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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 102 KB, 898x964, 1368091836823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6838835 No.6838835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sepera thread

>> No.6838842

europeans need to stop attempting humor in the english language
not that these are funny otherwise

>> No.6838870


>> No.6838929


>> No.6838939

wats a sepera

>> No.6838936


English is a European language.

>> No.6838947

americlap detected
dont they teach you history, faggot?

>> No.6838952
File: 186 KB, 773x831, regular nice guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6838958

don't you mean..
>do you even heard of history, faggot?

>> No.6838959

do you even heard of closing the light

>> No.6838970

if I'll see you calling American again I'll surely put you on a knife

>> No.6838993

Лол, нахуя?

Sepera's a notorious fuccboi from russian /fa/, who threatened to stab all his haters.

>> No.6838998
File: 14 KB, 645x773, this is me feeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regular nice guy

right in the feels

>> No.6839013


I'm laughing but it's also making me sad

Someone like this would be the most boring person I've ever met, but also probably happier with their life overall than I am

>> No.6839017

that's me ;_;

>> No.6839027

>that's me
That guy get invited to parties, has a gf and friends.
What the fuck are you sad about again?

>> No.6839050
File: 18 KB, 500x262, 1377478060230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's me except for the part with the parties, gf and friends

>> No.6839059
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>> No.6839063
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>> No.6839066
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>> No.6839069
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>> No.6839073
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>> No.6839074

Homer Simpson?

>> No.6839078
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>> No.6839081
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fuck u dan

>> No.6839082
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>> No.6839085
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from /fit/

>> No.6839088
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from /g/

>> No.6839092
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>> No.6839090
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>> No.6839094
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/mu/ redux

>> No.6839095
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>> No.6839097
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>> No.6839098
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>> No.6839099
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ok im out bye

>> No.6839115
File: 312 KB, 898x964, uuuuhhhhataparty .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6839122

oh god

>> No.6839164
File: 161 KB, 898x1026, yung lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6839178
File: 116 KB, 277x400, 1370292015357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking good dan

Every time

>> No.6839213
File: 118 KB, 423x637, photo_mid_def_3443634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ape shall never kill ape

>> No.6839237 [DELETED] 

всем русским КУ ))
лампово тут)) два чаю)))

>> No.6839244 [DELETED] 

э не понял чё за анонимус???
ща пофиксим)))

>> No.6839248

>hustle bones doing what?

>> No.6839256

I have a friend like this. I love him so much.

(Spoilers)no homo(/endspoilers)

>> No.6839272
File: 101 KB, 898x964, 1366240839255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the feeliest one

>> No.6839281 [DELETED] 



>> No.6839284
File: 142 KB, 527x632, 1378111097618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6839312 [DELETED] 

ипать ты лошпед новичок)) ничё не бахерти))

>> No.6839329 [DELETED] 

реквестирую моар луков Молодого Бога в фа форчанчика.

>> No.6839333
File: 113 KB, 1437x1543, averagezumiesemployee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6840144

love this

>> No.6840165

Too close to home...

>> No.6840175
File: 31 KB, 200x199, leilovehitlerface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ankles are cold

>> No.6840252

zumiez employees dont skate or own skateboards though. if you buy a board there they wont even know how to set it up properly

>> No.6840256

>tfw not a stoic sage

>> No.6840429
File: 118 KB, 612x612, 8105309341_c869399023_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have the balls to wear this

>> No.6840458

w2c hoodie

>> No.6840467

But I do

>> No.6840499

I also want to know w2c.

>> No.6840504
File: 88 KB, 400x663, y_efe86238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6840515

We don't give a shit about the shitty nsbm shirt. We're curious about the weird ALLAH TOTENKOPH AKBAR SIEG HEIL MUHAMMED shirt.

>> No.6840808
File: 114 KB, 898x964, 1376983033279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6840865

top kek

>> No.6840871

Waaaait, so, streetninjas listen to Black Metal?

Is that a thing?

>> No.6840978
File: 103 KB, 1079x722, 1362598331150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be able to pull that off

>> No.6841000

it's not a streetninja

>> No.6841007
File: 155 KB, 1079x722, s13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior version

>> No.6841044

>clothes may seem basic but really are superior to yours


>> No.6841060

Then what is it?

>> No.6841065

>go into zumiez because I see some ok-looking adidas shoes on the wall
>first thing that happens is a short guy wearing dsotm shirt says hey to me
>tries to sell me a board or something, say I'm just interested in the adidas shoes
>tells me how they're really cool and light for skateboarding
>o-okay man thanks I might try some
>do you want me to grab you a pair? what's your size?
>tell him I don't deal in numbers and just try on shoes until I zen with them
>he tells me he feels me and brings me back a 6 and an 11
>neither fit because I'm a 9
>buy shoes from dsw

gosh that store was weird
there was such dim lighting I thought they didn't pay the power bill or something
I think they had candles

>> No.6841082

The biggest freaking goofs work there.

>> No.6841092

what is the knife for?

>> No.6841091

>glorious cp's
confirmed for pleb

>> No.6841108

I dunno, I guess because it's Gopnikcore or something.

>> No.6841115

u sound like a loser though

>> No.6841145

u sounds like a real human bean though

>> No.6841162

bruh the guy was just tryna pressure u into buying a skatebaord cause u look like a apleb and he asserted dominance over u instantly

>> No.6841203

>CCC Greece looking through the window
every time.

>> No.6841227


What model Asic's are these??

>> No.6841244

What's up with the Detroit Tigers hat? Is that an NSBM thing now?

>> No.6841405

They look like Asics GT II

>> No.6841412

On further notice, they're from the Asics x SneakersNStuff collab.

>> No.6841459

>hyphy? stupid doodoo dumb

>> No.6841479

What's up with the D?

>> No.6841892

So what is the OP pic supposed to be like?

>> No.6841945
File: 112 KB, 669x879, 1376886125913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6841940

>What's up with the D?
:^) :^) :^)

>> No.6841954

What is this seriously?
>Sepera is a well trained, highly violent, extremely dangerous urban ninja with very good knife fighting skills. Has a nihilistic, radical outlook on life, sometimes suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder. Sepera's career often starts with an internship at an IT company, however in most cases after a few years of work Sepera gets a permanent job as a courier. Typically dresses in grey&black colors, very often can be spotted in a grey hoodie, black cap, black parka and Adidas ZX sneakers, carrying a messenger bag. Despite his poor choice of clothing somehow manages to look stylish. Has a perverted music taste, fancies indie death metal, grindcore, hatecore, bands and chechen folk singers. Spends his spare time peacefully rebelling against the System, making attempts to troll the online community and taking pictures of himself.

When did this become a thing? Interested.

>> No.6841956


>> No.6841978

where did you find that? what the hell is this?

>> No.6842061

urban dictionary as it seems

>> No.6842372

I am no closer to understanding what it is. The Urban Dictionary is tagged with both #antifa and #nazi.

>> No.6842405

I don't even know man but it sadly defines me too a huge extreme it's weird as shit, I thought I was #unique being a math+CS major with a taste in black metal, grindcore, mathcore, and hardcore punk, wearing fuccboi stuff but imo fairly well with a fucking messenger bag and getting some Reeboks, a try-hard Burzum fascist fan that became /pol/ack redpilled le happy merchant as fuck, and total fug da systm with an edgy eccentric+dark personality that's an obvious rip-off a faggot character from one of the try-hard animus I've watched. Difference is I stopped being Nihilist when I finished 10th grade.

If the definition had a billion "try-hard faggot" in it, and wasn't legitimately dangerous just a fag that's into guns & knives, it'd define me completely ;_;

>> No.6842426


that post made no sense

are you saying you're a tryhard faggot?

>> No.6842543

but it makes me happy
>the struggles of a fuccboi

>> No.6842682

tfw this is me
>I don't usually like ___ but...

>> No.6843574
File: 17 KB, 384x288, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who wondering, it's a russian /fa/ thing. Since our board down we're stalking here.
Sepera is a notorious namefag, 25 y.o. wannabe anti-system fighter and misanthropist who works as a delivery boy. But he's truly free like a bird as he say. So he shops at uniqlo with basic black clothes and combines them with selfmade provocative prints as that muslim totenkopf or Chechen separatist songwriter Timur Mutsurayev. He likes to make pictures of himself holding a knife just to look dangerous.
His posts were truly arrogant walls of text full of teen angst and threatening just to learn /fa/ggots how they shoud live their lives. Plus he's naturally 8,5/10, 190 cm well fit guy with no problems of getting a qt gf, so you could imagine level of butthurt initiated by basement dwelling goofninjas.
After he got banned we continued to praise Sepera with official threads turned into subculture/ riot fashion/knife bearing/street bullying discussion.

>> No.6843614

russian fa? This is a thing? Where do I find it?

>> No.6843624

still under ddos though

>> No.6843625

Russian /fa/ trips sound way better than regular /fa/ trips.

>> No.6843627

If you're an angsty teenager too poor to buy designer clothing maybe

>> No.6843628


finally a use for all my BM patches and gear.

>> No.6843630

idk they just sound more entertaining. all of our trips now aren't really that much of shit disturbers as much as normal /fa/ goers; casemods is gone.

>> No.6843633


>> No.6843636

An edgy Uniqlofag thug into Islamist singer-songwriters and pseudo-Nazi prints is better than poet, twerk, user, Anorak, Natalie Portman, Tripsk, tomato, banana, trunks, Patrick Bateman, Mirandabags, etc.

He's like Sieg, if Sieg wasn't fat and never had money.

>> No.6843639


>> No.6843641

typical anonymous poster

>> No.6843650


I am very intrigued, got any fits?

>> No.6843655

they are in this thread you thirsty edgy piece of shit

he's total letdown

>> No.6843660

sounds like a younger less fat better looking more successful version of sieg

>> No.6843674

obviously i meant more fits, like ppl emulating the style etc.

just bc the orig was a let down doesn't mean someone can't make something of it.

>> No.6843686
File: 269 KB, 500x632, 1375086410597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sounds like some kind of givenchy/ bm/ DG shit to me.

0:37 every time I see this vid I think his cap says burzum.

>> No.6843696
File: 91 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mksdakDAa31s7akeho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people wearing edgy all black outfits w/ snapbacks?

my du have you been on the internet for the last 2 years?

captcha: slamass point

>> No.6843715
File: 115 KB, 898x964, deluxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843737
File: 284 KB, 765x1024, z_23b3b718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6843742

w2c that looks comfy af

bm bands need to make more sweatshirts

>> No.6843747



>> No.6843749

Self-made on the blank one. Just go get an a.p.c. or NP sweat and silkscreen an image.

>> No.6843759


finna do this one w/o the words on the bottom what yall think

>> No.6843761
File: 133 KB, 800x800, drudkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843762
File: 13 KB, 450x450, 188772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google zumiez
> find the Volcom Dapper Stone Black Suit

>> No.6843766

>tfw no LAD sepera

>> No.6843782

Предлагаю форсить на фаче у бургов отправку нахуй в быдлятник с сажей.

>> No.6843795
File: 58 KB, 613x611, _BeHHuydAUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843800

hella ugly slav

>> No.6843804
File: 134 KB, 570x570, cuZ-_5EEK_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say it to my face

>> No.6843821

the fact that he hides his hair under the cap and his face in almost all pictures doesn't leave much to the imagination

>> No.6843831

Лел, хочешь чтобы все стало как у нас ? Официальные разделы и все такое ?

>> No.6843835

Нет, тут моду похуй, но покультивировать нездоровый элитизм не помешало бы.

>> No.6843844
File: 28 KB, 281x432, x_e034debc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True misanthropist have to hide himself. There are only few pics showing the face of young god.

>> No.6843843


dat failed yohji silhouette

>> No.6843862

Is he dead? What a waste :(

>> No.6843863

LOL fuck off you bydlo piece of shit

he looks terrible and his little shock value game is tryhard as fuck

>> No.6843868

wow you surely are tough, aren't you? on the internet, that is.

>> No.6843877

unlike sepera who's soooo coool and dark and anti everything


Kill yourself slavnigger

>> No.6843892

You are crearly projecting your own failures on sepera, just deal with your problems and be cool.

>> No.6843899


sepera ain't cool m80

I detect hardcore slavaboo samefagging itt

>> No.6843929
File: 131 KB, 713x708, 1335373473692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no sepera to hang out and deliver mail with

>> No.6843936

he's still better than you

>> No.6843938

nah sorry, keep on samefagging

I'm a 1st world trustfund kiddy not some ugly slav poorfag mailman

>> No.6843942

nice dreaming power you have here, scum

>> No.6843943


>> No.6843944
File: 87 KB, 500x386, 1373889841180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor slavfag

>> No.6843977

you should sew up your ass, the stitches broke

>> No.6843982

you write good puns slavfag, just sad that the only paper you'll come in contact with is the mail you deliver

>> No.6844007
File: 109 KB, 851x1024, 9alcajMa-vM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I work at fresh air. I dot't attached to work, if I want, I quit. Wonder how it's like to be an miserable office worm like you. Sometimes I deliver papers at these stuffy plastic offices and see there poor people like you, hunched at their keyboards with earth colored faces. They just roll there, then go home at late night to sleep ant start all over again. You are cowards lying to youselves "a-a-at least a I have a lot of money". But what for? For byuing new nazgul cape?
I'm banging your gf while you suffer at the office. I live a full life and I don't regret anything.
You will never be like me. Never.
So go throw your "slavshit" again and get back to your corporate slavement, you are the real slave here.

>> No.6844010

hahahaha you really were samefagging the whole thread

hahahahahah what a loser

>> No.6844014

sooooo, because you were banned on the russian imageboard now you waste your time here?

you're jus as bad as all the goofniggers

you're a tryhard faggot

>> No.6844016

lel sounds like shitty edgy pasta but it's real

>> No.6844017

You don't realize how wrong you are.

>> No.6844019

oh I'm so scared, your worldview is too real for me

>> No.6844020

sepera king of samefag

>> No.6844022

Sounds like an excuse for living a poor lifestyle.

>> No.6844030


sepera where did you get the islam totenkopf hoodie

>> No.6844033


He made it himself. He has no money to "get" anything.

>> No.6844035


can you send me image file for it?

>> No.6844037
File: 107 KB, 639x917, uneYNM0tRbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An excuse? Buying new raf owens is an excuse.
I don't starve, I have a place to live, I have money to travel, I deal with real things, I have a real trustworthy friends to cover my back and support me. I live a rich life.
Stalking on sufu all the weekend isn't rich at all.

>> No.6844040


sepera please send me totenkopf hoodie and I will sing your praises to the world

or I will surely put them on a knife

>> No.6844043

This is just getting sad now.

>> No.6844041

hahahahaha he thinks rick owens or raf are expensive ahahahahahahaha

hahahahahaha he thinks 38 followers means trustworthy friends

holy shit nigger you're just digging yourself deeper looking like the poor tryhard edgy fag that you are

>> No.6844045


lol slavshit

you will never know the freedom of being an australian

>> No.6844047

>slav trying to justify living in a shithole

>> No.6844050
File: 275 KB, 925x925, gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this real life?

>> No.6844052

the funniest part about seperas anti commercialism is the fact that he lives in fucking russia and any of the lolsoedgy shit he pretends to be would never work out for him without any money to bribe the cops

its such a fucking tryhard version of the fox and the grapes

he's poor so he will shit on anybody and anything that requires money

>> No.6844054

This. He can't have it so it's shit. Poorfag 101

>> No.6844055

you sound bitter, samefag.

>> No.6844062
File: 63 KB, 480x640, 1veEVrkVpjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give ur mail and wait for it

>he thinks rick...
I didn't said that, it's your stupid slave-minded conclusion. You have no idea what I'm thinking of.

Are you mental? Get your pills.

> he thinks 38 followers means trustworthy friends
I don't think - I know they are.

>holy shit nigger you're just digging yourself deeper looking like the poor tryhard edgy fag that you are
Is it supposed to touch me, slave?

>> No.6844061
File: 288 KB, 688x1434, The fox and the grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844063
File: 4 KB, 276x120, 67e9c16a8b15947845212bfb9850270f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


salty af slavshit lmao

>> No.6844066
File: 10 KB, 520x248, slavshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound butthurt sepera

>> No.6844070


>> No.6844069

grapes dont grow like that

>> No.6844076

>give ur mail and wait for it

hahahahahahaha he's gonna bring it to you personally because he doesn't have the money to properly ship it

>> No.6844081


either way is ok

I need totenkopf hoodie

if he truly sends it he is really the hero russian /fa/ makes him out to be

>> No.6844084

god damit thats me

>tfw no gf

>> No.6844086

>the hero russian /fa/ makes him out to be
Nobody does that. He's a tryhard poorfag.

>> No.6844089

>WEP security
Lel my school uses that thinking it will keep me out

>> No.6844146
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, 1365619877997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more photos

>> No.6844148
File: 67 KB, 480x640, 1365943905258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844151

no we don't

get that 5/10 samefag outta here

>> No.6844159

I'f you chant something 100 times a row it won't make thing real

>> No.6844163

cute, you read that in the other thread, fucked it up with your russian grammar and made it sound like you had a stroke

nice work separa

>> No.6845022

What does "edgy" mean

>> No.6845030


>> No.6845086
File: 83 KB, 652x762, scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just seems like this but with dark clothes.

>> No.6845121

How are people still so easily trolled by this sort of thing?

I miss casey if only for the responses he generated.

>> No.6845185

>qtp2t waterproof gf
I lol'd out loud so much

>> No.6845209

Anyone have the picture of that fit?

>> No.6845222
File: 74 KB, 550x500, regarde_shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a few years american will discover Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, it's getting pretty big in France right now. Their shirt is absolutely dope.

(the pic doesn't really stand out seeing it with a proper outfit IRL, IMO)

>> No.6845231

w2c cargos

>> No.6845255

> in a few years ameriburgers will dicover tumblr core stiff from a fuccboi country


>> No.6845272

...it's a black hoodie
Are you serious?

What is this called

>> No.6845291

u can buy that crap in hot topic lmao

>> No.6845349

nice dubs

no you can't

>> No.6845375

yeah u can, nerd

>> No.6845445

[proof needed]

>> No.6845581

Not him but you can buy shit a hell of a lot like it
The 'Serpra' style in general has been in the US for a while
Same bro core people who listened to bands like trapped under ice

>> No.6845673

I'll surely put you on a knife

>> No.6845684
File: 9 KB, 148x189, 1253232902692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> BM being thrown around like a cheap commodity by non-kvlt posers and gays ITT

> bitches wouldnt even say boo to a goose but try to sneak in a tottenkompf onto their hoodie because niggers would be oblivious anyway and they get to think theyre edgy

> none of these rich white poseurs have the balls to even wear a swastika in public

>> No.6845719



>> No.6845720

A lot of butthurt jealous amerifats detected.

>> No.6845758
File: 6 KB, 248x203, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


France is putting out some awesome music right now within the "black metal, sludge, hardcore" genres

love this shit!!

>> No.6845817

take this to /mu/ and watch how they react

>> No.6846028
File: 88 KB, 676x673, sepera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846335

what is the source of the picture searching for it for a while

>> No.6846990

>what is google

>> No.6847080

I've a few Skrewdriver and No Remorse tees that are obviously RAC/British Movement related and no-one has yet said anything, so you'll for sure get away with dressing like this.

>> No.6848387
File: 283 KB, 1417x1549, 1376933052496 new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when sandninja was a thing

>> No.6848431



>> No.6848509
File: 4 KB, 240x176, gayyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That feel when Gangstalicious was right

>> No.6848514

holy fuck I forgot about that episode

>> No.6848520

I would do it with no lettering it all

>> No.6848524


I know right? Ive been watching niggers embarrass the shit out of themselves and laughing this whole time. Its a SKIRT

Who thought this was a good idea?
> Only Scots can wear skirts because theyll glass u if you criticize them

>> No.6848541

>post ends in 1945

>> No.6848582

I love sandninja. I just wish there were more pics of real fits.

>> No.6848596

Songs for the Mute SS11 should provide a lot for you.

>> No.6848737

I would look bad square-framed, you have to draw the edges so the print would look organic on the shirt.

>> No.6848817

What are hustle bones? Google told me it's from a song/rap, and they're coming out "my mouth", but still don't know what they even are....

>> No.6848823

that fucking get

>> No.6848821

>I wish that guy would stop trying to give me cereal
>tfw no milky way bars

I loved Drive and seen it a thousand times, but I don't get this

>> No.6848835

doesn't sound too groundbreaking
sounds like some post-metal
i like it
but it's nothing crazy

>edit: okay here are the vocals
i take back the post-metal comment

>> No.6849110
File: 284 KB, 1064x1072, LAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6849414

never seen this one before
8/10 pretty accurate

>> No.6849464
File: 14 KB, 300x300, Bale 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that nigga love dick i refuse to listen
I love this one

>> No.6849506
File: 36 KB, 400x300, Bale 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that tee
>that hat
>tfw only england has this level of cunt

>> No.6849507

hardcore (which is way better than bm) bands make heaps of sweatshirts
i'm wearing an american nightmare one now

>> No.6849509

This is too accurate

>> No.6849545

post template

>> No.6850197


>> No.6850261

the milky way thing is referring to a copy pasta where some guy sees ryan gosling trying to steal milky ways from a supermarket.

hustle bones is a song by death grips which is a popular band on 4chan. /fa/ likes to think that's the sort of music played at cool parties.

no idea about the cereal thing.

>> No.6850290

fuck this is literally everybody I went to high school with now, love it

>> No.6850299

>i must've been
>spirited away

good stuff

>> No.6850781

lol this du still listen to desu gurippu?