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/fa/ - Fashion

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6808519 No.6808519 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ meetup thread?
Post location, age, sex, whatever else

>> No.6808529


Looking for promiscuous gay sex with hairy ugly men (must have Dick Blowens high top sneakers)

>> No.6808564

Minneapolis, 19, dude

I'm probably too beta to reply anyone else in the Cities tho :\

>> No.6808572

confirmed for gay

>> No.6808570

Not gay

>> No.6808583

19, male, NC

>> No.6808584

NYC (manhattan)
6'1" skeleton

>> No.6808580

Lower ~northern~ VA

>> No.6808591

/fa/ is becoming more and more like /soc/ everyday.

>> No.6808592

21, F, LA
lets awkwardly grab coffee and feel insecure together

>> No.6808598

I can't wait for the camwhore threads.

>> No.6808604

/fa/ needs a desperate dose of /soc/ bullshit because of the state of these anons who browse this damn board.

Just like /r9k/ gets one once in a while but pretends that it doesn't.

>> No.6808609

>Post face threads happen all the time
>Post face threads have happened since I first browsed here in 2008

YOu new

>> No.6808688

sexual orientation female, type b blood type
gender male, age 22, mild hemroids, location los angelos

>> No.6808699

18/M/BC, Canada

looking for someone to 3some with basedprophet and i


>> No.6808707


>s-so hows your day going?

>> No.6808711

>Post face threads have happened since I first browsed here in 2008
>YOu new

/fa/ was added to 4chan in 2009...

>> No.6808718


>> No.6808724
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>> No.6808772
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I wish 4chan posters were still like that, now they're just autistic teenagers.


>> No.6809366



Metro? lel

>> No.6809369
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604 m 23

come at me bro

>> No.6809371
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541 reporting in

>> No.6809374

604 m 18
u wan sum fuk

>> No.6809378

have you tried asking dan

>> No.6809379

holy shit u live in bc?id fuckin wreck u if i saw u irl

>> No.6809380

autistic teenager here

who wants 2 meet up in NYC

>> No.6809381
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>> No.6809387
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>welcome to /fa/. i'm sure to be filled with girls. if you're not gay or a girl, what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.6809389

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if /fa/ had a more social aspect. It's very rare to meet someone that has an interest in fashion beyond "OMG MICHAEL KORS AND LOUBOUTINS", especially in non-/fa/ places like Georgia.

I'm not saying that we should all meet up and wear Guy Fawkes masks with bespoke suits or full Rick, but having a shopping buddy might be fun.

>> No.6809393



les do et

>> No.6809403
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>doesnt want geosuit frens
this is why no one wants to meet you

>> No.6809401


I like being on the outcast board

>> No.6809402

Anyone here in LA want to go to the Supreme Labor Day sale. I just saw them putting up signs as I drove by, so it must be a surprise kinda deal. Is it invitation only though? I saw a stage being set up.

>> No.6809404
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>tfw nobody from /fa/ in 541

>> No.6809410

yeah! see you there!!!

>> No.6809413

I'll have the Death Classics and Rick Combat boots on, but IDK might just wear black pants.

>> No.6809424

Not yet.

>> No.6809434

>I wish 4chan posters were still like that, now they're just autistic teenagers.
>implying that thread was full of anything but autistic teenagers

remove your nostalgia goggles

>> No.6809436

god damn seagulls some crazy mother fuckers

Houston here, 20 m

>> No.6809449 [DELETED] 
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>these threads

>> No.6809450

I've got to admit a shopping buddy does sound nice. Shopping solo isn't as satisfying as going with someone who not only understands the enjoyment in finding good clothes, but appreciates it as well. I wouldn't mind checking out the stores around Union Square with someone who shares the same mindset.

>> No.6809462

No one wants to meet me because I live in Georgia, really. I work at a fairly upscale mall (Phipps), but I still don't have any personal friends that are /fa/.

Exactly! My friends/family either get bored or passively complain or judge what I buy or how much I spend on it.

>> No.6809463
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new to town, let's go make fun of people

>> No.6809470
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which store in phipps? also, enjoying gay pride?

>> No.6809480


21, male, LA. someone set up a gmail

>> No.6809483

m-my sides

>> No.6809485

>literally no one in hawaii

>> No.6809488

>implying I'm gay
>implying Pride and Dragoncon aren't just causing traffic for me since I live far away

I work at the AMC there.

>> No.6809499
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wasn't implying anything
i know how crowded the place gets with traps, fags, and weeaboos.

don't even think about going to lenox

>> No.6809508

i can't handle that kind of responsibility.
down for: beach, mall, bar, vidya, etc

>> No.6809506


And how! I've only been to Lenox once or twice. I could probably afford to shop there on occasion, but I do most of my shopping online. What part are you from?

>> No.6809513

riverdale lol
douglasville most recently. but i just moved out of ga last week

>> No.6809521

Oh, bummer. At least you made it out. I'm still trying to find a way to responsibly move back to NY, but I won't be done with college for a while.

>> No.6809539
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canberra lmao

hmu we can go to parliament and g-star and smoke durries outside questacon u know u want to

>> No.6809550

i just moved here so i have no friends

>> No.6809565

seattle 20 m
we should go to the nicolas jaar show together

>> No.6809600


>> No.6809665


Really? Nice if so. How do you deal with the heat while trying to be /fa/? I just wish I could layer up ;_;

>> No.6809681

I love Nicolas Jaar and I was at school in Tacoma until recently.
What a bummer.

>> No.6809682

plain. you build a wardrobe and save up to move.

depends as well, you still in school?

>> No.6809684

Pls be that goth ninja dude I saw walking in ewa
pls i want some /fa/ friends before I leave for college

>> No.6809688

Questacon was the shit

Went there 4 grade 7 camp lewl

>> No.6809708


Sounds like a plan.


Not me, not even /fa/ yet. Been lurking for a while and saving up to cop a bunch of shit to build a new wardrobe. But I'm not sure what style to go for. The weather plays a factor

>> No.6809725
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>tfw I'm going to Cali in September so I can finally layer
You started school yet? My friends are far from /fa/, and I'm pretty entry tier.

>> No.6809749
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went back there like the other week tho fuck it was like seeing those teachers again u thought were attractive in highschool and realising they got saggy baps and too much cheap lipstick

>> No.6809753

lol please take a picture

>> No.6809761
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>implying anyone in straya browses /fa/
>except mifune

>> No.6809772


Getting a little two year degree from a CC while I'm here. I'll probably leave in 2015

>> No.6809779

my bruh

>> No.6809787

If you're going LCC you should become best friends with my best friend. He's transitioning now, but he's still pretty fuccboi.

>> No.6809798


WCC bruh. Trying to get my basic game up, all these qts man

>> No.6809802

Dude, if you bag Mariah P., I will forever be in your debt

>> No.6809806


Don't know who that is

>> No.6809812


>I will forever be in your debt


get her yourself loser

>> No.6809817


Maybe he hates her and wants her to be abused?

>> No.6809815

maybe it's his sister and he just wants her to be laid already

>> No.6809822

still interested in who this ewa "gothninj" is, what is it decked in rick or basics or what?

>> No.6809843


I'm not the guy who saw him, was the other hawaii guy who posted.

>> No.6809875

one day I saw him in one of those leather skirt things and some tight jeans and verbally said 'holy shit that's a nice fit'.
Yesterday when I was driving home, homie was wearing some pyrex shorts

Naw, me and her made a bet

>> No.6809893
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>tfw you're the only finnish guy here

>> No.6809909

No you're not.

>> No.6809929

>tfw you are the only greek guy here

>> No.6809932

>worrying about clothes when you're in Greece
Don't you have debt to be digging yourself out of?

>> No.6809935

Not quite right

>> No.6809939

germany 33102 NRW

>> No.6809941

France(Lyon) 18 M

I wonder if there's french ppl on /fa/

>> No.6809957

>Being this predictable

>> No.6809971

Wow @ their rude comment. You can't help that your rich & untouched by the financial meltdown.

>> No.6809975

I'm neither rich nor untouched. My mother lost her job even though she had over 20 years of service, just because our german overlords decided we have to cut from somewhere. And of course the shitdicks that govern us can't cut from their neck up.
I don't have any designer pieces, I get around on zara tier brands mostly. I am just keen on fashion and dress considerably better than the people around me cause none of them care.

>> No.6809980
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>> No.6809981

I know nothing about Greece but I now see how precarious and unfortunate the circumstances are. I'm glad you care, though. ~Fashion is forever~

>> No.6809984

20 m nz

i dnt think there are any /fa/ nzers but we cld prob loiter outside westfield and awkwardly stunt on all the islanders wearing ymcmb snapbacks & footlocker bball singlets

we could also glare intensely at any white fuckbois that pass by wearing their i love ugly uniforms

thats ef-effay, r-ri-right??

>> No.6809987

vitun hipteri :::::D

>> No.6809997

i have 2 weeks of break so w/e
>there's anywhere worth going
tbh planning to hit up ponsonby

>> No.6810002

Anyone else?

>> No.6810003

where are the german fags at

>> No.6810004


chch until vic break end :(

>> No.6810016

>dfw nobody from Ireland.

>> No.6810018

gtown reporting in

>> No.6810202
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Ylilaudan dadcore neekerit paikalla?

>> No.6810216

Hey there I'm 20 it would be weird if we hung out though

>> No.6810222

Luulen että olemme kaikki tulleet dadcore neekereitä pakoon tänne

>> No.6810304

ylilauta niin paska mesta ei saatana, keski-ikä joku 15 todennäkösesti

>> No.6810310


>> No.6810333


>> No.6810338

>tfw no Danish people around

>> No.6810350

You two could suck each others dicks.

>> No.6810373

Texas 21 Male
Basic Bitch here

>> No.6810382

youre not alone ;_;

>> No.6810403

I'm 20/M and I go to NC State. Where are you in NC?

>> No.6810407

I'm in Horsens g

>> No.6810437

19 M Amiens

>> No.6810454
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>anon why do you wear those shorts over a pair of long johns?

>> No.6810532


>> No.6810544

i might move there in 2 weeks

>> No.6810545


>> No.6810634

for university?
I'm too far away from being /fa/ to meet up with anyone on this board anyway.
Just wondered if there are ppl from Berlin around

>> No.6810650

18 y/o
entry level /fa/

>> No.6810679


yeah bru, im from berlin, aswell,
also moved there for uni

>> No.6810682


pretty basic


>> No.6810689

not who you're replying to, but I'm studying abroad in Germany next year. What city should I go to?

>> No.6810703


Depends on what you want to study and what your budget is.

>> No.6810713

if you live in canada, check out the OBW program

>> No.6810714

I'm studying music
Well, specifically music education

>> No.6810707

north west jersey, 22, male, whatever else

>> No.6810728

my flatmate does something like this in stuttgart

>> No.6810766

Thanks bro
I think studying in Germany for a year will actually be cheaper than the college I've been going to
T-thanks America

>> No.6810774
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Sydney, Australia
Let's go for beers

>> No.6810778

go to berlin. study for free.

>> No.6810792
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I would never meet any of you disgusting fuccbois. You're all Rick Owens autists.

Most of you either want to be niggers or chinks. And if you are niggers or chinks, you want to be white.

>> No.6810793


>> No.6810812

20 plymouth uk

worst dressed city in britain

lets go fishing or something

>> No.6810844

Dadcore pls go

>> No.6810850


>> No.6810853

Nah fuck Horsens, Copenhagen here

>> No.6810860


wtf another person in canberra, 2617 here

>> No.6810867

we fucking internashunal

>> No.6810880

There are no tuition fees in Berlin.

>> No.6810893

stuttgart hat auch keine studiengebühren mehr idiot

>> No.6810915

how about for foreign students?

>> No.6810929

srsly ohne beleidigend werden zu wollen: Stuttgart ist unglaublich haesslich und langweilig. Niemand sollte dort studieren muessen

>> No.6810983

no tuition fees stay no tuition fees.
you do have to pay for organisation and the like wich runs about 200-350€ per semester, depending on your choice of uni
plus berlin is relatively cheap in terms of food and rent, although it's getting harder to find those cheap places

>> No.6810988

if you know a place for the next 6months let me know

>> No.6810992

Where u at in Sweden bruh?

>> No.6810998

Full fuccboi

I actually don't want to meet with any of you fuccbois

>> No.6811007


>> No.6811045

It's obvious you're one of those kikes with the big ugly nose who posts pictures of themselves asking, "Hurr DUrr DO I look like I can be a model?"

GO get B& you underage sack of shit.

>> No.6811057

unfortunately i dont, but if you can handle a little german, try checking http://www.wg-gesucht.de/wg-zimmer-in-Berlin.
most people i know found something there, and as did i with my current flatmates, you're probably going to get turned down a lot at first, but dont let it scare you away, berlin is loads of fa and fun

>> No.6811061
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what are you even doing here
you should think about your life

>> No.6811070
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(512) 348-7952

text me!

>> No.6811096

shit cooltop, you look terrible.

>> No.6811107


>> No.6811112


I'd meet up with you Cooltop I just have to drive in from fucking NJ which takes like 30 minutes asshole

And you have to take me to build a bear.

>> No.6811143


23/M/Greenville, NC, but from Raleigh.
Get at me.

>> No.6811150

Coming to Manhattan from 15th to 22nd september, wudup
Need someone to show me some nice stores, I already have a list, but more couldn't hurt

>> No.6813925


Perhaps I worded that wrong
No homo sorry

Go on Grinder if you're looking for fuck

>> No.6813930

Gold Coast, Queenlsand

>> No.6813938

19 m Marietta GA

>> No.6813941
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I'm going to try again


>> No.6813942

M(ofc, what else)

>> No.6813947


>> No.6813948

me too. Do you go to UH?

>> No.6813949

or, maybe, we just wanna hang out with people who share our interests instead of random whores from /soc/

>> No.6813953

Pls be in London.

>> No.6813958

gå till sängs


0 rick pieces

>> No.6813971

you^, watch below, and get #rekt

>> No.6813973

>dkn väntar på mina geobiscuits för storleksändring

>> No.6813974

so anyone from LA that's not 21+?

>> No.6813976

where you coming from in NJ? I go to school in north jersey....

>> No.6813987

Ditt as! Har sett dig på någon annan board.... Eller iaf en trip vid namn "snusmumriken"... Och, eh, juste, Uppsala här... Min mor jobbade i Gävle... Världen är liten.

>> No.6814036

tfw no mid 20s chicago bros and girls to awkwardly hit on


>> No.6814045

I've been to Chicago once. Once.

>> No.6814050
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/fit/ eller /mu/ troligen

bodde i Ua -12. pluggade juridik. blir nog läkare/tandläkare/psykolog inom något år. får se.

>dkn när man köper ett par CP för pangpris och man vet att de är för stora. och de är för stora. men man snörar bara liiiite hårdare.

>> No.6814056

Florida 321 and 407

>> No.6814054
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>> No.6814055

Lindenhurst New York
Not looking for anything sexual just bored.

>> No.6814059

I wanna have some fun

>> No.6814060


>> No.6814078
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knöt hårt som fasen men de är så djävulskt stora. blev en storlek mindre

>> No.6814079


>> No.6814085

Det var på /fit/. Ska du rösta centern haha? Taktikrösta?

>> No.6814083

first female in the thread

anyway, there are quite a few of us in LA
someone set up a gmail or some way for us to get in contact with one another.

>> No.6814088

Fan, vi är rätt nära varandra, styra krök?

>> No.6814107

en dag.. en dag..

pff, jag har haft en sexdröm om annie. hade en trekant med två brudar, efter sexet går jag på toa, går tillbaka in i rummet, brudarna har gått ut på en grusväg, jag hoppar efter genom ett fönster. ena tjejen yttrar något om annie

>jag ångrar att jag låg med er

yes. (röstar blankt)

nä men stockholm är ju nära alla.

>> No.6814115
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Why would it be weird if we hung out anon-kun?

>> No.6814116
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VA [spoiler] 703 [spoiler]

>> No.6814123
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haha det hade varit fett, men jag är på tok för introvert atm

>tfw deffhjärna + semi-depressiv

>> No.6814118

they were teenagers yeah, but they weren't autistic
its like a bunch of people pretending to be retarded was replaced by actual retards

>> No.6814129

18 m boston

>> No.6814138

Giant cock

>> No.6814148


Un peu loin non ?

>> No.6814184

>nä men stockholm är ju nära alla.
Hade inte bangat, pin nog kommer jag inte någonstans. Arton4lyf. in före, det är pin att säga pin.
Men det är vi alla, i alla fall lite. Det går nog bra.

>> No.6814263

Vad grymt det hade varit ändå
>gå på obskyra underground-klubbar på Södermalm
>spendera halva lönen på nittygritty
>skratta åt fuccbois
>gangbanga qt3.1415's

>> No.6814276

>gangbanga qt3.1415's
En dag, min vän, en dag.

>> No.6814319

shit I lI've in ga 18 m 770 homie

>> No.6814323

jag var på nitty-grittys i förra veckan.
de har cp low achilles.
min plånbok...

>> No.6814564

not the same person, but UH student here

>> No.6814578

What are you majoring in? What year are you in?

>> No.6814613

Guadalajara (Mex)

so yeah, I'll continue being alone

>> No.6814656

what city?

>> No.6814736

20/m/san diego

>> No.6814754

I'm Auckland but you wont want to hang out with me (basic bitch).

>> No.6815214

Really?! What part?

>> No.6815285

Yeaah this will end up in a shooting

>> No.6815536

anyone from marin?

>> No.6815599

I'm from 734 mane get at me

>> No.6815706


Any1 wanna have some fun? ;)

>> No.6815742

717 Harrisburg

>> No.6815754
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>> No.6816045

yes, but only if you are mature for your age.

>> No.6816064

Allendale, Michigan (gvsu)
Anyone? Preferably into manga and cosplay. I'm going to jafax soon and would like to meet another fabricator

>> No.6816143
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who /mexico/ here

>> No.6816152
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Socal meeting in Tijuana when

>> No.6816546
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>In a happy, committed relationship

but seriously, hit me up.
I need some non pleb-tier friends

>> No.6816595

Anybody in Helsinki?

>> No.6816601

Komppaniassa huomio!

>> No.6816603

Washington, D.C.?

>> No.6816608

19/f/AT, Vienna

>> No.6818332


>> No.6818412

Metro Detroit 18m..

>> No.6818416


>> No.6819015

two anon's posting, ncsu. look for the blond mustache beard

>> No.6819121

you serious?

>> No.6819310
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why am i doing this

>> No.6819395


Smoke, go to church, upcoming fashion week parties

>> No.6819423


This thread is the autisms

>> No.6820310

Where do you get your stuff in yyc? I can't ever find anything good here.