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/fa/ - Fashion

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6812280 No.6812280 [Reply] [Original]

i need some /fa/ motivation...i can't stop smoking weed. and i don't mean like a couple joints a day, i'm talking real weed smoking.

> inb4 /adv/ /r9k/ whatever.

general motivation thread for /fa/ lifestyles, pursuits, self-improvement. try and keep the /fit/ kinda bull outta here

>> No.6812292

>like a couple joints a day

sounds like real weed smoking to me

>> No.6812306

holy shit
yea just make this the new fuccboi general

>> No.6812304

Whats weed like compared to alcohol?

>> No.6812319
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>.i can't stop smoking weed

>> No.6812312

just don't buy weed.
it's not difficult.

>> No.6812315

stop smoking weed and make something of your life

underage detected

>> No.6812330

Not underage. Just curious.

>> No.6812328

you just need to be really uncomfortable with what you're doing and quitting is easy. worked with guild vs. alcoholism for me.

>> No.6812339

not OP, but it's like alcohol without the feeling of nausea and loss of motor skills. Depends on the strain obviously.

>> No.6812335

not sure if this is a troll or what. Just stop if you have a reason to stop. get inspired about something or have something you need to do / want to do invest your time in. Try learning new stuff or improving yourself ( which i'm assuming you're trying since you're on this board) and setting new goals and trying new things

I've smoked off and on for like 6 years, no more than a bowl or two when I do, and I don't see how people get to the point where they're like 'yo bruh im addicted I smoke 8 whole pots a day.'

>> No.6812336 [DELETED] 

The only people that blame weed for their lack of motivation are the people where were never gonna do shit anyway.

>> No.6812344

Alcohol feels like fucking sum niggers in the ass
weed is like fucking sum niggers in the pussy

>> No.6812348

just try it instead of asking people to describe it.

>> No.6812368

for me its like
concept of time distorted ( which is good for watching movies because they're really cool, or doing boring tedious work or thinking things through to fruition)

constantly thinking of unique ideas and making connections between things that you wouldn't of made if you're sober. ( good for creative projects or just in general) ( I can literally live out fantasies in my mind and see closed eye visuals like a dream if i'm high enough)

music sounds bretty good, kind of like on alcohol

memory kind of fuzzy

can be comfy like you are wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold day and just stretching out after a long nap

can panic and get paranoid

can hear sounds that arent there or get deja vu kind of moments

can get to where i'm very introverted.

>> No.6812413

You're a fucking child. You want to quit smoking weed? Get a real addiction, then you'll much more effay

>keep the /fit/ bull out
Keep the teenage bull out, body is a part of fashion

Struggling with this diet and keeping my running strict. Been making more music but I've yet to put a pad to paper, probably going to start browsing /mu/ to give me more of a push/inspiration
My friend's working on his crops so ill have a few ounces to get off once I start jc next semester (inb4 edgy, I'm mostly doing it to meet people and it doesn't hurt my image)
And coppin clothes slowly but surely

>> No.6812453

tfw addicted to rick

crack aint got shit on this

>> No.6812460

lmao faggot