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6828956 No.6828956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about drugs.

What does /fa/ sin with?
How does it make /fa/ feel?
How do you release your newfound happiness? How often?

>inb4 cop or not

>> No.6828981

Benzos and booze are all you need. Codeine is p.cool as well.

>> No.6828995

Why so down?

>> No.6829019

Weed mostly. sometimes E

I usually buy sativas, because indicas make me eat twice my daily allowance of calories and then just sleep.

Always from a properly rolled joint or blunt. bongs and pipes aren't /fa/.

>> No.6829014

Well if i'm at home I can chill
If i'm working then i'm more focused and they make me sooooooooo chatty so I can flirt/deal with customers a lot easier. I have a little addiction problem though but it's not a worry.
>tfw when 10mg of etzi and 7 pints of beer
Didn't even know I went out that night , luckily my m8 sophie told me what happened. We got trapped in a maze made out of washing machines , i'll post the pic l8r along with my sick fit lel. Someone sell me some real benzos pls

>> No.6829026

Weed, LSD, Alcohol, Adderal, Coke, occasional heroin, codeine, salvia, DXM, DMT, percocet, oxycontin, various other pills, mdma

>> No.6829028

Stick to alcohol and nicotine mainly.
Ive tried coke and mephadrone too though, mainly on big nights out.

Always wanted to try E, any experiences?

>> No.6829033

I second your stance on weed consumption.

>> No.6829038

go for it, it'll turn a recluse into a social butterfly

>> No.6829041

Depends. E pills are cut with speed and caffeine around here so you can party all night without a care in the world. If you get pure E (MDMA) then shits gonna be twice as cash , you get really happy and your life turns out the way you always wanted it to.
Then you wake up the next night and want to kill yourself but smoke/drink/benzo it up and you'll be fine after.

>> No.6829045


Have you ever taken Adderall? Shit's so cash for focusing and chatting (smoking cigarettes/weed too)!

>> No.6829052


>What does /fa/ sin with?
Alcohol, tobacco, coke, weed, magic mushrooms.

>How does it make /fa/ feel?
Pretty good. I 3> psychedelics, so beautiful and thought provoking.

Drink quite often, smoke sometimes, everything else is a rarity.

>> No.6829061


>> No.6829058

Nope but i'd like too. This summer i've been to 5/6 festivals and did 15 - 18 hour shifts every fucking day with no sleep so they'd come in handy. Need dat skrilla tho u feel me

>> No.6829060

you're not living a long life are ya?

>> No.6829064

How much of the mushrooms must you intake to experience beauty?

>> No.6829071

sippin lean

it help me sleep

>> No.6829068

>Green man
>Electric picnic
Probs more but I literally just got back from elec picnic which is ireland and I live in north london so i'm shattered.

>> No.6829074

did Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds the other night and although they aren't the most hardcore drug around they made me realise drugs aren't for me

before that I would smoke weed occasionally and drink. I still drink but only a pint or two with my dad or m8s

>> No.6829081

I love acid and mushrooms. Molly is nice and I enjoy booze. I'm drinking gin right now. I can't quit nicotine though adderall makes me want to smoke a lot

I tried codeine for the first time recently and it made me feel pretty awesome.

If I can get ahold of lsd or mushrooms I like to trip 2-4 times a month. I do have periods of time where I don't trip for a few months though.

>> No.6829075

What x of Salvia do you prefer? What have your hallucinations been like?

>> No.6829079

Not the same guy but I took 2 grams my first time and I had a pretty good trip, I'm gonna do them again soon and probably try 3 or 4 grams, but I think 2 grams is more than enough to "experience the beauty"

>> No.6829092


Wow u really need to get on that. It's magical if you know how to drink water while on it. It's p addictive tho watch out.

>> No.6829087

Dude, weed isn't good for you. It slows down your mind and hinders your breathing.

>> No.6829097

B-but drugs are bad!!!

>> No.6829098

>occasional heroin
I'm going to call bullshit due to this and the fact that all the others are really well known drugs.

>> No.6829100



>> No.6829101

I'm this guy...

I highly recommend eating 1/8. The last time I ate mushrooms I ate 5 grams.

>> No.6829102

I smoke weed usually around 3 or 4 times a week and I do a lot of harder drugs whenever the opportunity presents itself. Not heroin though, I don't like needles.

>> No.6829104

Oh, and I drink 5 or 6 nights a week

>> No.6829103

drugs are cool sometimes but not all the time. actually most of the time.

>> No.6829105


Pretty much jealous. You have a prescription for your Adderall?

Captcha: reeking eastforu

>> No.6829107

Yeah just need to find a good source. What's SR like atm? I hear syria is making bitcoins skyrocket. I'm on that legal hype atm because I can't be dealing with finding other shit.
>£3 bottles of lean
>£20 for 30 etzi (gonna buy in 100's now tho)
Shits p.cash for now

>> No.6829113

I was just about to ask him how u do dat

>> No.6829115

yo yawn I live in N. London too wanna hang out and drink lean and take etzi

pls respond

>> No.6829121

Had to stop smoking weed a couple of days ago now that school has started but its ok
Alcohol is back in my life
College is fun
And if you consider Ephedrine a drug I basically live on it

>> No.6829122

Fuck off m8 this aint ok cupid
go find matt and meet up with him

>> No.6829119

I don't drink alcohol but I've got LSD, MDMA, Coke and Weed. That's about it. I sell E in bulk and sometimes LSD but it is very hard to come across here and I don't like selling my only supply. No-one around here where I live has any contacts or connections so I am the one they come to for their pills. Can easily move hundred in a week.

>> No.6829125

cmon m8 we can wear sick fits and i can sort u out with sum adderall/speed

>> No.6829134

Just got back from Leeds last week.
Tried some sniff and some pills, the amount of drugs circulating was pretty insane.

Not to mention we met an ex MMA fighter who was wearing a strap on selling MDMA.
Called himself the 'Dildo Dealer'

>> No.6829143


The first time I took a half 1/8 oz. Really good body high very interesting visuals.

The second time I took a full 1/8 oz no body high, but insane visuals and hallucinations.

We took it out on a lake before sunset. It brings me almost to tears how amazing nature looked after a full 1/8.

You need to have your shit together (mentally) , psychedelics are serious mindfuck.

>> No.6829146


>> No.6829151

Sounds like you had fun but watch out for those glucose pills that are floating around. Someone died at elec picnic from one of them so take it easy m8e

>> No.6829159

weed + heroin/oxycontin

>> No.6829165
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yes...may have been excessive but I'm drunk and I've seen this sort of photo posted b4

>inb4 mac

>> No.6829185
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Weed, cigs, mdma, used to do speed (fuck speed) and I want to try psychedelics soon

>> No.6829199

I wish I knew that feel

>mfw never done shroom

>> No.6829201

Never tried speed. What's it like? Psycs are fun but you have to be in the right place with the right people to enjoy them most. I'll never take them if I'm heading out. Only if I'm having a chilled day with nothing on or out in the woods or something.

>> No.6829207

Fave kind of cigs to smoke after weed?

>> No.6829215

Only done 25i but it was fun
If you smoke joints get rolling baccy so you can practise rolling + have a ton of baccy to use. If you want straights get b&h silver because the 20 deck box is fucking cool and they taste and look amazing. Expensive tho so I stick to mayfair lel

>> No.6829212

straight edge master race

>> No.6829218

I just smoke pot occasionally, mostly use it as a sleeping aide. Every once in a while I'll smoke during the day and just do the same shit i normally do, just seems more fun.

>> No.6829224


Mormon bitch

>> No.6829228

nawh used to smoke a lot of weed but now its made me anxious to the point of severe depression so im stopping

>> No.6829229


You don't pause and have moments of your imagination running wild?

>> No.6829236


>weed made me depressed

Plz stop playing the victim. Weed was a victim of your depression.

>> No.6829238

Cocaine, ketamine, fentanyl (better than heroine bitches), weed, shrooms, acid, alcohol. Fuck I do whatever is clever. Crystal is cool for a little then you just wait to be able to sleep.

>> No.6829266

>He takes K

>> No.6829264

I mean i've been really happy recently and I got high for the first time in months and i had a panic attack and woke up feeling really sad and had more panic attacks

>> No.6829279

>What does /fa/ sin with?
alcohol, tobacco, and very rarely weed
>How does it make /fa/ feel?
alcohol makes me feel numb to the world
tobacco just gives me a reason to go outside at parties
weed slows everything down for me/makes me feel nervous
>How do you release your newfound happiness? How often?
i drink/smoke pretty regularly and it just makes me tolerate the people i'm around a little more. weed is a once a year thing and i don't care for it

>> No.6829289

You not ever wanting to try anything harder?

>> No.6829301

i've done painkillers, but it's not my thing. i'm too much of a bitch to do hard drugs/don't want to fuck up my life with a possession charge

>> No.6829318


You batshit. Glad you're happy tho!

>> No.6829319

Don't possess it then? Just have someone else carry it and take it as soon as you meet them. I've happily done tonnes of drugs but I just have this thing about heroin and meth. Them two are just completely out of the question for me. No idea why though. Just always hated them and think people who do them are lowlife scum.

>> No.6829330

i'd rather not risk it. between wanting to teach and the 18 years of above the influence indoctrination have convinced me hard drugs aren't worth it

>> No.6829353

Alright smart move then. Don't want to fuck your life up with a shit thing like that. I probably don't realise how serious the situation is until I get caught. First time I did LSD I realised that drugs really weren't to be taken lightly. I realised they were extremely powerful substances not to be messed with. From them on I've been a lot more careful about who I sell to and I am a lot more suspicious.

>> No.6829579

I like pot but it makes me look weird and be awkward so i smoke aloe and with like 3 people i like.

Drinking is fun, makes me way better socially, but then occasionally i get depressed and have breakdowns. When I blackout I do real dumb shit.

I like psycedelics but I feel like I take a pretty big hit to my sanity every time I take them.

>> No.6829619

Mostly cannabis and sceletium tortuosum.
They have a nice synergy.

I also fuck around with adderall/vyvanse when the occasion presents itself.

Most people hype about adderall but vyvanse's longevity blew me off my ass.

>> No.6829630

It's funny that LSD caused you to realize that when it's less addictive/dangerous than cannabis, caffeine and alcohol.

Though it was obviously due to the psychedelic nature, it's still ironic.

>> No.6829707

stick it in your arm. pure bliss.

>> No.6829725
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drugs make you ugly, LITERALLY. more than enough reason for me to stop.

i still love second hand smoke from cigs tho...

>> No.6829774

Alcohol and weed weekly. Smoke cigs when I'm drunk or high for something to do while talking and chilling. I want to try coke, mdma, lsd, and shrooms and I'm sure I will sooner or later I don't feel the need to rush it.

>> No.6829806
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Dr. Gonzo please go.

>> No.6829823

This thread isn't for you fuccboi

>> No.6830032

Bow to Real Housewife quehn

>> No.6830058


Was Vyvanse as potent as Adderall? Did you have the same mg amount?