises, seashells, that sort of shit
there are some theories about whether it's imprinted into our genetics or just a feature of exposure to nature and idk maybe you just don't experience it if you didn't grow up outside, but a lot of people do

>> No.6879805
File: 49 KB, 620x930, senait-gidey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes east african....

>> No.6879808
File: 142 KB, 795x1133, JohnSingerSargent-ABedouinArab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said it was. I do, however, believe that certain objective qualities, even in subjective categories, can be used to determine whether something is good or isn't. The objective things create a guideline, rules, you could say, I suppose, but are not the ultimate decider. That's my opinion on subjective things.
I like Japanese streetwear, of all of the niches of fashion. I'm familiar with things that appeal to a smaller crowd haha

>> No.6879810

That would literally be impossible for her to have no white blood. She doesn't have the features for her environment. Small nostrils are for reducing loss of heat for cold environments, not the heat and humidity of Africa.

>> No.6879814


there is no "perfect" face

you can take two people who look nothing alike and people will find them both attractive

>> No.6879816



>> No.6879818

>there are no whites living in east africa

>> No.6879825

Geometrically speaking, what might appear to be entirely alike when looking at the angles of the face will be extremely similar.

Take any attractive person, look at their face, and compare it with others. Yeah, attractiveness is subjective, beauty is not.

>> No.6879828

ethiopians are basically aryans

>> No.6879829

yo i like how if a black chick is bad all of a sudden white people start claiming her as white

wheres the one drop rule when you want to credit?

>> No.6879821

prove me wrong

>> No.6879824

no lie there was this black track chick at my dorm over the summer (athletic housing) and she looked like the spitting image of femorcs in those nude/betterfaces skyrim mods
i wanted her to do crazy shit to me
crazy shit man crazy shit

p sure OP means aesthetic in the sense of a cultural average
some people find morbidly obese bitches hot, doesn't make them aesthetic

>> No.6879832

> i have nothing left to argue about, but i better say something to pretend i do

>> No.6879833

No thats Iranians.

>> No.6879834

s-s-s-so is efffay saying bc i have a shitty wide fat nose that most ppl dont find me attractive

brb saving up for rhinoplasty

>> No.6879841

if she had any white in her... she'd be a little bit more light skinned

>> No.6879843

youre thinking of souix

>> No.6879845

obviously you can bump some points on the 10 scale with good plastic surgery
doesn't mean you're automatically not plausibly attractive to a majority of people if you don't get it

>> No.6879846

That's idiotic.

>> No.6879858

i can fucking clearly see the white features

>> No.6879856

jesus christ

please stop posting you're just embarrassing yourself

>> No.6879857 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 400x600, Axel Serine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think my face is general is fairly average.

i just dislike the way my nose came out. its not even from the black side of me.. it kinda from the filipino side. not as bad as most filipino noses tho

>> No.6879865

yes shes got white teeth ya cluck.

nothing else is white on/in her

>> No.6879864
File: 173 KB, 333x500, 3888900061_1944aacc9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny cause tons of africans have thin noses

>inb4 shes white u cant prove me wrong durdurdur

>> No.6879870

the nose

the cheeks

the eyes (excluding the color)

teeth structure

the chin

the ears

>> No.6879875

only the nose.

>> No.6879876

i need a side by side comparison

>> No.6879879

also her last name is gidley

does that sound african??


>> No.6879886

"SG: I'm 17 years old, born and raised in Toronto, Canada but my ethnic background is Ethiopian."

>> No.6879894
File: 79 KB, 824x1236, 2944e4d5d9f27564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people always trying to claim ours.


"but shes white because i read this thing on stormfron--" NIGGA PLEASE

>> No.6879906

>a-a-attractive and black? no, /pol/ would never let me think that... sh-she must have white in her

>> No.6879916

so fucking what? shes obviously got white in her

people always list their ethnic background, never their white one

>> No.6879929

do you think black means "not white"

>> No.6879925


do you actually think ethnic means "black"

>> No.6879927



The guy saw that the ratio worked well for a bunch of crap in nature because of physics, and then retards said it MUST be true for standards of beauty.

It's faulty reasoning at best. Your brain probably has a golden ratio to my dick (my dick is the larger part of the ratio, and it's only 3.5 inches)

>> No.6879938

All human beings originated in Africa. "white" noses originated in Africa.

It's retarded to say someone has "white" in them. In reality, all whites have blacks in them.

especially hot white chicks. They got blacks in them all the time.

>> No.6879934

honestly tho do you know what the word ethnicity means

>> No.6879935

Black people can make anything cool.
White people always look corny when they try to do something cool. Whether you want to believe it or not.

>> No.6879943

i agree with your point about the girl but you're a fuckin retard m8

>> No.6879953

not to mention that the girls that want us for the D are looking for trap niggas and not black men who respect themselves

>> No.6879958

I'm Ethiopian. People don't normally see me and think I am black, even with my dreads. I don't know if it's my demeanour, or something else, but the majority of people I discuss ethnicity with for the first time assume I am something else. When I ask them to describe it, they have no idea what to call me. When I tell them I am Ethiopian, a lot of people will say "Oh, so you're not actually black".

One time in an English class, identifying with ethnicity came up, I chime in and said "identifying with ethnicity isn't strictly something that you do personally, it's also being accepted by the people you are trying to identify with. This is why I try not to stress out about it - I always get mixed answers as to whether or not people consider me black".

At that exact moment, two different black girls in the back of the room:
"You're black"
"You're not black"

Like, at the same time. Then they started arguing. Most of the time, the concession people get to when it comes down to argument, is I'm "African". Which, I have no problem with, I just wish I understood it.

My older sister on the other hand, no one doubts she's black, not for one second.

>> No.6879959
File: 94 KB, 363x512, tumblr_mfavvlJE1c1rf6wpwo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sure does look corny

>> No.6879956

>fuckin retard
sounds about right

>> No.6879967

lol fucking 50s fetishists

go back to /r9k/

>> No.6879961

East Africans have about as much Semitic blood as they do African blood u ignorant faggits

>> No.6879973

how new are you exactly?

>> No.6879976

Theres lots of ethiopians near where I live and when the girls are on point they're no doubt apex of physical beauty

>> No.6879983

they mean black as in stereotypical nigga black probably, i hang mostly around whites and asians and they don't see me as "black" because i don't act that way also american black and african black are considered two different things because most africans don't want to be associated with american blacks

>> No.6879982

Why this fuccboi's collar so high it looks like they taped his head to a satellite dish

>> No.6879990

ive never been to /r9k/ in my life

>> No.6879991

when will you stop shitposting in every thread, i really wouldn't want to meet you in person you sound like an extremely unpleasant person to be around

>> No.6879993


>> No.6880041

yep ur autistic alright

>> No.6880105

jesus christ you're one spastic autist.

>> No.6880243

his eyes are crooked

>> No.6880334

i get the same
"I'm actually black"
"you're not really"
I have lighter skin but both my parents are black

>> No.6880346

TFW mom always told me to lock the doors in the car when a black man comes up.

>do it out of habit when a black man approaches

he is visibly offended as he hears the click of the power door locks.

he stares climbs into a Bentley continental

>> No.6880356
File: 49 KB, 397x600, stop this nonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know a girl that's 100% ethiopian and she's not only got lighter skin but also more, generally speaking, "white" features.

And OP, fucking hell.

>> No.6880357 [DELETED] 

Beyoncé's is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6880358

Beyoncé's sister is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6880393

Yes lol

Get /fit/ be /fa/ don't be dumb and life is on easy mode

>> No.6880403


It's always funny how people will pause to call a brown skin person black when they don't act they way they expect blacks to act. I come from I guess you could call an uppity acting black family and we have gotten weird stuff from people assuming that we must be from some other country because of how we act. It's the reason why saying your from africa seems fine to them, funny stuff if you ask me.

>> No.6880415

can you oreo type niggers SOUND black on the phone please?

when I go to meet someone and im there to meet "carl" I am sitting there looking for a white dude

and I get scared shit less when this thug ass nig comes walking up

>> No.6880419

wait, what

>> No.6880423
File: 190 KB, 633x267, blackguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes just look at this black dude. You can be an aesthetic lack guy OP

>> No.6880428
File: 43 KB, 418x594, Stromae+The+Dome+55+DU4WgXy9-XQl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always considered this green-eyed halfbreed to be pretty /fa/

>> No.6880636

i legitimately thought it was frankenstein in the thumbnail

>> No.6880644


what the fuck kind of post is this LMAO

>> No.6880645


>> No.6880646

you know its true

photoshop white skin onto a black person, it looks weird as fuck

>> No.6880650

photoshop black skin on a white person and it also looks weird as fuck you fucking mongoloid

>> No.6880647


swedish liberal faggot???? go stick some somali dick up your ass and house some immigrants you swedish queer bitch

>> No.6880655

no it looks good

do it right now and post results, i guarantee it looks /fa/ as fuck

black people only look good because of their white features

>> No.6880677
File: 466 KB, 1024x731, ondria-hardin-african-queen-spread-1024x731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me this bitch does not look weird

>> No.6880682


>> No.6880693
File: 17 KB, 400x283, 2aa06cbc16b2c114bc7c6a3c4c00c77d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6880712

>implying thats not a comical interpretation

>> No.6880727
File: 94 KB, 585x778, 4616451546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch looks like an alien lmfao

>> No.6881866

dis thread so funny

>> No.6881893
File: 84 KB, 500x333, tumblr_moinkxARX81rgb4a3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people along with latinos are probably the most un/fa/ race

black people (w/ brains) can be really /fa/ and pull a lot more stuff off, granted they aren't japanese but a lot of stuff a black guy might wear will look stupid on a white guy

>> No.6881929

I'm half black and I don't have to put much effort in, bro

>> No.6881936


In Germany literally every Black Dudes looks like a fashion modell, so yeah they can

>> No.6881962

fuck off ya buttmad asian

>> No.6881996

wow this looks kinda tight

w2c more black cowboy inspo

>> No.6882002
File: 49 KB, 302x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In their own way. They can wear whatever they want because they aren't expected to be temperate. For example they can wear an indigo suit and no one thinks it's in poor taste because they are assumed to be new money by default. That's why they can pull off things we can't. Because no one expects them to be discrete. It's just a new vs old money thing at its root though, take it as you will.

>> No.6882007

>tfw if hitler won there wouldn't be any black people on this planet

>> No.6882012

i know some old money blacks w hat r u smokin

>> No.6882018

Asians are like 4 feet tall and have faces that look like they were smashed by a shovel

>> No.6882015

>tfw hitler wouldnt be able to take out africa as someone would skullfuck him before he even think it would happen

>> No.6882023

No one expects that though. They expect Will Smith, not Carlton.

>> No.6882026
File: 115 KB, 490x605, fmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I met and shook hands with adoniss bosso

>> No.6882077
File: 879 KB, 2569x3600, Kanye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is so true.

when i was younger my dad had me wearing a navy blue blazer and khakis w/ some loafers anytime im with him as he was always working so i had to look presentable as well. esp. when going to clients

anyway id get so many ppl asking me if i attended a private school/ivy league.

one old black dude even said to me that "these other niggas need to take note of what youre wearing instead of jordans and basketball shorts"

>> No.6882082
File: 23 KB, 250x375, 05_tyson_lgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya they can be aesthetic as fuark a lot of times when they are mixed

>> No.6882485

>Actually believing Europeans didn't colonize Africa
>Not understand wide noses are for breathing in more air.

God help you.

>> No.6882490

Her nasal shape is of European origin.

I'm not white and I'm telling you this. No one is claiming she's white, they're claiming she has white ancestry. French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, etc. colonized Africa.

>> No.6882500

you're tripping now?

>> No.6884020

i know that feel. im a dark-skinned Puerto Rican, but a lot of people assume im some black guy with a perm.damn my genetics

>> No.6884040

black dudes can can wear more than most others. asian's are second.

>> No.6884109

there's a subset of black women that are:
>20's to early 30's
>middle class BUT also identify with hip hop and urban culture
>usually some education after high school, either university or two-year school

this is probably the most /fa/ subset of any females i've ever seen. i see these girls all the time, both during a normal day and at nightlife spots. they wear the most eyecatching stuff

>> No.6884433
File: 17 KB, 400x446, Picture 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they can.

>Ethiopian model

>> No.6884521

How do you explain my slim nose. I'm Ethiopian.
Just curious, not doubting.

>> No.6884538

of course.
being an aesthetic black guy is allot harder tho.

>> No.6884694

>tfw when asian
>tfw when /fa/ without even trying

stay mad.

>> No.6884998


>> No.6885060
File: 86 KB, 500x750, axel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6885095

>having gay black men on your harddrive

>> No.6885129
File: 117 KB, 500x760, 1377023530916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you can be if you're actually good looking.

lel niggers

>> No.6885172

he isnt gay

>> No.6885182

It's actually a lot easier for them.

>> No.6885264

oh gawd you're in the camo hat aren't you :||||

>> No.6885318
File: 71 KB, 700x461, KobeBryantww1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course they can

if anything i think their skin tone is probably the easiest to work with in terms of colors

they seem to be able to wear differnent styles and get away with it more easily

i think its because their race trait along gives them +20 cool factor by default which is important in looking good

>> No.6885341
File: 808 KB, 500x730, 1350261165195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
