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6869982 No.6869982 [Reply] [Original]

this is my /fa/ diet right now for every day:
-1/4 of a baguette with some salami
-a lot of coffee/tea
-going to the gym 5x a week

/fa/ body general and some tips and tricks

>> No.6869997
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>> No.6870000

Congrats you have anorexia

>> No.6870006

>fuck im hungry guess ill just eat a bit
>eat too much
halp how can i stop myself

>> No.6870013

Don't become a hungry skeleton. Eat a healthy diet.

>> No.6870016

My /fa/ diet:

200mg caffeine pill in morning
Chicken for dinner

>> No.6870014

- Bowl of frosted mini wheats and coffee at work
- More coffee
- Some kind of sandwich, chips, and a soda at lunch
- More coffee until I take the train home
- Snack or something, or make dinner. Usually 8oz. of meat, a starch and veggies, or just veggies.
- Some kind of snack before bed.

I try to go to go the gym every other day, but I'll substitute the gym for going to the driving range or golfing/sports activity, whatever.

Running a 5k in October. Walking up stairs makes me winded, it's going to blow. I should cut back.

This morning: 136lbs

>> No.6870017


just don't eat it, eat an apple or something like that.

>> No.6870018

Drink water before you eat. Drink water with your food. You will be full much faster.

>> No.6870019

>gym 5x a day
>eating bread

for the past week i've been eating just fruit (mostly dem golden delicious and bananas) and drinking coffee/tea.
>that feel when don't feel hunger anymore
>that feel whengone from 12 stone to 10 stone 7

>> No.6870021

forgot to mention, go to the gym monday, wednesday and friday then rest the other days, eating nothing will make working out harder.

>> No.6870022

>gym 5x a day

holy shit

>> No.6870025

chill, i'll try more fruit

>> No.6870033

I'll go from eating chips, mozzarella sticks, and soda one day to nothing but a few bananas, water, and coffee another. Does that make me skinnyfat? Maybe. Whoops...

>> No.6870035

>5 times a day is not healthy, you're overtraining

Is anorexia /fa/?

>> No.6870040

>This thread again

Someone should really make an image guide on how to reach Heroin Chic/Anorexic level WITHOUT actually taking heroin or being Anorexic.

>inb eat clean

yes it is

>> No.6870038

I usually try to fend off hunger with decaf/regular coffee

>> No.6870048

I can go to the gym 10x a day to fart too.
So you are one of the fags that sits on equipment doing nothing when I need it. Got it

>> No.6870047

That is a stupid diet. Eat more, especially proteins. You are going to the gym, your body needs those, idiot. If you don't, your body will digest it's muscles to get them. You'll hardly burn any fat.

>> No.6870050

i love these threads, i get many helpful tips

>> No.6870057

was quoting OP, meant a week not a day.
see my linked post, I only go to the gym 3x a week.

>> No.6870065

well, i need some carbs for school.

>> No.6870071

so whats the best way to force your body to burn fat?

>> No.6870092

>I need carbs
this is the sort of thinking that will get you fat, fatty.

reduce calories gradually, eat more fequently to keep your metabolism high, when at the gym use weights (this helps prevent muscle loss and just burn fat), HIIT and eat more good fatty foods such as salmon and nuts.

>> No.6870104

1/4 of a baguette is nothing lol
I'm the one on the picture and as you can see i'm not fat

>> No.6870109

keep thinking that fatty.
>just realised shit clothes.
are you wearing green on green?

>> No.6870118


Green on green on green on green

>> No.6870119

Also I have the feeling all you niggers have to read the goddamn /fit/ sticky. You don't have to eat like an ethiopian girl to get/stay lean.

>> No.6870127

>eat clean
here it comes

>> No.6870129

>force your body to burn fat
well that's keto, I would still recommend Intermittent fasting and HIIT. you always have to get enough protein or you'll just become a skinnyfat weakflute though.

>> No.6870138


previous fat as all fatass fuck fat. been cutting for the last 8 months and dropped from 267 to 165 @ 5'10". currently eat 1500cal/day. high protein, low fat, plenty of carbs. work out 4 times a week including lifting and occasional cardio.

today's meal plan
>cinnamon oatmeal with blueberries - 160cal

>2 trader joe's spicy jalapeno sausage - 200cal (100ea)
>2 pc 45 cal sarah lea bread - 90cal
>ketchup - 20cal

>1.5 cups brown rice - 300cal
>13oz round tip steak - 520cal
>onion - 35 cal

>skinny cow snickerdoodle icecream - 140cal

>> No.6870143

>this is the sort of thinking that will get you fat, fatty.
>carbs get you fat
hahahaha it's all calories in/calories out

as long as you don't go insane and eat all bread all day, there will be no negative side effects as long as you watch your calories.

>> No.6870147

I bet you eat sugar and say it doesn't get you fat.

>> No.6870152

if you eat it in moderation, it doesn't. It's when you eat a lb of fucking chocolate that it gets you fat. I'm this dude >>6870138. I've done my research and eat cereal and desert every single night and have still lost a ton of weight in a fast time, because I have it in moderation. Same goes for carbs.

>> No.6870159

2much sugar der

>> No.6870165

This will not work for people who are already sub 160

If you have ALOT of bodyfat like you had, (267) it is actually really "easy" to lose fat.

but the more you go down, the harder it gets because the body trys to reserve some fat and uses muscles.

Not true. You will not lose weight with an calories deficit.
The best way to lose actually fat is to boost up your metabolism all day. But you get very very tired and sleepy from that, but it works.

Keto can be dangerous.

In my Opinion fasting is one of the best ways to make a diet, combined with good cardio. Like Christian Bale did it for his movie, "The machinist". Yo-yo effect is a concern here
But as long as nobody with alot of knowledge about this shit tells us what REALLY works, ist all just broscience.

>> No.6870184

>You will not lose weight with an calories deficit.
you are a fucking idiot and I seriously hope you take the time to inform yourself before continuing to post bullshit on the internet. weight loss all boils down to:

calories in/calories out no matter what. if you burn 2000cal/day then you can eat 2000 a day and maintain your weight. if you want to lose weight, then you eat 1700 (or less depending on how fast you want to lose). Go read the /fit/ sticky faggot.

>> No.6870196

Yes, but do you know that the people here actually BURN what they EAT? maybe they just eat, make some lifts and then eat EVEN MORE.

like, why are people so fat if its so easy?

>> No.6870202

What would it take to burn 2000 calories a day? The sticky doesnt really tells me that.

>> No.6870201

congratulations dude

>> No.6870210

so this is what you do OP

kill yourself

>> No.6870216

i agree with you completely. That's why counting your calories is so crucial. If you keep track of calories, then it's as simple as I said.

you burn calories throughout the day by just living. there are calorie calculators in the /fit/ sticky that will tell you your maintenance caloric intake based off your weight and activity level. You eat that many calories (or near it... it may be slightly off for you depending on your body and you will need to adjust for either more or less calories) to remain the same weight. Eat less (typically 300 to 500 less) to lose weight and about 200 to 400 more if you want to gain weight (typically while lifting weights to make muscular and not fat gains).

>> No.6870229

For a young man 2000 kcal/day is BMR. So you'll burn that no matter what.

>> No.6870224


>> No.6870240

>manlet, 5'6
>want to go down to 65kg
>Before, eated when i wanted, sometimes out of boredom, my belly swelling like a balloon when i eat something
>now: Since 5 Days, only eating 1 Bread or Apple per day
>Hunger decreasing fast
>Feeling better, but a bit depressed
>Feeling a little bit weak
>Anorexia is calling.jpg

but i cant help it, nothing else helped i even tried meds.

>> No.6870244

good job, eat healthy when you get skinny though

>> No.6870267

More tips pls
Should i eat more meat since i hit the gym and i want to be lean and not swollen and buff like i'm now (i'm op)

>> No.6870266

Windows Phone is super /fa/. Good job. Btw, are you in Liège?

>> No.6870280

>eating only 1 apple
eat more you faggot, eat an entire bunch of them throughout the day, there's only 50ish Calories/100grams so eat that shit up.

>> No.6870286

i could tell you to crosspost on /fit/ but 8 out of 10 answers would be "EAT CLEN" and the others would be ask you how tall you are.

>> No.6870285

>5x a week
>that shit "diet"
Go to /fit/ or kill yourself.

>> No.6870297

yes. chicken is good and so is lean red meat once in a while. if you lift heavy weights, you should strive to eat your lean body mass (your weight if you didn't have fat on you) in protein per day.

ex: someone who weighs 160lbs and 20% body fat

100%-20%=80% or .8
160lbs x .8 = 128

so that person should have 128 grams of protien per day.

>> No.6870303

But eating more feels like a defeat. This is kind of a fight against myself, i have a very low self-discipline and this is a great way to prove myself otherwise.

And i am scared if i allow myself just a little bit more food it will be over and i will start eating like before again ;_;

>> No.6870313


>> No.6870318

more chocolate sure, but more healthy shit is never bad for you.
eating 6 apples in a staggered duration a day will help you lose weight as your metabolism will be higher and your calorie intake will be like what, 300 calories and you burn 2000 as an average male. also there's no calories in tea or coffee so drink up.

>> No.6870326

You should eat like 0,7*(your weight in kg) grams of proteins a day. That's usually like 50 g. If you are working out it's even more and varies with intensity (up to twice your body weight in kg a day).

Yes, fasting is fun. Sounds like the early stage of anorexia to me, though. I had similar problems, but that "fight against myself"-feeling vanishes, when you notice that it is not even hard to fast until you're dead. The real achievement is to find a diet that you can live with.

>> No.6870334

learn to cook great healthy meals
exercise every other day
you need to lose the attitude that low-calorie food is the opposite of "fun" food

>> No.6870336

i wish there was a really good diet for me.currnetly eating under 1500 cals and have to fit in occasional run (6Km 3 times a week)

>> No.6870345

its honestly all self control, portion your food out and learn how to say no

I drink coffee in the morning, a diet soda at lunch, and if I feel like it I'll eat in the evening. I eat whatever I feel will digest well provided it's under 300 calories. Sometimes it's fruit, other times pasta. I drink at least 8 bottles of water a day. I on average lose 3-5lbs a week, currently I'm 96lbs

>> No.6870362


how the fuck do you do that. jesus i having problems with more then 2

how much liters per bottle?

>> No.6870382

>currently I'm 96lbs
>lose 3-5lbs a week
I don't even think that is thermodynamically possible.

>> No.6870388

how? do you make sport or something?

>> No.6870410

idk just average water bottles, drink one every two hours. I've usually had 3 by noon, another 2 by 3pm and I drink the rest throughout the rest of the evening. Water is important
Nope, I walk around a fair bit but other than that I sit on my ass. The only reason my weight isnt lower is because of bulimia, which I'm trying to break those habits and lose some weight again. Ideally I'd like to be around 85-90lbs but we'll see

>> No.6870445

being just skinny is not effay, you need to have some muscle mass

>> No.6870460

I mean, it literally is not possible.
Okay, at your current weight and diet you burn like 1500 kcal/day. You eat something in the evening, so that leaves you with 1200 kcal/day. For the week that is 8400 kcal. You are burning either fat or muscles. When hungry, your muscle will usually digest 50 grams of muscles a day. That makes 350 grams a week. 350 grams of muscles equal 1500 kcal. Leaves you with 6900 kcal/week to burn fat. Fat contains 9.1 kcal/g. So you are burning 760 grams of fat.
Together you lose 1110 grams. That's 2.4 lbs.

>> No.6870468

When you walk or do something try to do it with energy.
Workout is really easy so try to do something that push your muscles for more than 30mins.
Make yourself busy with things so you forget about snacks.
Drink something hot after you eat.
It is really simple to stay lean and fit.

>> No.6870482

Some of it is also water weight for sure. It all depends though, if it's a week after a few days of binging and purging, it'll be around 5lbs. If it's a week where the week before was normal, it'll be around 3lbs
I know, I look skinnyfat as fuck

>> No.6870501

>>6870482Getting some muscle is not hard, just do pushupa and pullups everyday and increase the sessions exponentially

>> No.6870528

>eating the same meal everyday

>> No.6870545

Oh I know, I used to workout fairly often about half a year ago. once or twice a week I do some leg exercises and core/ab exercises but I don't do it often enough to make any progress

>> No.6870563

>be born
>genetic lord
>6'2 145
>model at 18
>eat what I want
>lose the weight doing nothing but sleeping
>everyday gain 5 pounds (water+food)
>wake up and way the same

>> No.6870568

not if you want to get skinny

>> No.6870592

My bf is like this, he literally never moves but can still eat a ton of shitty food and never gain weight
His whole family is like that

>> No.6870597

So you're going to be eating <400 calories a day, and neglecting serious amounts of nutrients that you need.

Yeah, good luck with that.

I wish /fa/ would stop glorifying these terrible diets

>Ohh I'm such a misunderstood soul, I don't eat and just drink coffee like my hero RJ King, I'm so effay

You can lose weight and maintain a healthy body in a much healthier way, you're only going to damage your body with this ridiculous diet and you're only doing it to impress /fa/

>> No.6870607

I was like this and kinda still am, not so tall though.

I was always very skinny and no matter what i eat, i didnt gained weight.

But then once i took meds(SSRIs) and gained about 8 KG from 65 up to 73 or so and since then, i cant lose the weight.

i believe its the same with gaining weight, i cant neither lose or gain it.

>> No.6870617

and again, a "eat clean" post.

As usual, "eat clean" posts are just offending and anger and not a single little bit of useful information, like stories how he did it or how we could do it.

"Eat Clean". Why dont someone just tell us how i works?

>> No.6870622

I've got 8 years of rep baseball when I was younger, Still snowboard and skate like 6 years worth, and I really don't eat shitty food anymore cause moodeling. But I think its all about setting up metabolism young with sports ect.

>> No.6870636


It's fairly simple. Eat a slightly sub-calorie diet (~1500-1800 calories) and exercise. That's it. Just make sure you're getting the right amount from each food group.

If OP actually does his diet/exercise regime (and isn't just posting this to circlejerk/attention seek) he's going to burn out within a week. No one can handle 5 days of solid exercise a week on such a tiny diet, it's incredibly bad for you.

>> No.6870658
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Op again, i have enough muscle but i'm just a little too buff, i want to be skinny tbh

>> No.6870671


Why did you post this on /fa/ and not /fit/, you attention seeking cunt.

>> No.6870695


Why doesn't he just read the sticky?

>> No.6870689

why dont you go on /fit/ and try it?

you understand that /fit/ is not actual about fitness, its about HEIGHT and NOGF and HEIGHT and...ah yes natty or not natty

And the guy on the picture does not look like 6'0 so they will only comment about his height.

thats /fit/. and thats why /fit/ needs to be removed or needs to get a real Mod.

>> No.6870708
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1300 cal a day
Havent been to the gym in 2 months because of a torn shoulder.

>> No.6870717

>tfw you finally hit 98lbs after struggling with being 99 - 102

i could be 97 tomorrow

feels good man

>> No.6870722

tiny pls go

>> No.6870723

my goal body

>> No.6870720

Sticky is not so clear as they always think.

Sure i tells you the Basic shit like:

"If you make a Workout a day for 2000 Calories Burn, then you should net eta more then 1500 Calories."

While this is ok, it does not work for everyone because of the metabolism rate. We are not Zerg and can change it so it works like this, for some people the Body just shuts down and burns muscles, and then the FUN begins, because you have to stop the body from that.
You dont know the background of the Person and its eating behaviours. If you want to make a calories deficit work you need to warm your body up for that.

if you eat 2000 everyday and suddenly drop down to 1000 to body thinks (uh oh WW3 gotta save them fats)

And the sticky says NOTHING about that.

Nice. Do you do cardio?

>> No.6870724

I keep my meals under 200 cal.

So if I have three 200 cal meals that puts me at 600 for the day and I have room for snacks. I can stay under 800 with zero effort this way.

>> No.6870733

mango pls my heart can't take this

>> No.6870743


>> No.6870746
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Get on my lvl

>> No.6870751

*breathes out*

>> No.6870753

4000-4500 calories a day.
Gym 6 times a week.

>> No.6870756

*tips bones*

>> No.6870762
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>4500 calories a day

>> No.6870800

>wake up
>bottle of water to take 5-htp, vitamin d, and vitamin c
>do daily activities (school, errands, etc.)
>Starbucks on the way home (non fat vanilla java chip with no whip)
>cigarette before bed
>more water

I'm 6'3" 165 lbs, used to be 140 lbs before I gained weight over the summer. Finally going back to my Saint Laurent days when I almost got street casted.. ;_;

>> No.6870815
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Lmao fuck off faggot.

>> No.6870831

Bodies are good, outfit is shit.

these shoes make them look like clowns lol

>> No.6870851

Op you might as well just eta some ramen and McDonalds and let what little muscle you had deteriorate as you get diabetes. You are well on your way to becoming a sickly euro manlet.

>> No.6870869
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>probably likes Geos
>talks about clown shoes

>> No.6870866

Is being /fit/ and having a masculine physique /fa/ at all?

>> No.6870875

5 or more coffees a day
maybe a light lunch
nice dinners

6'1 140 pound masterrace

>> No.6870879
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>Bodies are good

>> No.6870886


also never go to the gym
are you kidding, the gym is about as un/fa/as you can get!

>> No.6870890
File: 50 KB, 194x592, goalbody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lift free weights and eat ton of protein. Don't roid it will just make you look like a typical gym rat with bloated pecs and delts.

Pic related, perfect physique.

>> No.6870893

Yeah just know how to dress it.
Gotta find a balance between form fitting and not looking like a male stripper. Basics look really good on fit dudes.

>> No.6870894

What's a wine that you drink on a semi-regular basis? I was to try something new (zero self-control with liquor) and learn to appreciate it.

>> No.6870898


burberry boxers
chav confirmed

>> No.6870931

There are loads of bodyweight exercises, not just push ups and yes of course.

>> No.6870925

Skinnyfat guy here with no money
is it possible to have a moderately nice body just doing push ups?

>> No.6870927

a nice port, Fonsecca

>> No.6870934
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goal body

>> No.6870942


Sold at the wine place on Bolyston. Thanks.

>> No.6870937

Tbh I love big pecs

>> No.6870939

Looks weak. That guy is only pulling it off because he has 9/10 face. If you're avarage faced guy that body will give you zero benefit in looks department.

>> No.6870963


please, do't act like he is a skinny fat guy, this guys has a good body, it's svelte and sinewy, and clothes fit him better than a musclehead type.

>> No.6870969


np anon enjoy

>> No.6871000

Thing is he isn't "sinewy". That's a promo pic, his abs and most of the muscle defition are make up/photoshop. That body in normal light would be very avarage for man who isn't obese or 4chan tier skinny teenager.

>> No.6871009
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-Imitation crab
-Dr. Pepper
-McDouble (2)
-Chef Boyardee
-Oolong tea
-Coffee (double cream, double sugar)
Shit diet. I realized and yet I lost weight doing this

>> No.6871018


shut up google more pics, you feel bad obviously about yourself

>> No.6871081
File: 54 KB, 400x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a 12-14%bf average guy who's been photoshopped. He's about the same as 2pac was.

>> No.6871088

Actually less pecs and much worse insertions though.

>> No.6871280

Can someone just draw up a perfect /fa/ diet completely with snacks and drinks because i cba to actually plan my life out.

>> No.6871285

Why would you trust dietary advice coming from some random anon in a fashion section of an anime discussion board? What's wrong with you?

>> No.6871293
