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/fa/ - Fashion

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6845626 No.6845626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be first time pinrolling jeans in public
>be on campus
>black guy on skateboard rolls by and says "yo I like your pants homie"
>not sure if he was making fun of me or not

fashion anxiety thread

>> No.6845642

>cop visvim moccasins with the fringe stuff
>"lol anon are those girl shoes?"


>> No.6845653

I doubt he was making fun of you, even more so if he's a skater which usually like to jump on trends and shit.

>> No.6845663
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>wear all black
>"you robbing a bank or what anon?"

>> No.6845678
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>'what are you an emo? cheer up anon!'

>> No.6845685


Nah, it was a compliment. Black skaters are super fucking chill.

>> No.6845695

>wear geobaskets
>high concentration of chinese kids in my uni
>afraid of being accused of wearing dreamboxes


>wear givenchy
>everyone thinks it's from zara

>> No.6845704

waitu piggu dishoneraburr dreambox

>> No.6845706
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>wearing supreme
>i-i g-guess

>> No.6845718

>even more so if he's a skater which usually like to jump on trends and shit

maybe a faggot skater

>> No.6845770

>wear suspenders casually
>not sure if i look like an autistic sergelord

>> No.6845785

probably autistic

>> No.6845802

>>not sure if i look like an autistic sergelord

u prolly do man sorry :///

>> No.6845824


Don't get me wrong, I really like suspenders but yeah, you probably do look like an autistic spergelord.

>> No.6845941


>> No.6845969
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>mfw I focus so much on clenching on my jaw and staring forward into the crowd in public I totally forget what I am wearing

>> No.6845977

I'm black. If he didn't do a giggle after it he wasn't making fun of you. Plus he was on a skateboard so he's prob a cool black guy.

>> No.6845995

I was once told "I love your style, it's really J Crew" back when I was in high school.
I've been terribly concerned with looking "J Crew" since then. Shit scarred me

>> No.6846077

do u ever fall off the board and like woah

>> No.6846078

getting called out for being a swaggot while wearing supreme
Hold me /fa/

>> No.6846114
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>mfw I do the same
>mfw I see other guys looking at the ground like little betas

>> No.6846115
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>tfw a black guy compliments your fit

>> No.6846145
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all the time

>> No.6846168


>other people just glimpse at me and then quickly look away
>I never know if I look goofy or intimidating

feels so fucking bad

>> No.6846181

>walking through paris
>looking straight ahead / checking out other people
>2 guys on the street corner look at me and then talk while looking at me
>they are speaking in english cause they thing i'm french
>tfw they say i look good but my hair is ugly and i need better shoes
>tfw all my insecurities confirmed

>> No.6846189

he wouldnt have been making fun of you unless he was trying to show off to his friends

>> No.6846209

Who says you can't be both?

>> No.6846220

hate that
i always assume i intimidate them since their pupils dilate and eyes open wider.it sux all i want is a smile

>> No.6846234


my guess is intimidation too because I'm 6'3 and I my regular face just looks kind of angry even though I'm not, my basic expression that seems to convey anger. also cold blue eyes.

or maybe I indeed just look like a fucking idiot and they are looking away to hide their smiles or something

>> No.6846239

>since their pupils dilate and eyes open wider
how do i into body language?

>> No.6846254

read and study carefully and "practice"
im a cunt who reads into things much and have been doing it from a younger age tho.

ill find some material brb

>> No.6846262

Fuk this, my natural face when I'm walking is jaw clenched looking straight forward, I must look so fucking unapproachable.

I wish I could just have a smile as my resting face

>> No.6846272

that's pretty great

>> No.6846280

>tfw depressed and cute girls smile at you all the time but you literally can't force a smile

>> No.6846288

Oh my fucking god

>tfw butt fucking ugly smile, contorts face, get self concious everytime i smile or laugh

brb opening vein.

>> No.6846291

>pinroll black jeans
>wear white leather converse
>complements on my shoes all day

>> No.6846292

watch lie to me,and practice it with people in social settings
long and idk if that good

also read some PUA material srs

>> No.6846299

amazing what pinrolling/cuffing can do

>> No.6846320

Also read the wikipedia article on Confirmation Bias

>> No.6846326

You mean when your eyes meet? That's normal

>> No.6846330 [DELETED] 

tahts the thing,dont always assume you are correct ,be objective and logical no matter how much it hurts

>> No.6846331
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I was at a festival recently, seeing a band on my own, had that fucked up dirty festival look going on, qtp2t girl standing near me smiles at me, takes me by surprise, do a fucked up half smile at her in my high state

2 minutes later hear "I just smiled at a boy and he looked at me like I was an alien"

>> No.6846346

Bro, is it okay to go to concerts and shows alone?
I don't have a single friend, and I don't know how to meet people

>> No.6846352

I saw MBV on my own.

>> No.6846360

make friends at the concert,or atleast a group you can tag along with.
i never thought id post that and it will seem like trite but try it in ur patrish way

>> No.6846368

Whenever I walk past people in the street I like to stare them down. Most people dont even acknowledge the existence of passing strangers, but I always look deep into their dark soul. And a demonic smile lights up my visage as I see theirt inner demons. They notice me and get scared; girls blush and turn away and fellas try to laugh it off then cast their gaze down in submission. But I know theyll all be seeing me in their nightmares that night. I am known in my town as 'The Watcher'.

>> No.6846377


I have this problem too. I think the best course of action is to just give a full smile anyways. If she shows interest in you, you might as well smile back fully, because if it turns into something more, she will see your smile eventually.

>> No.6846373

meant to this >>6846168

>> No.6846378

im out

>> No.6846385

>wear my dd silent hoodie to work in a slightly goofy outfit for casual friday
>come back into work on monday everyone calls me donnie darko
>its my new nickname
>kill myself

>> No.6846404

>anon you always wear the most plain clothes
>mfw my 12 year old cousin called me a basic bitch
>mfw no face

>> No.6846451

I saw sleepmakeswaves on my own and Otto the guitarist recognised me and told me about how his brother posts on here and had told him about me or something

>> No.6846453

why'd you stop tripping?

>> No.6846462

I do this a lot too, sometimes I wonder if people know I'm doing it on purpose

>> No.6846463

I'm on my phone in bed at the .kment I still use it sometimes at the computer
I mostly just don't post as much any more

>> No.6846467


>> No.6846499

I wasn't at the actual festival alone, my friends were just seeing other bands at the time.

It's not weird to go alone though, no one bothered me when I was alone. I'm sure if I wasn't such an sperglord I could have easily gotten in with her group of friends if I'd tried. Just go if you want to see someone.

Tfw I don't know how to smile. I'm gonna sit in front of a mirror for an hour just smiling at myself in order to find out how.

>> No.6846532

>qtp2t girl standing near me smiles at me, takes me by surprise, do a fucked up half smile at her in my high state

i've done this before

wtf man

>> No.6846542

>Have moustache, recently started curling the ends
>People always looking at me
>Can't tell if it's because I look retarded or if it's because handlebars are so uncommon
>See guy with handlebar at uni, we exchange nods of approval
>Dat confidence boost

I guess I couldn't really care less if people think I look goofy. I like, and my girlfriend loves it, so that's good enough for me.

>> No.6846565


>> No.6846581

>Sporting thick handle bar mustache throughout third year of Uni
>Compliments left and right, people want to take pictures and stuff
>New to compliments and so when girls would say they like my stache, I'd have to catch myself responding with "Y-you too"
>Shave it one day and get a week of people commenting on why I shaved it
>After that I become invisible again


>> No.6846588

I think it's kinda funny,
I think it's kinda sad

>> No.6846585

Has anyone else worn dumb clothes just to get over self consciousness like exposure therapy? I've made my hair look really bad too

>> No.6846600

>/fa/ do you like my haircut/fit/cop/etc?
>"lmao fuccboi ahaha"
>"wow autism"
>real life
>compliments all day

>> No.6846612

"cold blue eyes" hahahahahahaha get a load of this guy

>> No.6846615

>12 year old cousin called me a basic bitch

u shouldve given that little dweeb a wedgie

>> No.6846627


The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

>> No.6846632

which festival? Outlook was really good and pretty much the exact same thing happened to me.

>> No.6846677


Leeds festival, it's in the UK.

>> No.6846697

That's called a poser, not a skater.

You can't just jump on the skateboarding trend.

>> No.6846701

not that person but that post made me think
how much legal shit you could get in these days for giving a kid a wedgie? Probably a whole lot

>> No.6846713

If that's you I miss you. You're a funny guy.

>> No.6846715
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>wearing 2 year wear raws
>mad fades and electric blue color
>Life Drawing 2
>qt skele white girl wearing american eagle and true religion sits next to me
>notices my pants
>omg are those true religions
>n...no they are Rouge Territory
>did you get them at the mall
>no online
>see her google them on her Ipad
>why are these different
>t..they fade with wear
>they are expensive though
>everyone hears her say the price
>feel uncomfortable the rest of the semester in class
>start wearing basic shit and she keeps asking me what I wear and looking shit up on her Ipad
>last weeks she cops some Rouge Turf raws
>anon we are jean mates now
>y..yeah haha
>wear the raws again last week of classes
>see her again with the jeans on
>this pleb machine washed them lel
>she comes up to me
>anon you like my jeans now
>fuck her after the last day of class with my jeans on

>> No.6846726

what a tasteless cunt, talking about how other people spend their money
that shit makes me cringe

>> No.6846734

>anon we are jean mates now

>> No.6846745
File: 96 KB, 475x341, 1273747428422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing supreme
>people compliment it
>have to tell them the price eventually
>their faces when
fuckin plebs I tell ya

>> No.6846752

My eyes just tend downward when I'm deep in thought, and walking is amongst the best times to think deeply unless you got traffic to worry about.

>> No.6846762

>wearing Supreme
>calling other people plebs

Also, you'd get the same reaction from someone who actually does spend a lot of money on clothes because guess what?
Supreme actually is overpriced trash :^)

>> No.6846773

Sorry, but 100 dollars for a shirt is a lot for the average 20 year old. I'm aware that Supreme is not even that pricey in a grander context. And it's good quality and great design for the price.

>> No.6846812

yup its me

>> No.6846877

>some guy tries to stare me down
>normally fairly shy towards strangers
>be really interested in evolution and how similar our mind is to that of all other mammals
>recognize this as an intimidation technique
>for some reason i always see something so blatant funny
>no problem locking gaze, raising posture, and breaking into a slight condescending and malicious grin
>they always openly drop their defenses and look at ground
i know this sounds like something that an autist would say, but i grew up in a sketchy area in vancouver and its almost something i look forward too
im completely normal other tha this, popular even. It seems to attract women

>> No.6847161

tfw no jean mate
what is the best way to kill myself and make it look like an accident

>> No.6847231

shoot urself but hold the gun with ur left hand if ur right handed or vice versa

when they find u theyll think u killed urself but then thell be like wait anon is right handed tho someone must have killed him and put the gun inhis hand oh no

>> No.6847266

that's very stupid man

>> No.6847274

>sketchy area in vancouver
u wot m8?
cum 2 englan see wot cums bout

>> No.6847322

are you me?