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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 77 KB, 410x599, shoplifting1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6815793 No.6815793 [Reply] [Original]

numero 3

#2: >>6815165
#1: >>6813852

>> No.6815797

go away

>> No.6815803

I like how these threads are the most popular on /fa/, proving once for all nobody on /fa/ has money.

>> No.6815805


>> No.6815811
File: 44 KB, 784x811, 1315774091218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 5'9 how do i steal height????????
<le feel when manlet

>> No.6815819

steal elevator shoes

>> No.6815820


>> No.6815813

say you go to the mall without the intent to spend a dime, do you bring bags from previous purchases to put shit in/make you look less suspicious?

>> No.6815829

nothing you can do, short of putting the shirt you intend to steal inside the "decoy" shirt and just making it look more suspicious, just cock it up as a loss and move on

>> No.6815826

yeah, i dont know, /fa/ is for fashion not stealing. i kind of regret giving tips and shit.

>> No.6815832

well fuck, stealing is common sense, you've got to be a retard to not know how to do it

>> No.6815833

yeah, thats like sexual harrasment. dont let people touch you or attempt to remove your clothes. stealing or not. its kind of like something you can sue for.

>> No.6815831

stealing is a means of obtaining fashion

>> No.6815837

>she opened my shirt to see it
I'm pretty sure that's not legal

>> No.6815834

Is stuffing clothing items into your purse an effective method of stealing?

>> No.6815835

also you were probably beta about it. they wont touch you if you look like you own the place.

>> No.6815839

yeah, but youve got to be smart to do it well.
same as pockets.

>> No.6815840

Wear a button up shirt and button it up all the way

>> No.6815847

No no no no
I was going to do the method of putting the shirt under the other, go to the dressing room to try it on and steal, but the bitch looked under the decoy, revealing the second shirt I wanted.

>> No.6815844

for the whole shoe stealing method I'm assuming you don't go back to that store like ever?

>> No.6815848

lol yeah, basicly. next time go to that store and act sketchy as fuck(make sure she works) then act even sketchier. go to dresing rooms(have a friend film here on out) shell try to take your clothes off, only to have you say no, as she does unbutton it. congrats, now sue the fuck out of that store and be rich so you can buy everything.

>> No.6815858

theyll forget you in 2 weeks.

>> No.6815856

oh lol. dont let them touch the clothes your holding, or have MORE than 1 item. like 5 or six, and have that shirt hidden in the middle. otherwise, you just got unlucky. they never do that for me. also when you do it dont ASK for a room. command a room politely, and i doubt theyll bother

>> No.6815863

All I said to the bitch was 1, (cause they count the shit), was going to go in, but she said wait and wanted to count.
maybe its because I'm in Chile
fucking chileaniggers

>> No.6815865

like the guy in the last thread I'm somewhat worried about this method. In a way yeah people leave the store all the time unsatisfied with what they saw, but in another way I feel like the guy is going to come running out the backroom after me or call the cops or something.

i'm sure it works but i doubt i'll pull it off

>> No.6815868

think that they see so many people in one day, they wont even remember your face after a few days, hell, the only time theyll see your face will be a few minutes, so its not like they have photographic memory

>> No.6815869

lol yeah probably. lol BETTER WEAR A JACKET ITS CHILE DOWN THERE. huehuehue

>> No.6815879

your to paranoid. if you worked a retail store would you honestly give that much of a fuck? no. you probably wouldn't even care. its a min wage job anyways. furthermore, its not in corporate policy. they wont do that.

>> No.6815878

I'm from Florida. I just live in Chile.

>> No.6815885

yep. basicly how it works.

>> No.6815880

don't ruin my joke.

>> No.6815882

R u talkin shit about sheshe?

>> No.6815890

Oh, another question, whats the best method of sticking the shirt beneath one? Should I use identical ones? In my case it was a button up, holy fuck was that a bitch to unbutton

>> No.6815892

lets just point something out here, shea is pronounced shay, not she-a(assuming im sheshe)

>> No.6815896

lol i just use whatever shirt. it doesnt matter honestly.put it under a sweater or inside shorts. doesnt mater

>> No.6815902

what do you usually use to carry out your things?

>> No.6815898

the chick probably saw you unbuttoning it and putting it in there.

>> No.6815906

get off his dick

>> No.6815913

impossible, she was on the other side of the store practically, probably what gave me away, now that i think about it, was that i didn't button all the buttons (about all of them from top to bottem)

>> No.6815921

well there you go. problem solved.

>> No.6815918

my hands.

>> No.6815925

how do you manage that

>> No.6815936

420chan got rid of shenanigans for a reason

>> No.6815941

well you see, normaly, you kinda just close your fingers. all seriousness i use a rucksack, just pop it in walk out. or a jacket with inside pockets

>> No.6815938

being alpha as fuck, best way is the alpha way, why the fuck would a shoplifter take the things in his hands, hell the alarms didn't go off for a reason.

>> No.6815964

last question, how the fuck do I put the shirt underneath another if the store is small, and any movement can be seen, am i fucked or what

>> No.6815972

wait untill people look? or go behind a rack, act like you drop a few and swipe one into it on your way down. i dont know be creative?

>> No.6815980

how do i justify 475 dollars for a hoodie?

>> No.6816000

Ypu don't, you pay it and the garment justifies itself for you.

>> No.6815998

steal it

>> No.6816021

You gave out tips on common sense and bullshit facts about cameras and LP.

>> No.6816099

Nah, cameras and lps are true. Go test it if you dont belive me

>> No.6816110

Read my replies on the second thread. I've been in control rooms and watched people. LPs can tackle your ass any day of the week.

>> No.6816597
File: 48 KB, 134x207, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends and I would go to our neighbourhood walmart and steal over $50 worth of food (as we call munchie runs) and just put it in our hands and walk out casually. Surprisingly this is an effective tactic. I have done this with clothes, books from Barnes and Nobles etc. As I type, i'm eating snacks I just got from walmart just now.

>> No.6816619


You're too hot to only lean one way

>> No.6817570

>tfw oversized flannel shirt to hide multiple tees underneath
how do I steal oversized flannel?

>> No.6817600

What happens if you get caught walking in the store to steal?

>> No.6817624

is getting arrested /fa/?

>> No.6817634
File: 85 KB, 506x1000, hussar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blanket ban everyone in these threads

>> No.6817638

>eating snacks
steal some chicken breast next time you dirty thief

>> No.6817649
File: 64 KB, 437x660, Hungarian_fusiliers_1796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rip military uniforms

>> No.6817647

What reason?

>> No.6817653

damn, i feel like if i tried some shit like that all eyes would be on me when I peeled out the store

>> No.6817669

I'll probably steal a fit today, date tonight and I'm a broke boiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.6817688
File: 141 KB, 720x516, 4th-cont-lt-dragoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw australia has a shit history so I can't even go to museums to see this shit

>> No.6817695


>tfw adelaidean.

Only been to the med, turns out you really need to go to NW europe to really see military history. Forever DPCU/auscam

>> No.6817697

how 2 keep adrenaline from pumping

>> No.6817707



full solipsism

>> No.6817711

ok so i get how to steal shoes but isn't it likely they'll check the camera after they realize you walked out with the kicks?