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/fa/ - Fashion

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6813852 No.6813852 [Reply] [Original]

does /fa/ steal?
I tried to steal today, shit was intense

>> No.6813896

You will most likely be caught eventually.

>> No.6813923

how did pussy out?
how did you get caught?

>> No.6813933

I did get caught, but not in the act
method was simple (friend had already done it twice in the same moment)
get 2 identical shirts, put one under the other
go into the dressing room and just say you have one shirt, then use some scissors to cut off the tag (just sew it up at home again)
only thing that happened was the bitch opened up my button up and saw the other one, just played dumb

>> No.6814126
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bump because I know a lot of you poor fuckers stole in your early teens.

>> No.6814140

I've done this method before. You can do it with other shit in some shops. Put a shirt up the leg of a pair of trousers to get it into changing rooms, walked a pair of shoes out of a shop before
Adrenaline's better than the free stuff

>> No.6814154

I steal in H&M all the time
The store is shitty and only has a couple workers I just need to check if the clothes has the shit that beeps

>> No.6814162

I use to do it all the time when I was unemployed, it's really easy to be honest, just plan ahead and think of every outcome/situation that could arise and have a plan for it. I've honestly probably stolen over $5 000 worth of items. Only reason I stopped was the overwhelming guilt, 2months ago I donated $50 000 to sick children, that makes up for it r-right?

>> No.6814176

>2months ago I donated $50 000 to sick children, that makes up for it r-right?

holy shit dude are you a bank robber

>> No.6814174

my strategy for socks n underwear is get a few big jackets put stuff in them and then go to fitting rooms then hide socks n shit n underwear in urself and in ur anus and then put the wrappers in the coat coat on rack and gtfo you get really good at shoplifting when u do graff

now i havea job and am not a degenerate so i dont steal

>> No.6814180

i'm too nervous, it would be written all over my face

>> No.6814187

Should've donated it to a magician/pick pocketing school.

>> No.6814193

I work in H&M and see plenty of oportunity for people to steal. We give so much freedom to the customers. We know fags steal

>> No.6814202

>stealing from H&M

>> No.6814198

what are the easiest things to steal

>> No.6814203

How do you usually steal in H&M? I've walked right out with tags on my clothing, unintentionally and no one has cared whatsoever.

>> No.6814211

I was at the gap yesterday and contemplated stealing two henleys that were coincidentally my size that I found laying in the fitting room, I had a bag from a previous purchase. I didn't go through with it because I pussied out.
I'll probably steal from them in the near future though, none of the shit on their sale racks have beep shits

>> No.6814208

I went into the change room once with one of those 7 dollar tanks. There was no tags and nobody was even watching the change room so I just wore it under my shirt. It was just too easy. I didn't even get nervous.

>> No.6814209

steal all the time
mostly bullshit stuff tho
nothing big

usually cough syrup, small clothing, lil accessories

i wear really tight underwear and loose pants and stuff it in my crotch nobody wants to check out my crotch so no one does anything

>> No.6814224

I usually buy some crap at some other store first and get a big bag
I go to the dressing room and put it in there
Or if there are no tags I just wear it under my clothes

>> No.6814227
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i usually grab things from my work (grocery store) or crap from thrift stores (clothes, cameras, mugs, books, and other junk)

rarely steal from the mall since stealing from places with alarm systems is risky and unless you know what you're doing i wouldn't recommend it

>> No.6814233

No, it's an awful and selfish thing to do. I wouldn't associate myself with anyone who steals, either.

>> No.6814231

Nah I just finally got signed

>> No.6814241

How do you steal from the thrift? It's always crowded where I live.

>> No.6814236

Does the tag go off often? Ever been s-searched?

>> No.6814238

Donating just 1k to me would make up for it pls
So I can get a car so i can get a job so I can cop clothes

>> No.6814243

>Ever been s-searched
what the fuck
unless you look SKETCHY as fuck and I mean beat the fuck up like serious wellfare-mode you will never get searched.

>> No.6814244

Can I have money as well. My mom had a stroke and I'm the sole provider in my home

>> No.6814245

Way 2 b cryptic

>> No.6814250

Yeah I'm black

>> No.6814248

there's this fun thing called being black

>> No.6814249

the scanner thingies at the door are usually bs
but if they have any big plastic tags never

>> No.6814267

so the beeper and ink things are hte only things that beep right??
i can walk out of there with tags and all is that right? pls respond im going to try tomorrow

>> No.6814277

I've got some baggy ass jeans, I was thinking of copping skinnys by grabbing two pairs and putting one on in the dressing room.

>> No.6814286

>big plastic tags never
Do you guys steal items with the anti theft devices (?) attached to them?

>> No.6814290

cryptic on purpose

>> No.6814297

how 2 steal from barneys?

>> No.6814304

Brokeboii here, I'm going to run in the thrift store tomorrow and steal.

How to steal shoes? I wish I was a girl and could carry a purse.

>> No.6814306

thieves are fucking scum.

>> No.6814310


>> No.6814315

won't that look sketchy as fuck doe
i mean your in a shop, not a uni

>> No.6814313
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go by around fall/winter
>>have a parka with huge internal pockets
>>wear backpack and put cardboard or some sort of frame in it so it always looks full
drag around a little trolley cart and fill it with books and other stuff i'm eyeing near the bottom
>>put a couple layers of other crap on top (sweaters, etc)

just drag the basket-trolley-cart thing into changeroom and put things into my pockets/backpack and then do some more browsing, sometimes i buy some things just bc its not like i'm fucking poor

>> No.6814314

How to steal money?

>> No.6814317

befriend a worker or pay one like a bribe obviously if you get caught they arent going to defend you but you can try to get them to look the other way. works well if the person doesnt really give a fuck and you dont act like a dumbass when you try to do it.

>> No.6814321

brandish a weapon at someone and demand their money (do not recommend)

>> No.6814325

That looks suspect, I'm already going to look stupid with the jean jacket and the button down shirt on in Atlanta

>> No.6814328

when I was like 14 my mum would give me £30 to go buy some clothing
I'd steal it then buy weed
d-does that count?
was I cool?

>> No.6814330

How 2 home invasion?

>> No.6814331



>> No.6814337

you did good, weed is important at those ages to y

>> No.6814345

would going at a time when stores are super crowded like say around black friday be a good idea because of the crowds, or a bad idea because of the increased staff

>> No.6814346
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>> No.6814361



>> No.6814356

What if I wear some ill fitting flannel, take a handful of tees into the dressing room, and throw half of them under what I'm wearing?

>> No.6814366

it might be difficult to pull off, theres not too much length on the top so you dont have much to hold onto

>> No.6814370

Anyone here still from Macys before? I saw some hats I liked...

>> No.6814374

alright guys, im an expert at theft, im addicted to it. not going to lie, even if you guys look down on it. i can steal most things under $300 dollars but i dont risk anything over that. i used to steal alot of clothes, but that was when i was first getting into fashion and was stupid as fuck. now, being in Highschool(senior) i go to ralph lauren stores and steal the t-shirts, and sell them to niglets at $20 a piece, not a bad deal. so basicly guys, if you have any questions feel free to ask, i know how to remove just about every kind of security lock.

>> No.6814381

How do you steal hats?

>> No.6814377

Is removing the lock necessary? What's the best way to steal regular RL tees from say a Dillards or something?

>> No.6814378

dont they have actual security like cameras and shit at department stores
also tons of staff

>> No.6814388

How do you steal from Ralph Lauren stores?

>> No.6814386

how poor are you that you have to steal from thrift shops

>> No.6814387

you're scum

>> No.6814383

how 2 steal vehicles?

>> No.6814390

what kind? beanies(i steal them plenty) or like snapbacks or baseball hats? because if were talking about cowboy or top hats, im fuckin done.

>> No.6814391

bald pussy like caillou

>> No.6814396

I spent a year in juvie for multiple retail theft. AMA

>> No.6814397

i'd say it would work in your favour, the workers might be a little stressed out or tired

this is something i tend to do once weather gets warmer, the issue is you start looking hella bulky after a few shirts so i'd recommend a baggy hoodie

as sketchy as you might look they won't be thinking much of it unless you're incredibly obvious

>> No.6814398


>> No.6814394

How do I steal a basketball?

>> No.6814403

Baseball hats, snapbacks and beanies

>> No.6814402

dont you want to take the challenge of striding out of that store with a 16 gallon cowboy hat

>> No.6814405

ITT: Niggers

>> No.6814411 [DELETED] 

put it under you're shirt and walk out

>> No.6814407

yea, taking the security tag is important. you dont want to risk it. basicly, attempt to find a common size(m) put a shirt over the shirt you want to steal, and ask for a changing room, be polite but not overly, just be cool and confident. when the attendant counts the clothes they wont notice the shirt. go into the stall, and remove the tag, wear the shirt out or put it under clothes in a shopping bag

>> No.6814408


>> No.6814415

How the hell do you remove those circular loss prevention tags?

>> No.6814416

put it under your shirt and walk out

>> No.6814417

you dont.
i'm not the proudest that i do it, but i like the rush.
get back to me on that one, im going to a new one this week, going to update my tecniques.

>> No.6814418

can you get arrested for stealing once
i just want to try it and if i get caught once im done

>> No.6814421

>all these thieves


>> No.6814424

deflate it.

>> No.6814431
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ngl this thread heatin up

>> No.6814432

How do you guys steal jeans?

>> No.6814433

no you can't do that
even if you get it out the store it's a bitch to get it off

>> No.6814427

I think I'll start off with low risk small shit like t shirts and old cameras at thrift stores tomorrow and then move up to like the mall, if I get caught once I'll give up

>> No.6814428

thats the exact same method OP said

>> No.6814439

H&M jeans specifically I mean

>> No.6814435

shit niqqa. dont tempt me.
fold the hats(if baseball/snapback) put them in a bag, or underclothes in a shopping bag, otherwise you can tuck them into your pants if you wear a baggier hoodie, or sweater. if youve got balls and are confident, wear it out, workers wont say shit long as you look like you own the place.

>> No.6814440

99% of the time id say no

>> No.6814447

it works best, thats why he said it.
wear them under other jeans or under shopping bag, wear them under shorts and make a statment, workers wont do shit.

>> No.6814448



>> No.6814444
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so congratulations on your niggery-diggery

>> No.6814450


>> No.6814451

You probably shouldn't steal then, or they'll fuck you harder.

>> No.6814452


Anyone here steal from like Target? The cameras are pretty intimidating

>> No.6814449

I want to steal becuase i feel entitled to free shit but im too pussy to pull it off.

Like the black friday steal shit when stores are overwelmed still afraid to do that....hell i am too scared to return things i already opened

>> No.6814457

How do you steal video games and video game accessories? Do you just go in the bathroom with the gear and open it up/throw it in your pockets or..?

>> No.6814459

you have to know what your doing, where are you stealing from? do you have money with you? did you run? CAN you run? did they get a plate number? are you charismatic enough to talk your way out? did you ditch the stolen goods? i know alot about this shit. every time i steal i go over risk vs rewards and make sure my checklist is complete and that i have a plan incase shit hits the fan

>> No.6814455




>> No.6814466

maybe i should write this shit down

>> No.6814463

I meant like hair products and stuff

>> No.6814467

Got chased by security guard a few days ago through a packed shopping centre

Knocked over more than 5 people including an old man and a woman with a baby

struggled and accused of "hitting " the security before his friends came and restrained me

took me into security room , locked me in alone with some meathead who started cracking his knuckles sits opposite me and says "you want to hit my colleagues ? " and acting like hes gonna do something

actually payed for the one thing he "saw me steal" but had other stolen things in my bag

didnt want to waste police time so banned me from store and told me im going to get a fine sent to me

second time ive been caught and even though ive gotten more than £2000 worth of shit i dont think its worth it anymore

>> No.6814469

seig, buddy. your a fellow trip, because of this... ill teach you the ways if youd like, i can teach, but you have to be willing to try, and not be some neckbeard lvl at charisma and lying.

>> No.6814478

target is retarded. they have cops that can arrest you there now. only one, and you can outrun him id be willing to bet. but be careful. explain the store layout with ms paint and post it. add details on the way they have the camera locked up. ill tell you if its worth it,

>> No.6814474

ok if i get caught my first time, would it be better to just come clean or should i just try to get away from there as fast as possible

>> No.6814477

In a thread a few weeks back you mentioned that you're McDonalds application got rejected, in spite of having multiple degrees (clearly you're fat fuck brain hasn't heard of the term 'overqualified'

Anyway, What the fuck where you doing applying for such a job when you've previously guffawed over people with salaries less than 40k?

>> No.6814479

i know it's not clothes related but
>Worked at Target
>Had the shitiest security
>Would steal electronics because I worked at the dept. (e.g. Nintendo DS, games, etc.)
I would make shit loads of money off selling it in eBay. shit was so cash

>> No.6814481


>> No.6814483

is it easy to steal shit from target if your not an employee tho

>> No.6814484

run faster, you fucking idiot. how did you not get away. dont you know how to juke and dont you have escape routes?

>> No.6814486

depends on how there confronting you, you can usualy talk yourself out. only run as a last resort and have atleast 3 different escape routes.

>> No.6814485

ditch the shit
don't run

>> No.6814493

depends on you.

>> No.6814488

>knocking over old man and woman with a baby

You are pathetic

>> No.6814492


>> No.6814495

getting caught stealing is seriously the least /fa/ thing ever. Right down there with doing meth with a cheap hooker in a shitty motel, or something like that.

>> No.6814498

who cares, shes a slut for having a kid so young and the old man is halfway into the grave

the world is for the young, you only live once

>> No.6814499

Nah man i dont think i can.

You have to be good looking to have any charisma and charm.

I may be able to pull the oh nooooo im just a stupid midget ogre shrek move but that will get me jail time

>> No.6814501

I meant the cameras on the ceiling were intimating

>> No.6814503

Fat people like you have it easy though, if you're skinny shit on your person sticks out.

>> No.6814504

its not even that. thats shitty, and not /fa at all, thats fuckin swag fag tier. atleast have some common courtesy. furthermore, this>>6814495

>> No.6814510

how 2 steal from walmart

>> No.6814508

are you not good looking sieg? and your a fucking faggot, part of being good looking and having charm and charisma is having confidence, you have the confidence of an autist apparently.

>> No.6814515

your litterly an autist, they only use those to check back after theyve caught some one and the ratio to fake and working is 1 in 4 works. furthermore, the ones that DO work, dont have the lack covers over them. thats how you know they work. furthermore, they have tons of blind spots, though they dont all point the way you think.

>> No.6814512

Fucking consider it supplemental income.

Hell if i got a job after being unemployed so long and with my damn work in college ima fucking rob the place blind. Show those motherfuckers for not hiring me at 17-18

>> No.6814517

My sister steals a lot. What she does is go into the store and find things that don't have that beep shit on them and she put them in her bag that she already has from the store. She then pretends as if she's already bought them and asks if she can return them because they didn't fit. They say she needs a receipt so then she keeps trying to find ways in which she can return if without a receipt, but they always say no. So she pretends to be angry and says fine give me my clothes back, and leaves the store with a whole bag of new clothes.

>> No.6814524

take shit, stuff into pockets, walk out. they dont do shit. they dont care honestly. if you want an in depth ill make one later.

>> No.6814519
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>> No.6814526

Whenever I'm out at the mall with fam I steal shit.
No one expects you to steal shit with your mom five feet away.
I do it for the thrill though, not for the actual clothing.

>> No.6814528

How do I steal kicks? Every method I've seen on here has been stuffing shit in your pockets but I don't think I could fit shoes into my clothing and I can't take two into the dressing room with me unnoticed.

>> No.6814530

Oh my. That's good!

>> No.6814536

thats how i started. i do it for thrill mainly.

>> No.6814533

not half bad.

>> No.6814543

wear shitty shoes keep the sie you want on you, tell the attendant you dont like this size(as you try it on) and ask them for a size up. while there in the back room don the shoes and walk out.

>> No.6814539


when you smash into someone it slows you down a lot... if it wasnt for the oblivious fucking shoppers i could have made it... the nigger security guard caught up to me because the path was already cleared from where i ran ... there were at LEAST 100 people in my general area.. it was peak time

>> No.6814542

when you guys talk about taking the tags off, what exactly do you mean? the security tag, or the piece of paper tag? what shit beeps?

>> No.6814548

dodge and weve, or lower your shoulder and blast through. furthermore learn some wrestling moves, you can generally get away from anyone no matter how they grab you if you know them.

>> No.6814544

You realize black people are just faster anyway, he would have caught your ass either way.

>> No.6814546

HotShea should conjugate properly

>> No.6814547

the actual barcode paper tags dont do shit, only those big beige detector things beep

>> No.6814550


I've noticed when tipsy I get kinda clepto again. I got over it when I started college and hung around rich white people and realized they look down on stealing.

It was just something fun to do. I had public school uniform so it wasn't for the clothes. Mostly cheapish jewelry (most expensive was a +$400 watch I gave to my brother), bras cause it was easy, and a couple times helped shoes. Also just random nick-nacks if I saw and liked. Headphones, keychains, belts, hats, just bullshit I'd give to friends later.

Only guilt is the times I'd find something nice lying around and would keep it. Just because at college I lost my nice calculator and thought "welp, shit's gone forever" and a friend said "oh check lost and found". Thinking she was just naive I checked anyway and there it was along with many things, nice phones, wallets, scarves, other calculators, bags, etc. Then later in the computer cluster a guy ran in all "Oh no I left my iphone here hours ago!" and some nice fella said "ah yes, I saw that and put it at the front desk lost and found" and it just baffled me that no one wouldn't have kept it or pawned it first. Obviously they don't need money is the main reason but still, feel bad about not returning things to lost and found now.

>> No.6814553


yeah rofl as i was dragged back to the shop the man started going on a rant about how he was 80 years old and didnt expect to be shoved to the floor... the only thing i regret is not saying to the man "ha ha you're old "

the woman and her baby should have moved the fuck out of the way... do you think this is a motherfucking game ??

>> No.6814554

shatp:C spelling is my weak point.

>> No.6814558

i used to do this when i was a kid
goto walmart, big bins of video games, grab a bunch, goto the garden section which is outside, just put the games through the bars which lead to the parking lot. then you just go out and grab them

>> No.6814574

lol cry some more faggot

>> No.6814566
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>> No.6814568

those, the spidertags, and the clear plexyglass cases beep.

>> No.6814570

My walmart sucks, you have to ask an employee to unlock the games for you as well as pass one of those beeper things before you enter the garden section which is always full of employees.

>> No.6814575

Wrong. I was with my fivefingering friend in Urban Outfitters and she was taking stupid tag shit off these necklaces... When we tried to leave the detector went off. She opened her bag (she bought some stuff) and they were all "huh" because there weren't any detectors. The employee had us walk through the door again and it no alarm went off. When we got down the block she looked at one is the necklaces and peeled between seam where the barcode (was a sticker or printed on a ~recycled~ piece of cardboard or some flimsy shit) was and there was a little metal chip. That had to have been the cause of the alarm sounding. It was so sneaky of them!

>> No.6814579

so basically only the big bulky shit you find on stuff?

>> No.6814586


> le may mays XD

epic response nigger. truly epic.

>> No.6814587

criminal record isn't worth it

>> No.6814588

well to be fair the big bins of games were all theolder or shittier ones. if you wanted a locked up game you could ask for them to unlock it then see if theyd let you pay up at the front(the take it ouside)

>> No.6814593

i personaly, dont have many morals, and that shit doesnt bother me, the fact that he got caught does, he should have atleast appologised to the people. how would you like if some random guy knocked you on your ass? id beat his ass, but a pregnant woman and old man cant do that, so they deserve an appology.

>> No.6814602

Who cares fuccboi
Make some possible fans

>> No.6814603

yeah. basicly
thats why games are hard, but not impossible. find the ones with the clear plexy cases covering them

>> No.6814600

as long as you arent an idiot and keep going after you get caught once or twice i doubt they'd arrest you

>> No.6814609


make indepth guide ill suck your dick

>> No.6814604

Ok you scrubs, forget this Shea kid he sounds like a rook.

If you have actual questions regarding stealing shit enquire here.

I have stolen easily over 10,000 worth of clothing in the past 2 years. The most expensive being a $450 jacket.

tip no 1. - Look for sale racks. More often than not stock on sales or clearance racks wont be tagged .

>> No.6814615

Pls make an in depth guide for mall tier stores (Old Navy, Gap, H&M), department stores, and Target/Walmarts.

>> No.6814612

A few years ago I bought a bag and they forgot to take off the "anti theft device," took it to school the next day and realized. No alarms went off or anything.

>> No.6814618

woah bb, i aint no rook. but id be more than happy to hear your advice/trade tips. theres always room for improvement, and if you are better than me, im happy to learn

>> No.6814621


yeah shit like forever 21, h&m, urban outfitters etc.

>> No.6814623

Oh, and to whoever asked how to steal a car earlier, I've only done this once but it is a good method.

Basically, you wanna hit a car with the keys already in it. What we did was one person tied a windchime to a parked car. When the owner left the store and came to get in there car and drove off, the windchime started making all kinds of noise. They stopped the car, opened the door, went round to the back of the car.

By that time it was already too late, I was in the front seat driving away.

>> No.6814628
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ur welcome

>> No.6814629

why would you want to steal from them? ill make a guide later if you want, like i said i would. but since this bbng guy is "possibly" better. i want to see what he's got to say.

>> No.6814630


doesn't matter if you don't think you'll get caught it's still not worth the risk, a criminal record is permanent. once you get caught, good luck getting a job anywhere because no one will hire a convicted thief

>> No.6814627

thats because they demagnatize it when you buy it lmao, when they slide it over the till. grab a jacket, sliode it over an empty till and you might be good

>> No.6814625


idk man i made it quite far even though those fuckers got in the way.. i used to run every other day so im not some fat ass that cant move


boy i tried dodging but when theres 100+ people walking around like zombies its fucking difficult ... and yeah i dont think wrestling will help this isnt wwe nigger

>> No.6814636


i like some of the shit there and urban outfitters is mainly overpriced as fuck anyways

>> No.6814645
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hahaha half of those stores, especially target and wallmart, dont have tags on 90% of stock.

The problem with those stores is they have their own unique magnet tag mechanisms.

There is one company though, known as sensomatic, that supplies a very large portion of security tags to department stores.

If the tag is the one pictured, it is a cakewalk to remove and walk out the store with

>> No.6814646

I'm poor

>> No.6814640

how about actually removing the tag? whats the best method?

>> No.6814641

That's pretty much how I justified it. I would consider myself the best employee there because all the fucktards who worked there either slept or smoked weed on the job. Target would give me ridiculous hours for min. wage so I didn't give a fuck .

>> No.6814649

Pretty much plan on getting into crime. I've gone gay for pay,I've beat the fuck out of people for my dealer friend and I've made money from fraud

Plan is to find a few sugar dads, if they're cool ill try and get one to help me to start a small business, otherwise I'm going to threaten him with pictures
And a few other projects I wanna get started

U can get auto jigglers online
You can also get lockpicks and a cell phone jammer if you were the dude who mentioned home invasions

>> No.6814647


you're a piece of shit, niggers like you is the reason i can't go running at night and can't stop at red lights in crack neighbourhoods

>> No.6814648

thats genius. this guy might be better. goes against my own morals though. i dont steal from people or small businesses, thats to nigger for me. corporations can take the hit. but people and small businesses usually cant.

>> No.6814659
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>try to make a thread about vintage watches
>bump it myself for hours over 20 times with intersting pictures
>less than five responses

>thread about stealing from H&M, Gap, Urban Outfitters and Macy's
>over 100 posts
>new posts every few seconds
>serious discussion about stealing $5 t shirts

This truly is summer /fa/

>> No.6814662


i knocked a lot of people on their asses and when i hear someone running i turn and try to see what the commotion is / get out of the way.. but these fucking oblivious people just walk around like they are in dream world staring at fucking nothing.. next time they will hopefully move aside and let some poor fucker escape instead of getting in the way like its scooby doo or some shit


>id beat his ass

ROFL ... there were niggers in that i knocked over but none of them dared to touch me .. so i doubt your autistic self would do anything except maybe tear up a little bit and think about it for the next week

>> No.6814655

i mean who gives a shit if you steal a shirt from h&m, but its fucked up to just take some random guys car

>> No.6814657

depends on the type.>>6814645 these, have little metal clamps inside, if you bent each side the clamp will open and release the pin.

>> No.6814677


shove the watch up your ass

>> No.6814672

You are so mad
>tfw rocking all stolen shit

>> No.6814678

And since fuccboi are talking about the past
I used to break into window office buildings to grab laptops, and generally do shit and get into chases for fun

If you let a cop stop you when you're hit then you're a fuccboi

>> No.6814679

so steal from a nicer brand store?

captcha: based heirect

>> No.6814680


>hur durr its okay to steal from the Big Bad Guys its kinda like robin hood r-r-right??

the effects trickle down to the lower level employees you fucking moron

individual employees are responsible for the upkeep of their store

>> No.6814682

anyone ever stolen shoes from h&m

>> No.6814694

Is it possible to steal from expensive stores?
How'd you steal the jacket.

>> No.6814695

why would you
theyre so shitty they arent even worth stealing

>> No.6814696

oh damn man, no. if some bitch knocks me down id be on there ass. 90% chance i could catch and tackle them too. furthermore to the wwe shit. im not fucking talking about that wrestling. im talking about the gay sport wrastlin.

>> No.6814689

How do I steal from a Dillards?

>> No.6814703


shove them up your ass

>> No.6814704


kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

>> No.6814697

the only advice I'd have on stealing is to think of it like going into a club: you want a good ratio of girls and guys. Not all guys nor all girls. Best case is 2 girls and 1 guy. If you are the guy act almost gay and nonthreatening. Dress nice, casual, plain and ignorable. Try not being black. Avoid being mexican if possible. If you can't avoid white sides of town. Or make white friends with daddy issues. White friends with daddy issues are down for anything and they're white so they hardly ask for gas money.

that magnet shit never worked for me, I'd just use knives and bolt cutters.

no but I helped steal a bunch of nikes and jordons once. It helped that we had a friend work there and it was the day some new shoe was coming out so the place was a madhouse of ignorance.

>> No.6814698

you gotta understand that its pretty much free clothes bro

>> No.6814705

this is wrong. It doesn't actually work well and is for the old sensormatic tags.

google sensormatic hook detacher. Buy 5 or so from ali express, will cost around $15. These were the old method of removing the tags and were installed in old department store register desks, now they use magnets.

Simply push the hook into the opening at the top and slide it all the way in until you hear a pop.

once it is off, either put the clothes in a bag or wear it under what you already have. If no once noticed you go into the change rooms, walk out wearing it. If you do the latter though you need to leave the store immediately after

>> No.6814707

>Want to steal nice clothes
>only mall shit
>best is american apparel adn bananna republic
>both small ass stores with too many people working there

>> No.6814709

not a bad point. but it sure isnt going to fuck them over. if you steal a dudes car? geuss what, his shit is fucked over. im not worried about them losing some, im worried about them losing alot and getting fucked over.

>> No.6814714

same way.
same way. but i dont have tons of experience with it. i live in an area that doesnt have rick stores.

>> No.6814719

how do you steal boots?

>> No.6814721


yeah and people might lose their fucking job because of shit like this, i.e. their livelihood. or pay for out of their own pockets. that's 'fucking them over'

dumb fuck

>> No.6814716

How do I prevent my mom from seeing all the new stolen shit in my wardrobe? Also how to cop new Jordans 4 free?

>> No.6814717

wow, I wonder how old and misinformed the writer of this is.

Half of these methods don't work anymore due to updated technology.

Tinfoil in a bag? Are you kidding haha. Next you will be telling me tinfoil blows up my microwave...

>> No.6814722

i use an alpha s3 key,

>> No.6814731

Heh, some old GTA shit. What did you do with the car afterwards? I'm guessing it got reported stolen so you couldn't roll around with it hot

>> No.6814732

r u 4 reel

>> No.6814728

oh no, i lost my job at wallmart. or dillards. what ever will i do. lol no

>> No.6814730


dude you're on 4chan /fa/ you wouldnt do JACK SHIT .. im telling you now... you would stand there like a little faggot.. maybe give the guy a mean look as he's being taken away... but you wouldnt do jack shit lol

>> No.6814735


people dont lose jobs because of shoplifting you liberal stupid jew nigger lover

>> No.6814737

This nigga is too alpha, he just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.6814739

Yes, I want to get the new Jays and sell them for a profit.

>> No.6814740

yeah, im also a young athletic guy whos got decent size and know how to fight. i dont look like most of /fa im not a twig.

>> No.6814746

I'm not him but I'd honestly beat the guy's ass just to look like a hero. I don't even have a problem with stealing

Also I've probably got into more fights this past few months than you've been in your life
I'm like a magnet for it =/

>> No.6814743

no i mean the mom thing
are you 14 years old

>> No.6814748

that's only good for spiderwraps, what department stores spiderwrap apparel? hahahaha

>> No.6814752
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>> No.6814755

I'm 19

>> No.6814761

spider and cases. furthermore they just use clamps on the inside, carry a multitool and they come off in a breeze, but thanks for the info on the other thing ill probably get one. deffinitly looks worth it.

>> No.6814759

How do you steal shoes and shit? Like not H&M shit that no one cares about but I mean shoes from Urban Outfitters or DTRL or Footlocker or something

>> No.6814767

Istole my geos @ RO store in Paris
I came with dreamboxes asked to try geos and left the store with them, the dreamboxes are now in the rick store and some fuccboi probably bought them for 1000eu

>> No.6814775


> Watch out we got a badass over here !

>> No.6814772

>then use some scissors to cut off the tag (just sew it up at home again)
why would you sew the tag again lmfao brand whore

>> No.6814774

Thrift stores, anything else is too high risk.

Don't be greedy and it works fine

>> No.6814786

lol'd so hard.

>> No.6814797


>> No.6814807

Somebody please tell me how to steal from a rick store

>> No.6814809

I'm going to try and steal some RL shirts from Dillards tomorrow using
this method as well as some baggy pants.

Should I buy some shit to look less suspicious?

>> No.6814827

I steal on an as-needed basis.

For instance, yesterday I needed to write something down, but didn't have a pen. I happened to be near a Staples, so I walked in a stole a pen.

>> No.6814828

i usualy do.

>> No.6814823

are you retarded? you cut the shirt to take the ALARM TAG off, at home you sew what you cut you fucking faggot

>> No.6814836

i like to tell myself that i don't steal out of a sense of moral propriety, but after reading this thread I realized that i'm just really fucking scared of being caught

>> No.6814837

that's bad ass, how 2 steal from staples

i need a new laptop for uni

>> No.6814850

goodluck rofl

>> No.6814845


yeah i don't think i WOULD get caught it's just that IF i get caught

>> No.6814860

does anyone here use guns to steal?

>> No.6814868

if your fucking retarded niggercore.

>> No.6814869

enjoy getting arrested

>> No.6814865

Best place to steal Nike Air Max 90s?

>> No.6814875

t-that doesn't answer my question

>> No.6814882

no one uses guns. you WILL get caught and its armed robbery.

>> No.6814879

run in grab it, run the fuck out cut spiderwrap, drop the laptop somewhere for a month or two incase its hot. boom new laptop.

>> No.6814887

Really this doesn't sound all that bad in theory. If you just walk in, locate the laptop you want, and run out what can really go wrong.

Who's going to stop you? The African being paid $9 an hour.

>> No.6814893

how 2 murder witnesses?

>> No.6814900

but like if you shoplift from somewhere and run doesnt that pretty much you cant ever go back to the store

>> No.6814901

in depth pls

>> No.6814908

Yeah, so go to one in another county or something I guess.

>> No.6814914

there not going to remember your face.

urrhgg, i dont feel like typing a wall of text. how about a raincheck? when do you plan on going to steal?

>> No.6814921

lol 9 dollars an hour? lets be real here, they make atleast 10 an hour on welfare.

>> No.6814923


but what if they do? what if security camera footage etc.? just taking precautions my brotha

also indepth guide would be greatly appreciated by many

>> No.6814926

Not him but I'm stealing a few things tomorrow.

>> No.6814929

get a fucking job and let her think you're just really good at managing your money

also be good at fighting and jump someone weaker than you with a richer family and the same shoe size

or be really cool with someone that works at a shoe store selling jordans and gives no fucks

that's how I did it

>friends of friends works at a footlocker
>"hey, anon are you down to lift a bunch of nikes and jordans"
>"I wear converse usually but ok"
>some new jordan will be at the store
>this footlocker is gonna be closed after the new year so no one working their gives too many fucks
>friend there hates it anyway and gets another girl in on it
>I'm going in acting like a parent to my nephew (I was 16, nephew was 5, but was big for my age I guess)
>there's another couple girls in on this dressed semi-slutty
>dude in back through some other method lifting things
>I bring moms largish car
>cops there paying all the attention to blacks and other mexicans going stir crazy over new shoe
>"Oh I'm just getting new shoes for my boy here. Try 'em on. Hmm...no. Not those. Boy kids feet sure do grow crazy. Get me those. Nah not those colors how about those? Now I want shoes. In this size. And that. And not that style. Yes this style and that other color. Also my brother would love this kind but not this style how about that shit over there?"
>Other workers so busy with crowd not paying me mind, just getting me shoes I want.
>knowing camera blind spots fit all these various shoes into 4 boxes along with "hey, we want to wear these out"
>check out with girl that was in on it
>have 15 pairs of shoes
>friend texts hour later
>"come back and return"
>return only 2 under "brother didn't like them"
>actually make small talk with cop as crowd is dying down
>see one of slutty-dressed girls leaving happy as fuck
>cop not paying any mind
>given bags full of shoes in boxes over counter
>alarm at door goes off and cop
>pass through and even smile at cop
>go home with shitton of shoes

>> No.6814948

do you work somewhere? i work at a grocery store, ive been there a year and a half and i still dont recognize the faces of frequenting customers. because i see alot of people. BUT, as a basic rule of thumb, only hit a place once every 2 weeks. plus in a moment like that you dont remember much. if i saw a guy running out at a dead sprint id be looking at what hes carrying, not his face.

>> No.6814949

i stole a bunch of yugioh cards from walmart when i was like 10

>> No.6814954

how 2 rape and not get caught?

>> No.6814960

fuck i guess ill make a guide. were are you stealing from?

>> No.6814956


about to start at a major retail store at my first job. and i guess that you make good points.

>> No.6814966

Marshalls, Goodwill, Dillards and Walmart

babbys first theft

>> No.6814972


up top i said h&m, forever 21, urban outfitters etc.

>> No.6814970

id lift shit at my job but i dont because this job rocks and there great at being flexible with hours plus what the fuck do you steal from a grocery store? but you, you could lift a lot of shit really easy.

>> No.6814976

ill do it in google dox. itll take me a bit. keep the thread alive, ill post sparaticly. and post it wen finishd.

>> No.6814983

I stole Burberry London from Target by putting it in my cart and going to the school supplies aisle where jacked some scissors, cut that shit open, and put it in my pocket. Didn't get caught.

>> No.6814980

forebr 21, u mus b grill. if your good looking you can use it to your advantage really really easily.
learn how to flirt.

>> No.6814987

carry a pocket knife. (benchmade or spyderco)

>> No.6814999

that last part I mean the alarm went off for some poor black dude and then I was able to walk through easy enough

>next day drive to footlocker dudes house
>given 650 plus 200 for the shoes I actually bought for my nephew and me
>guy is bro
>don't know full details of how he distributed the shoes
>but he gives me weed and a 50 for the rest of school year so he must've made good
>even to this day if I see him he buys me some drinks just cause he's cool
>apparently slutty dressed girls were just to distract managers if needed
>other friend helped get larger old shoes the store was going to send away or put on clearance in a large truck out back
>manager pissed when numbers didn't match up later
>couldn't figure who did it as everyone hated being there, even other manager
>place is closing soon so not to many fucks given but just about everyone fired earlier than normal
>also they put some extra socks in black dudes bag so he'd get stopped and I could go through when they saw me talking to cop
>overall good theft improv

I think him and the girl working their split the money even. She seemed equally involved and was pretty clever. Just seemed innocent at first because she has such a baby face and is so damn sweet looking.78

>> No.6815000

how do you steal weapons from walmart?

>> No.6815009

Am him, stealing things tomorrow too.

>> No.6815010
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I forgot to self scan one of my yogurts at the grocery store today. Life fast die young.

>> No.6815011

I used to steal cans of computer cleaner back when I was too poor for real drugs. I'd just take a back with a small pocket at the back, dump the cans in that pocket then show the employee the front pocket on my way out.

>> No.6815012

I used to be so slick with racking graff supplies

>> No.6815020

LOL! This guys a fool bro

>> No.6815027

I'm pretty scared of stealing from the mall and department stores. Hell even Target and Walmart are scary, I'll try the thrift stores and discount stores in my area though.

>> No.6815029
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this is actually not too inaccurate of walmart from what I've heard but I've never bothered stealing from walmart

>> No.6815048

any idea of how similar this is to target?

>> No.6815051

alright there you have a wall mart guide. basicly is more for advanced shit. now, ill do basics and clothing stores.

>> No.6815059
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I'd rather be a basic bitch fuccboi than steal things. You are all scum.

>> No.6815056

100% similar. target is walmart for people who think there too good for walmart.

>> No.6815066

Come to think of it I don't even know what I want to steal from Walmart. It be cool if there was an easy way to get electronics

>> No.6815067

Target provides insurance for their employees tho. And WalMart is nasty.

>> No.6815073

>being so broke you can't even afford to steal

>> No.6815075

oh fuck I actually have stolen from target. Just some exercise shirts though. It was disgustingly early and the shirts were overpriced in my opinion so I just ripped the tags off and put two on under my shirt and walked out.

Laziest theft. I just need workout shirts so meh.

>> No.6815079

Where'd you put them on? Like out in the open?

>> No.6815088

how 2 steal shoes?

>> No.6815099


>> No.6815105


>> No.6815109

shove them up your ass

>> No.6815121

w2c parka? I like it...

>> No.6815117

Put them on in a changing room.
Like just put a white one under a black one under my polo shirt.

Then bought a pack of cigarettes at the counter and walked out.

I wasn't particularly worried because no one was paying any mind to anything and there weren't any cameras in that area.

They were compression shirts at 20 bucks each and it was just too early for me to spend that much money. I guess being compression they didn't add bulk but unless you're wearing really tight clothing or are fat two undershirts shouldn't make a difference. You can roll fold some clothing and if you're wearing baggy pants/shorts they'll fit there easy enough.

>> No.6815133

i think we need new thread

>> No.6815136

Wear clown shoes into store, wear stolen shoes with clown shoes over them.

>> No.6815144
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>Basically, you wanna hit a car with the keys already in it. What we did was one person tied a windchime to a parked car. When the owner left the store and came to get in there car and drove off, the windchime started making all kinds of noise. They stopped the car, opened the door, went round to the back of the car.
I don't get it, what?

>> No.6815149
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>Used to steal things like loose chillis and expensive fruits when I worked in produce
>Steal any of the cool promo gear we get at the bottle-o
>Put on some belts and just walked out with them before
>Paying $100 for leather belts

>> No.6815154

>went round to the back of the car [to see what was making the noise]
he then proceeded to use this distraction to run and get into the car and drive away

he'd've been fucked if the guy took the keys out tho

>> No.6815155

He ties a windchime to a parked car, and when the owner gets out to investigate the noise he jumps in and zooms away

>> No.6815151

see >>6814543

>> No.6815159

make it then link it. get it started.

>> No.6815169



>> No.6815258


>> No.6815989

alcohol is the only thing worth stealing from a grocery store tbh

>> No.6816291

Fuck you guys, I sworn to never steal again since I got caught when I was like 15 and tried to steal cigarettes.
Now I feel like stealing again.

>> No.6816332
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> not being all city

>> No.6816790

It's called something like "theft prevention." Essentially, they use the cameras to keep you from stealing through fear of getting caught. Not actually catch you.

Of course, if you do get caught they probably could refer back to the security footage. But they are going to pressure you into admitting guilt by saying shit like "we got you on camera, you might as well give back what you stole" etc.

>> No.6816795

Also those big ass department stores have insurance for shit like that. They aren't going to go after you if you bail out.

>> No.6817423


>> No.6818823
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i stole only one thing in my entire life.

a skateboard deck from Dick's Sporting Goods with a few friends. All we did is grab a deck and put it under our actual skateboards and walked out.

i was scared as fuck the entire time.

you niggas are ruthless though.