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/fa/ - Fashion

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6814968 No.6814968 [Reply] [Original]

I-I have a confession to make /fa/. When I started out with fashion I would wear outfits that were so out of place with the environments in which they were worn that is there no way people weren't laughing at me behind my back. I wore cufflinks (sometimes without a jacket), blazers, and balmorals to class regularly. I was always dressed in at least a button down, and would usually try to wear something on top of it, say a sweater-vest or cardigan. I honestly just want to shoot myself thinking of those times.

I wasted ~$1000 on ill-fitting dadcore. I paid to humiliate myself. At least I know better now.

Did you make any beginner mistakes getting into fashion, /fa/?

>> No.6814990

I used to wear a trench coat. Chew on that for a minute.

>> No.6814998

In the 8th grade I used to wear graphic tees from buckle.com

>> No.6815004

Ahaaha you are a fuck up op. The worst stage I had was chav (back in 2008) luckily that was cool when I was in high school

>> No.6815008

Bought a bunch of v-neck sweaters when I started out.

I still wear them occasionally. They're semi-dadcore but I still like them.

>> No.6815013

I wore pleated black pants with black runners

my mom dressed me

this was in grade 8 though

>> No.6815022

THIS. It was in middle school. It was an oversized hand-me-down from my uncle who had it for a few months. I honestly thought it made me look classy. Good thing at that time I didn't know what a fedora was. I probably would have bought it.

>> No.6815034

I used to wear leggings as pants, ripped skinnies, and uggs. I even used to wear skirts and shorts with uggs (with tights, I wasn't THAT clueless).

Those were terrible times, I guess I was just trying to fit in with what every girl in Calgary wore at the time while also trying to carve out my own niche.

>> No.6815064


Many of the sweaters I own are v-neck and I think they look fine

"Dadcore" is just a dumb term ... holy fuck, you people are so scared of aging, it's going to happen sooner than you think

>> No.6815566

Buying only insane pieces and nothing normal. So I go to work in a 90 cm skinny tall t and weird stacked jeans and get fired lol. The people at the job are fuckign weird though so i dont know i dress like an idiot but i love it.

>> No.6815608

>cufflinks (sometimes without a jacket)
what the fuck did you put them on

>> No.6815668

I just wore a shirt with french cuffs and links and nothing over the shirt

>> No.6815791

this really takes the cake.

Well, at the beginning of highschool, I wore band shirts, black jeans and boots. I evolved to where I was just wearing band shirts jeans and shoes. Later on in highschool I wore graphic tees from threadless tees. Then I wore a peacoat and I even wore loafers. That's when I got into fashion and realized that throught my highschool years, I looked retarded. I'm just glad I got it out of my system early.

>> No.6818943

Spent $150 on an argyle sweater vest

>> No.6818950

Sounds like you might have been alright in the beginning and then it just got worse.

>> No.6820879
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Could have a bought a pair of geos with with all that lel

>> No.6820906

I bought some iron rangers please don't tell me I fucked up. I am insecure about my purchase.

>> No.6820934

It was all bad, but I think that the peacoat loafer phase was definitely the worst.

>> No.6820976


>> No.6821021


>> No.6821036

is wearing a button down to school considered bad if you wear it with jeans and sneakers? I did this and some people didn't get it but I was happy with myself. I feel like I dressed nicer than a lot of people but didn't overdress

>caring what others think about you

>> No.6821042

You fucked up.
Don't worry though. With all the handholding on MFA you should be able to eBay them off pretty easily provided you haven't worn them much.

>> No.6821040
File: 134 KB, 334x393, b23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, it seems like every middle-school teenager wears yoga pants, uggs and north face jackets.

Fucking hell, man.

>> No.6821106

You guys are smalltime.

I would wear a Jim Morrison t-shirt underneath a huge vintage mustard and brown checkered tweed suit jacket and a massive orange and black plaid scarf, with baggy, boot cut blue jeans and cheap hiking boots.
And occasionally a fedora with a skull on the side.
I wore a fedora with a skull on it.
This was high school.

>> No.6821123

Are you me? Minus the loafers. Never did that.

>> No.6821127

damn. that had to have hurt when you realized what you were wearing.

>> No.6821150

>spent $1,500 on N&F

>> No.6821149

spent $1,500 on N&F
started doing squats

feel me

>> No.6821159

I used to trawl through the Topman sales section and buy ridiculous graphic tees with stupid slogans.

>> No.6821164

The fedora was when I realized I was making a big mistake, but at that point I had three, one purple and black patterened cotton one, a grey one with a skull and a white fedora with silver sequins.

everything i wore was ridiculous and probably fucked me over socially, but I got to play around and learn I guess...

>> No.6821176

Sell them to me please.

>> No.6821228
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You and the others need to post a fit so we can see the drastic change.
At the very least explain your current style.

>> No.6821264
File: 1.65 MB, 1469x2240, 20130902_012653-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I
wore today, didn't leave the house so not a lot. No shoes on.

>> No.6821298

you've come far from that horror story.
w2c top if they have different colours.

>> No.6821351

The top is a Jack & Jones Bell tee, not exactly high fashion. It comes in this blue and a darker navy.

>> No.6821549

Pls be in newcastle

>> No.6821563

I bought a bunch of annoying teenager clothes and jeans way to tight for me
only wasted a hundred bucks though and after my failure now i can make fun of people who think they look better then they are

>> No.6821576

you look good without looking like an idiot thats a lot better then most
but remember no matter where we are in our lives there is always someone better then us and we have to stab them

>> No.6821607
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>> No.6821629

i don't know i'm still confused as to why iron rangers are "clown shoes" when geobaskets are deemed acceptable.

>> No.6822068

I'm pretty much the same as the OP. I'd also add that all of my shit fit reeeallllyy poorly back then.

I was 4 years younger at the time, didn't really have a different body. I put on a pair of pants I used to wear at the time, and holy shit, it was atrocious. Literally no one could think they fit good.

>> No.6822203

it sounds like you dressed pretty nicely, I don't see what the issue is other than your crippling need for social acceptance.

>> No.6822237

When I first started coming to /fa/ everyone wore button down shirts and there was no such thing as "goth-ninja" or "dad-core"

>> No.6822242



>> No.6822322

before I actually learning about fashion:
>bootcut true religion jeans
>graphic tees

>> No.6822330

Lets see

In middle school I was absurdly fat, like 5'8 180

Cargo kjakis and a few ratty pairs of 514's

ill-fitting walmart tshirts

I bought hoodies like the ones ujesse had on the first few seasons of breaking bad too, you know, the really shitty, psuedo-"ghetto" patterns.

I didn't own a coat for years cuz i was fat enough that I didnt really get cold

>> No.6822346

how old r u lmao


>> No.6822378
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I bought some Wolverine 1000miles because they looked cool on /fa/.

After I got them I realized I couldn't pull them off because I'm not lumberjack tier.

Now they sit in my cupboard.

>> No.6822384

I'm not buying any new clothes for awhile because I'm trying to put on 5kgs and going gym 3 days a week.

I think I'm going to outgrow all my skinny jeans soon.

>> No.6822388

sell them on eBay
plenty of thirsty MFA kids following infographics

>> No.6822411

>remember no matter where we are in our lives there is always someone better then us and we have to stab them
this was corny but I laughed anyway

>> No.6822412

I'm the guy who bought them they aren't like clown shoes unless you are a skeleton or you sized them wrong/have big feet.

>> No.6822434

Wut boots are better than red wings/1000 miles? I am thinking about getting some boots that look good in an office and are decent walking in the rain.

>> No.6822455


You can age, and still not dress in Dadcore.

>> No.6822480
File: 1.03 MB, 1972x1152, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try not to think about it.
I was everything fucking awful when I was younger, in terms of music, tv, fashion, philosophy, behavior, everything.
Every time I remember it I literally cringe.

But it's ok, now I just do what the internet tells me what to do.
A thousand times better and I start thinking about things slightly more critically.
I lost trust in myself in terms of everything, I don't think I've ever had an independent thought for myself.

I hate myself so much.

>> No.6822504

Well at least you'll grow out of that hipster phase soon

>> No.6822513

No soup for you!

>> No.6822511

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.6822516

Guess not

>> No.6822519


>> No.6822521

>being an autistic hipster

>> No.6822535

I bought LHT skinny guys and I'm doing squats just to get a better fit. My thoughts are small compared to my calves.

>> No.6822536


>> No.6822544

When Minecraft first started gaining a little traction, I used to wear a Creeper shirt paired with a woven black fedora and black jeans with some elastic in them that were skintight on my short,stocky, prepubescent frame. With Nike hightop dunks. I did not hit puberty till 15.

>> No.6822541

i understood like 40% percent of that but is true
this should be our stick lmao

>> No.6822554

I never owned 100 miles I do like the Iron rangers but, I regret paying 300$ for them since it's to hot to wear them now.

>> No.6822566

I used to think that leather jackets look good. I wanted to pull of the Marlon Brando / bad boy look. In the end, though, I just ended up looking like an autist. No matter how nice my boots or jeans were, I just looked like a goof. It's good to see some people here mirroring the same sentiment.

tl;dr: leather jackets are a phase. In the words of Bandit, "Leather jackets look like shit. Never wear a leather jacket."

>> No.6822568

fuck, meant copypasta

>> No.6822562

It's a /moo/ sticky, it's what I mean when I say "I don't think for myself.
Oh well it's true so fuck it n fuck any bitch nerd that uses dem bitch buzzwords.

>> No.6822578

true. LEather jackets never look good.

>> No.6822618


>> No.6822615

Nothing wrong with that provided they fit.

>> No.6822622

I dress gothninja to go grocery shopping. It's when I wear my most expensive pieces.
I live in the woods.

>> No.6822642

I started out wearing my sisters jeans and buying chick jeans from mall stores because it was before any in the midwest started carrying skinny guy jeans. Wore those with either polos or skate t's, sometimes would steal my moms old blazers from the 80's and wear them to school on out of uniform days (catholic grade school). That was when I was like 13 and 14. Then places finally started carrying 511's so I bought those and wore them with alcohol tshirts from my dad when he worked in liquor sales. Then I got into more straight leg chinos and either blank black or white t's. Then I got into wearing only flannels and slim straight raws for a year or 2, progressed into slight dadcore, bought a blazer (kinda regret it).

Lately I have been wearing black skinnies and solid dark t shirts or henelys with slip ons. Copped some black chelseas recently, planning to cop some decent crewneck sweaters and t's and a nice jacket to wear in fw this year. Can't decide on any jackets though, everything seems too trendy.

Oh also, I've always been big into skating, so most of my early fashion mistakes were influenced by what I saw in the mags.

>> No.6822663

>implying there isn't a certain connotation that goes with the term "hipster," and that people using it as a buzzword means it doesn't mean anything

>> No.6822670

I owned a fedora in 6th grade

One time a girl complimented me on it

>> No.6822787

And /fa/ wasn't necessarily better back then (or at least, I don't think it was). It was just different.

>> No.6822802

Nothing wrong with buttondowns or sweaters

>> No.6823299

I had a teenage "scene" phase, enough said
At one point in my life I also had a mullet

>> No.6824963

you are underage