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6763583 No.6763583 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ how do you talk to girls?

I mean i have the looks part down but i ALWAYs get awkward silences.

The convos i have usually die really quickly and are casual as fuck.

>> No.6763607

Talk to them about Jesus

>> No.6763609

Pay attention to her eyes.
If a girl is really attracted to you just from looks/persona, you'll be able to see it in her eyes and from there you can pretty much say anything.

Some tips for talking would be to say as little as possible, and don't talk about anything deep. Joke around, and talk down to her in a playful way.
Get her info right away, and make a move as quick as possible.

If a girl is pretty interested most of the time she'll keep the conversation going.
If she's giving you a lot of short answers, giving you nothing to work with, it's best to just GTFO.

If she seems sad after you leave, go back in an hour or so, and try again.
Most likely she'll be a lot better since she knows you aren't desperate.

>> No.6763612

ask stupid questions about her, makes you seem interested.

if you really were interested in her, you would know exactly what to ask and talk about.

>> No.6763623

Talk about your interests

>> No.6763635

>i-i-i- like to browse 4chan, listen to music and play video games

>> No.6763642

Talk to her about Rick Owens.

>> No.6763645

No, don't

>> No.6763655

>tfw girl used to give you the eyes all the time
>tfw she won't even give you eye contact anymore

>> No.6763659

Yes do, fuccboi.

>> No.6763661


>> No.6763667
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this is me

>> No.6763680

that is the worst question, and so is "tell me about yourself"

realistically, you should have enough interests to be able to answer, but come on, it's 2013 and GTAV comes out soon.
the good thing is questions like that don't require a serious response. just say something funny. youd be surprised how well a sarcastic answer works.
obviously this is just in the early part of a relationship, and eventually you may have to say something serious.

>> No.6763690

what changed in your relationship?
did you just never act on it?

>> No.6763697 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6763705

Well if you don't have decent interests you don't deserve a woman

>> No.6763703

Fight me irl bitch nigga.

>> No.6763712
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>deserve a woman

>> No.6763715

this is terrible advice

>> No.6763717
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>deserve a woman

>> No.6763723

>deserve a woman
this is the most beta thing i have ever heard
you value leeching faggot

>> No.6763732

are you a female?

PS you are.

anyone who says it's terrible advice doesn't know what they are talking about.
i'm not talking out of my ass with this stuff.
if there is anything i know in life, it is how to get girls.

>> No.6763764

>Pay attention to her eyes.
If a girl is really attracted to you just from looks/persona, you'll be able to see it in her eyes and from there you can pretty much say anything.

what do u mean

>> No.6763781


Someone whose only interests are 4chan and videogames is clearly a boring cunt who didn't even try

>> No.6763785


>> No.6763787

this is actually on point

>> No.6763788

>An insult

>> No.6763812

i couldn't describe what it looks like exactly, but its noticeable.

if you read up on micro expressions that will open your mind to the concept and from there you will start to pick up on that stuff.

i read that when someones interested their pupils dilate, and get smaller when they are un attracted/disgusted to you.

all i know is when i am talking to a girl, her eyes say more than words ever could.

>> No.6763819


Keep those going op. just don't interrogate her.

>> No.6763834


christ no

most people hate their job, bad topic of conversation

is ok, provided you have a recreation activity in common

not sure

>> No.6763955

I can imagine that there are probably two problems here.

The first is that you are most likely not a very good conversationalist in general. Talking to anyone should come fairly naturally if you are, so if you find making conversation difficult, you should get out and just talk to people more. Socialize until you lose the awkwardness and interactions become comfortable--everything should happen on autopilot, you shouldn't have to focus really hard just to keep a convo going.

>> No.6763962

The second is fairly apparent from your question:

>I mean i have the looks part down but i ALWAYs get awkward silences.

As if this is some formula you are relying on and that your looks are supposed to compensate for a lack of character. Someone trying to shit on /fit/ here once said that you can't deadlift yourself a personality. Well, it works the same way with appearance. Despite what everyone says about "omg girls only like pretty assholes I'm such a nice guy why girls no liek me :'( ", in fact looks are only important if you're shitfaced ugly. For the most part, your ability to be engaging and interesting is much more important. The problem with so many internet people is that they fetishize female companionship and build up a very weird and distorted view of what it's like to be with or even talk to a girl. Stop making it out to be something that's such a big deal. Obviously if you're interested in a girl you shouldn't treat her like one of your bros, but other than making sure you convey interest, talking to her shouldn't be that far removed from talking to anyone else. And as >>6763609 says, make sure you understand body language cues; these are important in all interactions.

Learn to talk to people better first and then just do that with whatever girl you're talking to. And if you're just a boring person, change that. As Yohji says, "Experience makes you sexy". Your body is a vessel for your knowledge and experiences. If you have neither in any appreciable amount, you should question why your vessel is empty and do something about it (4chan and video games are pretty lame experiences btw--you better do something else with your time as well). Sure, you shouldn't change yourself for someone else, but if you're a really unappealing person, maybe there is an underlying problem.

>> No.6764023
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>tfw did all this
>tfw it went really well
>tfw at the end of us meeting up we just stood there looking at each other and I didnt make a move
>tfw she's got a bf now
>tfw still 21 kissless virgin

>> No.6764060

21 and never having kissed a girl? How does that work?

Anyway, I myself never initiate contact. Nor am i very interested into conversating with others. Most people move on pretty quickly, some stay.

It's pretty weird but not wanting to socialize with others caused me to have a few one night flings here and there.

>> No.6764087

>Walk up to girl
>"My geobaskets cost more than your entire outfit"
>Grin and walk away
>100% of the time her panties will be yours

>> No.6764116

I went to an all boys school, was anti social up until 19. Past 2 years have been better, I have low self confidence but some girls seem interested but I just didn't realise at the time

>> No.6764133

Pretty much what I say when some guy rolls up on me. "4 what?" means I bail

>> No.6764149


>> No.6764164

Female checking in. Pretty decent advice.

>> No.6764191

Maybe the girl has Assburgers and can't look you in the eyes?

>> No.6764203

she had a bf and was pretty slutty. I didn't even really like her that much and kinda accidentally we both led each other on.

but i agree with all of that advice. keep them wanting more, that's the basic idea.

>> No.6764226

>>tfw did all this
>tfw it went really well
>>tfw still 21 kissless virgin
then it didn't go very well.

i have no problem getting girls to make out right away.
your problem is you didn't escalate, and an even bigger problem is:
>>tfw at the end of us meeting up we just stood there looking at each other
you need to GTFO sooner rather than later.
that's where most guys fail.

>> No.6764271

I think she was expecting me to make a move but I didn't.


>you need to GTFO sooner rather than later.

What do you mean?

>> No.6764277

yeah dude you should have kissed her

>> No.6764298


If she thinks you're desperate she won't take you seriously. If you're standing around with nothing to say, she'll grow bored with you, so just leave

Know when to leave

Starfucks is onto something, give him a little credit.

>> No.6764334

But I wasn't even really thinking of kissing her, I just wanted to leave, I dont know why I was attracted to her. It wasn't awkward or anything we were smiling

>> No.6764354

>I went to an all boys school
>I went to an all boys school
>I went to an all boys school


>> No.6764359


Women are fickle, weird entities. If you seem too forward, they might think you're a creep. If you don't, they assume you're not interested. You probably should have kissed her.

>> No.6764368
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Now how do you start a conversation with a girl you've never talked to?

>> No.6764370

lmao guys who think girls are a different species

>> No.6764378


They are psychologically. How's that basement treating you?

>> No.6764401

>it doesn't matter if you're not good looking, conversation skills are more important

hahahahaha wow

>> No.6764466

How to acquire a woman

Step 1: Be attractive
Step 2: Don't be unattractive
Step 3: Have a personality
Step 4: Have money/be successful at a career
Step 5: Have a big penis
>Size of penis depends on the woman, but it has to be at a minimum of 5.5 inches.
Step 6: Be taller than her

You must have all six.

>> No.6764487

A lot of women bore easily. Once you've exhausted conversation (she starts giving short answers), ask for her info and leave. It's best if you leave while she's still mildly interested, though.

>> No.6764498


All untrue. Just be confident and view her as a person.

>> No.6764505

omg just talk to them. tell them what they want to hear, dont get nervous. In my opinion women are less inhibited than men and when you don't act as a complete cringe and try to be an aesthetic mireable male you'll have a lot of fun and they will fall in love with you.

>> No.6764506


nice dub dubs tho

>> No.6764517

im broke and have been taken care of financially by girls before. they like to feel like they're in control.
step 4 is bullshit. the rest are valid.

>> No.6764511

hint: women care less about the size of your dick than you think. they do care, but if you're attractive/have a good personality/have a decent career, your fucking dick isn't going to be a deal breaker.

>> No.6764519

Just strike up a convo about something that's happening around you, or the company you're with. Then just pretend you're interested in her life. I've found most girls rather willing to talk about themselves or their interests.

>> No.6764535


>if you're a really unappealing person, maybe there is an underlying problem.

I hate when people suggest that if you cultivate diverse and interesting interests and hobbies you'll somehow become a better conversationalist. From my experience it's just not true. You can do tons of interesting things and be inept at talking about them outside of others who share those interests and know what you're talking about. Even for things like movies. Likewise you can do nothing but browse 4chan and play video games and be a charismatic person and a lot of fun. But learning fucking rock climbing or watching plays or whatever won't make you more interesting unless you a) are forced to interact with people (and you can do that with anything, including Super Smash Bros club) or b) the bitch you're talking to is passionate about the same things you are. Which is unlikely. And you'll be fucked when you talk about anything else anyway.

>> No.6764536
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Im this guy, I'm still in contact with her, do you reckon I can ask her to help me find a gf?

>> No.6764632

How I become confident? I've been shy since I was a kid.

>> No.6764650

what kind of lack of confidence do u have

>> No.6764670


It depends on the woman. The higher the quality the woman is, the more steps you will need.

>> No.6764690

Dude you are the biggest piece of cancer on this fucking board

You say you're the best dressed but you don't post fits, and you boast about every fucking thing with no proof at all

Go back to your parents basement

>> No.6764711


>what kind of lack of confidence

I didn't know there were different kinds. I'm not the guy you're replying to but I'm scared people will think poorly of me so I avoid conversation and act like a sperg which of course makes people think poorly of me. I really do think I"m better than everyone though. If the two can coexist.

>> No.6764745

>tfw only confident around girls when drunk or with girls that arent attractive ;_;.

>> No.6764767

i figure theres sort of 2 types

shyness but with internal self confidence, where u think highly of yourself but are afraid to express yourself in front of other ppl or w/e
and then the kind where u doubt yourself internally and its more than just being shy

>> No.6764788

Lelders you're such a poet

>> No.6764793

His entire persona is satirical. Chill out.

>> No.6764806

I know I was kidding man. You're the one who should chill out.

>> No.6764801

>afraid to express yourself in front of other ppl

so what do I do about this?

>> No.6764819

Please respond, is it worth asking? I mean she said she could 'hook me up' with her friend but I dont really find her attractive, is it worth pursuing just to stop being a wizard?

>> No.6764872

>pls respond

you're desperate, you'll make a fool out of yourself if you contact her

>> No.6764892

i lie about being the best dressed, obviously.

but i do know how to get girls, it's one (maybe only) thing i am pro at.

also my parents dont have a basement. i dont think anyone in CA does.

if you have a particular point you disagree with, please point it out and state why you disagree, using your own experience if possible.

if you are female then it's expected you get upset at my posts, although i can't explain why.
girls just rage when guys give sensible advice about dealing with them.

i'm genuinely curios why, but i highly doubt you're capable of enough honest introspection to be able to explain it.

>> No.6764923


you know he's facetiously replicating a meme right?

>> No.6764922

pretty much this.
girls can sense desperation like dogs can smell food. it's probably their biggest turn off.

if you are really friends with her then it wont be hard hanging out with her in public, but if you seem as desperate as you sound i doubt that would be the case.
anyway, you get her in public she'll most likely bring some friends, or at worst, you use her being with you as a way to attract other girls.

>> No.6764940

>girls just rage when guys give sensible advice about dealing with them.
Confirmed for having legit girl knowledge.

>> No.6764949

Haha this.

I never message her, I tried cutting contact but started talking again. I mean dont you think she can help?

>> No.6764957

>asking for relationship advice on 4chan

>> No.6764960

if you wanna change something about yourself you gotta force yourself to what you dont wanna do. This is incredibly difficult, so instead people take drugs to shove the problem under the rug for an hour at the cost of the awful side effects. they talk 2 a therapist about what a pussy they are and cry about it and say how badly the wna change but they aint willing to put themselves out of their comfort zone and do it. that it is the only real way to properly fix something like lack of confidence, literally rewire yourself. Take someone with an absolutely crippling fear of public speaking and make them speak publicly everyday for a year and it wont even phase them by the end, without a doubt. extreme example but you get the idea

Whenever you see someone who has really properly transformed themselves this is always how they did it. like the dudes who cant look at girls without dropping spaghetti and it kills them so they go out every single day for 6 months and speak to girls. it cant not work

>> No.6764985

this isn't bad. i always wait to make eye contact with a girl and generally you get a "feeling" that she's down/interested. if you realize that you've made eye contact across the room a handful of times it's reasonable to expect that she's at least a little attracted to you. also, it helps to actually be attractive which is difficult for some

as for talking, don't assume it's you that sucks at conversation. a lot of times girls just genuinely aren't good it at either. it's much more fun finding a girl who's talkative and not shy because then usually you can start a playful banter going. that won't always be the case though

also rule #1:

>> No.6764996

Lelders speaking wisdom.
Contrary to what's often said, knowing isn't half the battle. Identifying a problem is the beginning of solving it, but far short of half the solution. The bulk of your salvation from your own problems will only come from action.

>> No.6765005


>also rule #1:


>> No.6765117

Step 1: Get hobby where there are girls.
Step 2: Talk to girls there about said hobby
Step 3: Talk to as many as you can until you hit it off with one.
Step 4: Profit

>> No.6765125

what good hobbies have grills

i haven't met a girl who wasnt a pleb

>> No.6765135


>> No.6765136


it's funny coz you are one

>> No.6765138

leaving the house

>> No.6765144

okay cool

>> No.6765150

just b urself (:

>> No.6765166

I can confirm this works.

>girl says hi to me in a bar
>"rick owens usually what I'm dressed in!"

She was on me there and then

>> No.6765177

i think the problem is that people think too much of gender

i treat men and women the same (i'm not gay, of course i'd treat a girl i wanted to get on differently) but if you just have normal conversations and shut out the people who treat you like shit then you're gonna have a better time

>> No.6765186


>i treat men and women the same

do you put your hand on men's thighs and hold their hands?

>> No.6765202

>i'm not gay, of course i'd treat a girl i wanted to get on differently

>> No.6765205

just be predatory with your eye contact, and simple, and not personal with conversation

>> No.6765247

Hi! few things to start off with :) 1. Yes, I replied to you because you're a female /fa/shionista, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen :D

>> No.6765257

I don't even try. No one could ever love me. I'm too sad always. The only girl who I thought accepted me for who I am, kind of stopped talking to me, I guess.

>> No.6765300
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Mc Ride pls

>> No.6765323

Give 'er the ol' "So do you wanna exchange numbers?" at on opportune time.
Really if you're confident and secure, you can get away with saying some pretty autismo shit and get away with it.
Avoid silence and small talk like the plague.
If saying something won't make a difference, don't say it.

>> No.6765342

>Avoid silence and small talk
>not personal with conversation

so no small talk and nothing personal. what the fuck do you talk about?

>> No.6765358

>tfw long distance qt rarely talks/texts me anymore but still says she loves me, etc.

It feels like she's lost interest but hasn't got the heart to say so :\

>> No.6765368

I'm sorry bro :(

>> No.6765388

Just broke up with my last girl about a month ago, but I go to community so it's not like there's a lot of socialization going on anyway. Besides group projects I rarely get to talk to girls, have about five minutes between each class and everyone else seems hella preoccupied with getting to their next destination whether it be home or class.

Hell even most of the niggas I met up there will chum about with me in class but I won't get so much as a black guy handshake after we're dismissed. Makes me kind of sad, I just want some hoes and niggas to chill with.

>> No.6765402

Whatever will get her to smile, laugh, or be impressed by you.
There's no concrete formula, pretending to be confident is the same as being confident.

>> No.6765408

>tfw model

tfw virgin and I go out with friends and girls dont even look me straight in the eye. Let alone talk to me. FOrever that silent member of the group.

Even if I do engage I get short replies and avoidant looks. Like I m not even there.

But at least I'm /fa/ r..right?

>> No.6765409

This sounds like my uni. Just go to lectures and come home, dont even hang out much with friends, sucks

>> No.6765421

>Really if you're confident and secure, you can get away with saying some pretty autismo shit and get away with it.
ha yea this is really true.

>Give 'er the ol' "So do you wanna exchange numbers?" at on opportune time.
best thing to do is ask for her phone, and text yourself from it.
thursday was my first time ever meeting a random girl on the street, getting her number, and having her meet me at a club type place, then go back to her place to fuck in the same night.

made me feel pro as fuck.

>> No.6765441

I don't even have friends, at this school. Just some people I've exchanged names with. Only opportunity I can think to meet girls is asking them what they're doing after their lectures and to hang out later, but so far projects have been pretty brief.

>> No.6765466

Don't do that. Don't. You will seem weird and creepy if you just come up to her awkwardly and attempt to talk then go dropping meatballs.

Get introduced, or some shit

>> No.6765470

Post face

>> No.6765474

are you actually a model? You should be rolling in it.

>> No.6765492


>> No.6765497


However, while it may seem like a huge accomplishment to you, a woman gives out her number to tons of guys. Thinking it makes you her next boyfriend is the worst thing you can do. Think of it as the 1st step; getting your foot in the door.

>> No.6765504

>read up on micro expressions
or you could be a functioning human without asbergers who can read fucking facial expressions

>> No.6765517

whats up bitch
your bitch ass o-bitch-ass-uary to your 12 year old sister while rippin' that hymen matt helder's style

unless you put the fuck out

>> No.6765528

No thanks. I'm not him but I committed myself to learn body language and such, and its amazing what you can pick up from people. I can communicate much much better now, and i can pretty much tell if a girl is interested in me without saying a word to her.

>> No.6765536

OP how about instead of trying to ask for an instruction manual to talk to girls you should just start approaching them.

Your first dozen are gonna be awkward, but eventually you'll become socially desensitized from experience that you will be able to keep a conversation better.

You can sit here on forums all day asking about how to talk to a female, but any piece of advice will have to be practiced anyway, nothing works the same for everyone, gotta find your own game.

The only way to do that is by actually going out and talking to girls/people.

>> No.6765545

it isnt the same as regular facial expression, which is why they are called micro expressions.
people can consciously hide their feelings on their face, but it's very hard to not give micro expressions.

micro expressions are (as the name implies) very quick movements of the mouth and/or eyes that shows how someone feels towards something (disgust, surprise, happiness, anger etc).
while the person may smile and seem happy, you can know their true feelings from the micro expression.

this is what police use in interrogation, and is extremely helpful talking to bosses and in job interviews.

it does come more naturally to some people, but at the same time it's easy to get mixed messages.

>> No.6765546


most of my coworkers are gay. i get along just fine with the model girls too but they treat me like a brother or some shit. And new girls just say hi and never look again.

I wish i was average looking but not autismal.

>> No.6765562

read art of approaching
book of pook
and the system by doc love

>> No.6765570


i knew right away it was gonna go down with this girl because i could see it in her eyes.
sometimes its' really obvious.

this girl was walking with her girl friend, who had a terrible attitude. she kept saying "no come on, we have to go" like she was trying to cockblock her friend or something.

she ditched her friend and came to hang out with me instead.

>> No.6765600

lower ur standards :)

>> No.6765607


lets assume

>you're reasonably attractive
>there are lots of women out there who will find you attractive
>you don't ever have to see them again so you can say whatever you want to them

so when the awkward silence comes up, experiment. just say things. anything. ANYTHING. If you fuck up, move on to the next one. if you make it, make a note for next time of what works.

trial and error is the only way to figure out what works for you.

>> No.6765622

oh, here's a trick for your faggots. Lets say you hung out with a girl, made her laugh and had a good time and at the end you just end up looking at each other awkwardly and not knowing what to say, just say "do you want to kiss me". One of three things happen, she says yes and kisses you, she says she doesn't know and then you say "lets find out" and kiss her, or she says no and you just go straight to rape.

>> No.6765630


Fuck this thread I'm out

>> No.6765643

When I was with a girl we were making eye contact, her eyes, pupils were very slightly moving left to right, that one?

>> No.6765658

don't confuse advice about talking and dating girls with PUA.

"book of pook" and "The System" is not PUA.
i can't comment on the other one because i haven't read it.

there is SOME truth to SOME PUA, but it's mostly bullshit tactics based around the fact that if you ask enough girls one will say yes.

book of pook is about improving your overall quality of life and changing your outlook towards dating.

>> No.6765665

hey bro, just call her a fucking dyke then go home and masturbate to her facebook photos bro

>> No.6765687

autism pls go

>> No.6765688

How old are you?

>> No.6765699

yea, that's what i do.
and then i come home and post about how i fucked her on 4chan.

but all sarcasm aside, if that's what you think book of pook is about, you haven't read it with an open mind.
you probably haven't even read it.

or you're just a grill LOL

>> No.6765707

just talk to them about what they're doing. sometimes it's a bad idea(like if they're by themselves reading a book etc.) but even then if you're funny enough and they're nice enough they won't mind

>go to little caesars for $5 pizza
>see qt in front of me
>line is long cause it's a poor area
>"hey i feel like i've seen you here before"(it's a lie)
>"no, you probably haven't"
>"good, these pizzas are really bad"
ez digits

>> No.6765719


>> No.6765722

this video made me laugh and also made me depressed at the same time:


sorry about the fucked up link but i cant find it on youtube.

>> No.6765733

yeah.........im going to take your 9/10's banging scale with a grain of salt

you rated prodigy as a 10...........she's 25, she's too old to be considered as a "good" score from a bar or club, by about 4-5 years, and years of hard drinking and hard smoking have really taken a toll on the appearance of your "10"

even if she were 18 (and this were 7 years ago, most of 4chan's userbase being 10-11 years old at this point) and had abstained from the hard life haggard appearance creating stimulants, her tits would be too small, her ass would be too flat and her face would be too oddly shaped, with dry heat damaged hair to be considered anything above a 5.

then again this is socal, girls out in flyover states aren't particularly interesting or attractive

>> No.6765745

who is louise?

>> No.6765755

holy fuck the train I'm dying.
I'm not even done yet
idk if I can finish this

>> No.6765763

nope never rated prodigy and i dont really rate girls by numbers at all.

if youre real sieg ill rate your girl though.

actually i wont, because thats why i dont rate women in the first place. how do you decide lower than a 5? 5 is already unfuckable, so what is a 1?

it doesnt matter.

>> No.6765774

Not him but I take everyones 'alpha stories' with a grain of salt, more so on /fit/ and other boards than on here, but just generally speaking on this type of forum when someone claims to be sleeping with beautiful women regularly I take it as 4chan's tongue and cheek humor at work.

I do believe some of us get laid though, I don't imagine everyone feels the need to justify themselves on an anonymous message board.

>> No.6765852 [DELETED] 

the whole reason i started tripping was because i went on /adv/ on day and noticed a ton of bad relationship advice being given by virgins.
i was hoping i could be someone people could turn to to get practical and realistic advice, from experience.

what you call "alpha stories" i just call success stories, that i share because i do want to help guys overcome the shit that holds them back.
i understand it, and have learned a lot myself.

someone said "the more women you sleep with, the harder it is to respect them" because you start to learn the "truths" that feminists try so hard to hold back.
i'm not talking about respect, because i still respect girls, i just see them for what they are, VS how they are portrayed, both for better and worse.

same with me.

im really interested in social dynamics on all kinds of levels, and enjoy talking about it and learning about it.

it's important for guys to be more confident with women, and at one point in my life i turned to 4chan to help, so fuck it, i'll try to help others.

>> No.6765886

Dating advice does not belong in /fa/

>> No.6765905

the whole reason i started tripping was because i went on /adv/ one day and noticed a ton of bad relationship advice being given by virgins.
i was hoping i could be someone people could turn to to get practical and realistic advice based on what i've learned through my experiences.

what you call "alpha stories" i just call success stories, and i share because i want to help guys overcome the shit that holds them back. most of the time it's common universal stuff, because so many guys either had no dad, or a dad who wasn't a "man" to raise them and give them advice.
it feels like other guys just know some secret, and you're left confused because nobody taught you, and you weren't around any positive male role models, only guys "lower" than their own wives.

someone said "the more women you sleep with, the harder it is to respect them" because you start to learn the "truths" that feminists try so hard to hold back.
i'm not talking about respect, because i still respect girls, i just see them for what they are, VS how they are portrayed, both for better and worse.
a lot of my guy friends don't understand it either.
i've been called sexist before, but i have to watch those same guys go through so much shit to get girls. it makes me sad because it doesn't have to be that way, but they'd rather call me sexist than believe what they wish wasn't true.

im really interested in social dynamics on all levels, and enjoy talking about it and learning about it.

>> No.6765914


hello /fa/ i come from /fit/

step 1: how do i know this?
step 2: how do i know this?
step 3: how do i know this?
step 4: wealthy family/engineer check
step 5: 18cm check (7.08 inches)
step 6: 183cm check (6')

how do?

>> No.6765926

Yes I get it dude, you're different, special and the guiding light for all the virgins to follow to become like yourself. What I said doesn't even apply to you bro

>> No.6765932

troll post, ignore it

>> No.6765933


How do i make someone laugh if i dont know them? i make my friends laugh, but thats because ive known them from 5 to 14 years.

Ive tried the rape thing, but I cant just dump more bodies into the river so thats not an option

>> No.6765947


This will change your dating life yo.

>> No.6765952

dick size is irrelevant if you arent using it.
think about this: there are guys with micropenises getting sex everyday.
there are ugly, fat guys with micropenises getting laid everyday.

how do you know you are attractive?
it's in your mind, really. yea you can post a pic and people will "rate" you but it doesn't matter unless you feel like you are good looking.

if you are having problems getting laid it is not because you don't look good enough.

also being rich doesn't mean shit, because there are other ways to show "value"

>> No.6765962

tfw when girls call me cute, handsome, attractive, and even sexy but still kissless virgin because of depression and other issues. every time a girl tries to get close to me, i push her and her advances away. i'm unlovable and i have come to accept this.

>> No.6765964
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you think shes a nice person
well I don't know
but then suddenly you check your facebook status and you see that shes toghether with that son of a bitch
that cocksucker
that fagget
he doesn't deserve her
fucking asshole
stealing my girlfriend
she loves him and they're toghether for good
maybe they're going to marry maybe they're even going to have kids
but you saw all of that
because the internet, your best friend, ist still there and you watch everything she does.
stop doing it, stop following her. because shes not worth it probably.
maybe there is still hope
some day you will find here
but its not her its someone else
one day its gonna be good
just dont think about it too much

>> No.6765971

i'll get laid once i get my surgery

joking btw ;)

>> No.6765986


im ok with my dick usage, i just want to know how to talk to people.

I have no problem talking to people ive known for 1 year or more. its then new people i cant get.

again, how do?

>> No.6766017
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You ask a question.
It gets a reply.
That reply may be very well clarified upon, so you request clarification.
You get a reply.
This reply opens new conversational doors.
You choose one, you take a stance, you ask a question.
You get a reply.
Ideally, you want to get your subject talking about themselves in full, and by taking an occasional stance you have them already connecting themselves to you.
You keep them talking and you keep them entertained.
If you're a genuine person with an interesting inner monologue, this ought to be child's play for you and not in the least bit phony.

>> No.6766068
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I'm gonna keep this relatively brief.
There are three aspects of communication that you need to be so conscious of that it becomes second nature for you.

1. Eye Contact
You need to be very light hearted in your eyes and make appropriate eye contact.
It's very easy to stare too much which is too direct, and it's also easy to lose her attention with a lack of eye contact.
Along with this, you need to focus on thinking and being lighthearted and fun. Keep the conversation light until she starts offering information to you. At that point, you can feel it out and possibly dive into slightly deeper subjects and work your way up from there.

2. Body Language
This is a big one. You need to match her body language and positioning. Chances are, she won't be facing directly toward you. Her body will be facing off to the side. You should match this in the same direction. It's very easy to come on too strong and possibly creepy if you're facing directly toward her and within her comfort zone, especially with a girl you've just met.
If she's facing directly toward you, she probably trusts you and is completely comfortable with you. There are exceptions to this but you'd be surprised to know what ballsy shit you could say to a girl who is in the right state and is completely giving herself to you through body language.

3. Confidence
This is sorta like the oil for the conversation machine. If you don't have this, it's gonna make it a lot more difficult to have a good conversation with a girl that might actually lead somewhere.
It's not about looks. It's about being comfortable with yourself. There's tons of info about this that you can find through google, but you want to be in a confident state.

In the end, being confident (not cocky) and constantly aware of your eye contact and body language means you can have control over the conversation and interaction.

This is all very basic psychology but it should be enough to help you get by.

>> No.6766103

i wish she'd just be honest with me so maybe i could move on........... :'(

>> No.6766118

This is with everyone

I really don't get how fuccbois on 4chan are deathly afraid of talking to other people irl

If anything after dressing beastly I don't get intimidated by anyone b.c their fits are whatever

>> No.6766122

>It gets a reply
What if that doesn't happen?

>> No.6766130

You need to develop your own unique approach for when things go off the rails. Read a lot of books, you'll become a better conversationalist over time.
Nothing wrong with challenging a subject who doesn't reply, or questioning their lack of one.
No reply is a reply.

>> No.6766137

Sorority recruitment
>"Hi how are you finding recruitment so far?"
>"I know exactly how you feel. It can be overwhelming but it's definitely worth it in the end"
>"Wow, what nail colour are you wearing? It really suits your skin."
>"Oh... Sally Hansen did a really interesting set of nails for Prabal Gurung's fall/winter show? did you see the new olive"
>"Oh, you don't know who Prabal is?"
>"It's okay, I'm sure you'll find the right sorority for you."

>> No.6766151

stop shitposting

>> No.6766165

i doubt a single person on here could relate to sorority feels. sorry.

>> No.6766175

a lot of guys feel the same, but the sad truth is you can't depend on a girl to be honest about not being interested in you anymore.

there are a lot of reasons for this, some selfish and some because she thinks she'd hurt you.

but regardless, the only person you can fully trust in a relationship is yourself.

never believe words, only actions.
if she isn't SHOWING you interest, she isn't interested.

too many guys want "closure" from girls. i know the feeling, but the only way you get closure is by making it yourself.

>> No.6766181

why do u even want to join a sorority?

>> No.6766195

she does show interest, but it happens a whole lot less frequently than it used to..... who am i kidding? she just feels sorry for me :\

>> No.6766199

Holy shit!

>> No.6766202

always dictate the conversation

if you are attracted to her flirt with her

if you are not attracted to her talk to her like shes just a mate

>> No.6766281

shut up nerd u don't get bitches

>> No.6766285

I flex bitches

>> No.6766292

how do you escalate without seeming to needy?

>> No.6766302

ITT: Betas giving advice they actually think is applicable in the real world

Confidence is all you need

>> No.6766305

i have none, though.

>> No.6766326

Do things that engender it. Go live a good life. That's all. End of story.

>> No.6766340

>No small talk

but pretty much most convos with people you dont know are small talk

>> No.6766353

can you tell us some micro movements and what they mean?

>> No.6766372

then be good looking

>> No.6766378

what are the "truths" that feminists are trying to hold back?

>> No.6766383

how do i show value?

>> No.6766404

lol if this is a serious question i won't try answering it, because i wouldnt do a good enough job and summarizing would leave too much open to misunderstanding.

>> No.6766422


>> No.6766426

shit since i am really interested in what you meant

could you just try summarizing a little?

>> No.6766447

just make bland conversation, be helpful/show dat chivalry, and make excuses to touch her (ie sittining next to her in a car and snuggle side by side), but dont let it be obvious to other people that youre touching. be just a little more aggressive than she lets you

>> No.6766468

also theres no need to flirt. just talk like youre a friend and act like you want to fuck

>> No.6766475

why do you trip on a fashion board though?

do you trip on /adv/

>> No.6766472


>> No.6766477

hows that fedora treating you?

>> No.6766480

ha ok, if you are interested i'll link to something.

in some ways it sounds somewhat bitter, and some of the ideas are very extreme but overall the points are valid.

if you read it let me know what you think.
personally i give the writer props for not pandering to female readers, but it comes off really strong if you aren't initiated.


>> No.6766486

can yo tell us some micro expressions and what they mean?

>> No.6766500

dude just shut the fuck up

knowing what these microexpressions mean won't help you as long as you're an uninteresting nerd with no hobbies/interests

you can learn all the jedi mind tricks you want but it doesn't mean shit if you're still socially retarded
>"oh she twitched her left eyelid and raised her eyebrows 30mm up while looking to the left, this def means she likes me"
lmao you fucking loser

>> No.6766503

i DID trip on /adv/ and when i was doing that i posted on other boards and sometimes forgot to turn it off.

/fa/ was fun to trip on, so i ended up keeping it after i stopped posting on /adv/

>> No.6766508

heres some advice that could benefit some people on here

back when i was 18 (3 years ago) i made the stupid mistake of thinking girls initiate and ask for details as much as men do

now ive been told ive been good looking almost my entire life and as a result my 'game' was basically attempting to catch her eye and then basically woo her with my looks

this worked maybe 2-3 times over like a year

i basically realized that even if a girl is very attracted to you, she most often perceives it as the social norm for the guy to make the first move, and if he doesnt, he is not attracted to you

i was basically thinking like a girl

tl;dr - always make the first move whether you think a girl is attracted to you or not

>> No.6766511
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>> No.6766512

how to cop interesting hoodibe intrests?

>> No.6766516
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Just dropping in here to say that microkinesics are real, it's the sort of thing you learn in tradecraft when they're about to embed you in something-stan for the next 4 years.
You too can learn to pick up on them and predict where things are headed (even change their course, with practice).

>> No.6766531

there used to be some videos but i can't find them

there is a show called Lie to Me which is basically about some guy who can pick up on them really easily.
I only watched one episode, but they show a lot of them.

>> No.6766549

find something you like that doesn't involve logging on to 4chan or other autism forums (ideally something that involves you spending time outside) and spend a couple hours a week doing it

>> No.6766564

I can dig this man. Thanks for the help.

>> No.6766571

Starfucks 64 post some success stories

>> No.6766646


Why do feminists try to hold it back? It seems to me that women are taught to hide how they are really just as lusty as men, and it would be more liberating to accept it.

>> No.6766692

I don't even know if it was said here yet but

>change weight
>change interests
>do sportz
>change fashion

None of it changes anything, and here I am in the same spot. I'm happier with my accomplishments but socially I'm in the same place. Just filling holes with dirt dug to make other ones.

>> No.6766741

meet people

>> No.6766759

Because there's often a fine line between using your sexuality as a tool and being used for it. Someone stripping their way through college, for example - they straddle that line, for lack of a better term.

>> No.6766787


>> No.6766790

don't trip I bro I will post them for you

>encounter female
>exchange contact info
>talk more
>go over to her house

I cut out all the unneeded details

>> No.6766791

Try different things. Go do some outdoor sports. Get involved in your local music scene. Get drunk at a club. Go to the library.
You need variation to not die a painful slow death.

>> No.6766799
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well, a lot of really serious feminists aren't exactly desirable.

it's a way to blame others for their insecurity and not have to accept blame for their personal flaws, among other things.

btw, im talking about anti-sex feminism.
there is such a thing as pro-sex feminism, but that isn't what you'll see on tumblr.

>> No.6766805

>Posting Andrea Dworkin
Thank god I'm not the only person on /fa/ doing this from time to time.

>> No.6766808

But I have to add that the text is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.6766816

It's a common male myth that It's a male myth about feminists that they hate sex. It can be a natural, zesty enterprise.

>> No.6766814

yea it is, but it's really funny.

you know it was made to enrage every single feminist who reads it.

>> No.6766819

>It's a common male myth that It's a male myth about feminists that they hate sex

>> No.6766820

This article really just made me angry.

Fuck love and women and happiness, I guess. I don't even enjoy going out and getting girls anymore.
Honestly, if/when sex bots are cheaper and better, it seems like such a better idea to me.

>> No.6766823

However, there are some people, it is called satyriasis in men and nymphomania in women...

>> No.6766828

People often cite going out of your comfort zone as the best way to improve confidence. What most people don't realize is that going out of your comfort zone often results in the expansion of it. With the right mentality you can colonize the planet, turn every inhabited corner of the Earth into somewhere you wouldn't mind spending time.

If I looked at the map of the world a few years ago, and my comfort zone was highlighted in red, it would be a series of tiny tiny tiny specs so distant that it would barely tint the surface pink, and only in parts of the world simultaneously lit by sun. The night was a more ominous presence back then. I enjoyed runs through the dark in the state park behind my house, but I was never scared of finding animals at night. It was the idea of people lurking the night that contracted my red borders.

Today's a different story. I look at a globe and I imagine distinct red blobs, speckled by many still unapproachable dangerous places, but the potential for my comfortable presence is expansive, massive. It doesn't shrink so dramatically at night either. The imaginary red film persists more strongly. I talk to people at night and day now. I'm one of them and I realize there's no need to be scared of them. It's a nice feeling.

Most of the world is still uncovered by my imaginary red empire but I'm cool with that. It's not about what you're not comfortable with. It's about the progress you've made.

>> No.6766866

>view her as a person
so I must alter my wolrdview to do that?
If I go down that way, who knows what my motivations and goals will become? I might end up a suicide bomber vegan or someshit.

>> No.6766872

dude just go talk to people in real life to practice

you can't get a step by step what-to-do list or list of lines to memorize for shit like this

>> No.6766875

Well that sounds much more acceptable and less hazardous.

>> No.6766903


>> No.6766904

it just made me confirm that i never want to be married

dont say fuck women, say fuck feminists

>> No.6766908

guy who sees hes good-looking friends hit on girls here, can confirm.

>> No.6766911

Bitter from bad breakup still. At this point, it's fuck women/people in general.

But yeah, you're right

>> No.6766927


Having diverse interests can help you find common ground and can be a good icebreaker if their guard is tight or if they are nervous because they are a little socially awkward. You can do without it by leading them to talk about one of their interests and managing the flow, but sometimes it helps. If nothing else, having an interest means you have SOMETHING to talk about.

>> No.6766943
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OP, I should add that I learned to talk to girls by reading a lot of books and taking women's studies. It just clued me in to a distinctly non-male approach to problem solving and human relationships. The difference it has made cannot be measured.

>> No.6766972

Here is one thing I recommend to people that helps alot in most social situations. When you are introduced to people, in close proximity, or engaged with them socially say hello and introduce yourself, so you seem friendly rather then awkward or standoffish. Get their name and REMEMBER IT. Wrap up conversations with, "Nice you meet you, Anon." or "I'm sorry, what was your name again? Anon? Well it was nice meeting you Anon." Try hard to remember it so next time you meet them you can greet them by name. It's a small thing but most people are very sloppy about remembering names so it impresses people when you do.

>> No.6766985
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I used to have this problem but then I realized that people were picking up on how uncomfortable I was and that I unconsciously had my guard up. Once I let myself relax around people conversations flowed naturally.

>> No.6767086

10/10 will do this at the club tonight.

>> No.6767119

Out of all the places on 4chan I would never suspect fa of being so sexist. Women have suffered throughout history unlike man, we have always been the victims of war and its effects. We also are always going to be threatened because of how much climate change affects us. We have to live with the fact that we have to accuse you of tape if you don't call after we had sex. Stop being sexist fa

>> No.6767127

I don't talk to anyone because I'm so ashamed of being pakistani

>> No.6767144

2/10 try harder

>> No.6767191

Tripsk? Is that you alekzia

>> No.6767212


>> No.6767219
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>> No.6767226

Just turn on the sex eyes

Idk it's just common sense really. Just give em "the look"

I like to pair the sex eyes with the thin, no teeth Ryan gosling smile

That's my signature move man

And really the while quiet, mysterious, only says a few words gosling thing totally works

>> No.6767232

I'm a very; overtly even friendly person. I can't help it, and I know this just places me in the friendzone all the time but it's like I can't turn it off.

How do I overcome this?

>> No.6767248

The key is to escalate sexually.
it's really that simple.

i used to have the same issue.
talk subtly suggestive, see how she reacts, then make physical contact and see how she acts.

make your intentions known, not with words by action.
it will save a lot of time.

>> No.6767253


>> No.6767256

Oh man I loved that show.

>> No.6767259

>physical contact

I never understand this. I'm not bad with women but people always say like put your hand on her shoulder and shit and that just seems weird. I can't think of any time it wouldn't feel forced as fuck putting my hand on her shoulder. Nobody ever puts their hand in my shoulder mid conversation

>> No.6767269

can you give an example/s?

>> No.6767271

any example i give will probably sound lame, but it works.

grab her hand "nice ring blah blah blah"

btw girls seem to really understand that making contact is a good way to show interest, because usually they waste no time doing it.

>> No.6767278

I have the same fear.

>> No.6767284

fuck off, brian

>> No.6767338

>>6766472 what makes you say that

>> No.6767348

not really sure, but easy things to do is talk about other guys there.
point to some weird looking guy and say "he seems like your type"
funny stuff like that works good, and will lead to other things.

all i really do is say something like "you dont look that bad" and thats enough, tbh.
>oh i dont look THAT bad
"not really. you look ok"

girls don't really get offended as easy as it may seem, as long as you dont cross the line.
they like playing around.
talk to them like children haha.
im not playing.

>> No.6767420

This nigga got it, your looks don't mean SHIT.
The only thing looks do is make yourself more confident,makes talking to bitches easier, and possibly get sluts.

I know a dude, 5'3", chubby, not too great looking

Gets pussy on the regular with good looking chicks because he's fun to be around and has a good sense of humor

He treats bitches like SHIT and they love him because he's a fun guy and is beaming with confidence

/fa/ doesn't know shit, but this nigga does

>> No.6767438

You have to not be awkward. Be confident.
I never had a huge problem speaking to girls, but it has definitely become easier now that I am married (25), because I am not trying to get anything happen.


>Be on train
>Girl sat around 2 seat ahead of me.
>Smelly hobo gets in train. Girl looks like she's about to barf.
>Tap her shoulder, ask her to sit next to me.
>She agrees, relieved, happy to be away from smelly hobo and initiates conversation.
>Asks for my phone number when she is about to get off.
>Show her my ring.
>"Oh well"...

This is why you have to look like you are not "trying" to get a date out of it, just kinda be nice enough for them to notice you as a whole.

>> No.6767467

>He treats bitches like SHIT and they love him
yea, this really is the truth.

that's one of those cliche things people always say "women pick the assholes, not the good guys"
and then people want to believe it's not true, but it is.

it isn't that they don't want "nice guys" they just want guys that are unpredictable, and women HATE being put on a pedestal even if they don't act like it.

on thursday night the girl i was gonna hook up with said i seem like a douchebag like 3 times before we actually fucked.

a lot of guys would take this as an insult and start to act nicer, but i know what it really means.
it means she is surprised that i am acting like a man, and not kissing her ass (though to be fair i may have literally kissed her ass later in the night). she was telling me how much of an asshole i was as she was walking with me up the stairs to her apartment....

another one girls tend to say (which i guarantee will happen to any guy who is "smooth" with getting girls)
>you seem like a guy who hooks up with a lot of girls.

normal guy response:
>no way! im not like that! i really value a sexual connection blah blah blah

>cool pro response
ha yea i can see why you would think that.

a girl says that because she is a little insecure that she is "just another" girl to you, but since girls are attracted to what other girls want it will only make her want to work harder to prove herself.

and she said the same thing after sex "you are different from other guys"

a weird thing was she would apologize before or after like "you may get mad about this but you seem like a douchebag"
because she already felt like she needed to be careful what she said.

also, afterwards and before she said "you seem different than other guys"
"you are a douchebag but different from other guys"

not sure if it's good, but i'll know tomorrow when i hit her up for (hopefully) round 2.
she's a 5'11 natural redhead. i have a weakness for tall girls.

>> No.6767483

this ended up being a really long post, but the point is that this is a good example why you don't listen to words, only judge by actions.

if she REALLY thought i was a bad person, would she be leading me into her room and pushing me on the bed?

i doubt it.

>> No.6767496

out of curiosity how old are you?

>> No.6767499


>> No.6767502

this is going to sound autistic as fuck but do you have any sources e.g. videos, readings that you watched to help your game?

>> No.6767517

yea i read "book of pook" which you can find easily as a free pdf.

there is a lot of really good blogs too, like therationalmale.com/

if you already have the mind frame that it's something you can "learn" you are in a good place.
way too many guys (example would be the trip eeyore) hate thinking of it as a "game" and have a very hard time realizing the truth of all of it.

i first read BOP when i was 21 or maybe 20, and it made a lot of sense right off the bat.
it pretty much just reminds you to be confident, and to be a man.

i've never been a loser when it comes to getting girls, but i finally felt in control of it.
only bad thing was i didn't know how to handle the feels and ended up in a two year exclusive relationship.

that only made me smarter, and realize the mistakes i made.

>> No.6767521
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>> No.6767578

what is pook?

>> No.6767617

ha it's someones nickname apparently.
it's a pretty bad name for a book, imo, especially since it's a pretty useful read.

i don't fully agree with all his points, but overall it's really worth reading.

and it's pretty short too.

>> No.6767831
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>Itt some soc trip turns out to be a pua still never posted a fit.

>> No.6767844

>tfw about to go to sleep
>get accused of not posting a fit
>can deal
>get accused of tripping on soc
>anger level reaches googleplex
>too wired to sleep
>punch hole in wall
>tfw realize there has been an abundance of extremely negative comments for about an hour
>realize it's most likely a very angry, lonely person who feels the need to spread hate in all threads
>tfw you owe me a new wall
>tfw you owe me for hospital bills to repair the bones in my fist

PS the lesson is i don't read, post and especially don't trip on /soc/

>> No.6767856


>> No.6767863


>> No.6767867

fucking mug, I literally hate anyone who isn't a european poster

>> No.6767868


>> No.6767871

ain't phased. got my cock sucked last night. what have you achieved this weekend ?

>> No.6767872

you seriously think an austist could type all that AND roll dubs?

highly doubtful.

PS those first dubs were cool but check these.

>> No.6767874


>> No.6767876

Aight so its 5.49am

>friend arrived at 8.30pm
>we hanged out listened music
>got drunk
>party in an undergroud place next to the most expensive boutique in the city
>painted my eye looking i had been hit, looked real, dat yohji makeup swag
>everyone asked about it
>didnt give a fuck
>talked with a qt with light blue hair and made out with her
>blazed it for a bit and came back 2 my place
>eating cld homemade pizza now

8/10 night

>> No.6767877

grats on autism bruv

>> No.6767878

was a joke post.
here are the REAL dubs

(polite sage)

>> No.6767883


>> No.6767884

>tfw forgot trip, now nobody knows it was me who got double 78

(check these)

>> No.6767882

nice dubs

>> No.6767887


>> No.6767889

I'm not a doctor but you just went full autist.

>> No.6767888

>tfw 884 still technically involves dubs
>tfw current king of dubs, proving my dominance over all of 4chan

PS more dubs

>> No.6767890


PS about to roll dubs for FIFTH consecutive time

polite sage for off topic

>> No.6767891

Female here. Nope, that was pretty good advice. Two thumbs up

>> No.6767892

it trip u autism

>> No.6767917
File: 62 KB, 500x695, Karlie-Kloss-01_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfucks, you get bitches. Ratchet whores. Why are you bragging about it like it's some sort of achievement to have contracted a million STDs?

Instead of running after bitches, try talking to a woman, preferably one that doesn't cake her face in orange paint.

>> No.6767923

Shut up. No one asked you to keep talking.

>> No.6767925

Starfucks has autism regardless of whether or not you get trips.

>> No.6767929

16 year old logic.
>i cant fuck bitches so clearly the only ones that do look like snookie.
being this impressionable
>Posting karlie kloss like the only girls worth talking too are models.
Hate to be that guy but you're autism is showing.

>> No.6767943

you know what they say about assuming.
it makes an ass out of you and makes you look insecure as hell.

i was about to dump some pics but i never have, and don't want to start now.

but i can tell you a creative trick to get pics from girls via text

"send me a pic for my contact list"
and then escalate from there.

im not sure if you truly believe your definition of "hot" girls don't hook up with guys, or if you think i meet girls at clubs, or if you think i dont have standards, or if you think that girls can't feel "lust at first site"
i actually don't have any idea what you think, and i don't care to convince you otherwise because i am very attracted to the girls i hook up with, and if you are getting sex from a girl you think is hot, then i don't see why you would hate.

bitterness? anger?
i believe hate is fear. maybe you are afraid someone like me does better with girls than you do.

i can't understand cuz i don't have any issues with guys who fuck 100x more girls than myself, since i respect the game.

>> No.6767947


true, they can get the big dick from some other guy. women are realistic and pragmatic.

>> No.6767950

>realistic and pragmatic.
replace with "hypergamous"

>> No.6767972


well, it seems that most men (definitely the ones that browse 4chan) are idealistic and, as a result, bitter by the time they hit 20s. perhaps "hypergamous" is normal. or a least "natural".

>> No.6767982


bullshit, you liked her. just a pussy so you turn your missed opportunity into hate to feel no regret.

>> No.6767997


Walk up, say "Hey, I think you're really pretty and I would love to have a coffee with you or something."

Sound sincere and try not to be too confrontational. You want to woo her, not intimidate. Most girls love the complement, the directness, and the confidence. just go for it. if they say no, there's plenty of other pretty girls out there.

It's how I got mine. At the last day of class she was sitting on the benches and I went and said she was very beautiful and asked if she would like to hang out. We got coffee (its like a prequel to an actual date to see if you guys like each other) and now we're dating.

>> No.6768002

>i was about to dump some pics but i never have, and don't want to start now.

do it

>> No.6768006

Eye contact, maintain it. That's the first thing.

Silence can work for you. Every now and then after she finishes a sentence just pause. Don't say shit, but look her in the eyes with a little smirk.

Nine times out of ten she'll feel obligated to keep talking, adding on to what she just said.

Just a little tip.

>> No.6768007


>> No.6768012

good point.
a lot of guys get mad when they find out the girl they've been flirting with had a BF the whole time, not realizing that the majority of girls know their next BF before leaving their current.

women are hypergamous by nature, and are (a huge majority of the time) looking for the next best thing.

if she has a BF and she's flirting with you, who knows, maybe she thinks you could be the next best thing.
of course it would be a stupid idea to try and get in an exclusive relationship who does this, because she's already proven she isn't loyal.

but also women tend to be more flirty in general, and many guys get led on by this.
don't always think it's intentional, but regardless girls like the attention and gratification that comes with flirting.

girls may say they have a boyfriend when you first meet them, but do a decent job getting her interest and suddenly her and her BF are "on a break"

>> No.6768018

what i hate about these types of books is that they automatically assume that the girl is an expert whilst the man is always the amateur

>> No.6768036


Keep in mind guys, not all girls like this stuff. You don't want to be in a relationship with someone that you can treat poorly and they'll be attracted to you.

Being nice (but not overly nice, being overly nice kills it) and confident is key.

But if I just want to fuck them, do the unpredictable, dickhead attitude.

>> No.6768039

i don't know.
i get where you're coming from, but the more experience you get the easier it is to read girls and what they will and won't respond to.

acting confident won't ever hurt, as long as you are sincere, and acting indifferent won't either, as long as you are able to see how it is affecting her.

if she is "amateur" and doesn't really get the sarcasm stuff (which really is the point anyway) she'll still feel good when you end up giving her a chance.

really it comes down making the girl think she won you.
BOP is about enforcing the idea that YOU are the prize, not the girl.

maybe i'm misunderstanding what you mean by experience, but i took it as inexperienced with dating.

the girl i was talking about in that really long post wasn't that experienced, but it's not like she's never been hit on by pathetic guys with no game before.

if she's good looking, she gets hit on.
70-80% of the guys won't have any game.
that's why having just a little bit of game puts you miles ahead.

>> No.6768041


Tripping for this thread so I can talk with starfucks.

>> No.6768045
File: 188 KB, 291x300, happy snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread has been informative and fun

Thanks Starfucks, ignore the ungrateful faggots

>> No.6768050


well dont underestimate them... If you train for expert women, anything is within reach and picking up women will be easy.

>> No.6768060

yea but im not really talking about relationships.
im talking about getting something STARTED.

and i can speak from experience that settling into "nice guy" mode will KILL a relationship.

>You don't want to be in a relationship with someone that you can treat poorly and they'll be attracted to you.
i never really said treat her poorly.
its more about being a man, and treating her as a woman.
women like men who lead, so lead.
women like men who are strong, so demonstrate your strength.
the number one fetish to women is rape, so...

ha you get the point.

it isn't about treating her bad, it's about her respecting you as her authority.
whether you admit it or not, that is what makes girls stay with you, and it isn't a bad thing either.

>> No.6768087


A friend was nice guy mode to the extreme. Nicest guy ever. But she got bored and left him.

Then I fucked her. And she did indeed have a fetish for rape.

>> No.6768099

most girls respond really well to rough sex.
they want to be dominated.
the most basic things to test the waters would be shoving her against a wall, grabbing her throat, throwing her on the bed, pulling hair, etc.

>> No.6768112

actually grabbing a girls throat is something i try to do right away, before even making out.

not like i was gonna choke her, just her neck with my fingers touching the throat.
seems to be a pretty big turn on, just like kissing her neck.

>> No.6768113


If there's anyone still lurking, the best thing you can do during sex is pick the position and really go at it. Dont hesitate, do what you want and make her follow. Girls love doggy style.

I guess we're just repeating stuff but yeah. Be confident and dominate. Women like it a lot. Even if you're not confident, fake it. Its pretty much the same thing.

>> No.6768135

> Even if you're not confident, fake it. Its pretty much the same thing.


and like the quote i posted earlier says "the more women you sleep with, the harder it is to respect them"

once you see how well fake confidence works, it wont be fake confidence anymore. you'll really be confident.

it's one of those times when "fake it to make it" really applies.

>> No.6768535

Reposting how to conquer a girls heart:

>Be 14 or so, I don't know what grade that is in America, but a class/grade or two after primary/elementary school.
>Play guitar pretty well, only play acoustic.
>Have a crush on a qt 3.14 who's in the same class.
>Accidental artificial redhead, she was blonde and tried to dye her hair brown but fucked up.
>So you know, a good catch; smart girl.
>A friend of mine (who also plays guitar) hosts a party for the whole class at his home.
>I ask him If I can borrow his guitar at the party.
>Set up an elaborate plan to win the qts heart.
>No way she can say no to me now, right?
>An hour and a half or so into the party friend stops the music and I get the guitar out.
>Play a mean adaption of Your Hand In Mine by Explosions In The Sky for acoustic guitar.
>Afterwards "Can I have this dance?"
>We awkwardly slow-dance two meters apart for about a minute on a love song.
>Don't talk to her for the rest of the party because it was extremely obvious she didn't like me.

>> No.6768556

Why do I remember reading this story? Where was it posted again?

>> No.6768572

Okay, i fucked up finding the link a few times, here it is:
Not that long ago on /fa/

>> No.6768596

Thanks, anon. I'm assuming youre the same poster?

>> No.6768657
File: 34 KB, 1901x234, TheEmpireofComfort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I´ll probably post this when I can, just to show that even the worst moments won´t kill and you´ll be able to laugh about it later on.
capped this because it´s inspirational as fuck and a great way to look at it.

>> No.6768857

Can anyone help me out

There was this girl who liked me, always looking at me but she got a bf and I left it too late. We're still in contact, I try to play it cool, I don't text her unless she texts me, I don't ask her to meet anymore. Her bf goes to a different uni and with the new term coming up is there a possibility for anything to happen?

>> No.6768858

what books?

>> No.6768904

are you attractive?

>> No.6768913

how can youu be mean without being too mean?


>> No.6768994


>> No.6770455

you won't know until you make a move, which is all you can do.

you risk losing her as a friend, but it doesn't seem like her friendship is worth much anyway.

being friends with a girl rarely leads to her being a girlfriend.

>> No.6770481

wow this thread hit bump limit lol.
finally a good thread on /fa/ and now it's over.

it's just teasing and giving unpredicable responses.
like i said earlier, if she says you are good looking, a normal reaction is "you too" or "you're so hot"
but instead say
"you don't look that bad yourself"

i'd say the things your for sure DON'T comment on would be weight, her being slutty, and stuff like that.

and remember that if she starts getting offended by dumb shit, she's most likely testing you or is just emotionally fucked up and not worth it.

i can get very specific with suggestions. if you had some examples of what she said, i could tell you good responses.

>> No.6770654

ive hit girls and im probably more misogynist than most but theres really nothing wrong with winning a girl chivalry
>friday hanging out with a guy i know and a girl hes trying to get at for a few hours
>wait to hold the door open for her and we both knew i was checking out her ass when i let her up the stairs in front of me
>talk to her in the bar when he leaves her alone to play pool
>when we all pile in the car to smoke i have her sit in the passengers seat with me because the back was too crowded and i was holding her hand as we snuggled up
>she actually asks me for my number when i left to hang out with my friend
and i pretty much always snatch when a guy brings his friend zoner around

just make basic conversation, physical contact and try to catch her alone. if youve been do8ng those 3 for a night youre guarunteed the ability to at least kiss her