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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 516x477, Gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6801479 No.6801479 [Reply] [Original]

What is your dream job /fa/?

>> No.6801497

I would be a DJ...

>I'm DJing a club
>People are screaming
>Fuckin throwing their beer glasses across the room
>Oh fuck they hit an old lady
>Here come the paramedics
>Flashing lights left right and centre
>There's me on stage with an electric guitar
>Women are throwing their panties at me
>Fucking fireworks go off on stage
>I begin to ascend beyond Super Saiyan 2
>My club spins into a vortex of darkness


>> No.6801502

Pro Masturbator.

>> No.6801500

Working in a Rick store

>> No.6801506

Owning my own successful restaurant.
Not managing, just owning it.
Being able to walk around looking /fa/ all the time, mingling with my cities finest.
Time has changed me into a really materialistic person

>> No.6801509

I would like to live in nyc/chicago and make at least minimum wage from my shitty bedroom pop recordings

>> No.6801513

Writing and creating pretentious works of art that serve as a satire and commentary on modern society.

>> No.6801515

Oh shit niggah, I can't breath.

>> No.6801520


>> No.6801532

Hedge fund manager

>> No.6801591

prostate checker

>> No.6801611

Dictator of a small, oppressive nation.

>> No.6801612

probably somethin stupid like column writer for vogue or some shit where i make money and get paid to look /fa/ while being apart of the industry

>> No.6801632


>> No.6801635
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>> No.6801655
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>that feel when you will never be able to un-ironically wear a ridiculous uniform

>> No.6801659

stop using this

just say sincerely

>> No.6801660
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u could milk prostates

>> No.6801675

The word "sincerely" doesn't adequately imply a contrast with hipsters who wear ridiculous shit ironically.

>> No.6801673

I'd like to make shoes.

>> No.6801692

Which country?

You'll never be dictator without a specific goal.

>> No.6801700

bby y ya gotta b like that?

>> No.6801703


>> No.6801706

psychology professor

>> No.6801715

I want to be a journalist.

Daniels or Waterloo?

>> No.6801717

r u 11 m8?

>> No.6801724


Change your dream buddy.

That's what I do. Sorry, correction, I'm an adjunct. But I also have to work other jobs to pay for everything I spend

>> No.6801727

Electronic Warfare Design Engineer.

>> No.6801740
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I just want to make beats.

>> No.6801745
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tfw not enough damir for gaddafi cosplay

>> No.6801749

do you play any video games / have a steam?

>> No.6801752

don't we all

>> No.6801755
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make clothes or run a boutique

>> No.6801758

Menswear buyer
Boutique owner
Club owner
Boutique sales assistant

>> No.6801762
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- make beats
- will soon graduate into a really nice individual style
- write poetry
- know about hip-hop culture
- tag

why not be a rapper

>> No.6801773

i would listen to poet make rap

especially if he made nujabes style beats and then put lyrics on it that are like inspirational and hard hitting

>> No.6801788

Comic shop owner...

>> No.6801799


>> No.6801806
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Editorial stylist.

>> No.6801809

waterloo or ryerson. i was also thinkin of studying abroad at the university of bath but i dont got the $$$ for that

>> No.6801833

so you want to be kanye west?

>> No.6801848

why is that so funny

>> No.6801858


>> No.6801867

Being a designer of knots that people put in frames for their nautical-inspired living rooms

or chartering a sailboat in the BVIs

>> No.6801879

What are you like 16? how are you not in school?

>> No.6801886

It would be cool to meet a few good men/women and organize an intentional underground. Everyone working their own skills for our own benefit and keeping capital running within the group, then inviting others to enjoy

Or produce
Links to his beats/poetry?

>> No.6801890

i spent my money stupidly and didnt save up enough for uni, so im off working full time for a year till i have enough. i also missed a lot of school a few years back and had to take an extra year (grade 13/"victory lap") to make up for lost time

>> No.6801893

You are the odd one out, sorry.

>> No.6801907

go away you're annoying

>> No.6801913

wow you're retarded

>> No.6801927

yee, i should have started saving up around grade 11 cause my job at the time didnt pay very well. oh well, its given me time to improve my portfolio

>> No.6801930
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Circuts/FPGA engineer for an aerospace company

>applied online
>got an offer a week after my interview
>going to start with the largest defense contractor in January
>Hello, Yuppie-dom.

>> No.6801934

im soz i feel bad now
nvm dude my parents paid for the full ride im worse

>> No.6801942

Rick's personal butler (/sex slave if need be)

>> No.6801953

haha my parents paid for like, a quarter of it and i got some scholarships but it wasnt enough for either of my schools of choice (tho i could go to the college my mom works at cause her kids get in free)

>> No.6801957

Waterloo would be good because of the co-op and the nature of the architecture campus (which is in Cambridge, away from the depressing concrete campus of dead-eyed Asians and neckbearded ultimate frisbee players). I'd encourage you to do an exchange because it's a valuable experience, and most schools (Ryerson and UofT included) have a whole bunch of partner schools. One challenge you will face with exchanges is that architecture education is now more art-based in the Americas and still quite science-y in Europe/everywhere else. Waterloo's program, as far as I know, kind of marries the two approaches. If you take a few years of calculus along with your regular courses (worst elective, I know) and you should fit seamlessly into most exchanges.

if you emails with admissions/recruitment offices, they are usually pretty accommodating.

I hope everything works out for you.

PS: Waterloo is not so bad, I just hate on it because I grew up there and it was boring

>> No.6801974

yeah, id love to go to waterloo, but i feel like my art skills arent good enough to get accepted there. whereas at ryerson, its more mark based than it is art-skill based, so i could probably get in there. but man, ive heard so much about waterloos co-op thats why im really hoping i can get in

>> No.6801983

gl dude

>> No.6801990

thanks anon, ilu

and tyty bby

>> No.6801993



some job where I get paid to drink wine all day

>> No.6802020

Medical Engineer

Currently pursuing an Electrical Engineering undergraduate degree and then gonna either do a Masters or a PhD depending on whether my goals change or not.

For now I make monies working at JcPenney

>> No.6802050

make cool graphic/pattern print t-shirts and live in amsterdam.

>> No.6802051

to be a fashion designer. but as a hetero male, i'm too embarrassed to actually go through with it any further.

>> No.6802070
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lol fuuck you. You're why I hate most people, not because you insulted me but because of the desperate and knowing place it came from. You want to be lead don't u? Well I want to lead
Maybe we can work together
You little twink

>> No.6802076

buyer for a boutique like LN-CC, Persuade or something

>> No.6802130

Move to india
Neighbor is one up in orange county. Not a glamourous job or glam guy. Its selling shares of stock to people cold calling them.

Ive done it before. Pay sucks shit as its all commission based. Make more mobey at sprint selling phones comish.
Work with dad at now defunct law office. I had the oppurtunity to do it for roughly 5 years while in college. Would love to go back to those days

He is just too old now to carry on

>> No.6802156

top lel

Are you saying that because you actually want to be an architect or because thats what most fashion designers major in ie tom ford? Can you even think for yourself?

>> No.6802172

last 2 years almost sucked:

-dad shut down office, retired at old age. and heart probs
-sales job that lasted 2 weeks
-tried to get a job at a bike shop working on road bikes, they hired some guy in their "team instead"
-tried to get a job at macys
-tried to get job at mcdonalds
-tried to get job at mcdonalds again!

5 years working for my dad's firm =/= experience just because he's my dad to the vast majority of the world

so last "job" was in 2007 wrenching on cars, which does not look good

>> No.6802178

And where do you guys actually work ?

I'm moving to France around December and i really have no ideea what i'm going to do exactly

>> No.6802177

last 2 years (almost) since grad college sucked:

-dad shut down office, retired at old age. and heart probs
-sales job that lasted 2 weeks
-tried to get a job at a bike shop working on road bikes, they hired some guy in their "team instead"
-tried to get a job at macys
-tried to get job at mcdonalds
-tried to get job at mcdonalds again!

5 years working for my dad's firm =/= experience just because he's my dad to the vast majority of the world

so last "job" was in 2007 wrenching on cars, which does not look good

>> No.6802180

it was a simple answer man chill out
plenty of people want to be architects, it's hardly uncommon

>> No.6802181

Hahaha I was just thinking this weirdly enough...

I was thinking what it would've been like if I took fashion in school. Would I have been outcasted? Would I have been outed as a faggot? I'm actually hetero though... I didn't care about clothes back then but I'm wondering what I would've done if I was back then now.

>> No.6802184

Hedge Fund Manager

The top hedge fund manager took home $3 billion in a year.

That, or a CEO for a investment/securities firm.

>> No.6802187

nah ive wanted to be an architect since i was really yung. my grandpa was one so i thought it would be totally rad to get into and he told me all about his job so i sorta grew up with an interest

currently im working full time at a suit store, but since its such a small town we only really sell shit for old dudes and little kids. very rarely do i get to dress up really hot guys ;_;

>> No.6802190


dat whiteknighting, holy shit /fa/ you are pitiful

>> No.6802198

Would you dress up my 4.5 inch phimosis dick with your mouth?

>> No.6802213

what does it feel like knowing you will never become either of those

>> No.6802217

4.5? you'd have to be quite the qt to make up for that. and youd have to rock rick.

>> No.6802222
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SS Officer. Getting paid to lay waste to large tracts of russia? In a sweet uniform? Sign me the fuck up.

>> No.6802225

rick owens raf simons usually what I am dressed in

>> No.6802233

>implying I haven't made other posts about how average Eyebrows is
>implying I'm not a reasonable person

>> No.6802237

do you know anything about suits? how did you manage to get that job?

thought you'd have to apprentice as a cuter, prior to apprenticing to the head bespoker prior to selling ?

know anything about canvasing, skeleton lining(oxxford)

>> No.6802238

My cousin was studying to become and architect.

She dropped out and now she's studying to go into the Air Force top lel

captcha: study liceabl

>> No.6802251

vid related it's you


>> No.6802262

how old are you m8?

>> No.6802270


Clearly you haven't read the title of the thread.

I'm already an intern at JPMorgan, so maybe one day.

>> No.6802272

I really dont know all that much tbh, i know kinda what looks good and i can help people dress themselves but i dont know complete specifics. i do paperwork and filing and run the register a lot too. i got it cause my dad is good friends with the owner, i worked there part time all throughout high school (tho i mostly just cleaned and ran the register back then)

haha i think ive been leaning on this architect thing for too long that if i didnt make it as one id prolly just kill myself

>> No.6802289

I want to be one of the designers that collaborates with other companies for New Balance. I work for NB already, in fact, they are helping pay tuition for my industrial design degree.

>> No.6802297

I think when it comes to education you should really get on top of it. The more you wait the more likely it is that you will end up not going at all.

>> No.6802312

so it's a menswarehouse type deal? just sell a bunch of china suits etc?

>> No.6802327

petroleum engineering, 4th of 5 years until I graduate.

I want to work as a field engineer. I have nothing tying me down here and I like doing manly shit like drilling into some goddamn rock formations and producing oil/gas. I'm also not fond of wearing suits.

>> No.6802339

yeah im for sure going as soon as i get the money for it. i think what ive been doing is pretty stupid, but ive currently got enough saved up for my next year, but im not going yet so i can have enough to not have to go into debt - and also giving me more time to improve my portfolio.

its a family owned store in a small town, but we've got armani and ralph lauren and renoir and shit

>> No.6802352

i'd think twice about education

like seriously think twice about education

they don't teach you anything in college that you use day-to-day
im not exactly writing dissertations or reading valumes upon volumes of research in order to compile papers

how does that help a consumer in the real world?

the sheer COST of education nowadays is another reason to really ask yourself

in this job market, the career im after, does it have room for expansion, realistically, are they actually BUILDING anything today to where an architect is truly needed? is there a real world need, for an architect, with no experience and so much debt that if you managed to find a free ferrari 360 spyder and sold it for the MSRP, that you would still owe quite a bit of money on your non-bankruptable, life-long student loans?

the answer is most likely going to be no

and truly truly ask your self

have you EVER, EVER seen a job opening where it was said

Bachelor's degree REQUIRED



REQUIRED in a job listing....

I have personally never seen BA/BS required in any field today

experience trumps education

this coming fom a guy with no experience and years of education

>> No.6802358

hahahahahahahaha architecture is fucking competitive m8, id be working the suit store for the rest of my life if i dont get my masters, let alone my bachelor.

>> No.6802365

get my bread up as a small time drug dealer then invest in property

or musician, but i can't play any instruments

>> No.6802372

wow dude you've heard of asap rocky ur such an indy hipster lol

>> No.6802373

ralph lauren purple label, black label or just polo?

giorgio armani mainline? or just emperio?

have canali? zegna? Isaia? or even just corneliani?

>> No.6802384

like i said, i dont know jack shit about that stuff. i just dress people up to make em pretty :3

>> No.6802385

i have 2 bachelor's and 1 master.
i'll let you know when they start doing anything for me.

seriously, nowaday's

a master's degree is like a box full of condoms in a nun's drawer. she's can brag about them all she wants, but is she ever going to USE it?

>> No.6802407

Shit like this is why I'm glad I lucked into a company paying for my schooling and offering me a job when I get out. Instant security.

>> No.6802405


Please don't tell me you majored in 18th century art or something silly like that.

>> No.6802419

teacher or interviewer
im not really sure but once i start learning about something i get interested

>> No.6802442

Yeah avoid debt at all cost, and hey as long as you're not wasting your time being a NEET it's completely fine, one of my coworkers is 40 and he's in school earning his degree in some sort of IT field.

>they don't teach you anything in college that you use day-to-day

This is subjective, there are lots of classes that can teach you valuable skills.

>the sheer COST of education nowadays
I agree, but that's if you're stupid enough to go into a University carrying all that debt, that's why I went to Community College first and transferred to where I am on a scholarship.

>in this job market, the career im after, does it have room for expansion, realistically, are they actually BUILDING anything today to where an architect is truly needed?

There are actually tons of buildings that burn down and need to be redesigned, or many campuses that just want to redesign the university. Trust me, there are lots of jobs out there if you are willing to look hard enough, my step father is in the construction business and he hires many architects.

As for the loans, like I said, you shouldn't be a retard and take on more than you can handle, also you shouldn't waste your years at college just studying and not getting any experience. The whole point of college is to give yourself the advantage out there in the real world. So you should do just that, get good grades, finish your degree, MAKE CONNECTIONS, and get experience.

>have you EVER, EVER seen a job opening where it was said

I've actually seen many jobs that not only require a Bachelors, but also a Masters.

>> No.6802462

ignore sieg pls he's a troll

>> No.6802488

Partner at a mergers and acquisitions focused law firm.

>> No.6802497

show me a job posting that requires a masters
that hires w/out experience

from what i've seen

5 years exp > bachelor's
10 years exp >master's
20 years exp >walk into any job and supervise

4 or more years in any branch of the military >>>>>>>>>>>>>>5 years at a job >>>bachelor's at ivy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bachelor's all 4 at university>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>community college+uni (frowned upon) not viewed as the real college exp

>> No.6802525

Winning the lotto and never working another day in my life.

>> No.6802562

>show me a job posting that requires a masters
>that hires w/out experience

You won't find any, obviously I don't even know why you are getting a Masters if you don't have experience. By the time someone gets a masters they should have at least 2 years of experience doing internships or research. If you seriously have no experience I highly doubt it's not you're fault you can't find any jobs.

As far as finding a job posting that requires masters without experience all I was able to find is this: http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/gov/4020967981.html

As a matter of fact a close friend of mine is getting her Masters so that she can work as a librarian in D.C. as well.

And experience is obviously much valued, but with experience usually comes some form of qualifications.

>community college+uni (frowned upon) not viewed as the real college exp

You do realize that you get your degree FROM the college that you graduated not from the community college right? That is the degree that your employers will see, and seeing as I'm actually in a pretty good University I highly doubt I'm gonna be undervalued because of my background

>> No.6802571

Here are also three job listings I found that a recent graduate whom did not waste their years in Uni (eg. has no experience whatsoever) could easily land:

>> No.6802586

Dudes, i realised today, i dot want to work under some one. I dont want to work for money or to make some one proud. It isnt how i want to live my life. Im a leader, i love leading, i want to be my own boss. I dont want to be below anyone, i want to be able to call the shots and make shit happen. And such , within these next few months, i am starting a company. I cant say what kind, as id rather my ideas not be stolen, but it involves very effay shit. If you love your job youll never work a day in your life, and if this company kicks off, then with a little investing i should be able to retire at 40 with 2+mil

>> No.6802590


>> No.6802591

Hope it works out for you m8. I myself am working for a whole different reason rather than money, the fact that I'll be making a decent salary is just icing on the cake.

>> No.6802606

>implying i don't have a BA and a BS

you do realize that i had to get at least one of them before i had obtained my master's right?

and yes, there are businesses out there that will not hire you because of your junior college upbringing

>well i don't want to work for them if they feel that way

guess that fortune 500 list don't mean shit?

>> No.6802607

a librarian, so chill. is it normal for a guy to think that?

>> No.6802610

Its not that, its just ive got an awesome idea and its doing something i love, if i play my cards right it should go out great, and ive got the perseverance to do it.

Thanks m8 you too.i just dont want to waste my life working, hating my job just for money, it isnt worth it.

>> No.6802615

i've spoken with a oil tycoon/royalty. when hiring, du walks in with degree > man with 20 years exp


du's a clean slate, polished and ready to be dictated, molded and trained into exactly what the company needs and wants. the 20 year dude, he already has a way, an opinion, a routine. his own way.

>> No.6802656


it costs too much to train people. hence the experince needed to flip burgers or make pizzas

>> No.6802663

>>implying i don't have a BA and a BS

I wasn't talking about YOU I was talking about you in a general sense, as in a person won't be able to do what I said.

>yes, there are businesses out there that will not hire you because of your junior college upbringing

This is bullshit, I am 100% confident that the fact that I attend one of the top engineering schools in the US definitely makes up for going to community college. And ASSUMING that you are correct, you do realize that you completely control what you put in your resume right? It's not like it's gonna say on your degree "TRANSFERRED FROM XXX AND GRADUATED FROM XXX". Of course not.

>>well i don't want to work for them if they feel that way
Now assuming you are correct, even if I did wanted to work with them I guess I wouldn't get the job? Boohoo stop complaining, it's a tough market out there, and it takes a while before you find a decent job

>> No.6802681
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NASA engineer

>> No.6802692

Pshshhhasha rockets n shit

>> No.6804157

Well known electronic music producer/DJ
Investing in photography, fashion, tech, and various other projects/ideas/things.

I don't necessarily like the idea of school and would rather find a way to have an stable income that allows me to live a decent lifestyle and have money for my interests. Although more school can seem like a good idea after doing a semester at nearby CC and much thinking I'm not sure if more school is for me

>> No.6804170


Film director

>> No.6804178

>Was a DJ at 16 because i looked 18
>get into Djing at big clubs because i was sneaky
>experience clubbing and the drug culture at a young age
>found out the people running half the clubs in my city were pedophiles/sexual offenders
>whatever, i was too old to think they would get with me and i was getting money
>years later
>club owed me money and never payed back
>tell them they're pedo shit cunts
>never DJ again

I'm glad i don't do it anymore, the people that frequent clubs are the scum of the earth and would take advantage of anyone to get what they want.

>> No.6804251
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Move to Canada doing graphic design with my buddies. Smoking Canadian weed and shovelling
down poutine.

Other life goals: Go to space (and/or) experience weightlessness.

>> No.6804299
File: 56 KB, 636x640, abstract feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion Designer/Politician

I want to help fix up my country, but I also love fashion both as an art form and as an industry.

Also imagine rocking up to parliament in full Rick

>> No.6804311

nasa isn't hiring, quite the opposite
and you won't be working on rockets or rovers, they outsource that

>how to work on rockets
ex-military engineers hired at places similar to oshkosh

>> No.6804316

male model turned actor turned oscar winner turned director turned palme d'or winner

>> No.6804336

how come you dont have a job sieg? I thought you majored in engineering?

>> No.6804357
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>tfw you'll never work for National Geographic

>> No.6804360

He sells all of his old shit to Plato's closet.

>> No.6804379

I always wanted to do movies. However, I never did anything for it because I'm a lazy cunt. I going to work as a physicist or something. It's not that bad, but I always wanted to be more creative.

>> No.6804381
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idfk freelance marketing, ~*fashion journalist*~, stylist???? buyer??? blogger?!!? i rly have no idea i also dont kno if i should go to school......are job prospects for anything not STEM that bleak??? should i even bother??? i dont rly get encouragement irl help im 21 and getting scared ill be doomed to my paltry $8 an hour gigs for life

>> No.6804429

Implying you have the potential to make any sort of difference. Getting into politics to "fix up the country" is like getting into science so you can save the world.

Your dreams are stupid, and so are you.

>> No.6804459


>> No.6804473

what a hideous dress

>> No.6804489

Adventurer. Getting paid to rock climb, kayak, mountain bike, scuba dive, etc. around the world.

>> No.6804523

supercar test driver

>> No.6805362

I just want to do something big and then die, dont want a job or career.

>> No.6805380

Photojournalist. I almost went to college for this but changed my mind to business because the economy was in the dumper and I didn't want to be some unemployed loser with a diploma equivalent to toilet paper.

Something about traveling to places I've never been and shooting film for a magazine or newspaper is so appealing and feels worthwhile.

>> No.6805399


>> No.6805421

>I have personally never seen BA/BS required in any field today
There are plenty that do, especially if it is a job with technical qualifications.

Also having the degree makes you more competitive than those that don't and thus, assuming all else equal, you would be more likely to land the job.

Do I think EVERYONE should get a degree? No, but, for many fields it is essential.

>> No.6805443

Writer. Novels, short stories, screenplays, essays, etc.

>> No.6805474

I'm taking two extra years, but my uni and uni wardrobe, housing and board is already paid for.

>> No.6805509

Model agent. Money and Girls, what more can you want?

>> No.6805591

Go STEM or go home. You didn't go STEM. You wasted your money. You went home with nothing.

Architecture is STEM, many colleges have it as a subset of engineering or at least closely related. It's a technical field. Therefore it's a fine degree assuming there are jobs to be found, which apparently is the case.

But don't go to college for an art degree. Don't go for an english degree. Don't go for a history degree, or a social anything degree, and certainly don't go for an attendance degree (read: business). You're just pissing your money down the drain.

>> No.6805599

Shit nigga, go ask any McDonalds hiring manager and they will tell you they'd rather hire someone without experience than with. Tabula rasa, nigga.

>> No.6805610

Nuclear engineering.

Metric shittons of jobs out there. All the first generation nuclear engineers, hired when the plants were built in the 70s and 80s, are retiring en masse. And on top of that, it's a job I can believe in.

>> No.6805764

Can i be you? ._.

>> No.6805821

Civil Engineering, if my grades are good enough I will transfer to Georgia Tech and become a masochist

>> No.6805854

College is not an employment agency. If you use it as one, you're pissing your time and your money away.

>> No.6805865

theres no jobs in architecture, it's dying off mate

>> No.6805897

so how do you explain people who land jobs outside of STEM majors? sheer luck? i don't understand the black-and-white thinking when it comes to STEM majors on here, is it just 4chan autism (incapable of networking) or are you truly shit out of luck if you don't choose a STEM major? someone unbiased explain this.

i'm curious because anything and everything i have any remote interest in is outside of STEM. i can't do math, i was always received straight As except math courses where i routinely failed. is everyone who "can't do math" screwed?

>> No.6805910

Banker. Make money for 10 years and then become a physics professor wearing solely Kenzo and Damir.

>> No.6805917


First I plan on becoming a physician's assistant, start working, then go back to school to become a physician/get PhD, work till my kids are through college, then quit and volunteer my skill in impoverished South American countries. It disgusts me that healthcare has a price tag, and I'd like to die believing that I did some good with my life.

>> No.6805954

People land jobs outside of STEM majors through networking and personal charisma. Not through degrees.

Just because you aren't in a STEM field doesn't mean you don't have to do your work. It's just instead of getting a degree, you ought to be building a resume. Meeting the right people, doing the right things, working in the right places, self educating and reading about things you know you need to know, etc. That's how the world works outside of STEM. And you know what? You play your cards right and you'll out-earn any STEM major save the crazy few (i.e. petroleum engineers).

>> No.6805998

hotel manager

>> No.6806035
File: 24 KB, 450x330, uniform_bapa060404_450x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living the dream right now!
777-200 First Officer at BA

>> No.6806050

>community college+uni (frowned upon) not viewed as the real college exp

are you fucking serious? :(

>> No.6806072

He's full of shit. Nobody will even know that you went to community college unless you tell them that willingly. All you have to say is where your degree is signed.

And anyways, all community college is good for is getting your general education classes out of the way. And those don't mean shit. The college itself is what'll give you your major classes.

>> No.6806075

Majoring in computer science / minoring in economics. there's so many different job opportunities in CS atm that I haven't pin pointed exactly what I want to do after I graduate, but I'd really like to use that economics minor one way or another in developing

>> No.6806163

Comic Book Writer/Artist
Electronic Music Composer

>> No.6807036


If you do nothing you're guaranteed to get nothing.

At least I'll take the chance

>> No.6807085

Supreme Court of Canada Judge.

>> No.6807104

Physicist. Getting my backup degree at a cc right now. Gonna transfer to a state university next fall and double major in Physics and Computer Science and decide from there whether or not I want to continue.

>> No.6807169

university lecturer

idc really as long as i dont mind the work and have plenty of free time

>> No.6807226

War photojournalist
Professor/think tank

>> No.6807238

professional fuccboi

>> No.6807244

Sure, just study computer engineering in a top-5 program.

>dem thirsty companies

>> No.6807269

Governor General of Canada, or a celebrity (they're pretty much the same thing.)

>> No.6807287
File: 48 KB, 827x758, 1369815430757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interning in systems engineering department at one of the largest financial institutions in north america.
>perform so well that i get offered a full time job by department manager
>turn it down because i want to finish my degree and in no rush
at least i have like 10 contacts and guaranteed internships during the summers and a job when i graduate

>tfw 75k starting, not including overtime + shift premium etc...

>> No.6807307

Favourite director?
(please don't say 'Myself'

>> No.6807300


>> No.6807854

nujabes is weaboo tier

>> No.6807875
File: 37 KB, 827x758, 1377908800967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6808008

official pussy tester

>> No.6808003

you declined a $75k/year job to finish your degree?

are you a goddamn IDIOT?!

job offers are very rare now a days. you can't just go get a job any day.

let alone one that pays that much

but you can finish your degree whenever the fuck you want

>> No.6808017

i think you should read this.
not only is print media dying but..


>> No.6808030


>> No.6808044


Dear craigslist:
I am offering freelance sexual surrogate services, amateur obgyn services, such as pap smears performed with my penis or tongue, also performing free breast exams

-hot chix only?

>> No.6808070

the role can be very stressful and 50+ hour work weeks are normal.

>> No.6808079

so it's pretty much just working 3 20k a year mcdonalds jobs back to back?

serisouly, drop out of school. take the job.

once you get some saturadys free finish your degree with the weekend classes

you don't fucking turn down comfortable living for the rest of your life like that to go drink with your frat bros

>> No.6808088
File: 124 KB, 425x300, Gaddafi_in_London[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Gaddafi was /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6808159

I want to get into crime tbh

>> No.6808174
File: 155 KB, 450x429, loadsamoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to become an electrical engineer but until I'm done with uni I'm working with my dad constructing and putting up signs.
Like, channel letters and all that.
At least I get some cash from it.

>> No.6810736
File: 23 KB, 400x386, muhcurves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6810805
File: 410 KB, 1680x1050, 1377255855588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6810873

eyebrows thigh-massager #thirsty #ladyboysrus

>> No.6810923



crime king pins are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6810964

Writer of any kind.
Director but it's probably too late for that.

>> No.6810984

too bad you and him are little bitches

>> No.6811041

xDxXDXD haaha lol hehe.
So qt inDvidual girl here xoxo