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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 176 KB, 427x750, rick feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6755543 No.6755543 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never spend your life travelling the world, buying clothes and meeting fashionable people

/fa/ feels general

>> No.6755545

>you will never live in a 1 room apartment in paris/milan and work in the fashion industry

fuckin kill me

>> No.6755560

isnt that what USER does

>> No.6755576

>tfw no qt azn gf

>> No.6755579

he lives in belgium now and goes to school

attending a fashionschool =/= working in the industry

>> No.6755581

>you will never be able to go back in time with the knowledge you have now and convince your younger you to talk to girls and to dress better
>you will live on with the feeling to have missed out on stuff in your youth forever

>> No.6755582

making and selling ur own clothes = working in the industry

>> No.6755588


Oh god my biggest feel

I would give so much to redo highschool

>actually look good
>actually talk to people
>actually live to my potential
>actually go to parties
>actually make parents proud

>> No.6755595

>you will never meet Zezima again

>> No.6755597

that one hit me hard bro

i wonder how my rs friends are doing, havent talked to them in like 6 years

>> No.6755599

get ready to be flamed by people for no reason m8

>> No.6755607
File: 101 KB, 482x932, rick hurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never bump into Rick on the street and have him compliment your fit

>> No.6755612

Are you me? ;_;

>> No.6755618
File: 139 KB, 931x858, I know that feel bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I daresay everyone on 4chan has that feel

Hold me, friend

>> No.6755622

This is a really common feel, but I spent my high school years playing WoW with 5 close friends. As un-/fa/ as it was, it was really fun.

>tfw 40 man MC raids
>tfw no 1 shaman in battlegroup in arena

>> No.6755633

>>you will never live in a 1 room apartment in paris/milan and work in the fashion industry

well the first part is easy

>> No.6755641


I know man, I had my fun times, but I still yearn for the popular life.

And I just imagine what my parents thought. My mother was a school captain and even went drinking with the teachers sometimes. My dad was the star of the basketball/cricket/football teams

And then there was me, in my room every afternoon being an edgy faggot

>> No.6755655
File: 78 KB, 771x988, Magritte Reproduced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend half my day choosing an outfit and trying to look nice and /fa/
>don't even end up going outside

>> No.6755658
File: 20 KB, 535x377, brokendreamsandlostloves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ex-gf was an assistant to this history professor, who would teach in universities all over the world
>we'd move from country to country maybe every half a year
>i'm a chef so i could get a job anywhere in a few days
>living the dream

i had to leave her cause i got a job offer as a chef de partie from a michelin-starred restaurant and had to settle down in london.
sometimes i think i chose wrong.

>> No.6755660


>> No.6755664
File: 509 KB, 640x430, tumblr_m5zr7hSOCQ1rx3u95o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw new shoes don't fit

>> No.6755662

Because that's not the plan for my life.
grow up op. realize that you are not doing this because you didn't strive to do it. nothing is handed to you in a silver platter

>> No.6755674


>nothing is handed to you in a silver platter

Yeah. That's the problem.

What's unreasonable about wanting an easier life?

>> No.6755693


Yeah, you fucked up sorry m8.

>> No.6755695

>tfw I think my fwb is trying to make me her boyfriend
>tfw it's getting awkward and if she tries to do it outright I'll have to dump her out of my life :(

>> No.6755701


mate you're working at a michelin starred restaurant that's dope

don't think of life as a series of junctions with right and wrong choices, it'll drive you insane

ur good

>> No.6755716

guys everyone has regrets the point is to not dwell on them. pretty much the definition of beta.

fucking thread is not /fa/-related at all anyway

>> No.6755769

I tell people that I'm "introverted" and not shy, because "there's a difference between being afraid of social judgment and just being naturally reserved", a complete lie I repeat to myself. While this may apply to other people, I don't think it applies to me. I might appear to be outwardly confident sometimes, I care way too much about what other people think and that really scares me.

I go to a really good school (one of the best in the world) and am doing reasonably well. I'd like to think that it's because I'm a good student and a hard worker, but deep down I know that I've just been staking by on good fortune and being reasonably smart enough to keep my head above water. If I don't start working harder, I know I'm going to drown.

I used to keep myself happy by buying pretty clothes and exploring the city I live in alone, deluding myself with the fantasy that I was some kind of romantic loner with a textured life, but I know deep down that it's a bunch of bullshit. I have good friends who I don't make the effort to see as often as I can, not because I'd "rather be alone" as I keep telling them, but that deep down I'm terrified that no one actually likes me and that I'm not good enough for any sort of normal human relationship (which is objectively unlikely).

I'm in a long distance relationship that's only staying afloat because we're both too afraid to end it. It fucking hurts typing that, but I know it's true. As each day goes by, it sickens me to know that I'm getting closer and closer to cutting ties with the only person I've known my entire life who understands me almost completely. Their job commitment has them living in the country next door (which they are not likely to leave), and we are in very different places in our lives right now. Visits are probably the only times where I am truly and completely happy, but when it's time for us to part ways, I sink into a horrible depression. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life if things end

>> No.6755786

This is why yung lean exists. I feel you bro :')

>> No.6755839


You can make it brah you just gotta get those connections to people

>> No.6755840

>you will never live in a 1 room apartment in paris/milan
Well i can do that if i saved up all my money and went there. And a 1 room apt is actually a downgrade from were i live now

>and work in the fashion industry
Actually it's not that hard to work in the fashion industry if you put some effort into it, but imho, it's a waste of time

azn's get really disgusting when they get old. at least in other races their chicks go into MILF mode but asians do not.

do not want

you got to live your life now, m9

you screwed up that bad huh

nothing is impossible if you really want to meet dick, go look for him. He's not hard to find.

NOW this feel hit me hard
i've done this a few times, now on here tho.
Other /fa/ forums

I just dress up really nice, take pics, and take off my outfit and post pics online then anxiously wait for replies

>> No.6755844


>I just dress up really nice, take pics, and take off my outfit and post pics online then anxiously wait for replies

I know that feel brah. I always feel fucking awful if likes don't roll in straight away for pics of myself

>> No.6755848

>spend hours browsing for new clothes
>never buy anything expensive because never go out anyway

>> No.6755856

>get into fashion
>money cannot keep up with my desire
>I now feel worse because I know what a pleb I look like

>> No.6755865
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x940, he's a total bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be able to be Diogenes of Sinope

>> No.6755891
File: 19 KB, 320x214, 183291203212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw will never rock michele lamy wrinkle drapes