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File: 68 KB, 385x580, rick-owens-stlye-men-s-shoes-8e07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6862725 No.6862725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been wanting to make this thread for a hwile now. But I am abit concerned.

I want to cop fake Dick owens hence I seriously cannot afford real ones.
I also don't give a flying dickshit about the sweatshops in china and whatnot

But my concern is the site w2c them. I've lurked around some sites but they seem kinda shady.

tl;dr, w2c dreambox geos

>pic related.

>> No.6862733


>> No.6862735

what site is it ill check it out i'm pretty good at telling what's a scam and what's good

>> No.6862739


>> No.6862736

shameless self-bump.

>> No.6862737


they have reviews at least.

>> No.6862746


I've been checking that out.
B-but what if they don't actully send them? ;_;

>> No.6862754

Just buy the real thing
You'll regret buying the fakes trust me
And if you say the real ones are too expensive you just are being carried by hype

>> No.6862760

i've bought many things from that website, they do ship it for free, but it will take like 1 month to receive them. They also accept paypal so if you don't receive it after 40 days just open a dispute.
That guy has like 10k positive feedback so i'm sure he won't scam.

>> No.6862762

>I want to cop fake Dick owens hence I seriously cannot afford real ones.
lel you mean but not hense, wtf how did you even think that would work?

>> No.6862774

Mkay. I've checked the shipping and for me it's gonna take about 3 days to a week cos I live in nordic sweden scandinavian masterrace country. I'll give it a go.

sorry /fa/-kun. I'll do better

>> No.6862783

Why not just buy something you can afford? do you seriously love the design of geos that much, if you do just buy the real thing.

>> No.6862788

if you are going to order a pair, post here when you get them. want to see how they are with sizing/quality.

>> No.6862789

save up retard

>> No.6862801

Make a review video when you receive them

>> No.6862806


I will, but mainly to piss off fuccibois and brandfags.

>> No.6862804
File: 226 KB, 743x536, Screenshot - 09032013 - 10:10:25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have them. I've worn them for about 2 months. They're equal to a shoe made in Italy/Portugal. Not quality you'd expect on a fake at all, Dreambox knows their shit.

You'll need to buy thinner laces for them though, the laces they come with are too cheap looking and thick. If you replace them with thinner laces they look like a carbon copy.

>> No.6862814

how's the sizing? do I need to order a size up or down?

what's your shoe size and how did the dream boxes compare?

>> No.6862818

post pics

>> No.6862828
File: 19 KB, 467x500, 1367381149241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered TTS, but you might be able to get away with a half size down if you really wanted to.

I'm size 9 US and they fit me snug. Just enough room in the toe.
No, it's too early.

>> No.6862830

lmao that's not going to piss anyone off people are just going to shake their head at your plastic made in china knock offs

>> No.6862827

pls post pic.

I'm prolly gonna order anyday soon so I'd really like to know how they look irl

>> No.6862836

Im new here, what does w2c mean and what does fuccboi mean

>> No.6862843

They're made of leather you fucking retard.

>> No.6862847

sry look like plastic in comparison to rick's italian leather

>> No.6862850

No, it's not worth it. I'm not even categorically against fakes per se, in the sense of another company manufacturing a design, or a ripoff of a design. In a basic sense, all that matters is the object.

But let's talk about what's going with these two objects. One is arguably (IMO, it's not even the best Rick sneaker, but whatever) the best sneaker of all time. It's perfectly executed, made with the best materials, resoleable, absolutely unimproveable. It is fully itself. It's only trying to be something else in the sense that it's an original remix on classics. It's significant because of the ways it is not like its forebears.

The other is a rough caricature of it knocked off (hence the name) in an afternoon by some random schmuck and mass produced by ex-peasant slaves from subpar materials for the profit of some company that knows it can get away with mocking its customers' insufficiency with the name "Dreambox."

So much of the effect we try to create with clothes is a sense that we're self-determined people, both humanly able to make our own choices and logistically able to execute them. Fake Geobaskets are precisely diametrically opposite that ideal - you're buying the Internet's favorite shoe, even though you don't understand why, except you can't, because you lost Capitalism - and thus might just be the most fuccboi thing in existence.

It *might* be different if we were talking about someone doing a real 100% reproduction, with production in a cheaper labor market, without the brand & hype markup, but it's just not.

You want Geobaskets but can't afford them? In order of /fa/ness: Save up a little, hit eBay, if you must go new buy some Ramones instead. Pick a clunky Nike sneaker that'll give you a similar silhouette and ID it out into the perfect white/black. Do that DIY Geobasket mod that floats around. Whatever. Figure it out. Make some choices, starting with "I will not be a fuccboi in Dreamboxes."

>> No.6862851

leather =/= leather

>> No.6862861


But you wouldn't know, you haven't handled a pair.

>> No.6862862

i've seen geobaskets in good condition sold on sufu and sz for like ~500+ just save up and stop bein a faggot

>> No.6862870
File: 122 KB, 342x380, 1374004166985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rick footwear
>best materials
>absolutely unimproveable

>> No.6862874
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you wouldn't know, you haven't handled a pair.

hope you enjoy your fake plastic sneakers

>> No.6862883
File: 106 KB, 500x750, 1378265769243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad he got trolled into paying stacks of cash for a cartoon sneaker
Thanks, I will enjoy my Dreamboxes, they'll probably outlast your shit quality sneakers

>> No.6862886
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>> No.6862890



>> No.6862894
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-09-08 12.04.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6862901


>> No.6862902



>> No.6862904



>> No.6862907
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1376090634787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag dont know how to check samefag

>> No.6862913

>cartoon sneaker
>plans to buy dreamboxes

i'm not mad i'm pretty pleased. i've dropped more on shoes and i'll probably drop more in the future if something comes along

>> No.6862925

If somebody wants to wear fakes, just let them and answer their question ffs
Caring too much and being butthurt is not /fa/

>> No.6862935

Okay, Anonymous, how would you improve Geobaskets?

>> No.6862939

This nigga gets it.

I asked w2c them, I did not ask it's right to wear them

>> No.6862940

not make them look like shit

>> No.6862944

w2c = where2cop

>> No.6862942

i think he's referencing rick's sole problems. i posted above and my pair have been vibrammed. although that's not a material issue in any way, more of a construction issue. doesn't bother me tho

>> No.6862986

fuccboi means whatever it sounds like

>> No.6862982

I already own them dumb shit

>> No.6862997


well then you dont really have to do anything

>> No.6863648

butt roasted

>> No.6863669

just buy those real geos that guy has been trying to sell here forever

all white spring summer 13's or w,e, should be in the BST thread

>> No.6865065

what a shitty response

>> No.6866361
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it depends on what your goals are. I bought some as beater sneakers to just have fun in because I really like the look of them and didn't care if the quality was poor.

I usually dress business casual or just basic so I did not want to invest in some expensive shoes that might not get much wear. I also got them for much less than most people. But who knows, maybe in the future I will buy some real ones or at least some other expensive sneakers.

I felt the dreamboxes were a good fake, after looking at some other fake sneakers online that appeared to be really shitty. If you really want these to fit in your wardrobe and you are confident you will rock them for a while then get the real ones. The fake ones will leave you unhappy in the long run. On the other hand, getting the fakes is a cheaper mistake than buying the real ones and having to sell them.

>> No.6866734

If you like something for the look of it and don't give a shit pass that, get fakes.

If you appreciate the work behind it, the fact that you worked hard to afford something you wanted, and a sense of quality, get genuine.

I have fake Burberry scarves since I don't want to pay 200-300 just to have one in a different color. I do have a real 1980 Burberry scarf

>> No.6866805
File: 275 KB, 450x675, tumblr_mfoby4o0i51rm2qvlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you like something for the look of it and don't give a shit pass that, get fakes.

but the fakes don't look the same.


the rise on these is too short by four full inches, plus the pocket placement and proportion and the belt are totally incorrect.


these shoulders are wider than rick's xl, plus the spine seam is severely flawed and the fabric hasn't been properly prepared


this failed to properly copy the paneling, plus the shoulders and chest are too wide and the sleeves are too wide and short


the panelling is incorrect, the sleeves are not gusseted, and the measurements are all wrong.

>> No.6866827
File: 1.99 MB, 321x243, 1278865325760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointing out at the shittest fakes
>might as well say "but Old Navy's t-shirt doesn't look like a Gucci"

>> No.6866833
File: 265 KB, 460x697, tumblr_mlu9qeqDVy1rdstbyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, find better ones.

>> No.6866838

>inb4 pics of real items with the dreambox watermark in the corner

>> No.6866869

>They're equal to a shoe made in Italy/Portugal.

No, they're not. Their quality is more comparable to Nike shoes.