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File: 68 KB, 550x700, david-beckham-back-tattoo-david-beckham-gets-a-new-tattoo-33313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6850205 No.6850205 [Reply] [Original]

What are /fa/'s opinions on tattoos?

I think 95% of tattoos look shit but some look cool. For example David Beckham's arm tattoos are really nice.

I'm 25 right now and thinking I should get inked before I become a truly old fag.

Pic related. I would welcome protips or pics for inspiration!

>> No.6850222

his are pretty basic half of his arm is fucking waves m8.
If you get a tattoo make sure it has meaning behind it bitches love hearing about what stories your tattoos tell but if its "just because it looked cool" it'll always come off as shit tier.

>> No.6850234

It sounds like youre getting tattoos just because they're hip, and you don't really like them. I mean, you don't even know what you'd want. That's like saying, "Make me hip, /fa/!"

First and foremost, make sure your forearms and wrists arent stick-like. Having good forearms is the main key, or else your arms will look like skinny rotting corpse arms from a distance.

Second, know what YOU'd want beforehand.

Third, that is called a sleeve. It's a collage of things. Try to keep it minimalistic, I.E not look like a bunch of junk scrambled together. It needs to flow.

Last, but not least, and is rather important, no tribal douche tats, no pokemon, no video game shit like triforces, no band names, and especially, a girlfriend's name.

>> No.6850240

Well that's good advice. I'm already good with the ladies and I can tell a good story.

>> No.6850245

it just sounds better when someone asks what it means if you have a good reason trust me.

>> No.6850249

Well actually I made this thread cos I saw 2 dudes with tattoos on their arms yesterday and one guy in particular was good looking and well dressed, and had the awesome arm tats. I was thinking "damn, that's fucking perfection right there".

I'm medium built, not skinny, but I would probably work on getting a bit buffer also.
>Last, but not least, and is rather important, no tribal douche tats, no pokemon, no video game shit like triforces, no band names, and especially, a girlfriend's name
Ha I wouldn't do that.

I guess I'll look into "sleeves". The thing that's stopping me right now is research... I need to be really sure before I get something I'm going to have for the rest of my life.

>> No.6850255

>getting a tattoo because "it looks cool"
get something meaningful or don't get one at all.
also when you tihnk of something you want to remember, don't remember it with a shitty generic tattoo, get something unique, I've seen too many people walk into my shop getting generic shit like koi carp's to remember some past struggle.

>> No.6850264

I'm not saying you need to be like /fit/ but put the focus on the forearms. That's it. The reason is, the ink is darker than the skin, unless you're black. Black is a slimming color, and putting ink on your arms slims them down a tad. Putting that on skinny arms will look like you have charred arms from a fire or doing krokodil injections.

>> No.6850265

Actually it's the opposite. Making up some story is tryhard and 3deep5everyone. Unless someone died everyone will think you're a fag. like say for getting a Phoenix because your parents got divorced and you lived but you totally want a symbol of your accomplishment you special snowflake etc.

>> No.6850275

Sorry but surely everyone gets a tattoo because they want to look cool? Let's not bullshit about that. Obviously you also want to personalize it so it has some meaning.

I'm assuming from your post you are a tattoo artist yourself, so I respect your opinion.

>> No.6850287

One more thing... I'm fucking PALE. Does this make a difference?

>> No.6850280

obviously you wouldn't get a fucking phoenix over dumb shit like that is stupid and makes no sense

>> No.6850302

Yeah, you can have contrast.

>> No.6850297

It all sounds that retarded.

>> No.6850296

It's actually better to be pale.

>> No.6850295

Ugly most of the time.

>> No.6850322

9/10 people that come in want somethingthat looks good but there's also a story behind it, i hardly get "I want this 1950's pin up girl because I can".
if they're getting something stupid like a koi carp because of the struggle through school I always try to tell them a better tattoo idea and they just want the generic koi carp still. people are so unimaginative with their tattoo's some times it's un real.

again on the topic of it looking cool sure, you'll always want the tattoo artist to leave "their own mark" and add their style to your tattoo so don't walk in with an idea or a picture and say "i want that and only that" even with portraits artists add their own style and unique touch.

>> No.6850348

Average story:
I want this pin up girl because it represents my wild past but I'm a mom now so I have to move on. The pin up girl is so I never forget who I was.

So deep.

>> No.6850370

I shit you not this is true.
I've had someone come in and get a stripper pole on the right side of her back with the words "stay strong and keep true".
this was because her father and mother where and still are against the idea of her being a stripper so this was, in her own words, "a big fuck you" to them.

>> No.6850387

Well tattoos are for plebeians so you're going to see a lot of them. If you work at a tech retail you learn how stupid and ignorant people are. My friend works at an office store and a guy came in because he didn't plug his wireless printer into the power. He thought it was all wireless and I assume he thought it had a tiny fission reactor within it. I work at a department store and have learned that 11 year old girls and 59 year old hags wear the same thongs.

Basically: most people are stupid trash.

>> No.6850411

I've a bunch of them, some are dopey, some look pretty cool

The majority is stuff I've drawn or painted, some is stuff done for the laugh, which I keep off the arms

I would say, if you want a tattoo without having a design or style in mind, you should not get one, at least until you know exactly what you want

>> No.6850424

I want a square pls. And a triangle. And lines.

>> No.6850426

not true

especially people who are tattoo artists or heavily into tattoos, tend to get stuff for aesthetic value rather than meaning

I'm not alone in thinking that tattoos that are related so some life event or something can be cringeworthy

'oh I got this apple because my uncle got cancer and he had and apple tree'

aint nobody cares. not nobody

>> No.6850438

Tattoos with meaning are the worst kind in my opinion.
Whatever you're about to tell me your tattoo means, you could have told me without prefacing the sentence with "I got this tattoo because"

The quality of your tattoo will forever be a function of your ability to tell a story. To me, a good tattoo stands on its own like a good piece of instrumental music. A tattoo that relies on language to convey a message is an inefficient and impotent use of the medium. An image that conveys raw emotion without articulation is much more powerful. If I got a tattoo, it would simply be something I love looking at, something I really think is beautiful.

>> No.6850440

nahh not always

some people just seem to have a desire to modify themselves

I mean, I get tattoos because I think they're cool but I know a lot of lads who are covered, have really strange piercings etc, and it seems to just be some weird compulsion in them

like these same lads are fat/ dressed badly/ unkempt. They dont care how they look, they just feel like they have to modify the shit out of themselves to feel normal

people are weird man

>> No.6850444

"Thug Life" on your chest?

>> No.6850448

If the font's impressive enough.

>> No.6850450

On most people it would look silly, but yeah, on pac that tattoo was hugely evocative

>> No.6850445

this nigga get it

tattoos should remain a visual artform, rather than a verbal one

>> No.6850453

The "I" is a bullet.

>> No.6850460

Sign me up.

>> No.6850457

Hey don't put "should" in my mouth.

I know what I value about tattoos. I don't give a shit why other people want them. I'll just think less of them if they compromise the aesthetic of a permanent piece of art so it can be accompanied by a dull story destined to get shorter and duller as you lose the patience to tell it again.

>> No.6850462

fuck are you on about

i said one thing, than said another thing

stop trying to claim my words

>> No.6850471

Hey I'm not on about anything
Stop trying to get your claimed words back. They've been formally claimed and rejected.

>> No.6850469
File: 12 KB, 320x192, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prison quality.

>> No.6850475

sounds like youre on about something

well then provide me with some new words

>> No.6850486

Stop corrupting the purity of my message.

>> No.6850490

so i can have them yeah

>> No.6850504
File: 76 KB, 380x720, tumblr_mb3x9pUXlj1rsltdyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6850515

As with anything in fashion, authenticity + aesthetic sense = good.

>> No.6850518

Nice concept
Those colors just don't look good on their skin though.

>> No.6850517
File: 89 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend got his EX gfs name on him 3 times. She dumped him and he's crazy so he did this.

>> No.6850520
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850521

>he's crazy so he did this.
Uh wow dude... so wild...

>> No.6850536

He's also really stupid. The third "Ashley" is on his wrist. Now he just bangs fat and ugly chicks. Recently he banged some 31 year old housewife and now she's in a divorce. She came to him after her husband found out and she has three kids, two autistic. She said that now she and my friend could be together and they could get married. My friend told her he didn't want her broken pre-made family with retard kids and dumped her. He's 5'6" and 125lbs and dresses like a retard.

>> No.6850540
File: 56 KB, 624x264, PDX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tattoo I got done at 18, I'm 31 now this pic is recent I guess. Not really sure if I'll ever get more. The colors are still really bright.

>> No.6850538

what a crazy dude!!1

>> No.6850545

whoa dude crraaaAAAaaAAAzzzZZyyy

>> No.6850547
File: 60 KB, 499x750, owltat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that people seem to fuck up is not looking at tattoos as an extension of their bodies.
It's the same mindset that produces graphic Ts (in most cases, plenty can look good).
You want the tattoo to flow with your body, not be in a state of disharmony.

To give you a crude example, this:

The tattoo isn't that great, but it perfect fits his body so it works pretty well.

>> No.6850562

owltattoos have become an industry joke

>> No.6850558

>beating a dead horse

>> No.6850559

Funny cos I thought u were going to use it as an example of it not fitting.

>> No.6851419
File: 639 KB, 798x900, foodog_ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive researched tattoos for 8 years now

the tattoos that compliment the body shape and end up lasting and looking the best for the rest of your life are Japanese tattoos

this is work from Jess Yen one of the best oriental tattoo artists in the united states

he lives in L.A

that is a side piece/rib piece

its actually really big in size

>> No.6851425

Tattoos can look cool, but I'd never get one myself.

>> No.6851427
File: 660 KB, 616x900, koi_lilies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a sleeve

>> No.6851434
File: 542 KB, 523x900, dragonsleeve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a dragon sleeve

>> No.6851450
File: 80 KB, 629x807, Tat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851444
File: 56 KB, 1006x670, Tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some nice tats.


>> No.6851452
File: 56 KB, 737x550, teresasharpechest2-LGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are into more realistic /neo mechanical


the best artist is Nick Baxter

here is a sick chest piece

most people on /fa/ have no idea or clue about tattoos or tattoo artists so take my advice while you are here

>> No.6851456
File: 93 KB, 500x500, Tat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851461
File: 23 KB, 192x278, Tat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851466
File: 65 KB, 960x958, Tat5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851465
File: 139 KB, 1204x800, blanchardcthuluchest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a sick cthululu chest piece

>> No.6851462

Honestly not feeling these. I've seen a handful of Yakuza tats that I found really cool but these oriental designs just remind me of the dragon shirts I got from Target when I was 13.

I don't doubt he's on the upper spectrum of competence, that he can get art onto a body as precisely as he can visualize it. I'm just not feeling his vision in the first place. That third one looks legit horrible to me, not horribly done, but just horribly distasteful.

>> No.6851463

looks like it was done with magic markers.

>> No.6851471
File: 186 KB, 601x850, Tat6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one's kinda gay but I like the castle.

>> No.6851473

honestly these are the best tats i've ever seen

in terms of fitting the persons skin / body and looking excellent
holy fuck man

i was thinking of getting something to represent my home state but i think that's a little played

>> No.6851474

enjoy never being able to go to japan

>> No.6851475
File: 63 KB, 384x512, Tat7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851480


>> No.6851483

yea i understand that you are not feeling these

these are just ideas when you get a sleeve it has to be something you like , something you would have on you for the rest of your life,

im just trying to post good symmetric ,high quality tattoos because most people on here will post shitty artists and give you shitty advice


>> No.6851485
File: 310 KB, 1024x1024, Tat8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851497

This is so overdone.

>> No.6851498
File: 119 KB, 778x667, Tat10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851494
File: 67 KB, 455x640, Tat9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851500
File: 82 KB, 500x428, Tat11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851506

No worries man. Taste divergence aside I appreciate that you're contributing images. More than I can say for myself.
Keep up the good work homie. n___n

>> No.6851507

i kind of assumed as much, but does that make it so i shouldn't get it?

>> No.6851509
File: 65 KB, 960x960, Tat12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

= 1/1
= 1

>> No.6851550

not a decent tattoo in the whole thread

>> No.6851573

post some, then

>> No.6851584


Oh my god I love this!!! Do want

>> No.6851610
File: 115 KB, 500x393, 1367654124472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this one

>> No.6851632
File: 92 KB, 438x658, 1359654150909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/'s tattoo choices are pretty awful today

>> No.6851671

that's fucking beautiful

>> No.6851737
File: 32 KB, 550x825, minimalistgeometric-tattoo-square-black-wookmark-206009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like minimal stuff like this (the squares)

I have a 1" black square on my left calf. I want to get another though.

probably something on the left of my chest with a black metal vibe to it.

(also, is it normal to shave your legs if you have a tattoo?)

>> No.6851746

I hate those awful sleeve cutoffs, not nice fades or something like the others.

>> No.6851752

Well, it could end up as the next barber tatoo everyone had twenty years ago which looks shitty nowadays. But I've got no doubt it was seen as dope back in the days.

>> No.6851759

You will look like those lovecraft fans from the 90's who went to all the german music feltivals they could
Disgusting as fuck

>> No.6851791
File: 40 KB, 500x501, barbed-wire-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tat. I'm sure people saw it as the same shit than the trees tats trend that exists nowadays.

>> No.6852007
File: 352 KB, 800x600, tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure what that looks like, but ok lol!

I was thinking of something along these lines in position and theme. It would be as it appears with the image in the rectangular frame)

>> No.6852024

lol that looks sooo bad

>> No.6852196

>I'm 25 right now and thinking I should get inked before I become a truly old fag.

The golden rule of 'It's better to regret something you did, than regret something you didn't do', does NOT apply to tattoos.

Don't do it anon. Most tattoos look shit. Don't think you'll be in that tiny minority where they look good.