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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.79 MB, 1732x1155, Money-100s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6819179 No.6819179 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ make money?

>> No.6819201

>paper money
Eh, some nice play money I guess.

There's only one kind of money, that's gold. Everything else is credit and is worthless.

>> No.6819239
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by working, i guess

>> No.6819247

I'm a manager at a movie theater.

>> No.6819253

>yfw gold has been less stable than every first world currency over the last 30 years

>> No.6819297

I don't right now.

>tfw NEET at the moment

>> No.6819307

my parents said i have 4k in savings but cant move it anywhere unless i invest it and make profit

what do? i can only think of utilities and pharm market

>> No.6819316

buy some gold, it's really low now

>> No.6819324

sell weed + pills

>> No.6819319

idiot confirmed
look up gold value over the last 3 years and compare it to the inflation rate of any major currency

>> No.6819320 [DELETED] 

i shoplift

>> No.6819339

I sell fake rick on taobao

>> No.6819334


>> No.6819336
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>> No.6819356

i have...a job?

>> No.6819357


i wear black all the time and no one calls me a goth

>> No.6819353

selling drugs in small portions allows me to spend a lot of money. i put away and save (read: in stocks) 20% of the money so I can afford tuition for a master's degree without taking a loan, though. I "work" about 1 day a month and make about $ 1500. Good enough for a student life. When I got enough for my tuition fees, I'll just stop.

I sure hope you're a troll. Gold is a shitty investment.

>> No.6819355

Living on autismbux at the moment.

>> No.6819363

top kek, $4k saved. Try $200k. But I have no desire to use it I get by fine.

Try a mutual fund, they'll know where to invest and most don't charge a whole lot. Plus they make you money and you don't even have to think about it.

>> No.6819399

mutual funds are usually a ripoff. carefully selected index funds are less of a hassle, have lower fixed costs and usually don't fare worse than mutual funds, especially not after you deduct what you paid the manager.

>> No.6819434
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>thinking inflation implies ANYTHING
top kek

>> No.6819451


>> No.6819476
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>Eh, some nice play money I guess.

"I would like to purchase this fine loaf of bread, good sir! Please take this one one-thousandth part of an ounce of gold as a compensation for your hard work. Farewell!"

>> No.6819563


>> No.6819589

Dealing steroids to /fit/.

>> No.6819692
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Tell me more

>> No.6819705

Work at car company headquarters
Review sales reports from around the country
Tedious as fuck
$21/hour, full-time, with benefits
Lied on my resume to get job. Been here 8 months. No one's said anything about it yet.
Feels good man.

>> No.6819720

about what?

>> No.6819724

I'm a roadie for a very successful cover band

I only work once a week, but I pull in more than I would if I was working a shitty minimum wage job working 40 hours a week so

it's pretty nice

>> No.6819730

21 dollars, AN HOUR? holy shit..

>> No.6819736


what lies u put on ur reume?
Ima try this

>> No.6819746

>tfw rich parents
>tfw got given omega watch, gold signet ring and $35,000 for 18th
>tfw overachieving in life nevertheless

>> No.6819755


>what is electrical engineering

you'd have better luck getting a degree in stem and finding a job like a normal person, it sounds like he has gotten incredibly lucky

>> No.6819778

$21/hour is very good. are you afraid that people might find out you lied? do you think they'd care if you do a good enough job?

>> No.6819787

how did you get into selling

>> No.6819801

Apprentice in oil biz.

$40/hour + bonus
Made $16k last month.

Bought my first apartment at an age of 18.

>> No.6819814

How to get into oil biz?

>> No.6819818 [DELETED] 

>How does /fa/ make money?
autism bucks

>> No.6819835
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i cook starters and desserts.

>> No.6819876

i know a guy who knows a lot of guys. I read into chemistry in high school and worked out a plan to produce Adderall. It works good enough for small amounts. I make one batch a month, sell him two ounces and let him do the rest. He's been in the game since he was a kid and never got arrested, has a solid base of customers etc.

The amounts he sells are too small to cause any actual interest by the cops, but the profit is good enough so I can afford conveniencies others don't, although I'm currently trying to spend less and less because the transition from next-to-no-money to a-whole-lotta-cash was so abrupt that I made some bad choices, bought shit I regret buying (I got a wardrobe with half a dozen jackets and trenchcoats by Dior, Burberry etc and rarely ever wear them because I like my older stuff better) and I feel like I'm not deliberate enough to handle that amount of cash sensibly.
I grew up with very little money, as you can probably tell.

>> No.6819886

I'm a geologist. Pretty interesting at times and pays extremely well.

>> No.6819903

I play music.
Not that I make very much money doing it, mind you.

>> No.6819911

Lots of ways, i went with Automation.
That includes everything from PLC programming to hydraulics.
I work onshore now, making systems that go offshore for use on oil rigs.
Hope to build up some experience, then try to get offshore, 2 weeks on and 4 weeks off!

>> No.6819928

what do you actually do and when did you start? afaik you need some kind of master's degree to get into the oil business seriously.
i call bullshit

>> No.6819955

do your friends and family know? what do they think about it? where do you store the money?

>> No.6820002


Startet last year in July. Right now im building Hydraulic power units for oil rigs. Used on installation of BOP's and X-Mas trees.

I dont have any formal education. Just High School/Upper secondary with a programme for electrical/automation subjects

>> No.6819994

as someone going to school for this what are the actual job prospects like? Is the petro field really the only booming thing currently?

>> No.6820076

I keep my "low life" and my regular life strictly apart. Only my two best friends know about it, and they don't care much. I get a lot of "Walter White" comments, though.

I don't want anyone to know because frankly, I don't think it's particularly cool or exciting. At first it was - it was so exciting that at some point I was constantly anxious of getting caught every time I heard a siren. Now I got a neat, running system and feel confident that it will work until I stop doing it. Even if the police busted my door right now, I have the money to pay a decent lawyer who'd make a good deal.
It's really nothing special anymore. The exciting part was planning and setting the whole thing up - shit took almost 2 years of studying and working without payment. Now it's just like a somewhat illegal side job I do to pay the bills.

I try to get the money on my bank account without it being suspicious, so I can use it for legitimate purposes later (like education). I do that by paying just about everything I spend money on by cash, so the (little) money I get from my parents for university adds up on my bank account. Every couple months (like on Christmas, my birthday, etc) I put a couple hundred or maybe a thousand bucks on my bank account and act as if I were given it by my family. The rest I just spend or put in my drawer - it's usually not more than a few thousand.

>> No.6820111


>> No.6821827
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In what kind of place do you produce it niggah ? and how do you do it without being suspect ??

do you have a fucking methlab in your basement ??

>> No.6821847

Your lawyer won't be able to save you from tax evasion, buddy.

>> No.6821859
File: 97 KB, 629x548, 15969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get paid $25 an hour normal rate
>$35 ph sunday rate
>$55 ph public holiday rate

Glorious highest paid retail sector in straya.

>> No.6821861

I'm a college professor (English-related subjects)

>> No.6821867

That's pretty meat, but I dont understand what you made. A form of adderall?

>> No.6821904

Part time job at JCPenney(topkek), I get about 35 hrs a week and it's 8 usd an hour.

>> No.6821909

You are me

>> No.6821923
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what if we are coworkers

>> No.6821948 [DELETED] 

was it hard for you to make it in that field? how old are you? I have a great GPA and plenty of internships and shit but I'm still pretty scurred

any tips to get a head up on the competition?

sorry to bother you

>> No.6821949

>implying gold is inherently valuable
You fucking retard, food is inherently valuable, livestock is inherently valuable, if society collapses who in their right fucking mind would trade you anything for malleable, dense metal?

>> No.6821966

bro, don't get caught up in that life. i was arrested and served hard time. i was pushing mad weight in creatine (monohydr8) and the feds finally busted my door down one day. not about that life any more.

>> No.6821986

I build satellites.

I make side money off of custom audio amplifiers/DACs.

>> No.6821983

Uhh it sorta depends on your location. I'm in tx and work with natural gas/oil drilling but geology can help you get a job in a lot of energy related fields other than petrol if you minor in something related to it.

With that said there are also the standard jobs like professor, field researcher, etc that work with the purest form of geology, but I would only do this if you have a real passion for it. I fucking hated doing field work so I went into oil and am making much more money for much less work.

>> No.6821989

I work at a distinctly middle class gas station.

>tfw cash money's handed to me by customers driving Audis and Range Rovers

>> No.6822018

been ten years in the trap game cooking yams

>> No.6822046
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Whoops, forgot the pic. I used the O2 and ODAC as the core amp and DAC. I built up a custom aluminum case to house them both.

>> No.6822057

Nigga, you can barely live two months with that.

>> No.6822109
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>that comprehension
its money they left aside for me for emergencies, we live pretty nicely

>> No.6822196

Customer service at footlocker.

>7.50 an hour to get bitched at all day because our promo codes don't work on Jordans

Discount shoes doe.

>> No.6822231

>Implying 70% of /fa/ doesn't just get money from their rich upper class white parents

>> No.6822296

I suck dicks
its easy and there's always good buisness

>> No.6822314

gurlz sure do live dat life on easy mode

>> No.6822342

Work at Walgreens. $9 per hour, not bad at all for working in photo. All I do is print pictures out and stock the store when I have nothing else to do.

>> No.6822374

>implying female

>> No.6822552

>Implying everything in Australia isn't so fucking overpriced that your money means nothing

>> No.6822783

not him but sum dude paid me 1k to do it
thinking about doing it again

>> No.6822803
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I'm a gay porn model...

>> No.6822827

Does your Walgreens store do film developing? Does any?

>> No.6822840

Intern at JPMorgan

Working towards my Finance degree.

>> No.6822836


Oh! Sorry! Nearly missed this.

Yes, very very hard. You need all the advanced degrees, to be published and to start anywhere, even teaching night classes at community colleges.

For English and the writing arts, get published early. I've had things published (small reviews, journal articles and essays) which I feel helped.

My undergrad GPA was, I can admit anonymously, garbage because I drank for four years straight. It's in the low threes. But for my Master's I buckled down, got a 3.9, went on from there, logged in countless hours on my dissertation, etc.

I'm also 29

>> No.6822851

Working at dat Walmart. All about dat life.

>> No.6822854

i scream-cry into my pillow and sell the recording to noise producers

>> No.6822863

Whats the deal on forever film cameras. I need some film for my slr camera. Dslr is gettig stale

And i found a leica range finder on craigslist

>> No.6822872

Yeah, that's actually the best part of the job since I take my time with it so I can't be bothered to ring up some annoying baby boomers

>> No.6822880 [DELETED] 


>> No.6822882
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, 1376936192580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm that currencies trader guy who was on here contemplating suicide the other day.

So that's how I make money. jeuh jeuh

>> No.6822897

Some modeling jobs here and there

>> No.6822910

I work at Kohls and go to school.

I don't mind it, pay kinda sucks though.

>> No.6822936
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>These are the lies Americans swallow

Enjoy your subsistence living m8.

>> No.6822939
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hospo is wack af but its generally easy work aside from peak rushes plus i wear all black goofninja-lite and can get away with fucking around cz im a qt

i get hit on by milfs and faggots a lot tho

hope 2 cop a sugarmomma that will buy me all the rick owens i could ever need otherwise ill be going back to college next semester

>> No.6823013

If u evr decide to pull the trigger pls give ur money baby

>> No.6823072

My family is very poor. My parents are divorced. My Mother has been unemployed for almost two years. My Father gets by servicing computers. I work at a sandwich place and buy everything with the earnings.

That's cool man. I'd buy one if I didn't hate headphones. Got a D1 in the mail today because I got a good deal on it.

>> No.6823087

Neat. The photo store I go to now charges like $17 for a regular 35mm roll, so I'm going to learn to develop my own this year too

>> No.6823206

Thats pretty expensive, we charge 11.99 and usually have $1 off with an in-store coupon. That's cool though, you'll save way more that way.

>> No.6823343

i have a career

>> No.6823394

Trip scan negatives dont develop film its a bitch ive only dond black and white in the garage paper. Chemicals and light systems are expensive as shit. Ten fold for color.

Just get a negative scanner

Most people like yourself...better off with cellphone cameras on the iphones

>> No.6823402

I have a job and own a popular Steam community that supplements my pay from work every month.

>> No.6823416

The only one that came out decent was a picture of one of my african grey parrots i framed in a cheap slightly frosted walmart frame so you cant see the image was developed improperly

And so i can be pretentious

>> No.6823417

The photo club at my uni lets you use their dark room for $10/year

>> No.6823507

sounds like a good deal but you'll ruin a lot of pictures

when you get your rolls developed hit

"process negative only" $6.99

get the negatives, scan them and viola you have a tumblr-able image and something you can jack around with in lightroom

>> No.6823512

I'm an internal bus cleaner (yes they exist). I get paid $23.50 p/h .

>> No.6823562

by working

waiting, bartending, barista in a hotel restaurant

>> No.6824547

tour manager for rock bands

about 300 € per show/day, free traveling and food/drinks, meeting people
downside is you can't keep up any serious relationship, but I guess that's not /fa/ anyway

>> No.6824561

thats sick, how did you get into it?

>> No.6824568

Make €100 a day working for the royal mail in the weekends. Most un/fa/ job ever but the pay is alright and the work isn't bad.

I also make videos for techno parties and other commercial ventures.

>> No.6824573

I'm an intern for a celebrity stylist.

>mfw still living off my parents

>> No.6824579


wow /fa/ is so teenage. you guys realize 21/hr is just over 40k a year... not much for a college graduate.

>> No.6824590

I work for the government, it doesn't pay as good as it should

>> No.6824646

always hung out with friends that used to play in small bands, went with them to their gigs, sold shirts/cd's, helped them setting up the equipment and so on. for free of course.
got asked by a bigger band to sell their merch on a small tour. Did this for about a year, met other bands and one day the usual manager got kicked off, they asked me cause they knew me and knew that I could take care of everything. they were happy with my work an I started to build a good reputation. Now I get booked through that reputation. Side effect is, you have no contract what so ever. If there's money missing after a tour, even a minimum amount, you lose your job and any reputation. Musicians know each other so it spreads very fast.

tldr: toured with smaller bands for free, grew into it, became good at it, earned money

>> No.6824656

Financial comptroller.

>> No.6824703
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>step 1 : have sex
>step 2 : collect monetary remuneration
>step 3 : ????
>step 4 : PROFIT!!!
>step 5 : repeat the process

>> No.6824714

Gay 4 pay

>> No.6824942

i work for my dad in a computer repair shop, having your dad as ur boss is p helpful

>> No.6824955

male escort

get £1k+ each weekend, not including week days

can earn up to £5k+ a week

>> No.6824990

How did u get into it? Won't that leave traces for ur future?

>> No.6825030

I play trumpet on weddings or parades n shit. make up to 250€ per weekend.

>> No.6825056

Made 13k as an intern this summer.

Don't have to pay rent or tuition.

>> No.6825067

I see what you mean, but gold is valuable because it is rare. Farming techniques and chemicals are making it easier and easier to make large amounts of shit-cheap food.

>> No.6825072

>So what are your previous job experiences?
>I fucked bitches for money
And then anon was hired and made CEO

>> No.6825078

>I fucked bitches for money
>implying you're the one fucking people when you're a male escort

>> No.6825075

>I sold my corpse for money

That can be gud yeah.

>> No.6825083

>implying you know anything about being a male escort

Not the poster but I have my own experiences tyvm

>> No.6825089
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Can you be comfy and /fa/ at the same time?

>> No.6825087

I'm a dentist.

>> No.6825124
File: 125 KB, 460x690, 460x690x12-09-12-33-02-121209_002-thumb-460xauto-156103.jpg.pagespeed.ic.6LaczP4LW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6825142

I've always been interested in this market, I did okay in highschool science but nowhere near enough to actually work with it. How did you learn up about that stuff? And did you just get lucky with your middle man, or do you think the chance to find some responsible guy like that is high enough?
I always liked the idea to jump in, get a little starting capital for something legit like trading and jump out again. Then again I'm scared to get sucked in.

>> No.6825157

>Be 18 and student.
>Last job was $23 an hour, including tax and health insurance for partner and I.

A well paying job is $40 an hour.

>> No.6825171



a well paying job is $100 an hour.

>> No.6825189

Of course $100 is well paying but $40 isn't bad either.

>> No.6825193

$21/hour is shit. I get that much working at kmart

>> No.6825194


it's not terrible, but it's not great

>> No.6825202

where do you get 100$ an hour ?

>> No.6825207

>make $200 an hour sans penetration with the door unlocked

>> No.6825216

>mfw dutch, 20 years old
>€7,something is minimum wage
>good is like €11,-

>> No.6825263

>mfw swiss
>living in huebrazil
>in college for fashion design
>no job because this country hates wealthy people

>considering going back to switzerland or moving to europe to get away from this un/fa/ shithole

>mfw it takes FOUR YEARS for USA/UK trends to get here

Also, Alexander Herchcovitch can go fuck himself, he fucked up brazillian fashion forever.

>> No.6825274

no you don't.

I get by at around 12$/hr.

>> No.6825279 [DELETED] 


>> No.6825280

I work in a craft store.
Only two days a week.
$400 pchk every other week.
Spend the other five days producing music.

>> No.6825308

in Norway

>> No.6825334

I kill people.

>> No.6825378

i buy and sell sneakers

>> No.6825593

Scarcity without demand won't yield any value. Even though the cost to produce all of those goods has dramatically decreased, their continued demand is much more certain than a precious metal. Gold was just a convenient bartering tool (for the reasons you mentioned, as well as simple aestheticism) before we had markets efficient enough to price floating currencies.

>> No.6825884
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I do IT support but only poo-poo tier.

It's a living so I do what I gotta do!

>> No.6825941

>Implying shiny rocks are worth more than the "fake money" that the entirety of the first world is based on


>> No.6826008

Im a field engineer/ construction manager. love my job, pays very well, lots of benefits like a company truck. I have an incredible amount of autonomy considering how much money Im responsible for.

I get to work downtown as well, which is a big plus.

>> No.6826186

Fucking software engineering dollars.