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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 500x667, tumblr_inline_mgy8l9eEke1qhvvbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6842807 No.6842807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post cute tumblrcore girls (and guys if you want)

sorry i kinda like this sort of thing and i wanna see examples of it being done right

>> No.6842823

i love kyary

>> No.6842853

yeah same she's cooler than tumblr she's just the best example i have.

>> No.6842862
File: 218 KB, 568x744, 1377756418068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripsk posted this a while back. Too bad her skin tone is too dark for all black.

>> No.6842861


>> No.6842869
File: 528 KB, 664x960, 1337907691185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842880

thats berry

>> No.6842904


Talk about ghost white, holy shit.
Unless that's make up, but even if it is make up holy shit don't scare no one

Qt doe

>> No.6842911
File: 145 KB, 500x747, 1367807972161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No shit nigger. Tripsk is dark skinned. What I'm saying is Tripsk posted that picture.

>> No.6842912
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>> No.6842919
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>> No.6842931
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>> No.6842934
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>> No.6842942
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>> No.6842964

weird as fuck proportions m8

>> No.6842975

man it would be so gross to see some of these girls naked.

>> No.6842993
File: 117 KB, 630x816, Seapunk91[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get some of the weirder, OG Tumblr stuff in here?

nigga u have stupidly narrow standards?

>> No.6843001

hell yeah bring back seapunk

>> No.6842998
File: 300 KB, 800x1067, tumblr_mgkoffVi381s2k26eo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843011
File: 34 KB, 907x710, 1351681337497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird as fuck proportions m8
>distracted by leg gap and legs
>wtf are her hands about?

>> No.6843012

> tfw no angsty tumblrcore gf who will take out all her frustrations during sex

>> No.6843020
File: 65 KB, 600x450, tumblr_mhalhwITaG1s2k26eo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seapunk was awesome, but I think it needs to evolve. Past vaporwave. There's so much stuff in our culture to mine and we're just going to do it with sea/'90s tech themed stuff?

They're the bizarre beginnings of the next truly big aesthetic shift in our culture, whatever it'll wind up being. Hence my interest in seeing it here.

>> No.6843033
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>> No.6843028
File: 322 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mgzvte2cLp1s2k26eo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"street seaninja"

>tfw rolling down the main street of Atlantis

>> No.6843044
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>> No.6843052
File: 235 KB, 1125x1500, tumblr_mgkigjl1651s2k26eo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if this jacket was mixed materials - like, if some of the panels were leather, or if it was a waterproof-breathable fabric at high sweat areas, and then the rest were transparent.

>> No.6843057

yeah that's true i feel like the whole early internet aesthetic thing has sort of lost steam and that's a shame, i thought it was really interesting.

>> No.6843085
File: 256 KB, 566x844, tumblr_mgfhyyslN11s2k26eo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was the earlyness of it, the backwards looking nature of it, not any of the inherent, basic formal properties. People want to be pushing an envelope that won't get marked return to sender. And it's better, for us as a culture.

Like, this is fucking Charles Manson on a shirt. Who wants that, really? It's insensitive and tasteless as hell. But giant heads on shirts?

>> No.6843088
File: 209 KB, 773x615, fob_jul_28_2011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843106
File: 67 KB, 655x434, 301689_2545423961044_1417117342_32931291_1555281668_n-655x434[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a striking (to me, at least) potential compatibility with techwear.

Consider the popularity of particular Uniqlo pieces among the Acronym/Veilance/etc. set, and the company's active efforts to look and be at least a little techy. It's not going to be long before people start fancying and working in those bright, clear colors the company stocks.

Wetsuits today, wicking running shirts tomorrow. Bet on it.

>> No.6843117
File: 58 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mgdo5wtzID1s2k26eo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And consider the propensity towards elaborate body decoration.

>> No.6843124
File: 37 KB, 512x512, Corsola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gah why you have to do this to me,, now you have my brain on overdrive

when you say "our culture" what do you mean?
because i am an American (god bless) and thus i am immersed in american culture

but the internet is a culture itself, which explains why things that are overdone on the internet seem to only be recently introduced irl or are rarely seen

and if you are talking about cultural shifts, i believe we are in need of something that truly shakes us
like i see some of these posts you have made and i do not see fashion as a need of necessity, so to speak
fashion has become more safe in that it is just building something on yourself, and then showing it off
there is nothing wrong with that but sometimes i miss the influence of external factors which affect us all
where is our great depression? our berlin wall?
i feel war is the answer. no one is asking for it but it is in human nature for things to change: for better or worse

>> No.6843128
File: 1.35 MB, 1453x976, le tumblr.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you born and raised on tumblr?

>> No.6843139

yeah that was my favorite thing about it, was that it was/is like a subculture from the future, like the panther moderns from neuromancer made real. i think its hard to have that and have it continue, it's kind of too self aware? idk. the whole thing was just a little too ironic and maybe its been b/c i've been watching raf simons collections all day but i think there has to be a sort of purity and absolute earnestness to subculture.

>> No.6843145
File: 2.56 MB, 1543x1238, cvdazzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect compatibility with the sort of stuff from the CV Dazzle project, designing makeup and hair patterns that foil face detection.

More and more people will care about that as the surveillance state becomes more aggressive.

I'm not sure what exactly it'll look like in the end, but it's going to happen.

>> No.6843158
File: 38 KB, 512x512, Misdreavus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is exactly what i am talking about
at this point it is no longer fashion for the sake of fashion; but it is a matter of culture and environment influencing it, a sort of necessity

we are too safe, safer than ever (at least in first world countriess)
i am not complaining but if we are not aware of it then worse for us

>> No.6843161
File: 30 KB, 400x300, al-qaeda[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where is our great depression? our berlin wall?

you want people to start lifting from Chechen rebels? Al Queda? drapping white with camo jackets? that would actually be pretty rad. I mean those two guys on the far left in the blue-grey minus the headscarves I could totally see that on the runway

a fashion aesthetic based around the suburban modernity like mediocrity and homogenization of the american dream would be cool. like a preppy colourful rick owens x costuming from edward scissor hands

the civilian uniform you wear everyday?

>> No.6843171
File: 93 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mp7y99OlfW1qbvo0mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.6843176
File: 359 KB, 960x640, tumblr_miphjd30Et1qh1kf6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6843191

Won't they just update face detection tech once stuff like this becomes mainstream?

Add in recognition of facepaint shapes etc.

>> No.6843210

You know the one piece of swimwear to sell out from Isaora last season? These board shorts. They're also doing stuff like the other stuff in the picture. The Digital Sky Shell there is maybe the best light rain shell ever, and it was their flagship S/S '13 product.

Earnestness has to come back, and it is. Often in disguise: I mean, among boomer squares, who the fuck is going to think you're splashing America Online's logo next to palm trees and *meaning it*?

A much bigger example is Kanye: his work is glib and cheeky and sarcastic as fuck, but he really means everything he's trying to communicate.

General internet-connected, Western, cosmopolitan culture. Everything's merging at the same time it's splitting.

As far as necessity, I was writing >>6843145 while you were writing, but also: we're all bored. Everything feels stagnant in our culture. We're being shoved by forces beyond us into more consumerism, homogenity, and flatness. We'll resist that. Same way Edwardian style gave way to the '20s and Modernism, or straight, rigid '50s style gave way to the '60s.

War or no war, we're facing immense practical challenges as a civilization/species in our lifetime, and those will shape what we do, too. Austerity and/or energy conservation makes cities cut back on public lighting? Expect more reflective materials and maybe blinking LEDs on clothes stop being elementary school tier.

>> No.6843244

you niggas thinking too hard about this shit

just enjoy it geez

>> No.6843289
File: 968 KB, 2678x1605, isaoraxtheinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then we'll stay a step ahead.

If it comes to it, I wouldn't be surprised if people eventually start going out in straight disguise makeup, that also just happens to make them look more like they've been under Pascal Dangin's cursor. It'd be depressing as hell, because I love our natural irregularness, but it wouldn't surprise me.

>you want people to start lifting from Chechen rebels? Al Queda? drapping white with camo jackets? that would actually be pretty rad. I mean those two guys on the far left in the blue-grey minus the headscarves I could totally see that on the runway

I don't think traditional military camo will ever go mainstream, but that might be because I personally tend to dislike it. Otherwise, absolutely.

>a fashion aesthetic based around the suburban modernity like mediocrity and homogenization of the american dream would be cool. like a preppy colourful rick owens x costuming from edward scissor hands

Three points, to no particular argument.

1) Minus the black and Edward's weirdness, isn't that basically what we have today as our mass fashion? Bright, colorful, unawarely pomo remixes of prep classics, blithely and unsubversive provocative at no one in particular, a fashion that lies and says we're all safe, sane, healthy, and happy, and that all those things are Good and Right and Sexy.

2) Apparently, Rick leather is actually extremely popular on its own, paired with other un-gothic stuff, with middle-aged bougie women. Like, UES types.

3) I can't really elaborate it right now, and don't get me wrong at all I love Rick, but there's a deep compatibility between our current society and his aesthetic. See: everything he's ever said about his life story and how it relates to his designs. Someone else can drop quotes.

And, whoops, forgot pic.

Have to run; keep the discussion up and keep posting Tumblr fits!

>> No.6843296
File: 48 KB, 512x512, Mismagius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it come down to we are bored and thats probably why western culture is more about dressing in eaither completely "practical" means (a la tshirt jeans running sneakers) or in a peacocky way
again nothing wrong with it, but it is going to change and im waiting for that
i am enjoying it, excuse me for wanting to talk about it a little deeper
its hard to find people who talka bout this stuff on irl, so its a breath of fresh air when i come on /fa/ (at least when the right posters are online) {not u}


>> No.6843322

I don't see a huge dichotomy. Form is always shaped by function. And social function is just as much in there.

Re-route the idea of "urban exploration" in your head for a minute. What's more a part of the city, some abandoned warehouse or a club and the people in it?

Have a little John Leonard before I go:

>By the “delirious professions,” Paul Valéry meant “all those trades whose main tool is one’s opinion of one’s self, and whose raw material is the opinion others have of you.” In other words, Creative People, who in New York are not merely artists and writers, actors, dancers, and singers, but journalists, editors, critics, TV and radio producers, anchorpeople and talk-show hosts, noisy professors of uplift or anomie, vagabond experts on this week’s Rapture of the Deep at the 92nd Street Y, even (gasp) advertising account execs and swinging bankers and Yuppies in red suspenders on the Stock Exchange. Each is asked every minute of the day to be original: unique. Only then will they be lifted up by their epaulets to Steinbrenner’s box in the Stadium sky, there to consort with city presbyters the likes of the late Roy Cohn, where you can’t tell the pearls from the swine.

Great cities, not just New York, demand something of our selves. Having it out there is essential.

But when "function" is just "flashing you're upper middle class inside an air-conditioned building, while not looking so fat" all-cotton relaxed fit A&F is perfect.

>> No.6843337

you don't like a girl with legs? what are you gay?

>> No.6843420

i love her skin tone

>> No.6843477

I think we're going to step away from the brand starved consumerist mindset
That could lead to the ironic overbranding like vaporwave or it could lead to something authentic

This is already the meta age so I'm guessing it'll be the latter

>> No.6843555
File: 36 KB, 300x391, BLENDcover-300x391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guy interested in sea punk / vaporwave / the tumblr aesthetic movement.

Carri Mundane with Cassette Playa actually predated this whole thing by about 5 years. Whoever said people are creating imaginary genres or subcultures as a reaction to the lack of any real movement or youth culture in the world today hit the nail on the head. And that's exactly what Carri has done with Cassette Playa and why she's one of my favourite designers. She essentially invented her own subculture in her head and then designed her clothes around it. Then they actually caught on and you had gangs of people showing up to clubs in head to toe Cassette Playa fits and everyone having no idea what was going on, it's really genius.

Unfortunately like all designers who are way ahead of their time Carri's work is treated pretty flippantly and ignored. Case in point this series of T-shirts she did in collaboration with the incredible (and now defunct) Seven New York:


Those t-shirts went to 80% off and were mocked endlessly but if they were released today I guarantee they'd be getting thousands of reblogs on tumblr and would likely show up on multiple people at Paris fashion week. Back then no one was doing these silk printed designer shirts which are now holding up the bottom lines of brands like Givenchy. Not to mention the cut and paste internet imagery that you've talked about, Carri essentially predicted that entire aesthetic shift 5 years ago.

Here's the video that went with the collection as well:


This was 5 years ago and it still blows my mind, I can still remember people talking about how stupid they thought it / Cassette Playa / she was and now this is quickly becoming the norm and this style imagery will probably begin to resonate more and more. Unfortunately by then Carri will probably have moved on but that's the nature of being a forerunner.

>> No.6843581

friends i'm so excited for the future
wherever we go, whatever becomes of aesthetics like vaporwave or seaponk, i know it'll be for the better.

i hope cyberpunk ideas become more acceptable. at least wearable tech/tech-influenced clothing. already smartwatches and applied body computers are a thing.

what i want is a version of mc10's biostamp that is more cosmetic, a heartbeat sensitive pattern across my neck or something

>> No.6843585
File: 1020 KB, 280x280, 1377452998492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying kyary is tumblrcore

>> No.6843594

i was like
ppfffffft, it says 2008 that's not five years ago
and then i did the math
fok m8
the times are fokkin changin

>> No.6843730
File: 20 KB, 266x300, $%28KGrHqV,!pEFHo9%28-GhzBR68IpvIHQ~~60_35[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for posting this; I didn't know about any of that.

I think the collections are pretty mixed, but again, whatever this is turning into is just starting *now*.

Another forebear - and one that I think/hope is more like how it's going to be be - is, of all people, Lacoste. They did a collaboration with some art magazine called Visionaire 54 where they got artists to design all over print Lacoste polos.

In an utterly perfect touch, one of them was Thomas Ruff. If you're not familiar with him, his "jpegs" book/exhibit is probably the most important of the last decade. Not only is he one of the few photographers actually bothering to nonexpeditiously deal with the tremendous changes in the medium since digital rolled in, he took it head on: the book is low-res JPEGs, mostly pulled from the Internet, and blown up into pixelated form.

But it's not just a formal exercise - the book started from Ruff witnessing the destruction of the World Trade Center and coming home to find that his camera had malfunctioned and he had no photographs. So he wound up poring over others' online and so started the book. A large number of the shots are contemporary documentary photos of war and disaster.

But the shirt is the Grand Canyon.

>> No.6843736
File: 172 KB, 714x399, 11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better shot. Sorry.

>> No.6843739
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>> No.6843743
File: 227 KB, 714x392, 4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musician David Byrne was fixated on the idea of fashion functioning as a tool for navigation. For SPORT, Byrne created a seamless geographic photo collage of the Las Vegas strip in which correspond to bodily organs: travel from your liver to your heart and end up at Flamingo.

>> No.6843748
File: 198 KB, 714x403, 10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I'll post, but this is Thomas Demand.

There's 12 total; Lagerfeld did one, a sketch of Rene Lacoste, apparently a friend of his, but I think it's one of the lesser ones.

All here: http://www.yatzer.com/Visionaire-54-SPORT

>> No.6844186
File: 565 KB, 1263x1011, Technological Innovation in Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, thank you so much for posting this, I'm actually about to order a set right now as soon as I can figure out which one I love the most. Insanely cool and really relates to some thoughts I had recently about the banality of fashion technology (pic related).

This whole thing reminds me of that site that's been floating around for awhile now where you can turn a picture into an all over print t-shirt. I have no idea what the logistics of it are (and I have a hunch that it's wholesale only, because I never see these shirts anywhere) but there's pretty regular threads not just on /fa/ but across 4chan of people turning pictures into t-shirts.

You're seeing this type of thing much more these days with the larger fashion houses but even then I can remember when Christopher Kane pretty much had a monopoly and then kicked the whole thing into overdrive with his galaxy prints. This is really new technology and it seems 2008 was for sure the year that it first began proliferating. We're likely very very close to it being about to break out from art magazines and runways to high street and eventually mass market. Which is where the threads on 4chan about these shirts comes in, the concept in itself I feel has already become totally banal to me. I've seen the concept explored so much (and what a perfect medium 4chan is for exploring something like this) that to me it's simply another piece of technology. I can already imagine 5 years from now you'll probably be able to remix "memes" into shirts and get one sent to your house in 24 hours, absolutely anyone will be able to do it, it's going to become completely innocuous.

>> No.6844190
File: 40 KB, 300x421, EYEBALL-HOODI-300x421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel 3D printing is going to follow the exact same trajectory and I thank you again because you've given me more ammunition against it. The next time someone brings up how revolutionary Van Herpen is I'm going to bring up these printed shirts and how they've gone from totally cutting edge to what I believe will be beyond normal, like we're going to see them in gas stations and gift shops before the decade is done. 3D printing to me will be the same story and while it's certainly cool to be one of the first to do it and I certainly hold Carri in high regards for being one of the first with the shirts, you have to fully recognize that these people are simply pressing a button with this type of technology (or instructing a team to push it for them). There's nothing exceptional about any of this, it's simply the proliferation of technology, it will all become totally banal soon enough and claiming someone is a genius for being the first to get their hands on it is one of the things that pisses me off the most about fashion commentary today.

>> No.6844303

I don't really get it. You don't like the person for being innovative? Or the person claiming that this guy is so innovative?

>> No.6845251

>tfw im sorta excited for the upcoming war in syria
im not becoming a futurist am i?

>> No.6846818

>implying it is bad for fashion to be art
>implying it is bad for fashion to be based in anything other than utility
no anorak

>> No.6846869

It seems to me like fashion is a relatively consistent wave between bright and happy, and dark and depressed.

I think current fashion will get darker for maybe 3-5 years then start to get more and more color. How that color will manifest, I'm not sure.

Think about it, 4chan went from color prep -> gothninja. Hippies -> disco -> punk -> early 2000s -> modern day

>> No.6847006

0/10 would run over with lawnmower

>> No.6847924



>> No.6847941

If you want chicks like these just move to England. I visited London, Brighton and Newcastle, all three cities were covered with students/young people dressed this way.

>> No.6847952


>> No.6850276


>> No.6850286

I just see a combo of vintage, edgy, and just turned 18.

>> No.6850321

hnnnnggggggg why am I so attracted to skeletons
I want this so bad

>> No.6850331


is this the guy with the raf

post his tumblr

>> No.6850344


shes ugly as fuck u weirdo