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6768483 No.6768483 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw losing my grip on reality

>> No.6768491

That's my fav film OP , good taste.
>Tfw he's running in the rain and just collapses
>Tfw he can't keep it up when he's with a girl he actually likes
>Tfw he wrestles with his sister naked
10/10 Film everyone needs to watch it.

>> No.6768494

go fuck yourself

>> No.6768500

What's the film?

>> No.6768506

Shame. It's fucking amazing. It's about a sex addict who's sister moves in with him. It's filmed beautifully , the themes are explored with an almost medical precision and it's just .. it'll leave you breathless. It has a TON of sex in though as he's a sex addict so yeah , don't let that put you off. When I say a ton I mean it.

>> No.6768514

cool but what's the film

>> No.6768521

It's called SHAME you fucking inbred. What's wrong with you , can't you read?

>> No.6768522


>> No.6768533


if this isn't your favourite scene from Shame then you're a noob.

Also, losing grip on reality is stupid, lose it a little bit, but keep it real dude.

>> No.6768537


>> No.6768538
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>> No.6768543

No if your fav scene isn't when he fucks the girl in that glass building then you're a pleb.

>> No.6768548

Which one, the prostitute or the girl he almost has sex with?

>> No.6768551

this scene was the most autistic one of the whole movie

>> No.6768554

Both. That summed up just how fucked up he is so well and really brought home how depraved he is. Shocking to think about really , might watch the film again.

>> No.6768559

I don't really think there's any scenes like that.

>> No.6768561

Fun fact , this one filmed in one take and Fassbender actually cried during it. Why this film didn't win an oscar is beyond me.

>> No.6768562


>> No.6770483

great interview with the director and fassbender about the film

>> No.6770517


>> No.6770785

Mental retardation.

>> No.6770802
File: 12 KB, 314x363, 1346291171030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw randomly becoming stressed out and somewhat depressed
what the fuck

>> No.6770807
File: 56 KB, 640x438, Glenn_Gould_i5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat Glenn Gould
Was Glenn Gould /fa/?

>> No.6770816

I love how you could hear him hum along to the concertos in the recordings.

>> No.6770863

>be me
>be at work
>at comes in
>we shoot the shit about music (i work at a record store) her taste is very similar to mine
>she compliments my fit
>turns out she lives 2 and a half hours away

Every fucking time /fa/. Either I get awkward and fuck it up or something like this happens.

>> No.6770876

>not having a car

>> No.6770879

Qt*. Not at. Auto correct

>> No.6770894

I have a car. I've just done the whole long distance thing and it doesn't work. Plus between work and friends I'd probably never get a chance to make the drive.

>> No.6770932

best girls i have ever met that i would gf are from different countries

never met any real nice girls here, shit sucks

>> No.6770955

Just think of someone you've recently been frustrated with and realize you don't care at all 8)

>> No.6770963

smoke up and relax bro

>> No.6770994

if my sister had sex with a guy in another room i would strangle her to death

>> No.6771003

id wank

>> No.6771049

>fucked up my education due to serious depression and alcoholism
>got rid of them
>left with the problem of being a underachiever
>can't find an apprenticeship due to bad grades
>spend the past 9 months working a dead end job in a storage facility and lifting to keep me sane
>lost gf
>have to come home every day to my parents beating eachothers heads in

help ?

>> No.6771076

degree isn't worth it, I have pleanty of them and even use a few as coasters

I applied at mcdonalds and got a "you're definitely not right for this restaurant" after taking a look at my resume, oxford suit and hermes tie


they hired some black kid, in a t shirt, fucking jean shorts with dr. dre beats headphones around his neck who was at the same interview waiting room I was in

>> No.6771123

move out and start a new life

>> No.6771141


id in the same position except for ive never had a girlfriend and i fear that one of my parents will kill the other one day i come back home

>> No.6771149

lol they were probably afraid of you getting managerial positions and actually making them work

>> No.6771152
File: 33 KB, 500x367, 1372620111144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I doing with my life

Im scared man, im really scared

>> No.6771166

maybe you overdressed or something. but yeah, employment is a fucking conundrum to me. just recently the place i work at accepted an apprentice that barely speaks my language and had cheap tattoos in his face. plus two weeks later they found out he stole money from other employees. maybe i need to lower my standarts.
my job doesn't pay enough. i thought about packing my shit and leaving for a differend city but i'd have to find work there first.
same here. they're screaming at eachother right now in the other room. plus they're both drunk. it's like i'm 12 years old allover again...

>> No.6771173

•Anhydrous ammonia - see instructions on how to obtain and store
•14 boxes of Sudafed
•Rooto drain cleaner (commonly know as sulfuric acid)
•Free running salt non-iodine kind
•4 energizer e2 lithium batteries
•Fish hose (not used)
•Coleman's camping fuel or Ozark trail fuel 2 cans
•20 0z pop bottle (must be washed very well)
•2 quart pitcher (plastic)
•Wooden spoon (no exceptions unless u want a fire)
•Zip lock bags (don't go cheap use zip lock)
•Unbleached coffee filters, the brown ones (regular will work but tend to
•change dope colors)
•Wire cutters
•Cooking screen or other fine screen

1.Start by crushing all the 14 boxes of pills to a fine powder... a mag light works good. This will take time!
2.Rinse the 20 oz pop bottle for about 15 minutes under tap water and let it dry completely. It is essential to rinse it very very well or it will fuck things up
3.The pills will have a coating on them strain them through a fine screen. Make sure to crush clumps back up restrain them.

>> No.6771195

4.Take the wire cutters and carefully peel the 4 batteries apart. They should unravel like a roll of film. Start at the positive end. The insides should look like film do not unroll them for now set them to the side. If your battery does not fit this description it is alkaline. The correct batteries will have lithium on the package.
5.Pour pills into the pitcher.
6.This step must be done outside no exceptions!!!!! Pour Anhydrous ammonia into the pitcher tell the mixture is almost half of the pitcher.. Read about the substance below first.. Their must be two people for safety reasons!

>> No.6771197

I recently graduated with a liberal arts degree and have never had a real job in my life at 22. I've been NEET for 3 months. I also have depression among other issues. I'm completely fucked, aren't I?

>> No.6771210

>tfw you can't fly

>> No.6771214

>>6771049 here. we should meet up. group suicide or something. sieg is invited too.

>> No.6771216

Im 21 you sound like a future me

pls make it

>> No.6771218

7.Have one person stir the mixture at a medium speed with the wooden spoon not to slow not to fast, the other person is Quickly unraveling the 4 batteries, one by one discarding the silver strip, do not drop the strip into the mixture, tear the film looking stuff up, (lithium) and throw it into the mixture, this should produce a rotten egg smell.
8.When the mixture stops fogging there should be a mush left.
9.Fill the pitcher up with either fuel described above. Pour the mixture into a zip lock bag be careful not to spill it 10 refill the pitcher make sure to get all the white gunk out of it. Also pour this into the bag. You can start another bag it does not matter. Strain the large bag with coffee filters the first time saving both the liquid and the mush leaving the mush in the original bag. You should have mush in one bag and a semi-clear fuel in another. Separate the semi clear fuel into two different bags filtering them through coffee filters again. You should now have three bags. 2 with clear liquid one with mush. Fill the mush bag back up with fuel and repeat the previous steps. Discard the mush bag .... For those who want everything the can get repeat this step once more to make 6 bags. Fill each bag up to half the bag with fuel and re-filter them 5 times using a new bag each time. Now you should have completely clear looking fuel. It is essential that none of the gunk remains. If gunk remains and you proceed with the next step it will cause the bags to engulf in flames wrecking everything, burning you and your surroundings! For those who want to be extra safe and have bags to waste continue to filter it. Also note when filtering use 2 or 3 filters and change them every time more=better!

>> No.6771235

our the pop bottle 1/3 of the way full with salt. Cut a hole in the top of the pop bottle cap to fit the fish hose. Insert a hose approximately six inches long into the cap let it hang about a ? inch into the pop bottle. Do not put the cap on yet. Pour 1 teaspoon of rooto (sulfuric acid) into the bottle. Screw on the top making sure the hose does not come into contact with the mixture. A smoke be produced and come out the hose when you squeeze the bottle.
11.Hang the bags from 2 nails a piece and place a small hole to fit the fish hose.
12.Insert the hosing making sure not to touch the liquid. Squeeze the bottle to fill the bags with smoke. Move from bag to bag filling each bag densely. Wait 1 minute then open the bag to release the smoke so it does not become stale. Repeat the process for apoxmently 2 to 3 hours. After a half hour dope should begin to appear in the bottom of the bag. The liquid may be ran through a coffee filters at any time to catch the dope that seams to magically appear in the bag. Continue this process tell no more dope appears.
13.Set the dope to dry. It may be smoked as soon as it's filter but has an awkward fuel taste until it's dry. If done correctly this should yield around 14 grams.
14.Burn all evidence!
15.After the filters dry throw them in a pop they get you really fucked up cause their caked in dope.
16.Make sure not to leave them around that how my friends step dad is in prison, filters and fuel cans!

>> No.6771250

Safety precautions. Make sure to use to much Anhydrous ammonia when stirring rather then to little if not a explosion could occur. Anhydrous ammonia is an extreme inhalation hazard and takes your breath right away. Make sure to drag partners out of the fog if they pass out. Run ten to twenty feet away to get a fresh glup of air, if it cokes you out which it will! Do no smoke around it and it will cause burns if it gets on your skin.

Also note lithium will burn your hands slightly when throwing the rolls but do not wear gloves it will contaminate the product. Be careful don't do this inside, by things that are flammable, or anywhere close to neighbors because it will produce a very strong smell.

Also note: buy things in small quantities to avoid getting caught, do not buy to materials that go with this process at the same time. It is a criminal offense just to process materials that are intended to make meth! Trust very few people and claim it came from the guy down the road. Do not brag your making it!

Trouble shooting.. If dope burns black when smoking to much sulfuric acid has been used. Play with the measurements after you have experience, the ones listed aren't exact science

>> No.6771253

why are we making meth?

>> No.6771262

can't i just sell flour and pass it off as coke to 14 year olds ?

>> No.6771264

there are enough of us fuck ups trying to get by, and we can potentially have the US actually PRODUCE something other than bullshit and diabetes

>> No.6771267

fuck off sieg, stop telling us about your pathetic life

>> No.6771277

hello you are me

but I did a year abroad teaching poor kids because I thought it would do something for me

now I'm 23 working at a temp agency

I contemplate suicide daily

>> No.6771286

the /fa/-cartell, huh ? brb booking ticket to the US.

>> No.6771287

can we grow shrooms or mescaline and synthesize lsd instead please? I don't want the entire u.s. to kaplode. I'd rather leave that to yuropoors

>> No.6771310

Im liking this thread

>> No.6771325

unless he bangs carey mulligan I don't care

>> No.6771326

bunch of well-dressed college educated kids, cooking meth and selling it since the only jobs available are taken up by less than ethical characters

am I the only one seeing the irony here?

>> No.6771341

wouldnt we be stealing jobs from the darkies?

>> No.6771451

eh, who gives a fuck. at this point i'd do it in a hearbeat. just say when the shit is going down and i'd be there.

>> No.6771495

he does

>> No.6771611

srsly, it's an above average indie film. Carey Mulligan is annoying as fuck in it, and Fassbender is a fucking stagnant bender.

>> No.6771637

will torrent

you better not disappoint me, I have the world's biggest incest fetish

>> No.6771684

He doesn't, but it's still worth watching you sick cunt.

>> No.6771736
File: 58 KB, 429x600, steve-mcqueen-image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact
shame was co-written and directed by Steve McQueen of Brittany

>> No.6771745

good thing I knew you were full of shit >:(

>> No.6771749


i know how u feel man

stomach kind of feels weird, similar to butterflys but its more of a guilt feeling

my house is so tense, at any moment something terrible could happen, i really, really try and imagine what it would be like to live in a family where the parents are both happy and middle class, no arguments and shit, makes me wonder

>> No.6771771

That wasn't me the first time, jus some trewwwl.

>> No.6771764

This film really should of won an oscar. Simply outstanding.

>> No.6771791
File: 98 KB, 324x324, Glenn+Gould+glenngould.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for bringing up this film /fa/

Just finished watching it, intense stuff. Is Hunger worth checking out as well? I realise they're technically unrelated, but same director/leading man team

young Glenn was a total qt, and pretty effay at that

>> No.6771803

Hunger is great too

>> No.6771805
File: 100 KB, 402x640, 9484857215_3931d54413_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunger is amazing. Some would say better than Shame but Shame is and will be for some time my fav film just for the way it portrays sex and relationships so intensely as opposed to pretty much every other film/tv show/song. I've yet to find something that delves into how destructive sex addiction is other than shame. Btw do you think they were molested at a young age? Or experimented with each other? I think it's heavily implied but would like to bounce some ideas of someone else who's watched it.
>inb4 /tv/
Have you been there?

>> No.6771843

Glenn Gould had sick layering.

>> No.6771873

Damn son, I'd like to get into this but I just finished watching it so it needs some time to sink in (also middle of the night so I'm about to go to bed)

quick thoughts:
Molestation seems possible, especially in light of one of the sister's lines when she leaves him that last voicemail; "we're not bad people, we just come from a bad place". Also, their parents are never mentioned or brought up, which could easily suggest some kind of distance there (barring the possibility of their parents being deceased).

I can definitely see the experimenting with each other angle too; when he first finds his sister in his shower she doesn't rush to cover herself up, nor does he avert his gaze. The next morning, she's scantily clad and what I thought was very physical (I should note that my only sibling is a brother, so I'm not familiar with what a standard brother/sister relationship would be like). And ofc the scene where she catches him masturbating and he practically mounts her wearing nothing but a towel.

Something else I just thought of is him crying when she sings; it could always be as simple as him finding the performance beautiful; but one could also consider the line "if I can make it here, I'll make it anywhere" - perhaps implying that she hasn't "made it" anywhere else before; something that could be interpreted as a hint toward previous traumatic experiences.

>> No.6771876


you fucking fat cunt. Have you ever heard of being overqualified? They'll have seen you have a degree and been like "welp, this fat bastard will be bored within 2 weeks" and moved on.

What the fuck are you doing applying for McDonalds anyway? I thought you were a trust-fund kiddie who laughed at anyone earning less than $50k a year.

>> No.6771885

I thought the same. It's hinted at but it doesn't really matter. Fun to talk about I guess, though.

>> No.6771905

Something must of happened to make their relationship so brittle. In every scene between the two of them you can sense an eerie translucent glass esque partition between them which could shatter and let loose all that pent up anger and sadness which I found really captivating. I wouldn't like a sequel but another film set in that same universe that just lightly touches upon that would be incredible. Fuck I love this film.

>> No.6771928


>tfw McQueen is Black


i think i've just become post-racist

>> No.6771948
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>> No.6772012

>>6771873 here: I was about to add to your thoughts, but realised I couldn't have put it better myself; great post.

gonna check out >>6771948 and that interview with mcqueen/fassbender as well, cheers guys

>> No.6772937

Was the girl on the answering machine at the beginning supposed to be his sister?